Showing posts with label Jerry Ahern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Ahern. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

D is for.............................

D is for............................


Printing History
Written by Jerry Ahern (1946-2012)

Charter Books
March 1982

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Origin Of A Vendetta by Jerry Ahern

No one can escape the past
Those who try must pay the price

Even though Dan Track had buried his sister a decade before after she died in a car wreck with her scientist husband. Now an agent for the KGB claims that she is still alive and living in captivity in the Soviet Union. An offer to help find and free her sounds too good and Track has to wonder if it isn't a plot to capture him.

Printing History
Written by Jerry Ahern (1946-2012)

Harlequin Books
Gold Eagle Books
ISBN 373 62005
January 1985

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Deathlight by Jerry Ahern

The holder of the powerful death ray could vaporize entire armies in mere seconds!

A long, sleek shadow moves silently and stealthily beneath the gloomy arctic waters. On the surface of the icy waters and not too far away sits a U.S submarine at its rendezvous point. Suddenly the shadowy form emerges from the water and fires an eerie "deathlight" at the unsuspecting sub, disintegrating it instantly. A hundred yards away Nick Carter stops swimming and stares transfixed at the spot the sub had been only seconds before.

The Plot: The Soviet Invasion of Europe
The Weapon: "Deathlight" a deadly particle beam.
The Mission: Turn the weapon against itself and destroy!

Printing History
Written by Jerry Ahern

Charter Books
441 14169
March 1982

Again not a George Gross cover. The illustrator's name is too small to make out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Turkish Bloodbath by Jerry Ahern

A gypsy girl holds the key to a Pandora's Box of mass murder!

George Gross Cover
The IRA wants it to blackmail Parliament. The PLO wants it to destroy Israel and Egypt. Dr. Rauffmann stole it from the Soviets to start a Fourth Reich. 

And an innocent gypsy girl buries in a garden in Istanbul to keep it safe.

Nick Carter's mission is to find it, the vial containing recombinant bacteria with grotesque and pervasive effects. Find Dr Rauffmann, its creator, and do what has to be done. With the KGB and PLO following every step of the way.

Printing History
Written by Jerry Ahern

Charter Books
82726 (December 1980)

This title is the only title to be copyrighted in the authors real name.