Showing posts with label Dr Orient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Orient. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blue Limbo by Frank Lauria

The remarkable return of Dr. Owen Orient, Psychic Investigator
Technology and supernatural evil are wed
on an island of voodoo terror

Cover by Alan Chang

Evil Reigns From Washington To Montego Bay

Beneath the cool blue waters of the Caribbean, a telepathic experiment aboard an American nuclear submarine goes hideously awry....

A beautiful and gifted Obeah priestess is trapped between the unspeakable hells of the living and the living death......

A power-crazed government official joins forces with a fiendish and invincible voodoo master in an unholy alliance of military might and supernatural terror that could devastate the Earth.....

Scientist, Psychic Investigator, High Adept of Mystical Arts
For over a decade, the insidious forces of occult evil have been allowed to flourish and feed.

But now Dr Owen Orient has returned

Printing History
Written by Frank Lauria

Avon Books 
The Hearst Corporation
ISBN 380 76164
May 1991

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Seth Papers by Frank Lauria

DR. Owen Orient
Psychic Detective
Marked for destruction by an unholy cult

The Psychic
Master of telepathic powers
eons more highly evolved than any on earth....
even those could not shield him!

The Mystic
Initiate of mysteries dating back to the 
dawn of time..even those could not protect him!

The Fugitive
Refusing to use his massive occult
gifts to further the political greed of nations they pursue him! From the Untied States, 
the CIA, and from Europe,
a bizarre neo-fascist cult possesses a mythical
secret weapon, an object more potent
than all of Orients skill.....

The Seth Papers
Dark legacy of Ancient
Egypt...with enough evil power
to destroy the world!

Printing History
Written by Frank Lauria 
copyright 1979

Ballantine Books
ISBN 345 27329
February 1979

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lady Sativa by Frank Lauria

DR. Owen Orient, Psychic Detective, On a Nightmare Journey Through A World Beyond.....

The Doctor
Scientist, psychiatrist, psychic researcher

The Mystic
Master of the occult, telepath extraordinaire

The Man
A victim of the werewolf's disease, on a desperate search for a murderer, for salvation, and a cure. He followed a dark and blood stained path. Through the sexual rites and mysteries of forbidden Tantric Yoga. Through the violence ridden seances of seeress Sybelle Lean. Through the mystical meetings of a club called See and into the bewitching arms of Lady Sativa.

Angel of Darkness, 
Mistress of the Moon

Printing History
Written by Frank Lauria 
copyright 1973

Ballantine Books
345 27328
February 1979

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Priestess by Frank Lauria

Dr Orient Returns


She is sensually on fire, the most beautiful, dangerous women ever to live out her fantasies of the flesh in a modern horror story.

She is exquisite, number-one mistress of number-one man in the Florida crime syndicate.

She is the ardent worshiper of Lecumi, the Voodoo of Cuba. For her it is mother, father, and family, and lover, burning with unfulfilled passion.

Printing History
Written by Frank Lauria

Bantam Books
553-02902 (May 1978)