Showing posts with label Don Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don Smith. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2021

China Coaster by Don Smith

China Coaster
by Don Smith

When rough, tough Mike O'Connor smashes his way into Red China's sinister underworld in search of a brutal killer, the twisted trail leads him through opium dens, "flower houses", and slave markets - to a lushly beautiful white adventuress and a blood-chilling climax.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Henry Holt and Company
January 1953

Popular Library
September 1953

January 1960

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Traveling the Globe Day #17

Today we spent one more day in Moscow and will be doing some sightseeing in Traveling The Globe. We will visit the Kremlin.

The Kremlin Conspiracy
by Sean Flannery (David Hagberg)

The noted Soviet scientist Sakharov has disappeared, possibly kidnapped. Also missing is his invention, a portable laser. Both the KGB and CIA are furiously searching for both as the President is en route for a summit conference.

The Kremlin Conspiracy 
by E Howard Hunt

Working in Europe because of a murder charge pending in the U.S., Neil Thorpe had greatly regretted his missteps three years before but now he is offered a chance to correct his mistakes and possibly fix his broken life.
The Kremlin File
by W.T. Ballard

Once again the Soviets have planted missiles in the Caribbean and Nick Carter must destroy them while avoiding the assassins who have been sent to destroy him.

No Kisses From The Kremlin
by H.T. Rothwell

Michael Brooks is sent to East Germany to spy on a test-firing of a new weapon system. He then decides on his own that kidnapping the inventor and smuggling her out was an even better idea.
Secret Mission: The Kremlin Plot
by Don Smith

Phil Sherman was on a business trip, taking an Aeroflot flight from Riga to Moscow, when a hijacker sought to take control and force the plane to the West. In a short gun battle with a Soviet sky marshal, the hijacker was dead and Sherman was in possession of a pack of cigarettes passed by the dying man.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Traveling The Globe Day #15

We are now at the halfway pint of Traveling The Globe. 
Today we travel back to France to a place called Marseille.

by Alan Caillou

Broke and out of work, Mike Benasque is in London trying to find work when he is offered a good paying position working for an anti-Communist magazine called The Outspeak. The publisher wants information about a terrorist group in Marseilles called the Companions.
The Marseilles Enforcer
by Don Smith

The CIA didn't want to be officially involved in the investigation so they turned to their unofficial agent, Phil Sherman, to help track down the source of a large heroin shipment hidden inside several new Renaults. They were certain the man behind it all was a Corsican named Perelli but it was Sherman's job to get the proof.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Traveling The Globe Day #14

Today in Traveling The Globe we travel south to the Sea of Marmara, Istanbul. The largest city in Turkey was once called Constantinople and was the center of the Byzantium Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire up until 1453 AD.

By Manning Lee Stokes

The opium trade coming out of Turkey has been increasing over the years. Running it is a cartel protected by four extremely dangerous assassins.

 Secret Mission: Istanbul
by Don Smith

To Phil Sherman, the mission sounded too easy. A major KGB chief had defected to Istanbul and he needed someone to sneak into Bulgaria to leave a message for his wife to join him. That was it. But then someone betrays him, a team sent to extract the wife is ambushed, and Sherman is caught as a spy.
That Girl From Istanbul
by M. G. Braun

Al Glenne and his friend, Jeff, were curious what happened to the beautiful Turkish lady until the first body was found. Then they decided to find out what was going on and discovered an international espionage plot with a great deal at stake.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Traveling The Globe Day #12

In keeping the immediate area of Berlin, we take a side adventure to Munich, in Traveling The Globe.

Secret Mission: Munich
by Don Smith

The flooding of Europe's economy with bogus greenbacks threatens not only the American economy but all trade throughout the West. Phil Sherman is hired to find out who is behind the counterfeiting and stop them but the task is a tremendous one as the culprits are a new band of old-style Nazis.

The Munich Involvement
by Frederic Mullally

Bob Sullivan has been asked by his newspaper to investigate and report on the Radical Democratic Party which, twenty-two years after the defeat of Nazism, is scoring significant successes, using the same political philosophy, the same crude appeal to extreme nationalism, that put Hitler’s National Socialists in power.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Travelling the Globe: Day #2

We have left Rio de Janeiro and will arrive at our next destination. As our plane lands we look out the window and discover we have landed in Cairo Egypt Welcome to the second day of our quest to Travel the Globe Today we will highlight four titles.

Assignment: The Cairo Dancers
by Eward S Aarons

The image of beautiful, scantily clad women dancing seductively while lustful men lounge on cushions eating dates, the Cairo Dancers are a powerful and deadly organization determined to take control of the entire Middle East.

Corpse To Cairo
by Manning O'Brinne

O'Kelly expected that the Mediterranean cruise liner he was on would be the perfect place to relax from his habit of finding trouble. He finds murder instead and ends up chasing the killer through the streets of Cairo.

Secret Mission: Cairo
By Don Smith

A nuclear bomb has been stolen. It belonged to the French and it was apparently stolen by a Frenchman. The question was who wanted it? Was it Egypt or Yemen or someone else? Phil Sherman is hired to get it back. He is confused why he is asked to get involved but his business was heading downward and he can use the money.

The Cairo Mafia 
by Ralph E Hayes

Nick Carter got himself thrown into an Egyptian jail to kill an enemy agent but now he must get out, find a microfilm of a new Soviet fighter plane, and get to back to the U.S.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Strausser Transfer by Don Smith

The fate of one girl set the KGB and the CIA at each other's throats
With chilling international repercussions

A Treacherous Game...

Gail Strausser- a beautiful coed at the Sorbonne, was the victim of a KGB kidnap

Herman Strausser- her father, was a scientist with a lot of U.S. top secrets

Phil Sherman- a free lance CIA agent, was sent to the rescue

Lieutenant Peterson- a super gung-ho agent, felt Sherman had bungled and, as far as U.S. prestige was concerned, the girl was expendable.

Secret Mission #21

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Grosset & Dunlap Company
Charter Communications
Charter Books
ISBN 441 77200

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Bavarian Connection by Don Smith

An all expenses paid European trip turns into an explosive battle over hidden Nazi war booty

A Tangled Web
A Swiss Bank started the ball rolling when a young man from Brazil turned up to claim his father's Nazi gold and then was bludgeoned to death....

A Liechtenstein Art Dealer was another link in the sordid trail involving stolen art work hidden since Word War II....

A Dutch Diamond Merchant sold a fabulous stone that had been stolen before the war, and ended up very dead in a canal....

A Bavarian Developer catered to more than just wealthy jet setters. His enclave seemed to be the headquarters for the rise of the Fourth Reich....

Phil Sherman needed all his CIA cunning and connections to tie all these slender threads together, before the holocaust began again.......

Secret Mission #20

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Grosset & Dunlap Company
Charter Communications
Charter Books
ISBN 441 04884

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Dalmatian Tapes by Don Smith

Tape A Top-Secret Red Summit Meeting
Then Try To Get Out Alive!

Secret Mission #19

Listen and Die!
After a string of hair-raising mission, Phil Sherman was due for an easy one. And this was it. Wire up a sympathetic Yugoslavian cabinet minister and get two top Communists talking on tape. It looked simple, until the secret police killed the minister and pinned the rap on Phil, fleeing across the Dalmatian countryside. At least he had the tapes. 

Or did he?

Somebody had pulled a switch on him, but who? Was it Lokarda. the two-bit extortionist in Belgrade? Or Milica, the voluptuous, smokey-eyed guerrilla leader?  Or, worst of all, Rankovich, the dreaded commander of the secret police? Suddenly it was clear. one of them would get out of the country. Phil Sherman or the tape? But not both!

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
First Printing AQ 1598 (1976)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Death Stalk In Spain by Don Smith

A High-Voltage Thriller That Has Everything

 A Nazi U-Boat with a killer torpedo,
a secret cargo of stolen gold,
the CIA on a vengeance mission!

On a dark night during the last bloody months of World War II, a Nazi U-boat torpedoed an enemy ship, killing all those aboard. Only a small, select group knew that the cargo ship secretly carried ten tons of gold. When it sank, a fortune was hidden beneath the waves. Decades after World War II ended, the men came to collect the gold. The first victim of the hunt was a U.S. Navy officer named Taylor. Spanish fisherman found his bloated body in the sea. If Taylor had merely drowned, the CIA might never have taken notice. But there was a neat bullet hole to show otherwise. So Phil Sherman was put on the job. To hunt down Taylor's killer, and anyone else who might be involved.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
First Printing AN 1040 (November 1972)
Second Printing AN 1040 ( September 1974)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Peking Connection by Don Smith

Secret Mission: The Peking Connection

The man in the cotton mask......
CIA agent Phil Sherman would give anything to see behind that mask. But when he finally did, he wished he hadn't been born with eyes.!

The girl with the lightning quick hands......
Beautiful, as expert at killing with Karate and Kung Fu as she was in bed, she was supposed to be the CIA's friend. But there was something strange about her that made Sherman wonder who she was really working for!

The mysterious Chinese businessman......
He had a nasty habit of carrying lethal gas on his monthly trips from New York to the Orient.

It was like a Chinese box puzzle. Each layer took Phil Sherman a step closer to the Peking government and the secret forces that wanted to topple it in a blood bath that would engulf the world!

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
AQ 1451 (1975)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Haitian Vendetta by Don Smith

Secret Mission 

The CIA washed its hands of Phil Sherman. Now that he was thoroughly briefed, all further contact with HQ was severed. No records, no files, no trace of the man the Agency sent into Haitian hell to investigate the sadistic chief of the Tontons Macoutes, Haiti's brutal, infamous  secret police. The Haitian strongmen were fighting and killing for their lives. The winner will take all because in this game there were only dead losers. Word is out that Sherman's quarry is top dog, with outside assistance from Castro in Cuba. The information is correct as far as Washington knows. But the real story and Phil Sherman's actual assignment, isn't apparent until he blows his cover and is engulfed by primitive voodoo vengeance and some very sophisticated modern torture.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
AN1129 (1973)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Libyan Contract by Don Smith

Secret Mission Series #17

The Libyan Contract is about an assassination and his target. And the man who has to stop a cold-blooded political murder that could plunge America into war. A killer is a professional, highly trained, the best that half-a-million dollar can buy. The hunter is also a professional, a CIA agent named Phil Sherman, assigned to save the life of a fanatical dictator who deserved to die.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
AN1371 (1974)

Whomever manufactured this title done a horrible job. The book is not square.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Marseilles Enforcer by Don Smith

Secret Mission Series #13

"The French Connection" in Marseilles........

The shipment arrived in New York, hidden inside the doors of six cherry red Renaults.  The Federal Bureau of Narcotics and the CIA knew the heroin was there. It had been watched from the moment it left the Turkish freighter in Marseilles. But they wee not interested in arresting middle men or small pushers. They wanted the big one behind the scenes, the French connection. They knew he was Antoine Perelli, agent of the Corsican Mafia. What they needed was proof. and getting that was Phil Sherman's job.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
AN1041 (1972)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Secret Mission: The Kremlin Plot by Don Smith

A dead Russian skyjacker...
A vital Soviet secret............
And Phil Sherman becomes a moving target as four major powers zero in for the kill!

Americans.... Moscow usually find the reception chilly. But when Phil Sherman accidentally finds some stolen Soviet missile plans, the Russians capital quickly becomes a hot spot.

...agents tend to be very frank. They inform Sherman that he has two choices: sell the plans to them or die. And Britain is an ally.

...methods are even more persuasive, like pushing bamboo needles under the fingernails. Trying to doublecross Mao is suicide, but Sherman has no other option.

...come in two varieties, those working for the state and those working for themselves. The first includes the notorious Secret Police. A permanent sentence to Siberia is the least that could happen to Sherman if they catch him. The second variety covers a beautiful female scientist, desperate for the missile plans and willing to use all of her considerable talents to get them back.

Never before has one man's life been worth so little to so many!

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
A866 August 1971
AQ1402 January 1975

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Secret Mission: Munich by Don Smith

Mission No 10

Millions of counterfeit dollars bankrolling resurgence of dangerous successful neo-Nazi gang. Sherman must find and destroy money factory, and the new Nazi leaders!

Greenbacks.....phoney. Millions of counterfeit U.S. dollars are circulating around Europe. Phil Sherman is ordered to find out where they're coming from and why.

Brownshirts.....genuine. An underground movement of Noe-Fascists headed by former S.S. officers is determined to pick up where Hitler left off. Unless Sherman can do something to stop them.

White slopes.......deadly. It's the world's best ski country, but for undercover agent Sherman and his beautiful ally, skiing across Communist frontiers is more than just sport. With phoney dollars in his pockets, a gang of fascist terrorists at his back, and the specter of a new Nazi Germany in the future.

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
Universal-Award House Inc
Award Books
A727S (November 1970)
AQ1408 (February 1975)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Secret Mission: Angola by Don Smith

Assignment No. 9.
Capture African rebel leader before Russians and Chinese get him. 
Only Sherman can handle this job, and he's wanted for murder on two continents!

Who can a CIA agent trust when he's caught in the middle and the squeeze is on?

A beautiful Portuguese women, so hellbent on revenge she'll submit to anything, or anyone, to get it?
An ex-Green Beret with more treacherous angles than a jungle river?
A stately African princess, who is a brutal guerrilla fighter when she has to be?
Two rebel leaders, both after the same prize, both determined that the other should die?

CIA agent Phil Sherman, on a blood-soaked assignment in Angola, knew that a sane man would trust none of them. But he was in a spot where sanity was measured by one basic factor. Staying alive!

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Award Books
A697S 1970
AN1153 1974

The cover for AN1153 was the same cover used with the Nick Carter title The Human Time Bomb with book number A456X published in 1969 and 1970.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Secret Mission: North Korea by Don Smith

Assignment #8
Sherman to command crew of thieves, perverts, murderers on lethal mission of reprisal. Men are to blow up North Korean harbor, if Sherman can keep them from killing each other!

The CIA knew the mission was impossible. Phil Sherman had to sail the unmarked ship, bearing a fortune in espionage equipment as bait, through deadly enemy waters, from Japan to Wonson, North Korea. Then set the time bomb and escape. The ship was a rusty old lady dolled up for one last fling. Phil's crew could have been the devil's disciples, and his mistress was a Communist spy.

Printing History

Universal Publishing And Distributing Corp.
Award Books
A616X (1970)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Secret Mission: Tibet by Don Smith

Assignment #6
Destroy Chinese death ray wrecking U.S. and Russian space ships. Sherman's only ally is the American traitor who built the weapon for Red China!

Award Edition
In an ancient Buddhist monastry, high in the Himalayas, a Chinese scientist named Dr Liu Chung-lin operates a lethal laser beam that is destroying both American and Russian manned space flights. But the monastry houses more than the incredible death ray. The captives within the walls include an unrepentant ex-Nazi, a traitorous American scientist, and a beautiful blonde Eurasian. The CIA thought that Phil Sherman was a a match for the combined treachery of all three. Sherman was a lot less sure, but he was the only available expert around, and time was running out.

Tandem Edition
General von Kruger: His trade was violence and he perfected his craft under the savage tutelage of the Nazis. He would need all his cunning brutality to make his last, his biggest, coup succeed.

Suway: In the past she had given her body for love, for amusement, for barter. Now she was selling herself in a desperate bid to stay alive.

Dr Rogers: His game was money. He had betrayed America to her deadliest enemy, Red China, now he was ready to sell out his Peking masters if the price, in dollars was right.

So Phil Sherman plunged into a living nightmare, tracking down a deadly laser beam in the remote wildness of the Himalayas...

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Published by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
Award Books 
A522X (1969)

Tandem Books
 426 5856 (1971)

This title was published in the UK as #4 in the Secret Mission series.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Secret Mission: Istanbul by Don Smith

Istanbul: City of Barbaric Splendor

Espionage headquarters for both East and West.  
The city were Phil Sherman begins and ends, with this fantastic assignment.

A routine risks
You go to the sweltering seaside resort at the edge of Russia and pretend you're just another tourist. The brunette in the red bikini will make it easy for you to pick her up. Deliver the CIA message, that's all. But whe someone betrays you and a faceless voice whispers what they'll do to the golden body of the girl. And when  you  still don't crack, they abduct you in broad daylight and you're gripped by waves of unendurable pain as they torture you with careful cruelty. So you tell them everything and you lead them straight to the Russian spy trying to defect to the West. But there is one thing neither you nor the Red bully boys know. That you're all being used by the most incredible espionage plot ever either side!

Printing History
Written by Don Smith

Award Books
Universal Publishing and Distributing Corp
A 446 (June 1969)
AQ 1498 (October 1975)