Showing posts with label Marc Brody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marc Brody. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2021

Stop Press In Scarlet by Marc Brody

Stop Press In Scarlet
by Marc Brody

This frame led to hunting in the hills with rifle sights set for murder and all eyes on Brody.....

He was mean, vicious, the type who would sell out his father for a dime, if the old man had been worth that much! He was mobster Alby Varner, he and Marc Brody were working to finger the killer of lovely Nita Young. The magnet that lured Body and Varner together was the search for the missing million dollar art treasure. Marc's assignment was to find the treasure and double cross Varner, he had his own plans as well. Avoid being double crossed by Brody and pin the rap on the person who murdered Nita. So Brody headed up to the mountains for some big game shooting, hillbillies who brewed a special brew, beautiful women, ,and an influx of machinegun toting hoods. But somebody forgot to tell him that behind the mystery of the missing art treasure was yet another mystery! But those machine guns were right on target and Brody was their target....

Printing History
Written by W.H. "Bill" Williams

Horwitz Publications
Numbered Series #4
November 1958

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Maid for The Morgue by Marc Brody

Maid For The Morgue
by Marc Brody

When Donna Bryson, who had not always been a maid, began her dynamic career in the world of high tension politics and crime, men died violently and the lives pf others hung by a thread. But Donna hadn't figured that the complication of jealousy and greed would book her a seat on a one way ride to the morgue. Marc Brody's search for the truth about who knocked off high note union men, Paddy O'Brien and Ricky Ferrari, just before election time, led him into the box seat on Donna' morgue bound journey. Brody met up with guys like suave Joe Sanger, Senators Orrell, whose ambitions were not all political. Eddy Meech, a natural killer. And dames? Yvonne Polvani, deadly exciting. Rina Elkton, who was everything a guy wanted in a dame if he liked it on a grand scale...Rina smoked cigars, loved champagne and every day was her birthday..

Printing History
Written by W.H. "Bill" Williams

Horwitz Publications
September 1956

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Frame For The Front Page by Marc Brody

Frame For The Front Page 
by Marc Brody
The cops don't like characters who manhandle women in this town
So you'll be in with us or I'll hear me
All the way up the river!!

When that beautiful dance hostess, Senga Tarpova, called Marc up from the flat she didn't tell him she was sharing it with a dead man neatly packed into a traveling trunk! And when he found out she was tied in with two other guys, and one was found on a bed with his head smashed in and the other was lying dead in a quarry, Marc guessed Senga was being modeled for a frame up. And she was framed, by a guy who had plans for disposing of the guy who had chosen a different frame for her, on a front page, namely, Marc Brody! But Marc was not going to be sent up the river on his own, honey blonde Loren Norris was along for the ride, and brother, was she company! The French countess didn't like the idea of that think of company, she wanted to see Brody a cadaver, first....and did she nearly got her wish, cold!

Printing History
Written by W.H. (Bill) Williams

Horwitz Publications, Inc
September 1957

Monday, November 19, 2018

Dame On the Death Round by Marc Brody

Dame On the Death Round
by Marc Brody

Sure, the sheriff had it all worked out! The blonde had killed Hilory Kendall for his five million bucks and thrown the gun into the river. The story sounded simple enough, until Marc met Francine and trouble! That night club date he had with Lola Clarke had to be broken. They visited a night club all the same, but somehow it wasn't the same because Marc met up with Babs, then lingered with Julia while trying to work out how Francine...say, just how complicated can life get when one is working for The Review? The prizefighter, the mobster and his two hoods didn't give a hang about Brody's life, anyway, they were too busy trying to end it!

Printing History
Written by W.H. (Bill) Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc
November 1957

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My Baby Was Blasted by Marc Brody

My Baby Was Blasted
by Marc Brody

What happened to Jimmy Delmar after that wild Hollywood party? Vicki Carver told Marc Brody, "I killed him...but I didn't kill him!" Vicky invited Marc to her dressing room to tell him more. "Tomorrow might be too late," she said. And tomorrow was too late for Vicky, there would never be anymore tomorrows for her. But was it an accident, suicide, or murder? Someone rang Brody and said, "I know who set Vicky up for the kill." But a killer with an ice pick had a start on him. Guy Stapleton died in Marc's arms. And there were more suspects than hairs on a bearded lady. Ravenne Polvani, the beautiful drug addict. Nina Carver, who wasn't Vicky's sister after all. Alvaro Darcel, who had his own peculiar talent for certain tasks. Ageing playboy Chris Lavery, Marc didn't know till he met Cicely Trivago, the beautiful uninhibited redhead. But then it was too late.....

Printing History
Written by William Henry (W. H.) Williams

Horwitz Publications, Inc

Monday, February 26, 2018

High Tide Temptress by Marc Brody

She's Floating A Racket To Land Brody In A Crime Wave.........

She had the whole male clientele yelling their heads off and screaming for more, all except Brody. He was trying to figure out why a lush thrush like Gina Crespi was singing in a city as small and drawing a tenth of the pay she'd rate in New York....

Maybe she was looking for something....

Back in her dressing room after the show Marc began to get the idea was looking at him had the hottest espionage story to hit the headlines for ten years, and she wanted to trade it to Uncle Sam for entry to the U.S. for her lover, Tony Esposito, who was lammed out of the States to the Far East a while back when the FBI closed in on his pals in the Defense Department..... 

Gina figured Brody was just the guy to sell Washington on the story, and the payoff, the press scoop of the century.......

But it was the third one that had Marc figuring that he wouldn't live long enough to make those front page banner headlines....

Printing History
Written by W.H. (Bill) Williams

 Horwitz Publication, Inc
Numbered Series 
September 1958


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Down Town- And Dead by Marc Brody

Downtown And Dead

The first time Marc Brody saw Bella Cadena she was asleep, in his bed. It was 4 a.m. and he was tired until Bella woke up. She was a student of yoga and hypnotism, and what happened to Marc when Bella started to solve the mysterious kidnapping of heiress Vicki Jarman is strictly for the psychoanalyst, but she was beautiful. Brody didn't mind the cooperating but what he didn't like was the killing attention of hoodlums who figured he knew too much. While Marc was playing tag with gunmen he had to solve a downtown murder that was somehow involved with an African mystery and blackmail, and a 5 million dollar fortune. Which was nothing to what happened when Brody found four women in his apartment, each one waiting for the other wanted.....

Printing History
Written by W. H. "Bill" Williams

Horwitz Publications, Inc
Unnumbered Series
July 1956

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Stand In For Sin by Marc Brody

A Crime Reporter's Inside Story

Trapeze artist, Hilary Carver got a knife in his back and he was found in the queerest set up for he he had ever came across. What was the mystery hoodoo haunting Darbin's circus? Why did several animals die? How did one go about finding a killer who had no name or or no face? Carver's foster daughter lovely Lauren Wallace pleaded to find the killer. Basso the Clown offered his help. But Marc could have done without him or his queer dwarf, Nahume. Drago Francesco, the voluptuous snake charmer, had a way with snakes, but when a deadly fer-de-lance was found in Brody's bed, he did not want her around anymore. As for Oscar Zimmerman, the loin tamer, and Khoklov, the strong man, Marc could live a lifetime without them! But Yorty, the Runyon type ex criminal, took care of him because he was his "brudder". Phyllis  Vincent, the stripper proved one final thing.....

Printing History
Written by W. H. Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc

Unnumbered Series
September 1956

1st Collector's Edition
June 1958

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Girls with Guns Day 3

Girls With Guns Holiday Edition

Day #3

Baby Your Type's Murder
by Marc Brody

Printing History
Written by W. H. ‘Bill’ Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc.
for and on behalf of Transport Publishing Company
February 1958

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Her Halo In Headlines by Marc Brody

"You're propositioning me?"
"That's right Marc, help me start a revolution...."

Marc kept a downtown rendezvous with a dame and finished up investigating her murder, or maybe it was an accident. But either way one could not forget she was associated with Sophia Nesbitt, the dame who had everything a man wants. Except one could not trust her and she was tied  up with a South American revolution conspiracy that made a murdering double cross look like a kid's game. So when Marc gets talked into the plot, and if there's a faster way of dying than in South American revolution, don't let him know. But, as Raymond Thompson said, it was a big story. So here he is in the middle of a revolution fighting on the wrong side, and the way it looks. If he wins or loses he would have to face either Karin Hedberg or General Tutay and his two murderous offsiders. Anyone traveling North?

Printing History
Written by W. H. ‘Bill’ Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc.
for and on behalf of Transport Publishing Company

Marc Brody Series
June 1957

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Set-Up For a Sinner by Marc Brody

She was the darling of all dames, a curvy countess in the middle of murder

Elena Ziravello was the darling of all dames, a curvy countess in the middle of murder. And she didn't have an alibi when her boyfriend was found with a bullet in his body and another in his head. Marc could not make her talk so he concentrated on the other suspects. Manuel Aquino, who had a peculiar skill with guns and knives. High pressure racketeer Kurt Lorenz, whose hired guns did his dirty work. These guys were alibi experts and left Marc wondering who was the killer and when would he strike again. Marc didn't have to wait long, he was next on the list......

Printing History
Written by W. H. ‘Bill’ Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc.
for and on behalf of Transport Publishing Company

Marc Brody Series
April 1957

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Babe Bound To Kill by Marc Brody

TV's On The Spot Crime Reporter

Sure you've seen corpses before.
But never one to shock you like this.

Printing History
Written by W. H. ‘Bill’ Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc.
for and on behalf of Transport Publishing Company

Marc Brody Numbered Series #20
October 1958

Monday, February 10, 2014

Undercover Cutie by Marc Brody

So the brunette's diving into blackmail....
Follow her and you will end up deep in murder....

Savagely and suddenly the little man was murdered before Brody could reach him. Murdered because he might have linked the wrong people with secrets of mobsters, rackets, and tremendous undercover manipulations. He might have revealed where big shot hoodlum Phil Candone was hiding from the hearings of a Senate Investigation Committee, and where he was heading. So the story to be scooped was to find Candone. So off to Siam Brody did go with some company.  A senator who had reasons to be nervous. Crooks who would kill at the flip of an eyelid. An undercover cutie who was brunette and gorgeous with a way that helped her learn plenty for profit. A beautiful blond who wasn't only the perfect secretary. And the fabulous Walter Augustus Latimer who took Brody to visit the flower of his heart.....Gadea. "The most popular dame in the joint." It was some trip until Brody found himself tied to a tree with that elephant aiming to ramrod his head against his chest. Why didn't someone remind Brody that elephants never forget.

Printing History
Written by W.H. "Bill" Williams

Horwitz Publications, Inc

Numbered Series #2
January 1958

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Justice For A Jinx by Marc Brody

A Crime Reporter's Inside Story

When Dr. Chris Bryan came out of San Queseda prison Marc Brody followed him to a cheap motel and saved his life was saved from an assassin's knife. And then Brody found himself acting the role of Dr. Bryan on the way to New Orleans to find murder and more murder. On the plane somebody was murdered and four more died violently in New Orleans. Always the killers were waiting while the frantic search by police and criminals for Skip, the Jinx with the flame-colored hair became more and more urgent. Skip held the key to Brody's life or death. But he earned more than a medical degree when in the role of Dr. Bryan, he was forced to examine several gorgeous babes......

Printing History
Written by W. H. ‘Bill’ Williams

Horwitz Publications Inc.
for and on behalf of Transport Publishing Company
March 1957