Sharpshooter #6
They Couldn't Stop
The Sharpshooter So
They Brought Back
The Most Brutal
Killer In The
History Of
The Mafia
The Sharpshooter headed for Cape Cod looking for trouble. He found almost more than he could handle. A brutal Mafia capo held the entire Cape in his claws and he was raking in the millions from drugs, gambling, and prostitution. The local police were powerless to stop him.
Rock had to use every trick in the book to topple this entrenched and virtually omnipotent origination. But the Sharpshooter had sworn a blood oath to avenge his murdered parents and nothing, not even the entire Massachusetts Mafia could stop his bloody onslaught.
Printing History
Written by Peter McCurtin (1929-1997)
Nordon Publications, Inc
Leisure Books
April 1974