Showing posts with label Martin Bern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Bern. Show all posts

Monday, August 14, 2017

So Lovely She Lies by Carter Brown

Her Lips Frame The Answer To Highway Murder.........

Grant Roberts Cover
Martin Bern is just a private dick that sits all year round waiting for a case and when he takes a two week vacation. What happens? He gets a corpse and a client. His job? To see that Lea Price isn't charged with murder. That sounds straight forward enough, but Martin guesses El Santara folk think that he is a simpleton. He kept meeting different people with the same names, and the same people with different names, but can Martin get the picture. First there was the blond with the cute smile and the willing ways, until she figured he be more useful to her dead than alive. And the nightclub singer who made news every time she changed her mind. But it was a profitable vacation, all good clean fun, but there were only five murders, weren't there!

Printing History
Written by Alan G Yates (1923-1985)

Horwitz Publications Inc
Numbered Series
October 1958