Showing posts with label Lou Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lou Cameron. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2020

Harvest Of Death by Ramsay Thorne

Captain Gringo cuts a hot path of love and fury through a jungle in hell!

Renegade #14

CAPTAIN GRINGO marches through Mexico!
His destination: A hotly disputed cocoa country where men indulge their greed, their lust, and their taste for blood. Captain Gringo's got to slash his way through torrid, twisted jungle crowded with Mexican marauders, greedy guerrillas, and ladies with love on their minds. The Captain's always ready to bed young maids or blast away with his Maxim, as magnificent Mayan ruins loom overhead. But when he comes up against a fanatical would-be dictator, it'll take all his American might and mind to explode a brewing international incident in a scorching climax!

Printing History
Written by Lou Cameron (1924-2010)

Warner Books, Inc
ISBN 446-30124
September 1982