Showing posts with label John Harrison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Harrison. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hip Pocket Sleaze by John Harrison

The Lurid World Of Vintage Adult Paperbacks

The Rise of The Sleazy Paperback

Charting the rise of sleazy pulp fiction and questionable nonfiction, from the 1940's onwards. Hip Pocket Sleaze examines the erotic and enduringly shocking works of an era when print was both king and kinky. Publishing houses such as New English Library (UK), Horwitz (Australia) and Greenleaf (US) could barely meet the demand of a public bent on skinheads, witchcraft, giant crabs, Nazis, and smut of every shape and form.

Printing History
Written by John Harrison


Design and layout by
David Kerekes

I am currently recuperating from hernia surgery and the posts might be few and far between or the next couple of weeks