Reports of Amazon purging reviews from conservatives books on their site have been made for some time now. PJ Media’s Megan Fox reported in March 2018 that many conservative authors noticed a mass deletion of reviews. Well, another purge has taken place. This one targeted my book, The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. This book was approaching 1,000 reviews until Amazon decided to clean house. On Tuesday, the book had 945 reviews. On Wednesday, the book had only 693 reviews. A whopping 252 reviews (approximately 27 percent) simply vanished. Worse yet, most of the purged reviews appear to have been positive ones, as the average rating went down from roughly 4.5+ to 4.2 stars.
I can prove this because I have screenshots:

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, July 27, 2019
A Marine Called on the Commandant to Fix the Corps' Identity Crisis. Here's His Response
Just days into his term as commandant, Gen. David Berger has unveiled a bold new plan for the Marine Corps that could put an end to swirling debate that the service is trying to be everything to everyone.
The service can't afford to build tailor-trained units designed to fight specific missions, such as urban, desert or Arctic operations, Berger wrote in his planning guidance, which was released Tuesday.
Instead, he said, "We will build one force -- optimized for naval expeditionary warfare in contested spaces, purpose-built to facilitate sea denial and assured access in support of the fleets.
"That single purpose-built future force," Berger added, "will be applied against other challenges across the globe; however, we will not seek to hedge or balance our investments to account for those contingencies."
The service can't afford to build tailor-trained units designed to fight specific missions, such as urban, desert or Arctic operations, Berger wrote in his planning guidance, which was released Tuesday.
Instead, he said, "We will build one force -- optimized for naval expeditionary warfare in contested spaces, purpose-built to facilitate sea denial and assured access in support of the fleets.
"That single purpose-built future force," Berger added, "will be applied against other challenges across the globe; however, we will not seek to hedge or balance our investments to account for those contingencies."
Realizing The Full Implications Of The Forthcoming Catastrophe
Delivering Tomorrow’s Curses
Roman poet Virgil penned these words in his epic, The Aeneid, roughly a generation before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. They can be loosely translated to, “the descent to hell is easy.” Those who’ve traversed this passage can attest to the veracity of this axiom.
Virgil reading the Aeneid to Augustus, Octavia and Livia. Contrary to what one might think at first blush, Octavia didn’t fall asleep because she was bored by it – rather, when Virgil recited Book Six, she fainted (the veracity of this account is not undisputed, but it’s a good story anyway). A little side note: Virgil caught a fever while returning from to Rome from Greece and died in Brundisium in 19 BC. It was Virgil’s wish that the poem be burned, but Augustus ordered his literary executors to preserve it and publish it with as few editorial changes as possible. Thus Augustus rescued the Aeneid for posterity. [PT]
Though not apparent in the milieu of Virgil’s poem, for our purposes today, we will extend its application to the insidious progression of currency debasement. What short utterance more aptly characterizes the steady degradation, as currently practiced by today’s church of state?
On Thursday, for example, the House acted with untroubled ease to further America’s descent to hell. With little resistance, federal spending was increased and the debt ceiling was suspended for two years. Having delivered tomorrow’s curses, the nation’s Representatives can skip town without missing a moment of summer recess.
As you can see, the allure of getting something for nothing is far too enticing for even the most honest politician to pass up. And with an endless supply of fake money behind you, why stick your neck out and get clobbered? The public debt encumbered is already well beyond honest repayment. But that’s a problem for tomorrow; not today.
Roman poet Virgil penned these words in his epic, The Aeneid, roughly a generation before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. They can be loosely translated to, “the descent to hell is easy.” Those who’ve traversed this passage can attest to the veracity of this axiom.
Virgil reading the Aeneid to Augustus, Octavia and Livia. Contrary to what one might think at first blush, Octavia didn’t fall asleep because she was bored by it – rather, when Virgil recited Book Six, she fainted (the veracity of this account is not undisputed, but it’s a good story anyway). A little side note: Virgil caught a fever while returning from to Rome from Greece and died in Brundisium in 19 BC. It was Virgil’s wish that the poem be burned, but Augustus ordered his literary executors to preserve it and publish it with as few editorial changes as possible. Thus Augustus rescued the Aeneid for posterity. [PT]
Though not apparent in the milieu of Virgil’s poem, for our purposes today, we will extend its application to the insidious progression of currency debasement. What short utterance more aptly characterizes the steady degradation, as currently practiced by today’s church of state?
On Thursday, for example, the House acted with untroubled ease to further America’s descent to hell. With little resistance, federal spending was increased and the debt ceiling was suspended for two years. Having delivered tomorrow’s curses, the nation’s Representatives can skip town without missing a moment of summer recess.
As you can see, the allure of getting something for nothing is far too enticing for even the most honest politician to pass up. And with an endless supply of fake money behind you, why stick your neck out and get clobbered? The public debt encumbered is already well beyond honest repayment. But that’s a problem for tomorrow; not today.
Nadler's Trump Hunt Is Dead and He's the Only One Who Doesn't Know
Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) on Friday outlined details of what he and the House Judiciary Committee will continue doing to further beat the dead horse that is his witch hunt investigation into President Trump.
To much of America, it came off as more of a cry for help. Here is a thirty-six second snippet of Nadler's babble-fest:
For the past couple of years Democrats have been waiting for Robert Mueller to be their Santa Claus, delivering them a litany of impeachable offenses all neatly wrapped up with a pretty bow on top.
When Santa wrote them a letter in the form of the special counsel report and it didn't include any clear mention of the presents, they were convinced that he would most definitely bring them in person.
So they subpoenaed him.
When Santa came down the Capitol Hill chimney on Wednesday, all he brought with him to give the Democrats was a big bag of coal, which he then awkwardly delivered.
To much of America, it came off as more of a cry for help. Here is a thirty-six second snippet of Nadler's babble-fest:
For the past couple of years Democrats have been waiting for Robert Mueller to be their Santa Claus, delivering them a litany of impeachable offenses all neatly wrapped up with a pretty bow on top.
When Santa wrote them a letter in the form of the special counsel report and it didn't include any clear mention of the presents, they were convinced that he would most definitely bring them in person.
So they subpoenaed him.
When Santa came down the Capitol Hill chimney on Wednesday, all he brought with him to give the Democrats was a big bag of coal, which he then awkwardly delivered.
The First Drama of Next Week’s Democratic Debates: The National Anthem
CNN will broadcast the next two Democratic debates Tuesday and Wednesday night. At 8 p.m. Eastern each night, the ten candidates will be introduced, followed by a performance of the national anthem.
One interesting wrinkle: The campaign of Jay Inslee specifically asked whether the National Anthem would be played. The Washington Republican party is wondering if Inslee plans on taking a knee during the National Anthem.
Would any candidate be bold, crazy, reckless, or desperate enough to do this? If you’re one of the second- or third-tier candidates, kneeling would be a way to get attention and generate headlines before the debate even begins — and a decent shot that your picture will be on the front page of every newspaper and news website in the country. The decision to kneel would be denounced by Republicans and probably President Trump himself — an attack that would elevate any candidate still being described as “Congressman Whatshisname” or “Governor Thatotherguy.”
One interesting wrinkle: The campaign of Jay Inslee specifically asked whether the National Anthem would be played. The Washington Republican party is wondering if Inslee plans on taking a knee during the National Anthem.
Would any candidate be bold, crazy, reckless, or desperate enough to do this? If you’re one of the second- or third-tier candidates, kneeling would be a way to get attention and generate headlines before the debate even begins — and a decent shot that your picture will be on the front page of every newspaper and news website in the country. The decision to kneel would be denounced by Republicans and probably President Trump himself — an attack that would elevate any candidate still being described as “Congressman Whatshisname” or “Governor Thatotherguy.”
She Verbally Consented To Sex But The School Determined He Committed Sexual Assault Because He ‘Cajoled’ Her With Flattery
A new lawsuit filed against Pennsylvania State University includes several abnormalities, including the school’s decision to review the first hearing into a student’s alleged sexual misconduct and the decision to change the definition of consent in the middle of the disciplinary proceedings.
John Doe, as he is referred to in court documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, was accused of sexually assaulting a student referred to as Jane Roe at the end of January 2018. The two had met the previous spring since they were both part of the Schreyer’s Honors College. On January 26, 2018, the two met up again in a computer lab and started talking. They then started flirting and Jane put her number into John’s phone, according to the lawsuit, and texted herself, “I LOVE YOU.” The two continued to flirt for several days, and Jane even spent time in John’s dorm room on his bed. She told him she didn’t want to be “friends with benefits.”
On January 27, 2018, Jane told John her roommate was out and gave him her dorm room number. John went to her room at 1 a.m. and the two talked and began kissing. John’s lawsuit claims that Jane’s initial accusation lined up with his own memory of the incident — he performed several sexual acts on her but stopped as soon as she asked and that she told him to stay in her room when she went to the bathroom and then provided him with a condom. The two engaged in sexual intercourse. After the encounter, Jane continued to flirt with John over text messages and allegedly told her friends she wanted to have sex with him again. The lawsuit claims Jane later changed her account of the sexual encounter to claim that John physically forced her into sex and that she tried to get away from him.
John Doe, as he is referred to in court documents reviewed by The Daily Wire, was accused of sexually assaulting a student referred to as Jane Roe at the end of January 2018. The two had met the previous spring since they were both part of the Schreyer’s Honors College. On January 26, 2018, the two met up again in a computer lab and started talking. They then started flirting and Jane put her number into John’s phone, according to the lawsuit, and texted herself, “I LOVE YOU.” The two continued to flirt for several days, and Jane even spent time in John’s dorm room on his bed. She told him she didn’t want to be “friends with benefits.”
On January 27, 2018, Jane told John her roommate was out and gave him her dorm room number. John went to her room at 1 a.m. and the two talked and began kissing. John’s lawsuit claims that Jane’s initial accusation lined up with his own memory of the incident — he performed several sexual acts on her but stopped as soon as she asked and that she told him to stay in her room when she went to the bathroom and then provided him with a condom. The two engaged in sexual intercourse. After the encounter, Jane continued to flirt with John over text messages and allegedly told her friends she wanted to have sex with him again. The lawsuit claims Jane later changed her account of the sexual encounter to claim that John physically forced her into sex and that she tried to get away from him.
Healthy Eating Made Easier
On Monday, July 29, 2019, at the monthly meeting of the Lyme Disease Association of Delmarva, we will be discussing a very important topic - how to eat to give ourselves a better chance for healing from tick-borne diseases and maintaining good health once we become symptom free.
Joining us on MONDAY, JULY 29th, will be Rachel Schulze, Registered Dietician, who practices in Salisbury, Maryland. Rachel is passionate about working with clients to help them achieve good health through proper, personalized, sustainable nutrition. She has worked with a diverse population from adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome to adults with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She also has some clients with Lyme disease.
In an informal, round-table discussion, we will be learning some techniques from Rachel that will help us transition into eating healthier - not just for the short-term while we undergo treatment for tick-borne diseases - but helpful hints on eating healthy for a lifetime. Rachel specializes in helping her clients make the transition from eating the things that taste good, but make us overweight and unhealthy - straining our immune system - to sustaining good nutrition practices.
I remember when I first learned I had tick-borne diseases. I was given a copy of Dr. Joseph Burrascano's treatment guidelines and told to do what it said - including changing my diet. I read the guidelines and then stood in my kitchen, looking at the food I had, and woefully saying, "But I'm hungry! What am I going to eat?" From there, I just had to forge onward on my own, learning to transition to a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. It was tough! I didn't have someone like Rachel to help me transition and make this part of the journey a lot easier.
Whether you need to make eating healthy a part of your healing process from tick-borne diseases, or if you need to lose weight, come join us for a very helpful discussion that promises to provide lasting education on one of the most important aspects of daily living.
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Greater Salisbury Building (next to WMDT-TV)
200 Camden Street (not "Avenue")
downtown Salisbury, Maryland
There is free parking in the open air parking lot next to the Wicomico Free Library (you will have to take a ticket when you enter, but you will not have to pay when you leave). Refreshments (healthy ones) will be served. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask any questions they may have about tick-borne diseases, too. The meeting is free and open to the public. We hope you can join us! Please call Marilyn at 410-726-4573 if you have any questions.
Joining us on MONDAY, JULY 29th, will be Rachel Schulze, Registered Dietician, who practices in Salisbury, Maryland. Rachel is passionate about working with clients to help them achieve good health through proper, personalized, sustainable nutrition. She has worked with a diverse population from adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome to adults with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. She also has some clients with Lyme disease.
In an informal, round-table discussion, we will be learning some techniques from Rachel that will help us transition into eating healthier - not just for the short-term while we undergo treatment for tick-borne diseases - but helpful hints on eating healthy for a lifetime. Rachel specializes in helping her clients make the transition from eating the things that taste good, but make us overweight and unhealthy - straining our immune system - to sustaining good nutrition practices.
I remember when I first learned I had tick-borne diseases. I was given a copy of Dr. Joseph Burrascano's treatment guidelines and told to do what it said - including changing my diet. I read the guidelines and then stood in my kitchen, looking at the food I had, and woefully saying, "But I'm hungry! What am I going to eat?" From there, I just had to forge onward on my own, learning to transition to a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. It was tough! I didn't have someone like Rachel to help me transition and make this part of the journey a lot easier.
Whether you need to make eating healthy a part of your healing process from tick-borne diseases, or if you need to lose weight, come join us for a very helpful discussion that promises to provide lasting education on one of the most important aspects of daily living.
MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Greater Salisbury Building (next to WMDT-TV)
200 Camden Street (not "Avenue")
downtown Salisbury, Maryland
There is free parking in the open air parking lot next to the Wicomico Free Library (you will have to take a ticket when you enter, but you will not have to pay when you leave). Refreshments (healthy ones) will be served. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask any questions they may have about tick-borne diseases, too. The meeting is free and open to the public. We hope you can join us! Please call Marilyn at 410-726-4573 if you have any questions.
Waters Campaign Pays $30K More to Daughter, Ignores Other Debts
Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) continues to push tens of thousands of dollars in campaign payments to her daughter for accrued debt even as much smaller campaign debts have remained untouched, Federal Election Commission filings show.
Rep. Waters has paid her daughter Karen more than $800,000from her campaign committee to run a slate mailer operation since the mid-2000's. The endorsement mailers have proven lucrative for both Rep. Waters's federal committee and her daughter.
As of Oct. 17, 2018, Karen had collected $108,000 from the campaign to run the operation for the 2018 midterm cycle, with another $94,000 reported as being owed to her. However, Waters's post-general filings on Dec. 11 showed that the amount owed to Karen had increased by nearly $90,000 to $183,000. During the first quarter this year, Waters's campaign paid out $50,000 to Karen. Her committee's most recent filings show that throughout the second quarter another $30,000 was doled out, bringing the debt owed down to $108,000.
Rep. Waters has paid her daughter Karen more than $800,000from her campaign committee to run a slate mailer operation since the mid-2000's. The endorsement mailers have proven lucrative for both Rep. Waters's federal committee and her daughter.
As of Oct. 17, 2018, Karen had collected $108,000 from the campaign to run the operation for the 2018 midterm cycle, with another $94,000 reported as being owed to her. However, Waters's post-general filings on Dec. 11 showed that the amount owed to Karen had increased by nearly $90,000 to $183,000. During the first quarter this year, Waters's campaign paid out $50,000 to Karen. Her committee's most recent filings show that throughout the second quarter another $30,000 was doled out, bringing the debt owed down to $108,000.
CNN Editor Resigns After History of Antisemitism Resurfaces
An editor at CNN has resigned after a series of antisemitic comments he made resurfaced on Thursday.
CNN’s statement accepting the resignation of the editor makes clear the editor had worked at CNN for some time, and had made the antisemitic statements back in 2011.
The tweets from Mohammed Elshamy, a photo editor for CNN, first surfaced earlier on Thursday. They were until then still public on Elshamy’s Twitter account:
CNN’s statement accepting the resignation of the editor makes clear the editor had worked at CNN for some time, and had made the antisemitic statements back in 2011.
The tweets from Mohammed Elshamy, a photo editor for CNN, first surfaced earlier on Thursday. They were until then still public on Elshamy’s Twitter account:
Report: Serious Violence on Rise in Nation’s Public Schools
Federal data released Thursday show serious incidents of violence in the nation’s public schools are on the rise at the same time more schools are employing Obama-era “restorative justice” disciplinary policies and nearly all schools are touting “social emotional learning” (SEL) practices.
A report released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), an arm of the U.S. Education Department (USED), used data from a sample of 4,803 public schools that participated in the 2017-2018 School Survey on Crime and Safety.
Data show that during the 2017-2018 academic year, an estimated 962,300 violent incidents occurred in U.S. public schools, with 71 percent of schools reporting at least one violent incident.
A report released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), an arm of the U.S. Education Department (USED), used data from a sample of 4,803 public schools that participated in the 2017-2018 School Survey on Crime and Safety.
Data show that during the 2017-2018 academic year, an estimated 962,300 violent incidents occurred in U.S. public schools, with 71 percent of schools reporting at least one violent incident.
Poll Finds Majority in Key Swing State Oppose ‘Medicare for All’
As Democrat presidential candidates prepare for the second round of debates in Detroit next week, the party is hoping the candidate who ends up winning the nomination in 2020 will fare better in Michigan than Hillary Clinton, who managed to lose the reliably blue state to Donald Trump by 10,704 votes, thanks in no small part to bumbling incompetence.
A recent poll, however, suggests that Michigan voters are not on board with the healthcare proposals championed by many of the leading candidates in the field. A survey of likely Michigan voters published this week found that a majority opposes a "Medicare for All" policy that would eliminate private health insurance and replace it with a government-run, single-payer system.
According to the poll, 52 percent of likely voters in Michigan oppose Medicare for All, with nearly 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the idea. Just 37 percent of likely voters said they support it.
A recent poll, however, suggests that Michigan voters are not on board with the healthcare proposals championed by many of the leading candidates in the field. A survey of likely Michigan voters published this week found that a majority opposes a "Medicare for All" policy that would eliminate private health insurance and replace it with a government-run, single-payer system.
According to the poll, 52 percent of likely voters in Michigan oppose Medicare for All, with nearly 40 percent saying they "strongly oppose" the idea. Just 37 percent of likely voters said they support it.
Pete Buttigieg: Black Voter Suppression ‘Made My Life Worse’
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor and 2020 White House hopeful Pete Buttigieg said Friday that black voter suppression made his life “worse,” suggesting it was one of the factors behind President Donald Trump’s election victory in 2016.
Buttigieg joined fellow presidential candidates Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) at the National Urban League’s annual conference in Indianapolis on Friday, where the 37-year-old lashed out at President Trump and touted his so-called Douglass Plan, aimed at combating what he calls institutional racism in the criminal justice system.
“I think for too long we have believed that we were on a path where systemic racism was going to take care of itself in this country,” the South Bend mayor stated, according to the Indy Star. “I’m going to be speaking about these issues not only with mostly black audiences, but with mostly white audiences.”
Buttigieg joined fellow presidential candidates Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) at the National Urban League’s annual conference in Indianapolis on Friday, where the 37-year-old lashed out at President Trump and touted his so-called Douglass Plan, aimed at combating what he calls institutional racism in the criminal justice system.
“I think for too long we have believed that we were on a path where systemic racism was going to take care of itself in this country,” the South Bend mayor stated, according to the Indy Star. “I’m going to be speaking about these issues not only with mostly black audiences, but with mostly white audiences.”
Ayanna Pressley to Introduce Bill Banning Federal Death Penalty
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is set to introduce a bill banning the federal death penalty in response to the Justice Department’s announcement regarding the policy.
“The death penalty has no place in a just society,” Pressley wrote in a tweet Thursday with an attached picture of the bill.
The bill states:
“The death penalty has no place in a just society,” Pressley wrote in a tweet Thursday with an attached picture of the bill.
The bill states:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person may be sentenced to death or put to death on or after the date of enactment of this Act for for any violation of Federal law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person sentenced to death before the date of enactment of this Act for any violation of Federal law shall be resentenced.More
Pelosi's Other Mess: Democratic Congressional Campaign Arm Slammed For Not Being Diverse Enough
If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thought that Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) were her only intraparty headaches, think again. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, one of the players who aim to maintain the majority in 2020 is under attack by Black and Hispanic members of the party over concerns about diversity. In short, they think the DCCC has been tone-deaf on racial issues and overall has screwed over minorities and their interests. Funny, that’s exactly the sort of thing Democrats do to their base of supporters on a daily basis, but I digress. Politico explained the whole mess:
Senior Hispanic and black members of Congress have privately clashed with Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) over her personnel decisions, what they say are tone-deaf comments on race and whether she's lived up to the promises she made during the campaign to win the chairmanship of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.More
“There is not one person of color — black or brown, that I’m aware of — at any position of authority or decision making in the DCCC,” said Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. “It is shocking, it is shocking, and something needs to be done about it.”
Roy rage: GOP congressman tears into Democrats, storms out of House hearin
Freshman Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, delivered a devastating condemnation of House Democrats Thursday, excoriating Congress for wasting time on a “fishing expedition” into White House communications while the national debt explodes and the border crisis remains unsolved.
“What are we trying to find?” an incredulous Roy asked at a House Government Oversight and Reform Committee hearing after Democrats voted to subpoena White House officials for access to their private emails.
As Politico reports, the Democrats argue that senior White House aides including Ivanka Trump may have violated the Presidential Records Act by conducting official government business on private email servers. But as Roy pointed out, Ivanka Trump has already acknowledged this and is working with the committee to provide it with the requested emails. There should be no need for a subpoena.
“What are we trying to find?” an incredulous Roy asked at a House Government Oversight and Reform Committee hearing after Democrats voted to subpoena White House officials for access to their private emails.
As Politico reports, the Democrats argue that senior White House aides including Ivanka Trump may have violated the Presidential Records Act by conducting official government business on private email servers. But as Roy pointed out, Ivanka Trump has already acknowledged this and is working with the committee to provide it with the requested emails. There should be no need for a subpoena.
Guns, Drugs, CIA at Mena, Arkansas: Judicial Watch Demands Answers
The mysterious events surrounding Mena Airfield in remote western Arkansas during the gubernatorial reign of Bill Clinton have teased the popular imagination for more than three decades. Movies have been made, books have been published, hundreds of articles have been written. Many of the more baroque allegations emerge from the fever swamps of conspiracy theorists, but certain facts are indisputable. CIA and DEA activities flowed out of Mena in the Clinton years. Cocaine—a lot of it—flowed in. And for thirty years, every attempt to get to the bottom of events at Mena—federal, state, judicial, journalistic—has failed.
Judicial Watch has launched a new campaign for answers. The CIA “stonewalled the release of information now sought by Judicial Watch on the Mena Airport controversy,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. So last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a long-hidden report by the CIA inspector general into events at Mena. The Judicial Watch lawsuit seeks the report of a November 1996 CIA investigation into “drug running, money laundering and intelligence gathering” at Mena. We’re taking other steps, too—Freedom of Information actions against the DEA, FBI, and Arkansas state institutions.
More here
Judicial Watch has launched a new campaign for answers. The CIA “stonewalled the release of information now sought by Judicial Watch on the Mena Airport controversy,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. So last month, we filed a lawsuit seeking a long-hidden report by the CIA inspector general into events at Mena. The Judicial Watch lawsuit seeks the report of a November 1996 CIA investigation into “drug running, money laundering and intelligence gathering” at Mena. We’re taking other steps, too—Freedom of Information actions against the DEA, FBI, and Arkansas state institutions.
More here
President Donald Trump Calls For Investigation Into Obama Book Deals
Frustrated by continued efforts by the Democratic congress to find a reason to impeach him, President Donald Trump fought back today, saying that an investigation should be mounted on the book deals signed by former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.
The $65 million in multiple book deals spawned a best-seller for Michelle Obama, with Barack Obama’s memoir scheduled for some time next year.
Trump, speaking in the White House Oval Office on Friday, also called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and put in a jab against Obama for ruining the White House air conditioning system, which he says can’t maintain a comfortable temperature.
The $65 million in multiple book deals spawned a best-seller for Michelle Obama, with Barack Obama’s memoir scheduled for some time next year.
Trump, speaking in the White House Oval Office on Friday, also called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and put in a jab against Obama for ruining the White House air conditioning system, which he says can’t maintain a comfortable temperature.
WATCH: Fed-up Republican leader goes OFF on committee Dems about holding hearings instead of working on the border crisis
If you’re tired of seeing hearing after congressional hearing about the long list of problems on the southern border but no viable legislation to fix it, you’re not alone.
At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday titled “Oversight of Family Separation and U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” the panel’s top Republican ignored his prepared statement and instead lambasted House Democrats for their failure to meaningfully address the situation.
During his opening statement, Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga., began reading from his remarks before putting his paper down and saying, “Look, I’m gonna stop. I’m not going to read this.”
At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday titled “Oversight of Family Separation and U.S. Customs and Border Protection,” the panel’s top Republican ignored his prepared statement and instead lambasted House Democrats for their failure to meaningfully address the situation.
During his opening statement, Ranking Member Doug Collins, R-Ga., began reading from his remarks before putting his paper down and saying, “Look, I’m gonna stop. I’m not going to read this.”
Manchin questions China's promised $84 billion investment in West Virginia
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is raising alarm bells about an $83.7 billion investment in his home state pledged by China's state-owned energy giant.
"In West Virginia, they came and signed a [Memorandum of Understanding] for $83 billion, and I repeat, $83 billion over 20 years," Manchin said Thursday during a Senate hearing on innovation in the energy sector.
"When you put that in comparison to the state budget of West Virginia, our state budget only goes over $4 billion a year, so something doesn't make sense here, and we cannot find out what their intent is," he said.
The concerns echo those raised by lawmakers — including Manchin — in interviews with CNBC about the proposed size of the investment relative to the state's small output, as well as the opaque nature of the deal.
The deal was announced in 2017 as part of $250 billion in business agreements reached between the U.S. and China in connection with President Donald Trump's visit to the country. Gov. Jim Justice said there would be "shovels in the ground" the following year.
But so far, no such action has materialized.
"In West Virginia, they came and signed a [Memorandum of Understanding] for $83 billion, and I repeat, $83 billion over 20 years," Manchin said Thursday during a Senate hearing on innovation in the energy sector.
"When you put that in comparison to the state budget of West Virginia, our state budget only goes over $4 billion a year, so something doesn't make sense here, and we cannot find out what their intent is," he said.
The concerns echo those raised by lawmakers — including Manchin — in interviews with CNBC about the proposed size of the investment relative to the state's small output, as well as the opaque nature of the deal.
The deal was announced in 2017 as part of $250 billion in business agreements reached between the U.S. and China in connection with President Donald Trump's visit to the country. Gov. Jim Justice said there would be "shovels in the ground" the following year.
But so far, no such action has materialized.
White professor sues black university for racial discrimination
A white professor at a historically black university in Alabama has filed a federal lawsuit against the school for age and racial discrimination after he claims they have denied him the salary he deserves, despite his tenure.
Marshall Burns, a 73-year-old physics professor at Tuskegee University, alleges the school pays younger employees at least $18,000 to $30,000 more than him, although his professorship spans over four decades.
Burns began his career at Tuskegee University in 1976 as an assistant professor, according to court documents—being promoted to a full-time position in 1980. The physics professor wrote a physics textbook—recognized by the Alabama state legislature, helped found the university’s first physics major, and lobbied for additional university funding.
Burns claims he earns $60,500 a year, despite requesting a raise at least 12 times. His alleged salary is at the same pay grade as associate professor salaries, while his 12-page lawsuit says teachers of African and Asian descent are earning more than Burns, who earned his PhD. in 1972.
Marshall Burns, a 73-year-old physics professor at Tuskegee University, alleges the school pays younger employees at least $18,000 to $30,000 more than him, although his professorship spans over four decades.
Burns began his career at Tuskegee University in 1976 as an assistant professor, according to court documents—being promoted to a full-time position in 1980. The physics professor wrote a physics textbook—recognized by the Alabama state legislature, helped found the university’s first physics major, and lobbied for additional university funding.
Burns claims he earns $60,500 a year, despite requesting a raise at least 12 times. His alleged salary is at the same pay grade as associate professor salaries, while his 12-page lawsuit says teachers of African and Asian descent are earning more than Burns, who earned his PhD. in 1972.
What Mueller Was Trying to Hide
“Special counsel Robert Mueller testified before two House committees Wednesday, and his performance requires us to look at his investigation and report in a new light,” Kimberly Strassel writes in The Wall Street Journal.
“We’ve been told it was solely about Russian electoral interference and obstruction of justice. It’s now clear it was equally about protecting the actual miscreants behind the Russia-collusion hoax. The most notable aspect of the Mueller report was always what it omitted: the origins of this mess.”
What were those origins? “Christopher Steele’s dossier was central to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe . . . The report ignored Mr. Steele’s paymaster, Fusion GPS, and its own ties to Russians. It also ignored Fusion’s paymaster, the Clinton campaign, and the ugly politics behind the dossier hit job.”
Click here to read more.
“We’ve been told it was solely about Russian electoral interference and obstruction of justice. It’s now clear it was equally about protecting the actual miscreants behind the Russia-collusion hoax. The most notable aspect of the Mueller report was always what it omitted: the origins of this mess.”
What were those origins? “Christopher Steele’s dossier was central to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe . . . The report ignored Mr. Steele’s paymaster, Fusion GPS, and its own ties to Russians. It also ignored Fusion’s paymaster, the Clinton campaign, and the ugly politics behind the dossier hit job.”
Click here to read more.
The New Yorker Prosecutes Kamala Harris
The New Yorker’s lengthy profile of Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) spends far more time discussing the influence of Willie Brown than her relationship with her husband, which is portrayed as impersonal and even politically motivated.
The profile, by Dana Goodyear, tells a positive story of Harris professionally—highlighting her well-received prosecutorial style as a senator and her rise in the polls after her use of it on the debate stage. But it's far more focused on the things Harris hates to talk about, like her relationship with Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, and how it shaped her as a politician.
Goodyear, after noting how "stories that mention Brown have always infuriated Harris," goes on to mention Brown about two dozen times. She attempted, unsuccessfully, to both interview Brown and get a comment on him from Harris's campaign.
The profile, by Dana Goodyear, tells a positive story of Harris professionally—highlighting her well-received prosecutorial style as a senator and her rise in the polls after her use of it on the debate stage. But it's far more focused on the things Harris hates to talk about, like her relationship with Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, and how it shaped her as a politician.
Goodyear, after noting how "stories that mention Brown have always infuriated Harris," goes on to mention Brown about two dozen times. She attempted, unsuccessfully, to both interview Brown and get a comment on him from Harris's campaign.
Rashida Tlaib: ‘We Didn’t Have ICE Years Ago Before 9/11 … We Were Fine’
Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib unpacked her anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stance and said the U.S. was “fine” without ICE pre-9/11 during a podcast released Tuesday.
“It needs to be completely dismantled. We didn’t have ICE years ago before 9/11, and I can tell you we were fine,” Tlaib said on an episode of “Authentically Detroit.”
ICE was created in 2003 after the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was dissolved and its duties transferred to three entities, including ICE, under the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). INS conducted raids.
“It needs to be completely dismantled. We didn’t have ICE years ago before 9/11, and I can tell you we were fine,” Tlaib said on an episode of “Authentically Detroit.”
ICE was created in 2003 after the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was dissolved and its duties transferred to three entities, including ICE, under the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). INS conducted raids.
Candace: I'm NOT a Feminist
My first outward rejection of the modern ideals of feminism occurred accidentally, during a mandatory women’s studies course in college. My professor had just gone over a staggering statistic that some 89 percent of people suffering from eating disorders were women. “This,” she explained, was “due to the unrealistic expectations placed upon us by the patriarchy.”
I nearly choked on a piece of ice from my Dunkin coffee.
“What then do you make of all the men who do steroids?” I surmised aloud, “…be it the fault of the matriarchy?”.
My professor went red.
We traded back and forth until she went for the K.O. with an explication of her credentials:
“Well, I’m the one with the Ph.D. in women’s studies,” she stated curtly.
“Well, I’m the one with the eating disorder,” I shot back.
I didn’t know it at the time, but it was this very exchange that would come to highlight my overall thesis on why feminism is broken – women are being taught it, rather than experiencing it. In fact, in many cases, we are being encouraged to override our experiences in favor of indoctrination.
At best, the movement denotes a selective musketeer mentality. It’s a pledge that a bad experience had by one ought to be broadcast and accepted as the reality for all, but what about a good experience had by one? Well, that woman ought to just shut up and keep it to herself, because she’s #privileged.
Yup. Let us hand a microphone to the woman who was beaten by her husband, but muffle the one beside her who might wish to thank her own for the role he plays in her happiness.
And for that, I find it necessary to formally state that not once in my entire life was I made to feel incapable or weak next to my male peers. Not once did a school teacher tell me that I ought to learn to cook and clean rather than to read and write, and for clarification, the eating disorder that I had in college had absolutely nothing to do with the urging of any man.
It gets ickier...
I nearly choked on a piece of ice from my Dunkin coffee.
“What then do you make of all the men who do steroids?” I surmised aloud, “…be it the fault of the matriarchy?”.
My professor went red.
We traded back and forth until she went for the K.O. with an explication of her credentials:
“Well, I’m the one with the Ph.D. in women’s studies,” she stated curtly.
“Well, I’m the one with the eating disorder,” I shot back.
I didn’t know it at the time, but it was this very exchange that would come to highlight my overall thesis on why feminism is broken – women are being taught it, rather than experiencing it. In fact, in many cases, we are being encouraged to override our experiences in favor of indoctrination.
At best, the movement denotes a selective musketeer mentality. It’s a pledge that a bad experience had by one ought to be broadcast and accepted as the reality for all, but what about a good experience had by one? Well, that woman ought to just shut up and keep it to herself, because she’s #privileged.
Yup. Let us hand a microphone to the woman who was beaten by her husband, but muffle the one beside her who might wish to thank her own for the role he plays in her happiness.
And for that, I find it necessary to formally state that not once in my entire life was I made to feel incapable or weak next to my male peers. Not once did a school teacher tell me that I ought to learn to cook and clean rather than to read and write, and for clarification, the eating disorder that I had in college had absolutely nothing to do with the urging of any man.
It gets ickier...
US-born teen detained for weeks by border patrol says he was told 'you have no rights'
The Texas-born high school student who was detained by immigration officials for more than three weeks told CNN Thursday he was treated less than human at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.
Francisco Galicia, 18, says he was held in filthy, overcrowded conditions where he was not allowed to shower for 23 days, forced to sleep on a cement floor and not given enough food. By the time he was released Tuesday, after word spread about his detention following a report by The Dallas Morning News, he said he was malnourished, having dropped 26 pounds.
"They were not treating us humanely," Galicia told CNN during a wide-ranging interview. "...The stress was so high, they (detention center agents) were on me all the time. It was like psychological torture to the point where I almost (agreed to be deported). I felt safer to be in the cell than to be with the officers.
Francisco Galicia, 18, says he was held in filthy, overcrowded conditions where he was not allowed to shower for 23 days, forced to sleep on a cement floor and not given enough food. By the time he was released Tuesday, after word spread about his detention following a report by The Dallas Morning News, he said he was malnourished, having dropped 26 pounds.
"They were not treating us humanely," Galicia told CNN during a wide-ranging interview. "...The stress was so high, they (detention center agents) were on me all the time. It was like psychological torture to the point where I almost (agreed to be deported). I felt safer to be in the cell than to be with the officers.
Omar to America: 'You Bunch of Racists'
Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman from Minnesota, is one of the more bigoted members of the Democrat Party. And that’s saying something. Yet she took to the op-ed page of The New York Times Thursday to lecture the rest of us about race.
“It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism,” blares the headline, which is followed by the teaser, “The nation’s ideals are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.” So what are those ideals? In a word, socialism. Of course, we’d expect nothing less from Omar and her fellow “Gang of Four” travelers. But what’s most appalling about her moral preening is how she’s throwing rocks from a glass house.
We’ve documented Omar’s bigotry plenty in the past, but it’s somewhat amusing that on the same day she published her Times screed, video of a 2018 interview surfaced in which she said this:
“I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country. And so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe, Americans safe inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”
Actually, roughly half of the murders in America are perpetrated by black men — murdering other black men — despite the fact that the entire black population is just 13% of the whole. This violence largely takes place on Democrat-run urban poverty plantations. We suppose it’s “racist” to point out those inconvenient truths, however, because Omar and her ilk would rather spin a narrative of the deadly danger of supposedly surging white nationalism.
More here
“It Is Not Enough to Condemn Trump’s Racism,” blares the headline, which is followed by the teaser, “The nation’s ideals are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them.” So what are those ideals? In a word, socialism. Of course, we’d expect nothing less from Omar and her fellow “Gang of Four” travelers. But what’s most appalling about her moral preening is how she’s throwing rocks from a glass house.
We’ve documented Omar’s bigotry plenty in the past, but it’s somewhat amusing that on the same day she published her Times screed, video of a 2018 interview surfaced in which she said this:
“I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country. And so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe, Americans safe inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”
Actually, roughly half of the murders in America are perpetrated by black men — murdering other black men — despite the fact that the entire black population is just 13% of the whole. This violence largely takes place on Democrat-run urban poverty plantations. We suppose it’s “racist” to point out those inconvenient truths, however, because Omar and her ilk would rather spin a narrative of the deadly danger of supposedly surging white nationalism.
More here
This Lawsuit Over ‘Sex’ and ‘Gender Identity’ Will Have Sweeping Implications
“I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. I was just gasping for air.”
That’s how Nancy Rost recalls the moments after her husband, Tom, walked through the door of their home six years ago this month.
In his hand, Tom held a letter from a longtime employee. On his face, the easy confidence Nancy had seen from Tom every day since they met each other as children was missing, replaced by a palpable sense of anxiety.
Immediately, Tom and Nancy knew that the contents of the letter had the potential to devastate R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, which Tom’s grandfather had established in 1910 to serve grieving families throughout Detroit.
As it stands now, Tom’s five-generation family business is in the hands of the Supreme Court, with oral arguments scheduled for Oct. 8.
No doubt, his case will have sweeping implications across American life.
So, what was in the letter?
That’s how Nancy Rost recalls the moments after her husband, Tom, walked through the door of their home six years ago this month.
In his hand, Tom held a letter from a longtime employee. On his face, the easy confidence Nancy had seen from Tom every day since they met each other as children was missing, replaced by a palpable sense of anxiety.
Immediately, Tom and Nancy knew that the contents of the letter had the potential to devastate R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, which Tom’s grandfather had established in 1910 to serve grieving families throughout Detroit.
As it stands now, Tom’s five-generation family business is in the hands of the Supreme Court, with oral arguments scheduled for Oct. 8.
No doubt, his case will have sweeping implications across American life.
So, what was in the letter?
Ted Budd Introduces Bill That Would Allow Victims Of Crimes By Illegal Immigrants To Sue Sanctuary Cities
Republican North Carolina Rep. Ted Budd introduced a bill Thursday that would allow victims of crimes perpetrated by illegal immigrants to sue sanctuary cities if that is where the crime occurred.
The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act allows for victims of any crimes up until 10 years ago to file a lawsuit with a sanctuary city. Illegal immigrants with past criminal convictions made up about 74% of arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2018, according to Pew Research Center.
“I’ve found that sanctuary cities’ failure to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E) is reckless and has had a real cost on society, both economically and in terms of human lives,” Budd said in a press release Thursday.
The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act allows for victims of any crimes up until 10 years ago to file a lawsuit with a sanctuary city. Illegal immigrants with past criminal convictions made up about 74% of arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2018, according to Pew Research Center.
“I’ve found that sanctuary cities’ failure to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E) is reckless and has had a real cost on society, both economically and in terms of human lives,” Budd said in a press release Thursday.
Trump: No Tariff Waivers for Apple Computer Parts
President Donald Trump said Friday he would not give Apple a waiver for Mac Pro computer parts made in China.
“Apple will not be given Tariff waivers, or relief, for Mac Pro parts that are made in China,” he wrote on Twitter. “Make them in the USA, no Tariffs!”
Apple had requested the Office of U.S. Trade Representative to exempt their company from a proposed 25 percent tariff on computer parts from China.
“Apple will not be given Tariff waivers, or relief, for Mac Pro parts that are made in China,” he wrote on Twitter. “Make them in the USA, no Tariffs!”
Apple had requested the Office of U.S. Trade Representative to exempt their company from a proposed 25 percent tariff on computer parts from China.
Ginsburg Praises Kavanaugh, Gorsuch: 'Very Decent and Very Smart'
Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg praised fellow Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch as "very decent and very smart individuals," CNN reports.
Ginsburg, at an event hosted by Duke Law in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, said in response to a question, "I can say that my two newest colleagues are very decent and very smart individuals."
The Justice previously told NPR that the nine members of the Supreme Court work well together. She also noted that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were both law clerks during her initial years, and that she assigned each one of them important opinions in which she was the senior justice in the majority.
Ginsburg, at an event hosted by Duke Law in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, said in response to a question, "I can say that my two newest colleagues are very decent and very smart individuals."
The Justice previously told NPR that the nine members of the Supreme Court work well together. She also noted that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were both law clerks during her initial years, and that she assigned each one of them important opinions in which she was the senior justice in the majority.
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