DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Obama Speech Analysis
Salisbury News Has Another Record Breaking Day
Its only 9:30 PM and Salisbury News has already surpassed yesterday's record breaking day. We can't thank all of you enough for visiting.
Tomorrow morning Salisbury News will make an announcement of another Delmar Town Commissioner Candidate in which we're confident voters will be very pleased to hear about.
I just spent most of this evening meeting with both Delmar Candidates in which Salisbury News will endorse. Two great friends of whom I've known personally for years. Only on Salisbury News.
Have a great evening.
Group Calls To Ban Pledge of Allegiance At Massachusetts Schools, Citing No Educational Value

Days before the 10th anniversary of 9/11 a leader from a group in Massachusetts is calling on public schools in one town to ban students from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, saying it has no educational value and the pressure it places on children to participate makes his “skin crawl,” The Boston Globe reported.
Martin Rosenthal, the co-chair of Brookline Political Action for Peace, or Brookline Pax, told the paper the pledge puts “kids in an uncomfortable situation” and doesn’t belong in schools.
Tennessee Police, Mother in Dispute Over 10-Year-Old Child Riding Bike To School
Police in Tennessee are in a heated dispute with a mother for allowing her 10-year-old daughter to ride her bike to school alone, arguing that the one-mile route is dangerous and the child's safety is at stake.
The Elizabethton Police Department told Teresa Tryon that her young daughter is not allowed to ride her bike unsupervised to and from Harold McCormick Elementary School because the roads have too much traffic.
Teen Births Cost Miss. $154M, Study Finds
A new analysis shows births to teen or preteen mothers cost the state $154.9 million in 2009.
That includes increased costs of foster care, social services and incarceration for young people born years ago to teen moms. It also takes into account lost revenue from people who have lower levels of education and lower-paying jobs because they became parents when they were younger than 20.
The United States has gradually degenerated from a Republic based on individual liberties to a socialized oligarchy run by an exclusive few. The country was founded upon the platform of individual rights. We declared our independence from Great Britain because of excessive regulation and taxation. Americans fought for the right to live their lives free from the subjugation of an overbearing governmental body. The Founding Fathers declared our independence with these immortal words:
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Since the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the United States has gone from taking personal responsibility for our own lives to dependence on government to make all decisions in our lives. There are 306 million Americans and we have defaulted on our responsibility for governing this nation to 535 corrupt politicians, 10 “too big to fail” banks, a secretive Central Bank, 17,000 corporate lobbyists, and thousands of government bureaucrats. Essentially 306 million citizens are managed by a few thousand elitist rulers.
George Orwell’s classic novel Animal Farm was inspired by the a scene he witnessed:
“I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge carthorse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to turn. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat.”
Apparently Drunk Moose Gets Stuck In Tree
STOCKHOLM -- A seemingly intoxicated moose has been discovered entangled in an apple tree by a stunned Swede.
Per Johansson, 45, says he heard a roar from his vacationing neighbor's garden in southwestern Sweden late Tuesday and went to have a look. There, he found a female moose kicking about in the tree. The animal was likely drunk from eating fermented apples.
With the help of police and rescue services, Johansson later managed to set the moose free, in part by sawing off tree branches.
BREAKING NEWS: Feds Probe Possible 9/11 Anniversary Threat
Let's Just Raid Social Security
There are rumblings everywhere about a one-year extension of the "temporary" payroll-tax cut. Effective for all of 2011, it reduces the employee portion of the Social Security tax from 6.2% to 4.2%, thus giving us a little extra spending money. And collectively, it's more than a little: $100 billion [9] for the year. The idea is that we'd spend this extra money, which would nudge up GDP and create jobs somehow somewhere. Yep, GDP and consumer spending are up a bit, despite dropping real wages and sagging consumer confidence. Yes, the inexplicable American consumer [10].
However, the mind-boggling U.S. trade deficit [11], particularly in consumer goods, sees to it that much of this extra money is going overseas. And it certainly hasn't created many jobs in the U.S., as we know from our dismal jobs reports.
Seaford School District Closed Tomorrow
Delmar also received quite a bit of rain but no schools are scheduled to be closed in the Delmar District.
Southern Delaware clearly got slammed today.
FBI Searches Solar Firm That Got Federal Loan
Solyndra, once touted by Obama as a model firm, last week announced it was filing for bankruptcy
FREMONT, Calif. — FBI agents executed search warrants on Thursday at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week.
Agents executed multiple search warrants at the company's headquarters in Fremont as part of an investigation with the Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General, according to FBI spokesman Peter Lee. Lee said he could not provide details about the investigation.
President Obama Invites O'Malley to "Jobs" Speech
Maryland Near Bottom in Job Creation
ANNAPOLIS: Governor Martin O'Malley will be a special guest of President Obama at his speech tonight before Congress. The President is expected to address the fact that the U.S. had a zero net job growth in August. "The policies of President Obama are the main culprit in this prolonged economic malaise," said MDGOP Chairman Alex Mooney."Millions of Americans are out of work, including hundreds of thousands of Marylanders, but Barack Obama and Martin O̢۪Malley continue their tired playbook of more government spending and imposing job-killing tax hikes," continued Chairman Mooney. "Despite good-faith efforts by Republicans in Maryland's General Assembly to enact responsible budgets and reduce the tax burden on job creators and families, Gov. O'Malley and the liberal, Democrat majority in Annapolis have shot down attempts to make our state more business and family-friendly."
"For this, Governor O'Malley gets rewarded with recognition at a Presidential speech – about job creation? No wonder our economy is struggling. President Obama doesn't even know what success looks like," Mooney continued. "The time for rewarding campaign foot-soldiers like Governor O'Malley is past.
President Obama needs to get real about reducing excessive regulation and over-spending. That, and removing the threat of tax hikes are the fuel that's needed to get our economy moving again."
Model Lanisha Cole Sues "Price Is Right" Producers For Sexual Harassment

(CBS) - Former "The Price Is Right" game show model Lanisha Cole has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the show's producers claiming she was wrongful termination and constantly humiliated.
In a civil complaint filed Wednesday and obtained by Los Angeles station KTLA, Cole states that show producers Michael G. Richards and Adam Sandler berated her in front of her peers.
According to KTLA, Cole started working as a model on "The Price Is Right" in 2003. She claims in the suit that the harassment started in Dec. 2009, when Richards began ignoring her and favoring another model he was having a relationship with.
MoreDutch Woman Calls Ex-boyfriend 65,000 Times
Dutch prosecutors are charging a 42-year-old woman with stalking after she allegedly called her ex-boyfriend 65,000 times in the past year.
The 62-year-old victim from The Hague filed a police complaint in August due to the persistent phone calls. Police arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam.
Hague prosecution spokeswoman Nicolette Stoel said Thursday the woman argued to judges at a preliminary hearing she had a relationship with the man and the number of calls she placed to him wasn't excessive.
Why Tough-Love Rehab Won't Die
Despite decades of research showing the harmfulness of coercive rehab for addiction, these abusive, tough-love programs refuse to go away.
On Wednesday, TIME.com reported on the phenomenon of "blood cashews," nuts produced for export in Vietnamese drug-rehabilitation programs where addicts are forced to perform "labor therapy," such as sewing clothes, making bricks or, most commonly, shelling cashews.
Last Sunday, the New York Times described Russia's harsh new treatment camps, where addicts are locked up for as long as a month in "quarantine rooms" to endure withdrawal.
And last week a lawsuit was refiled against a Utah-based school for teens with drug or behavioral problems, with 350 former students alleging that the school engaged in abusive disciplinary tactics like locking students in outdoor dog cages overnight.
Progressive Christians Join Controversy Over Excluding Clergy At 9/11 Event
(CNN) - A handful of progressive Christian leaders are joining the mostly conservative chorus of religious leaders who are criticizing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for excluding clergy from this weekend’s 9/11 commemoration event at ground zero.
But there’s a twist.
In addition to criticizing Bloomberg, progressive religious leaders are also taking aim at prominent conservatives who’ve blasted Bloomberg in recent days, alleging that those critics are stoking division at a time that calls for national unity.
The group is planning a press conference near ground zero on Friday to stress that “religion should not be excluded from 9/11 remembrances” but to also “urge unity, not division, on 9/11,” according to a Tuesday press release.
"A Time For Choosing"
I went to the website for them in the link below and sure enough, on the right side of the page, there is an application for food assistance PDF file in English, Spanish and Arabic! I opened the file to see for myself and its there all right.
Have we gone completely nuts!!?
THE CAMEL'S NOSE IS OFFICIALLY IN THE TENT IN MICHIGAN !!! Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. And brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. Does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!
Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the Unites States. When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (All Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? I have no idea, do you! We dont pay for other persons to immigrate here, and Im sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.
So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to:
Press 2 for Arabic.
This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement, or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.
The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!
When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 2 for ARABIC?"
Check it out for yourself. http://www.michigan.gov/dhs/0,1607,7-124-5453_5527---,00.html
Obama will call on Congress to offset the cost of the short-term jobs measures by raising tax revenue in later years. This would be part of a long-term deficit reduction package, including spending and entitlement cuts as well as revenue increases, that he will present next week to the congressional panel charged with finding ways to reduce the nation’s debt.
Almost half the stimulus would come from tax cuts, which include an extension of a two-percentage-point reduction in the payroll tax paid by workers due to expire Dec. 31 and a new decrease in the portion of the tax paid by employers.
Obama is set to lay out his plans in an address to Congress tomorrow as unemployment remains at 9.1 percent more than two years after the official end of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Payroll growth stalled last month.
The unemployment rate and the sluggish recovery will be central issues as Obama runs for re-election next year. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a leading Republican seeking the party’s nomination to face Obama in November 2012, yesterday offered his own 59-point economic plan, including tax cuts for those making $200,000 or less a year. He and seven other Republican candidates are scheduled to debate tonight in California.
Helping People Versus Fixing People
That profound difference defines the conflict between the visions of classical liberalism and progressive collectivism (as Thomas Sowell wrote about in A Conflict of Visions). To help people is to accept them as they are, to understand that we are imperfect, flawed beings who are capable of extraordinary goodness, as well as unfathomable evil.
To help people is to accept that human nature exists, that our human nature is one of the givens of life, and that what any particular person needs is unique to them.
To fix people is to hold an ideal vision of how they should be. It is to reject the concept of human nature, and to hold a stance of rebellion toward a significant piece of reality. To fix people is to believe that you can fundamentally change who they are, and how they live their lives.
A Raging Case Of Bailout Fatigue
August 22 was just another average day with another average headline that could easily have been ripped from some radical economic watchdog website (liberal or conservative, either one): Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion from Fed.
But the line wasn’t the work of someone out there on the anti-capitalist or anti-government fringe. It was attached to an article from the very mainstream Bloomberg News.
Bloomberg has been engaged in a long, frustrating FOIA litigation battle with the Federal Reserve over that entity’s reluctance publicly to reveal what it has been doing with our money. Slowly, the stone wall has been coming down. And looking at what’s behind it, it’s pretty obvious why the Fed would have preferred to keep its deeds locked away from all prying eyes.
Thus the above headline. And here’s an ugly truth that goes along with it: It’s a near certainty that the vast majority of those who saw it – probably not too many in number, since the story got scant coverage on the network news – said to themselves, Yeah, we already knew that. Ho hum.
Rep. Andy Harris Military Service Academy Nominations
Job Killer In Chief
But while President Obama prepares to unveil a new plan for the Federal Government to create jobs, evidence is rapidly piling up on how his Administration is actively destroying jobs with stunning efficiency. Recent examples of this trend are enough to make anyone with even a casual respect for America's former economic prowess hang their head in disgust.
The assault on private sector employment began in April when the Democrat controlled National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a complaint seeking to force Boeing aircraft to move Boeing's newly opened non-union production facilities in South Carolina back to its union controlled plants in Washington State. Although Boeing simply says that it is looking to open a cost effective domestic manufacturing facility (an endangered species) to employ American workers, the NLRB alleges that the company was punishing union workers in Washington for past strikes. Despite a lack of any direct evidence that Boeing was being punitive, and the fact that the company was not laying off any union workers, the NLRB has not backed down. Against little public support and nearly universal revulsion among business leaders, the NLRB is continuing its campaign to keep Boeing from exercising its freedoms and to employ people in a manner that makes sense for its business.
The Obama Connection
It was pretty clear to me that that company was facing trouble. But I had no idea that they would file Chapter 11 the very next day. (Sometimes you just get lucky)
I also made note of some scuttlebutt that George Kaiser (Oklahoma oil billionaire) was involved with Solyndra. I have been looking for a confirmation of this. Kaiser is an important link in this story. He is also a very big fund-raiser for Obama. He is often referred to as a “Bundler”. In this case that means he encouraged/pushed others to put up money for the big O’s campaign.
The Tulsa World [5] filed a story Re the Kaiser connection earlier today. (What better place to get the news than a home town paper). Quotes from the TW article:
The bankruptcy filing indicates that Argonaut Ventures, an investment arm of the Tulsa-based foundation, holds almost 39 percent of Solyndra's parent, 360 Solar Degree Holdings Inc.Okay, so who is behind Argonaut Ventures?
Solyndra Solar Former Employees file Class Action Lawsuit After Company Files For Bankruptcy Protection
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Ronnie Woodrow Dryden, 20 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Fugitive – Kent County, Delaware
Charges: Burglary
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100035011
On September 6, 2011 at approximately 8:09 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the K-Mart Department Store on Tilghman Road for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival the officers met with security personnel who advised that employees of the store had observed the below listed suspect take clothing from the store without making any attempts at payment. The property was recovered and returned to the store.
ARRESTED: Michael Jason Mays, 26 years of age
Willards, Maryland
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100035054
On September 6, 2011 at approximately 9:45 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police were on routine patrol in the area of East William Street and W. Railroad Avenue and made contact with the below listed suspect. A records check of the suspect revealed that she was currently wanted on outstanding criminal charges in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.
ARRESTED: Rebecca Ann Kern, 36 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Fugitive – Delaware County, PA
Charges: Violation of Probation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201100035068
Boots On The Ground In Egypt: Trading One Dictator For Another
From a celestial perspective, however, ‘revolution’ denotes one complete orbit of a planetary body around its center, as in the earth’s revolution around the sun. In other words, after a revolution, you end up right back where you started.
Same word, two completely different meanings– on one hand you have change, and on the other you have more of the same. This is exactly what has happened after Egypt’s revolution this year.
Sure, Hosni Mubarak is now standing trial after 3-decades of looting and pillaging his country’s wealth. For most Egyptians, this is viewed as a major victory; there is a feeling of intense optimism here on the streets of Cairo, and even though nothing is fundamentally different, expectations are high.
Cigarette Tax Shocker: 15 States With Tiny Tobacco Tariffs
"Tobacco tax increases are one of the most effective ways to reduce smoking and other tobacco use, especially among kids," says the advocacy group Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids. Every 10 percent increase in cigarette prices, the organization says, reduces youth smoking by about seven percent, and total cigarette use by about four percent.
Which state has the country's highest cigarette tax? New York takes the cake. Its $4.35-per-pack tax is far above the national average of $1.46. But some states opt to tax much lower than that.
Search Continues For Missing Wicomico Teacher After Husband Kills Self
Long Knives And Long Noses In Congress
We see this scenario played out, in charade and tentatively, this week with the President’s weekly message and the GOP response presented by Virginia’s 6th District Representative, Bob Goodlatte. On September 3rd, the President pleaded to an economically shell-shocked nation about a transportation spending bill held up in the Senate. In 2007, when the transportation bill multiyear spending phenom was passed, it was filled with pork. The House sent the extension to which Obama refers over to the Senate back in March, with full Republican support, including a "Yea" vote enthusiastically granted by GOP statist Mr. Goodlatte. The Senate has not acted yet, and time’s a’ wastin’ on this bit o’ fat-packed stimulus.
Hence, Obama’s whine. In all things spending, the GOP and the Democratic Party are public frenemies, wholly devoted to each other to the bitter gallows-on-the-horizon end. Our long knives event in the summer of 2011 was a supercilious attack on the big state "left" by the big state "right," and it ended in preserving the good order of the status quo, as expected.
BREAKING NEWS: Virginia Not Allowed to Challenge Health Care Law
Amid Optimism, 19 New Fires Spring Up In Texas
They're still fighting fires in Texas, with 19 new fires springing up on Wednesday. Each time firefighters get some control over one, another springs up.
Texas has spent more than $61 million fighting wildfires since June.
CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds reports that officials say the big Bastrop fire is 30 percent contained now, as more and more firemen from out of state pour into Texas to help out.
The fires are moving so fast, that some neighborhoods had less than 15 minutes to evacuate. An elite search and rescue team has been brought in to look through the ruins for trapped homeowners -- or bodies.
The Ron Paul Solution
Here is the narrative of the AAV (Average American Voter):
"I am tired of BOTH parties. I am tired of Professional Politicians. I am tired of the Washington ‘Inside-The-Beltway’ mentality. I’ve had it with Politics As Usual. I am done with the DC Double Standard: Elected Officials and their Buds break laws with impunity while Big Brother and Big Nanny micro-manage everything I do. I want to left alone. I want Washington out of my office, car, bank account, wallet, kid’s school, kitchen, bedroom and hobbies. I want the TSA to keep their grubby mitts off me. I want Government to get out of the way and let the Free Market do its thing. I’ve had it with the illegal wars, smothered economy and the Entitlement Mentality. I want a President who will stand on principle, not K Street and won’t run off to bomb some dictator with a funny hat; who will actually "…to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." And I don’t care what Party he or she belongs to."
"Mitt Romney has nice hair. And Gov. Perry has "swagger"! And Michelle Bachman is a hottie (in a proper Christian kinda way). Oh – and Ron Paul is an unelectable wacky uncle."More
3 Most Desperate Cities Include Vallejo, Calif., Harrisburg, Pa., Central Falls, R.I.
Edit Draft SEC Starts Going After ETFs... With A Job Search For Someone Who Actually Knows What An ETF Is
Designer Galliano Sentenced In Anti-Semitism Case
PARIS — Disgraced former Christian Dior designer John Galliano has been sentenced to pay a total of 6,000 Euros ($8,400) in suspended fines after a French court found him guilty of anti-Semitic behavior.
The charges, that he spewed anti-Semitic insults in a bar, cost the fashion icon his job as Dior's creative director and roiled the fashion world.
Galliano was charged for "public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity" stemming from two separate incidents at the Paris watering hole.
Galliano did not attend Thursday's proceedings.
Omaha Teacher In Student Fight Flap Is Fired
Common Painkiller Use May Be Linked to Miscarriage Risk
A new study from the University of Montreal suggests a possible link between the use of nonaspirin painkillers like ibuprofen (Advil) in early pregnancy and a higher risk of miscarriage.
The researchers looked at more than 52,000 pregnant women in Canada, and found that those who received at least one prescription for a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID, in early pregnancy, were more than twice as likely to have a miscarriage than women who didn't get a prescription.