DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Death Of Newspapers Will Result In Greater Corruption
People have been predicting the demise of newspapers for years, but now that newsrooms are shutting down, some are taking a hard look at what comes next. And the view isn’t a good one. In a lengthy piece the New Republic bids adieu to newspapers, and hello to a staggering rise in corruption among public officials, once they realize they’re less likely to be exposed.
Yes, there have been some instances where bloggers have uncovered wrongdoing. But the blogosphere is mostly parasitic, feeding off traditional news media, even as they revile the MSM. The story looks at numerous cases where investigative print reporters who have rooted out corruption have since been axed to cut costs. Whatever hopes we’ve put in new technology to replace professional news gatherers are likely to be dashed. The resources that permitted the old media to develop sources, conduct rigorous fact checking and expose corruption are vanishing faster than the new media can replace then.
Full story here: http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=a4e2aafc-cc92-4e79-90d1-db3946a6d119
I think many of you could predict I personally disagree with some of this as I do not feed off of the MSM. Most of what we bring forth in local politics is original, not copied. Most of what we bring forth on Salisbury News is in fact copied by the local MSM. The WWTP, Graffiti, Prostitution, the Zoo, the Ray Lewis Trial, audio transcripts of the KC Tilghman, Rachel Polk Trial, Sheriff Bobby Jones, the list goes on and on. I'll add, I speak to WBOC and WMDT almost every single day. I present stories to them we are onto. The goal for Salisbury News is to bring you everything you have not seen in the past 12 years, even if it means we need to turn it over to other news outlets. We tried doing this with the Daily Times but they simply refused to cover these stories until we grew so large they have no choice now.
Bloggers have been given the short end of the stick for years now. Many of our stories are copied, yet there's no protection for the Blogger. For me personally, I really don't care. The fact that the information we've presented is making it to an audience we don't have, all the better I say. The Bobby Jones case is a perfect example. IF Salisbury News had not broken that story, the Daily Times would never have had the guts to bring it to the table, period. If there were no Salisbury News, another Good Old Boy situation would have happened and disappeared.
The price we pay, lawsuits from the Chief of Police. The Mayor of Salisbury. When and where does it end? It ends here at Salisbury News. You can no longer trust what the Daily Times tells you because they're too afraid of their own shadow. Anyhow, I just wanted to throw in my two cents on this piece.

To the School Teacher in Delaware and the other FOUR Families who received confirmed adoptions today, I thank you!
I just got off the phone with Linda Lugo, Director of the Wicomico Humane Society and she said, "Joe, this place was hopping today!" Her excitement is always addicting because she appreciates ALL of you for coming in. The four puppies were adopted today and Shep, the Sheltie Mix was also adopted.
Linda went on to say, "Man, Joe, I'm going to have to go out and find some more dogs." You people are just unbelievable! Remember Folks, the Humane Society is closed Sunday and Monday so you'll have to wait till Tuesday to look at what they have inventory wise.
Remember, the more animals that get adopted, the more they become a "No Kill" center. Please consider the Humane Society when thinking of getting a Family Pet. Thanks for making my day!
What Is A True Hero?
They should have this airbrushed on the new Ladder Truck. Lord knows there's plenty of room to even do so in bold letters.
The Clintons' White House Cat, Sox, Dies

The Clinton Foundation released the following statement.
"Socks brought much happiness to Chelsea and us over the years, and enjoyment to kids and cat lovers everywhere. We're grateful for those memories, and we especially want to thank our good friend, Betty Currie, for taking such loving care of Socks for so many years."
Sox was around 19 years old.
SC Executes Man For Slaying Family For Insurance
S.C. -A Georgia man convicted of killing his wife and son to collect life insurance money has been executed in South Carolina.
Luke Williams was put to death by lethal injection Friday. The 56-year-old made no final statement and kept his eyes closed as the drugs were administered. He was pronounced dead at 6:13 p.m.
Williams was convicted of killing 39-year-old wife Linda Williams and 12-year-old son Shaun in June 1991. Authorities say he took them across the state line into Sumter National Forest in South Carolina, where he killed them.
GO HERE to read more.
Firefighters Saving Lives
I was reading the post about the new Tower 16 and the related comments. I am not sure of the reason behind the need to know specific rescues made by Salisbury firefighters, but I believe it may be due to confronting anonymous comments. It is hard to have true dialogue when people remain cloaked behind 'anonymous' and other screen names. I can understand your views about city department management and politics as well as fiscal responsibility. The taxpayer has a right to question government practices and the government should be expected to respond to those questions. Public servants, paid and volunteer, should also afford the same opportunity to question, comment and answer. Logical and deliberate debate about whether or not the city of Salisbury has needs that require apparatus such as Tower 16 will now be lost because comments have strayed from need of certain apparatus to the need of firefighters, for nothing more than property conservation. The debate has now greatly shifted from "do we (Salisbury) need a large tower ladder" to "do (Salisbury) firefighters save lives?" While it is true in some instances police officers have arrived first at fires and saved lives (or made valiant attempts), this is because of simple logistics. Most municipalities have more police officers on duty than firefighters; most police officers are physically out on the street and have suddenly arrived at a working fire, or have been in the vicinity when the call has been dispatched. The same can be applied to EMS crews as well. However, you paint all (Salisbury) firefighters with a large brush, discrediting those who have actually saved lives or risked their own in an attempt to save life, when you challenge anonymous comments to cite specific rescues.
I was a volunteer firefighter with Headquarters (now Station 16). Some of my best friends are still members today, and are with all three Salisbury stations. When I come home to visit, I am still warmly accepted by those who know me. There are many firefighters (volunteer and career) who have made attempts and/or rescued occupants who were trapped by fire. I doubt that you will receive actual replies from Salisbury firefighters who have participated in rescues. For the most part, or at least the ones I know, in their mind that would be haughty. We do not keep a record or such of 'grabs' or 'saves', but file it away in our mind as experience, life, something between those who work together on the same shift or the same department. I believe you would find this attitude in firefighters in other departments across the country. Listing who saved who, where and when, does very little to further question the need for specific apparatus.
If citizens begin to believe that fire safety is best handled by a misguided definition of "first responders" then they shortchange themselves of all available fire protection they should be entitled to. A few years ago, three members of the Salisbury Fire Department received national recognition for their efforts in trying to save a life at a house fire. Two of the three are city police officers. So, do you (Salisbury citizens) give umbrage to the two and disregard the third because he is 'just a firefighter'? When debate about apparatus becomes debate about who saves lives, then the only logical next step (in this illogical thought) is to determine what lives are worth saving. No one should ever stoop to such a low level of immaturity. I know a number of members who have rescued or attempted rescues. Some have received national recognition, such as the late Doug Brown, while others hardly heard the word 'thanks" or "good job" from the chief at that time. Some have risked their personal safety, only to be faced with a disciplinary action due to internal politics. Some performed rescues while as a volunteer, and then again when they became career members. Others, as in the photo below, performed rescues outside of the city of Salisbury and outside of the department response area.
However, some readers will not see the rational points in this. Instead, "anonymous" will follow your call to have a list of rescues. The number of Salisbury firefighters, career and volunteer, who do their job and avoid the soap opera within the department and city, will receive another coat from the broad brush. For those, I can offer my own experience, just one personal example. On a New Years Day, before I moved from Salisbury, firefighter Todd Pruitt and I located and removed an unconscious occupant from his bedroom in an early morning house fire. The victim was a Salisbury State University student and football player, if I remember correctly, and the two of us had a difficult time trying to get him out.
Unfortunately he succumbed to smoke inhalation.
I guess since he died, then this one doesn’t count?
The fire that Harold Scott is referring to was in the eighties. They went to the rear and climbed through a window to get to the kids still inside. I believe it is that one; I was referring to, where Doug Brown got an award from Firehouse Magazine. I don’t intend to come across as challenging those who might truly consider firefighters don’t save lives, by posting my own experience, but I do challenge the silliness that goes from questioning the purpose of a specific piece of apparatus to the need for the people who use it.

The photo (actually a photo of the clipping) is from the Times, showing Fulton Bagwell and Tony Sterling (doing compressions) attending to a woman pulled from a fire in Allen, before the Allen Fire Company was formed. The person doing mouth-to-mouth is a bystander who also stopped to help. It is the Fruitland Fire Department in the background.
William (Bill) Carey
CNBC's Rick Santelli Slams Obama On Economic Plan
Obama economic plan DESTROYED by CNBC's Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" This is a MUST SEE video!
Chess Tournamt A Great Success Today

Above is a photo of the 11 and under table - 8 games at once!
There was a great turnout for the chess tournament at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center today. There were 16 kids in the 11 & under division alone! I believe there were another dozen or so teen and adult players. Each 11 & under player got a minimum of 4 games - great exposure to the sport. The turnout was so good, the Civic Center is considering adding a second tournament each year.
The Daily Times Is Clueless About Girl Scout Cookies

SALISBURY -- Sales are a little thin for mint and other Girl Scout cookies so far this year.
National numbers are not yet in, but regional Girl Scout councils nationwide are seeing the impact of the down economy, as well as bad winter weather, in declines as large as 19 percent in pre-order sales, which took place January through early February.
On the Delmarva Peninsula, troops have noticed about a 5 percent decrease from last year, said Denise Eberspeaker, fund development manager for the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council.
GO HERE to read more.
Our View: On January 27th we provided yet ANOTHER article on Girl Scout Cookies HERE. The reason their sales are down so much is you're paying more money for far less cookies in the box. You see, without the proper research they simply exposed a story about sales being down, yet they don't explain why! Get this Daily Times, "Sales will be even worse next year", once people bring home that box of cookies or have them delivered only to find out there's next to nothing there!
Now come on Daily Times, we're FEEDING you the stories, start telling the truth. Again, they should have a link saying Salisbury News exposed this story ALMOST A MONTH AGO and here's the link.
I'm not even going to go back to their Site today because everything I'm reading so far is news we produced long ago. They're not milking stories, they're milking Salisbury News.
The Daily Times Continues To Milk The Sheriff Bobby Jones Case

While I am personally grateful the Daily Times is finally giving their FULL attention towards the alleged hit & run case against Sheriff Bobby Jones, they're milking it like there's no tomorrow.
For four days in a row this has been front page news, yet they were 5 or 6 days late bringing it to light to start with. OK, we get it, thank you Daily Times. I'm now confident there is enough media attention placed on this matter and perhaps they'll consider waiting until Tuesday before they announce, (for selfish reasons on their own behalf) again that 911 refuses to give them the tapes for the call Mrs. Pusey made to them. Here's a little more help Daily Times. There wasn't just ONE call to 911, there was at least TWO! Better be careful which one you ask for or they'll send you the ONE that they want.
You can GO HERE to see the 4th article on this matter, if you like. Salisbury News will once again be at the Court House for this hearing, unlike the Daily Times who has yet to make the first two hearings.
Once again Somerset County Nay Sayers, what say you now? Still think Mrs. Pusey was in the wrong? You see, you guys talk the big talk and try to scare people with intimidation. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Someone is going down and the sound of that thump from a Judge's Gavel will be heard around the entire Eastern Shore. The games are over!
By the way Daily Times, it sure would have been nice for you to say, "This story broke several days ago on Salisbury News." A link to our article would have been nice too. I wonder why they refuse to do that as we always provide a link to their work. ;-)
Fire Department Post At 2:27 PM Today
Better Get In The Car NOW
President Warns Mayors Public Is Watching
President Barack Obama is sternly urging mayors of U.S. cities to be careful in their spending, saying Friday morning, "The American people are watching.” The President went on to tell the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting Washington that the $787 billion dollar economic package will help struggling cities. But, he reiterated that both Washington and the mayors have a responsibility to spend the money wisely so that the American people can regain the confidence of elected officials. "If a federal agency proposes a project that will waste that money, I will not hesitate to call them out on it, and put a stop to it. I want everyone here to be on notice that if a local government does the same – I will call them out on it as well, and use the full power of my office and our administration to stop it." After the President addressed the mayors, he stepped off the stage to shake hands with the local officials.
NOW we know why Barrie is retiring!
Delaware State Police Press Releases

Unknown Suspect Makes Sexual Advances Toward 8-Year-Old Girl in Christiana Mall
Location of Incident: Christiana Mall, Newark, Delaware, New Castle County
Date and Time of Occurrence: Friday, February 20, 2009, at approximately 6:40 p.m.
Suspect(s): White male who was possibly 30 – 40 years old, wearing a white and black knit hat
Resume: Yesterday evening, Troopers were working an extra duty assignment at the Christiana Mall when the officers were contacted by a parent and their 8-year-old daughter.
This investigation revealed the family was shopping in the Game Stop electronics store when the little girl was looking at a game display. A male suspect then knelt down next to her and asked her if she wanted to see his [pointing at his genitals]. The little girls said no and she turned away. She then reported hearing what she described as the suspect un-zipping his pants.
The little girl immediately moved away from the suspect. She said that the suspect then was staring at her from the other side of the store. The little girl became very emotional and told her parent what had happened.
Troopers were unable to locate the suspect. There were no working surveillance video cameras working in this area of the mall due to the on-going construction.
Suspect information is limited in this case. Should anyone, however, have any information pertaining to this suspect, they are asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
Subject Charged in Domestic Related Stabbing
Location of Incident: 1900 block of Newport Gap Pike, Wilmington, Delaware, New Castle County
Date and Time of Occurrence: Thursday, February 19th, 2009, at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Suspect(s): Joanne Jordan, 44, of the 1900 block of Newport Gap Pike, Wilmington, Delaware
Resume: On Thursday, evening, Troopers were called to the 1900 block of Newport Gap Pike for the report of a stabbing.
When officers arrived, they contacted the victim, identified as a 45-year-old man, who had a stab wound to his left upper arm. Their investigation revealed the victim and his girlfriend, Joanne Jordan, were involved in a verbal altercation at which time it’s alleged that Jordan grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the victim a single time in the arm.
Ms. Jordan was still at the residence and she was taken into custody without incident.
The victim was treated and released at Christiana Hospital for his injury which was considered not life threatening.
Joanne Jordan was transported to Troop 2 where she was formally charged with felony Assault 2nd and Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony). She was committed to the Baylor Woman’s Correctional Institution in lieu of a secured bond. She was also ordered to have no contact with the victim.
Update #3 Fatal Crash Near Georgetown
Sussex County- Investigators have completed an arrest warrant for Mr. James K. Harrington listing the following offenses: Vehicular Homicide (felony) and Vehicular Assault (misdemeanor). He will be formally charged once he is released from PRMC in Salisbury.
The Delaware State Police will disseminate a news release once the warrant has been served and Mr. Harrington has been arraigned. There is no known timeframe as to when this might happen.
One on One - Meet The Candidates Airs Today
Meet the Candidates of District One, Cynthia Polk, Shanie Shields, Tim Cheney and Ralph McIntyre, will also be rebroadcast today at 6:23 p.m.
Both shows are hosted by former county councilman Phil Tilghman.

You may recall past news reports that portrayed Barrie Tilghman and Gary Comegys as the “leaders” who fabricated that “TIF” subsidy plan for the City to help finance development of the old Salisbury Mall. After a zoning debacle, in which the City and mall owner’s initial scheme was shot down by the Circuit Court, a revised version was approved a couple years ago. Back then we were promised that there would soon be lots of construction work and jobs, increased tax base, etc.
Fast forward to Thursday. The owner’s application for another one year extension to present its plans was withdrawn because that’s not allowed under the city’s code, and it has about 10 days to get that done. And a few weeks ago the owner – “SMA” – took another hit in the Circuit Court, which ruled that the building firm – “Hovnanian” – could have their contract cancelled because the owner did not get the plans approved by their deadline.
But that’s not all folks. The company that demolished the mall building is suing the owner for payment under that contract. The site remains an unsightly mess with a huge pile of demolition debris along Civic Avenue and a pile of dirt that’s been along St. Alban’s Drive for at least 5 years now.
Then there’s the City’s TIF deal that calls for $15 Million to subsidize the development. What’s happened to the funds? Can that deal be cancelled too? Barrie sure ain’t talking (are you surprised?) but maybe Mr. Comegys will tell us if he gets thru the mayoral primary on March 3rd.
Stonehenge Mystery Solved
Then along comes a normal guy - a retired construction worker - and he says well, I would do it like this. And he does. This guy uses the simplest tools known to man and shows how simple and easy it would have been to create Stonehenge
This is a really great video clip. Amazing how this guy could figure out something that has confounded scholars for centuries. He not only figures it out, but demonstrates it!
This Michigan guy could build a replica of Stonehenge single-handedly, while a committee of 20 or 30 Civil Engineering professors from leading universities would be debating how it might be done.
'Stonehenge Reloaded'. Take a look.

(The KC-Knights of Columbus-cap on the left is from 1956.
The R-Rotary-cap on the right is a Little Minor League cap from 1954)
When Little League came to Salisbury in the 1950’s, the entire atmosphere of baseball was much different than it is today. The Major League stars were protected by a code of ethics practiced by the press that never manifested the players’ frailties or human weaknesses. We thought of players such as Mantle, Mays, Aaron and Musial as “the baseball gods” and never heard any adverse news about them or their private lives.
So, to be a baseball player meant that you had to follow the rules and “act right”. There were only four Little League teams in Salisbury until 1955 and these were financed and sponsored by the Lions, the Rotary, the Exchange Club and the Moose. To make a team bestowed on you a certain air of greatness. The players wore their coveted team hat day and night so that everybody knew you were a ball player. Tryouts were a simple process of a one day tryout just as they are today. The big difference was the process of announcing who made which team. The selections were published in The Salisbury Times and nothing was more eagerly anticipated by the youth of Salisbury than this announcement - in print no less. The disappointment of those not selected was certainly a blow to their ego, but like every other disappointment in those days, they “got over it”. A lot of them made the “minors”. The four original teams each had a minor league team until 1955 and the players got a hat and T-shirt. This took up the summer for 120 boys and that was pretty much every boy in Salisbury that wanted to play baseball. In 1955 another Little League was formed with teams sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, the B’nai Brith, the Elks and the Odd Fellows.
To wear the uniform meant you were a baseball player and everybody gave you the respect that was due such a lofty status. Any kid in America would have given his right arm (after the season) and played for nothing to have the opportunity to play in the Big Leagues. No one from Salisbury ever made it to “the show”, but that didn’t stop us from imagining that the Little League Field in City Park wasn’t Yankee Stadium. Or that we weren’t playing in the seventh game of the World Series every time we took the field.
In simpler times, before all the distractions available to kids today, Little League baseball was the only game in town during those long, lazy days of summer.
Mardi Gras Masquerade Party TONIGHT!

2nd Annual Courageous Christopher Run, Walk & Stroller Strut
Pinehurst Elementary School in Salisbury, Maryland is seeking support to construct a safe and inclusive outdoor play environment tailored to the needs of disabled students. Currently students with special needs are unable to participate in many of the outdoor playground activities due to the lack of accessibility of the equipment. This professionally installed commercial grade play structure will be accessible for wheelchairs, walkers and all children. The updated playspace will be easy to understand thus allowing individuals to gain confidence through exploration, problem-solving, and discovery.
Event to be held Saturday May 16, 2009
Asbury United Methodist Church Camden Avenue Salisbury, MD
Registration 8:30am
Race starts at 10am
pre-registration $25.00
Registration on day of race $30.00
To register for this event: Register
To read more about Christopher: Christopher Mull
To learn more about Dravet Syndrome visit this site: Dravet Syndrome
How Will I Get My Stimulus Money?
By Kimberly Lankford
February 19, 2009
Since Congress passed the economic-stimulus bill February 13, a lot of people have asked us how they will get their money. Some of the details will be worked out in the coming weeks, but here's what we know so far.
How much will the "Making Work Pay" tax credit be?
The stimulus provides a refundable tax credit of 6.2% of taxable wages in 2009 and 2010, to a maximum each year of $400 for single taxpayers and $800 for married couples filing jointly. The credit begins to phase out for single filers with adjusted gross incomes of $75,000 or higher, or $150,000 for married couples filing jointly, and it disappears entirely for single filers with AGIs of $95,000 or more, or $190,000 for joint filers.
How will I receive the credit?
You'll get the money through a reduction in income tax withheld from your paycheck, adding about $30 to $40 a month to most people's take-home pay. After the IRS adjusts its withholding tables, employers will change their automatic withholding systems; you shouldn't have do anything to get the extra money. The IRS says that most people should see the change in their paychecks this spring.
I am self-employed and don't have my taxes withheld. What should I do?
In that case, you could reduce your quarterly estimated taxes because of this credit, says Mark Luscombe, principal analyst with the tax and accounting group CCH. Then you will claim the credit when you file next spring, bringing your tax bill down into line with your reduced payments.
What about people who have a job now and have their withholding reduced, but then lose their job in the next few months?
"They will have reduced withholding for the period they work, then the amounts will be reconciled when they file their returns for the year," says Scott Weiner, senior tax analyst with the tax and accounting business unit of Thomson Reuters.
What will the stimulus payment be for retirees?
The stimulus provides a one-time payment of $250 to recipients of Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Veteran's Administration benefits, and to government employees who don't receive Social Security. They'll receive the money even if they have little or no income, says Luscombe. This payment will reduce the "Making Work Pay" credit if they are eligible for both.
How will retirees get their money?
People who get their Social Security or other benefits electronically will get this payment electronically as well, says Weiner. Others will get a check.
When will retirees receive the money?
"The statute says that payments must begin at the earliest practicable date, but no later than 120 days after the date of enactment," says Weiner. So retirees should get the payments before June 17 because President Obama signed the bill on February 17.
SOURCE: http://www.kiplinger.com/columns/ask/archive/2009/q0219.htm
District 1 Candidates On PAC 14 COMMENT
After what was written here, I thought Cynthia Polk would be something. She was as nothing as Shanie (who was a great big nothing). She said "networking" about as often as Louise Smith used to say "audit." Just rambled on like she was running for her church board or something.
The old guy was kind of cool to listen to, but obviously not who you want on a council. Got guts though.
Tim Cheney wasn't bad. The host didn't get him to share many ideas on how to get things done. But at least Cheney seemed to "get it" about a lot of things. Like it's dumb to spend $80 million dollars on a plant to clean up treated sewage going into the river if you build bigger pipes that flush dirty stormwater into it. D'oh! Also made a good connection about crime and business.
I can't say I was overwhelmed by any of them. But I did call a friend in that district tonight and told him the Cheney guy seemed to be the one with the most brains. He's going to try to watch the show when it's on tomorrow. The mayor candidates will be on tomorrow too so I'm going to watch that.
You might want to post for people to watch tomorrow. If I hadn't seen your post today, I'd of missed it. Thanks again."
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Jeason Cintron Quinones, 27 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Second degree assault
Failure to obey a lawful order
Obstructing and hindering an investigation
Disorderly conduct
Resisting arrest
Wicomico Co. District Court
Bench Warrant – Failure to appear for court
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900005456/CC # 20090005459
On February 18, 2009 at approximately 2:13 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the District Court Building on Baptist St. in Salisbury for the report of a disorderly subject. Upon arrival the officers met with Court security who advised that the below listed suspect had entered the District Court building and was acting in a disorderly manner. When asked to leave, the suspect refused and became more disorderly. The suspect refused numerous requests for her to leave the premises.
ARRESTED: Erica Rochelle Harmon, 27 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Disorderly conduct
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900005471
On February 18, 2009 at approximately 11:15 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department were on routine patrol and observed the below listed suspect with an open container of alcohol in the area of Anne St. As the officers made contact with the suspect for the open container, the suspect attempted to discard a small bag containing a white substance. The officers retrieved the bag and found the bag to contain suspected fake “crack”/cocaine.
ARRESTED: Aaron Dewayne Wilson, 23 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of fake CDS with the intent to distribute
Possession of a non controlled substance as a CDS
DISPOSITION: Released to central booking CC # 200900005519
On February 20, 2009 at approximately 12:55 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department were on routine patrol on Rt. 13 South and conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle operated by the below listed suspect. Upon making contact with the driver, the officers detected the scent of suspected marijuana emanating from within the vehicle. A K-9 was requested from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department and responded, giving a positive indication on the vehicle for controlled dangerous substances. The vehicle was checked and a quantity of suspected marijuana was located. In addition, two (2) smoking devices and a processing device were located, each containing suspected marijuana residue.
ARRESTED: Shawn William Demarco, 19 years of age Baltimore, Maryland
Possession of marijuana
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia (3 counts)
DISPOSITION: Released to central booking CC # 200900005637
Help Wanted/Seeking Job
If you would like to place a FREE Ad listing, please email me, SunnyInOC, at atlanticjw@aol.com.
Please type "Help Wanted" in the subject of your email.
Have a nice weekend.