DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Eastern Shore Iris Society

Click on images to enlarge.
It's always cool to have such incredible subjects to take pictures of, making it look like I'm the one doing a great job. However, once again the subjects above are what makes these photos so cool, IMHO.
Yesterday was a competition of those within the Iris Society and the clear winners were overall, Joan Wood of Delaware as the Grand Prize Winner. The Best in Show went to Dee Hunter with her Siberian Iris.
Congratulations to all and Happy Mother's Day.
Is This News To You? Have You Seen this on CNN or Fox? I Didn't Think So
- Did you think he had dropped out of the race when all the others did?
- Have you heard ANYTHING about him on the Mainstream Media?
- Did you think this guy doesn't have snowballs chance in hell?
- Did you think that the Presidential race is only between Obama, Clinton, and McCain?
The MSM has virtually ignored this phenomenon.
The MSM has done such a disservice to this country and it's voters by not covering this story, they are manipulating how we elect a President.
May 7, 2008
ARLINGTON, VA - Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul eclipsed an important milestone in yesterdays primaries in Indiana and North Carolina. By winning over 71,000 votes, Dr. Paul has earned the backing of over one million supporters across America. “By voting and caucusing for Dr. Paul, one million Republicans have sent a powerful message to our leaders that they want the GOP to return to its traditions of limited government, personal liberty and a strong national defense,” said campaign spokesman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul and the grassroots movement he has inspired are building a bright future for the Republican Party and the United states of America.”
Did any of you hear any of this? I doubt it.
What about this one?
Ron Paul's Book on New York Times Bestseller List
May 7, 2008
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s newest book, “The Revolution: A Manifesto”, is number one on the New York Times Best Sellers list for May 18th, 2008. The ranking is yet another of the many successes Dr. Paul has had during his presidential candidacy spreading his message of personal freedom and constitutional government.
Upon its official release on April 30th, “The Revolution: A Manifesto” was the number one bestseller on Amazon.com and remains the number one bestseller in political books.
If you are interested in what his stance is on the real issues that are affecting each and every one of us, and his solutions to them go here http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/ and read what he has to say.
Obama and Hillary are the same package in two bodies, and McCain is aligning himself with some pretty strange folks who want to help God bring about Armageddon even if that takes 100 more years in Iraq.
Let's do something different in November people...Lets Vote for a Man who believes in the Constitution the way it was written and cut the head off of this monster that these liars and thieves have created!
Happy Mother's Day Lewis Family

E-4 Robert Lewis of the United States Army returned home from Iraq yesterday to give his Mother an early Mother's Day present, life.
Mr. Lewis will be home on a 30 day leave and more than likely head right back to Iraq. In the mean time, the baby girl he's seem with in photos above was born on the day he landed in Iraq. His Wife went into labor just before he was leaving for Iraq and I'm told the two paced the floor and did everything possible hoping the child would be born before he left. The Army was willing to give him an additional 2 weeks at home IF the baby was born before he left. Sadly, this wasn't the case and he was deployed and is now enjoying this reunion with his two Daughters and his beautiful Bride.
It's photos like these that remind you just how fortunate we truly are and thankful for all those Soldiers like Robert Lewis who keep us safe and free. So a special thanks goes out to the Lewis Family this Mother's Day. May it be the most enjoyable one you have ever experienced. God Bless You All.
Another Potential Fire Station Thrown Away Again By The City Of Salisbury

As most of you will recall, The Centre of Salisbury Mall offered the abandoned Montgomery Wards Service Center up for FREE to create a Fire Station on the North end of the City.
However, what most of you didn't know is that the building above near the Powerhouse Gym across the street from the new $10,000,000.00 Fire Station 16 was offered to the City for a song and a dance and they refused to accept that building as well.
At this point you have to start thinking, why would they drop two opportunities in perfect locations to house TWO Fire Stations at a fraction of the cost of just one?
Could it be that there was more advantages financially the other way around?????? I could go on and on with this Post but you know what, you know where I'm going with this. Now you know the truth and the comments should clear the air on how you feel now that you've been informed.
They could have left the old Station 16 where it is, added the other one, (photo above) with 5 PULL THROUGH BAYS already in place and would have housed ANY Ladder Truck and other major equipment and had a Station on the North end.
How's this Mayor working for you now Folks?
It Smells Like INSIDER TRADING With the NEW SBY Firehouse Purchase in 2005

A search of the Maryland Public records shows the City purchased this property from Salisbury Trust LLC November 27'th 2005 for the sum of $636,000.00
Salisbury Trust, LLC is owned by Curtis C. Coon LLC (An LLC owned by another LLC usually spell SCAM) of Towson, MD but don't stop reading, it gets better:
Curtis Coon (and/or unknown associates) purchased this property a few months earlier from a Cecil L. Decker Jr. for the sum of $175,000.00 on May 27th 2005.
$636,000.00 Sale price to City of Salisbury
$175,000.00 Purchase price
$461,000.00 PURE PROFIT
Everyone now realizes that Fall of 2005 was the "peak" of the real estate bubble but based on this simple prima facia evidence SOMEONE was probably trading on inside information to realize $115,250.00 PER MONTH PROFIT from a real estate transaction to a local government entity.
Lets be real for a moment here; how often does a municipal government make a mid six-figure real estate purchase decision in less than 120-days start-to-finish?
Heck they have not even decided how to hose the citizens on "disposing" the old firehouse yet and that has been on the table for over three-years.
How would the 'secret undisclosed by state law owner' of the property know that they would be able to realize a quick six-figure profit in exactly 120-days? (In Pocomoke the answer would be The Boss Hogg form of Government but Salisbury does not have a City Manager)
A copy of the documents is available on the Maryland State websites & I uploaded it to the web you can read it by clicking this link just in case some of you want to read the documents instead of spending time searching a government website.
As Columbo would say...
One more thing, this Salisbury Trust, LLC which is now defunct or an entity not in good standing because after the Fire House transaction they did not file taxes or corporate documents, can someone explain this one. (after telling us who really owned the property)
Having worked in the real estate industry for over 20-years, I know when an LLC who makes a quick profit that is owned by another LLC someone is hiding something.
The LLC that owned the LLC that bought and sold this property; is Curtis C. Coon LLC, but they are not listed in the data base of Maryland businesses. That would indicate it was either formed in another State and not properly registered as a foreign corporation to do business in the State of Maryland, is now defunct or it never existed to begin with.
So I checked the State database several ways and viola:
There is a Curtis C. Coon P.C. (Professional Corporation) listed at the same address as both LLC's involved in this transaction. He appears an attorney who once applied to be on the US District Court Bankruptcy 'Dispute Panel' in Baltimore but a Google search of his phone number only shows someone desperately trying to sell condos in Baltimore.
Maryland has laws surrounding the use of LLC's that require a court order to obtain information on its 'Members' or shareholders. Most people do not know that Maryland Corporations are second to Delaware in popularity because of how well ownership is shielded from prying eyes.
Non-corrupt municipalities (and the federal government) have disclosure laws which require LLC's doing business with the government to disclose who the 'members' (shareholders) are to avoid the potential for any undisclosed conflict of interest. (Boss Hogg's Pocomoke City has no such laws and it looks like neither does Salisbury)
From where I sit it looks like the taxpayers of Salisbury not only got hosed paying $10-Million dollars for this firehouse, they were raped out of an extra $1/2 million by insiders who did not want their identities known.
Billy Burke, Publisher
Exposing our 300 year history of corruption
It's Pocomoke..
A Mothers Day Tribute

I have to say that I had a Mom that was unlike any other mother I have ever met.
She was way before her time, and so misunderstood. She had me when she was 18 after being married for one year. She had been brought up to be a proper Southern Lady, yet lived in the tumultuous 60's that began to challenge everything she knew.
Fortunately she gleaned much from her parents, and took to heart her own life experiences and diligently shared them with me. Below are a few of the things that my Mother taught me.
- She taught me to be brave.
- She taught me to trust my instincts.
- She taught me to believe in myself, and the God given talents that I had been given.
- She taught me that my greatest job in life was to at all times possess integrity.
- She taught me that if I did make a mistake to admit it and go on. Not to try to cover it up. Things covered up stay moist and fester, things uncovered dry up and blow away.
- She taught me do my very best at whatever I did.
- She taught me that mediocrity was not an option.
- She taught me that the things that people don't want to talk about are always the most interesting and usually the most important.
- She taught me it was always better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Begging for forgiveness, meant that I had tried to do something and failed. Asking for permission meant I was second guessing myself and if I had to do that then the internal answer should always be NO!
- She taught me that you don't have to be rich to be clean.
- She taught me that to have a beautiful home was stimulating to your mind and to that of your family.
- She taught me to surround myself with beautiful things even if it is simply a dandelion flower in a simple clear glass. It is good for the soul and makes you appreciate the littlest things.
- She taught me that less really is more. As it leaves room for the really important and beautiful.
- She taught me to find a partner who made me laugh, who made me smile and who loved me more than any other woman he had ever known. No matter what he looked like, no matter what he did for a living (as long as he was of honest means and integrity) that nothing matters more in a relationship than complete devotion and joy.
- She taught me to love deeply with complete abandon.
- She taught me to tell my family and friends how much they mean to me as often as possible.
- She taught me to never be satisfied with all that I know.
- She taught me to pursue new things each and every day.
- She taught me to develop a broad vocabulary, so that I would always be able to effectively communicate my thoughts.
- She taught me constantly question authority, because we can't trust someone just because they hold a certain title.
- She taught me to ask as many questions as it takes to come to full understanding of any situation.
- She taught me that stupid people always think every one else is stupid.
- She taught me that while I may have many friends throughout my life, that my standards of loyalty would be so high that at the end of my life I would be able to count my true friends on the fingers of one hand.
- She taught me to live my life like it was going be printed on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow and if I could live with that headline then I was alright.
- She taught me that a mothers love is unconditional, just like Gods and that the day that she dies, you better know who you are and be good with it because there would never be another person on the face of the earth who loved you like she did.
I married the man who made me happy and made me laugh and still does to this day.
I have taught my children all that my mother taught me, and I pray that they engrave it in their hearts as I have. Not all the lessons are easy, not all the lessons make you popular, but all of the lessons leave me with the ability to lay my head down every night and know that I have lived my life to it's fullest. That I have done everything that I know to do to make my world and my surroundings the very best that it can be, with the resources that I have available to me.
This being Mothers Day weekend take the time to remember the things your Mother taught you, and if you still have her thank her for these timeless lessons.
I would love to hear from you the things that your Mother taught you
Question of the Day, Sun 5/11
What memory do you have of your mother as a child? What 3 words best describe your mother? What do you do for your mother on Mother's Day? What do your children do for you on Mother's Day?
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you dearly and cannot imagine my life without you in it everyday. You are my best friend. Thank you for always being there, no matter what, because I know I'm not perfect in any way. You have made me the mother I am today. I hope I make you proud. I will love you forever and ever and ever! Have a safe trip to Myrtle Beach. I will keep your Sophie safe!!!