Hi Joe,
Adam R tagged you in a post.
Adam R wrote: "Citizens of Salisbury: Young and old...you have a very important decision to make tomorrow at the polls. After researching both sides of the spectrum, i have decided to vote for Joe Albero for Mayor, Campbell and Polk for council. Some of you may say, Adam, why didn't you vote for Day? He's our age, he will bring a young renewed outlook to Salisbury, he will get rid of old politcs, he is your friend. And my answer to that is he supports our current Mayor Jim Ireton. Salisbury, we cannot have a repeat of the last 4 years! Seriously. Current Mayor Jim Ireton has insulted Salisbury's reputation. If you don't agree with me, google him and watch some of his videos and antics. Jim Ireton is far from a Leader. He has divided the council and divided our citizens. Instead of promoting Salisbury as a welcoming place to live and play, all we hear from Jim Ireton is name calling, public displays of immaturity and an ignorance to getting along with others. Like I have said before, I voted for Jim Ireton 4 years ago. But I will not be voting for him tomorrow. I will be voting for Joe Albero.
I wish the best for Jake Day, as I like him as a person. But again, his partnership with Jim Ireton has pushed me away from any endorsement I could have given him. I think Jake has been played as a puppet by Ireton and I saw a picture of them together recently with signs and supporters. There is no way I can vote for someone who supports the unprofessionalism of Jim Ireton. I know some of you will say the same about Joe Albero, but Joe Albero has exposed the old politics and the lies of Salisbury. Most of the time, we as human beings, don't want to hear the truth. And that is why some of you think negatively towards Albero...because he exposes people. But to be honest, honesty is what Salisbury has needed. Joe Alber knows more about Salisbury, MD than most of it's own citizens. He has given to charities and helped many of our citizens raise money for their needs. He has the right vision for Salisbury. Debbie Campbell has been a conservative Salisbury has needed over the years and has done nothing to loose her seat. Ireton has painted her as the "villan" in order to turn you against her at the polls. However, know that she also has the best interest for Salisbury, and more importantly, she has the knowledge and experience we need right now in 2013. Day might be better suited for a later run at the Council, but for now, Salisbury is in trouble. And we can't wait any longer to dig ourselves out. It must happen now. We cannot afford to postpone this any longer. Because if we vote a divided council, that is just what we'll get.
I don't have a long drawn out article or anything like that this time. The point to this post is to vote for the right team. I could care less if you agree with me or not, or don't use my business because of our differences in votes. I could care less if you call me names. I could care less what you think about me on a personal level. Because on Wednesday Salisbury will still have it's problems...and I just hope you make the right vote, because if not, there will be a lot of people moving to Worcester County.
See you at the polls."

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, April 01, 2013
Flounder Season Now Open In Maryland; Captains Happy With Reduced Size Minimum
OCEAN CITY -- After years of season closures and shrinking keeper size limits and creel limits, Maryland’s summer flounder season opened last Thursday with some of the loosest regulations in recent memory.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported the flounder season opened in state waters just after midnight on Thursday, March 28 and will remain open until just before midnight on Dec. 31.
For several years, the flounder season in and around the resort area was often closed at different points in the season in the interest of conservation based on what many call a flawed catch data collection system.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported the flounder season opened in state waters just after midnight on Thursday, March 28 and will remain open until just before midnight on Dec. 31.
For several years, the flounder season in and around the resort area was often closed at different points in the season in the interest of conservation based on what many call a flawed catch data collection system.
Md. Oyster Season Ends, Blue Crab Season Begins
EASTON, Md. (AP) -- Oyster season officially ends with the arrival of April 1, which is the start of blue crab season in Maryland.
Many called this oyster season a success.
"Harvest data suggests that harvest in this oyster season will more than double the 2011-12 season," said Mike Naylor, assistant director for the fisheries service and shellfish program director at the Department of Natural Resources. "(But) we are still at a very small fraction of the harvest just 30 years ago."
Bunky Chance, president of the Talbot County Watermen's Association, said the current weather is too cold to catch crabs.
Many called this oyster season a success.
"Harvest data suggests that harvest in this oyster season will more than double the 2011-12 season," said Mike Naylor, assistant director for the fisheries service and shellfish program director at the Department of Natural Resources. "(But) we are still at a very small fraction of the harvest just 30 years ago."
Bunky Chance, president of the Talbot County Watermen's Association, said the current weather is too cold to catch crabs.
Governor’s Gun Bill Update
“The Amendment Shootout at the OK Corral”
By Delegate Mike McDermott
Friday marked an 8-hour Voting Session with the Joint Committees of Judiciary and HGO (Health and Government Operations) on SB-281, the O’Malley-Brown Gun Bill. Before I begin with the amendment process, I have to point out that the Judiciary Committee only received the operating copy of the bill (complete with over 10 significant multi-page amendments) at 5pm on Thursday evening. These significant changes caused a lot of problems for Republicans as we scrambled to craft amendments to amendments on a bill that Bill Drafters could not work from since the slated amendments had not been adopted by the committee.
We all got together and went through the bill page by page to see the proposed changes from the Democrats already fashioned as part of the bill. We altered some of the amendments previously crafted and added a few more. Three of us, Del. Smeigel, Del. Hough, and myself offered the bulk of the amendments. When I consider that the leadership wanted no amendments added during the Voting session…and a Joint Session at that…I did not like our chances, but I focused on amendments that made a lot of sense.
In the end, I was able to get the support on the committee to pass some significant amendments to the bill:
· To include the Maryland Defense Force as one of the exempted organizations alongside the US Armed Forces and National Guard in three specific sections of the bill (Amendment 11)
· To allow members of the Armed Forces or National Guard 18 years of age or older to be eligible to purchase a Regulated Firearm in Maryland (had been 21).
· The rolling in of my bill, HB-961, into the governor’s bill which will provide for the shielding of personal information and registration records from any form of public disclosure. The bill was crafted to address the problems many faced in New York when the media published the gun purchase records in the paper. This will be illegal in Maryland if the bill passes.
· To exempt folks who are physically disabled and assisted by a Guardian not to be denied their rights to own and possess firearms (Amendment 15).
· To clarify specifically in the bill that a banned firearm or magazine is allowed to pass to an heir declared in an estate and to insure that the heir can possess the firearm without exception so long as they are not otherwise disqualified by law (Amendment 14).
· To provide that no matter how many regulated firearms a person moving into the state may declare, the cost for the application is $15. It had been $15 per firearm (Amendment 16)
Delegate Smigiel was able to amend clarifying language in the cases of “relic, antique, and curio” firearms through Amendment 13 which will prove very helpful going forward. Delegate Hough was able to add language which would require the Secretary in the case of any denial of a permit to provide a written reason to the denied individual through Amendment 12.
Delegate Simmons was the lone Democrat to have an amendment added to the bill which made individuals who received a Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) verdict in cases involving a crime which would have been disqualified them from owning/possessing a regulated firearm as being disqualified under the terms of the bill.
By far, the most controversial amendment was offered by Delegate Smigiel and would have eliminated various credits that inmates currently receive while incarcerated for any of the mandatory time they serve for a crime involving a firearm. This would insure that a five year mandatory sentence would need to be fully served. It was a great amendment and the vote count was close but favorable by a very small margin. Many celebrated with the passage of the amendment as it would be the only portion of this bill which would actually address problems associated with criminals. The celebration was very short lived and sparked a controversy when Chairman Vallario interrupted the next amendment presentation several minutes later and stated, “we have to vote that last amendment again…we got the vote count wrong”. It was clear that following passage of the amendment, the Democrat leadership operatives began whipping the members until they altered the vote count. Delegate Shawn Tarrant changed his mind and this apparently spawned the second vote on the amendment. This time around the count came up tied at 23-23 and the amendment was declared to have failed. Controversy followed with claims that the vote was “tyrannical”, “unfair”, and “out-of-order” by members and many in the audience. In fact, about half of those who had occupied the audience (around 85 total) showed their contempt for the proceedings by making a loud exit storming out of the committee chamber.
This type of display was a good example of what the minority party suffers on a regular basis at the hands of a supermajority that has grown increasingly arrogant in recent years. I hope this stays with the many who saw it firsthand and those who will hear about it or see it on Youtube (Treachery in the House) in the future.
The ban list of 45 regulated rifles remains in the bill and the list includes many popular firearms such as the Colt AR-15. Further banned will be any firearms that are similar to those on the list as well. The 10-round magazine limit also could not be shaken from the bill even though many of us believe it will result in a de facto ban on many firearms currently sold in Maryland as the manufacturers refuse to tool up just for a small market state. While the bill is currently fashioned prospectively (only addresses future purchases), it will require a significant training component for new owners which will also include “displaying proficiency with the firearm” on a range. We simply do not have the infrastructure to support this type of mandated training in Maryland. Some areas of the state are better equipped than others, but all are deficient. It also remains to be seen where these folks will acquire the handguns to take to the range so they can secure their Handgun Qualification Permit since they cannot receive their handgun until they take the course. See what happens when people who know nothing about firearms make laws addressing firearms.
Registration is still in the bill moving forward and those who want to secure their Handgun Qualification License will also need to be fingerprinted and fill undergo a significant background investigation by the State Police. Folks who move into the state after October 1, 2013 will need to declare their regulated firearms to the State Police and fill out an application including a fee of $15. I can see the new signage on our gateway highways: “Governor O’Malley Welcomes you to Maryland and reminds you to check your guns with the police and get out your wallet…”
The mental health components of the bill are significant and anyone who finds themselves involuntarily committed for mental health related issues will find their right to possess a firearm significantly disrupted. The House eliminated those who were voluntarily committed as they felt this could represent a big hurdle for those who could be forced to choose between firearm ownership and receiving treatment. While there is a mechanism built into the bill to allow for an individual to show they should have their rights of firearm ownership to be restored, the path will not be an easy.
The bill will also require some additional record keeping by dealers and will expand the ability of law enforcement to conduct inspections of records. While the bill drafters worked to eliminate components in the original documents that would have eliminated all of the firearms manufacturers in Maryland, the new language will generally allow these folks to continue functioning in the state. However, it is clear that these companies are deeply offended that this state is slated to define their employees work product as “bad” or “evil” to the extent that it must be banned in Maryland. I doubt that they will remain in a state where their product cannot be sold to the employees who manufacture them.
The electronic version of the bill is available for review in total. Over the next two days the House will be debating the bill on the floor where amendments will be offered before the entire membership. It is possible it could be modified again, but it is probably in the form in which it will be voted on in the House. If the bill passes in the House, it will be reintroduced in the Senate since it has been significantly amended. The Senate will then have the choice of accepting the changes and approving the bill or moving the bill to a Conference Committee where members from both chambers will see if an agreement can be achieved before the end of this year’s session.
I encourage you to continue contacting the Democratic members of the House of Delegates and insure they know how you feel about this bill. Your Second amendment rights are clearly on the line, and I can assure you, going forward, the ban list will only grown larger so long as Annapolis has a supermajority of Democrats in charge.
Marylanders, take back your state.
By Delegate Mike McDermott
Friday marked an 8-hour Voting Session with the Joint Committees of Judiciary and HGO (Health and Government Operations) on SB-281, the O’Malley-Brown Gun Bill. Before I begin with the amendment process, I have to point out that the Judiciary Committee only received the operating copy of the bill (complete with over 10 significant multi-page amendments) at 5pm on Thursday evening. These significant changes caused a lot of problems for Republicans as we scrambled to craft amendments to amendments on a bill that Bill Drafters could not work from since the slated amendments had not been adopted by the committee.
We all got together and went through the bill page by page to see the proposed changes from the Democrats already fashioned as part of the bill. We altered some of the amendments previously crafted and added a few more. Three of us, Del. Smeigel, Del. Hough, and myself offered the bulk of the amendments. When I consider that the leadership wanted no amendments added during the Voting session…and a Joint Session at that…I did not like our chances, but I focused on amendments that made a lot of sense.
In the end, I was able to get the support on the committee to pass some significant amendments to the bill:
· To include the Maryland Defense Force as one of the exempted organizations alongside the US Armed Forces and National Guard in three specific sections of the bill (Amendment 11)
· To allow members of the Armed Forces or National Guard 18 years of age or older to be eligible to purchase a Regulated Firearm in Maryland (had been 21).
· The rolling in of my bill, HB-961, into the governor’s bill which will provide for the shielding of personal information and registration records from any form of public disclosure. The bill was crafted to address the problems many faced in New York when the media published the gun purchase records in the paper. This will be illegal in Maryland if the bill passes.
· To exempt folks who are physically disabled and assisted by a Guardian not to be denied their rights to own and possess firearms (Amendment 15).
· To clarify specifically in the bill that a banned firearm or magazine is allowed to pass to an heir declared in an estate and to insure that the heir can possess the firearm without exception so long as they are not otherwise disqualified by law (Amendment 14).
· To provide that no matter how many regulated firearms a person moving into the state may declare, the cost for the application is $15. It had been $15 per firearm (Amendment 16)
Delegate Smigiel was able to amend clarifying language in the cases of “relic, antique, and curio” firearms through Amendment 13 which will prove very helpful going forward. Delegate Hough was able to add language which would require the Secretary in the case of any denial of a permit to provide a written reason to the denied individual through Amendment 12.
Delegate Simmons was the lone Democrat to have an amendment added to the bill which made individuals who received a Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) verdict in cases involving a crime which would have been disqualified them from owning/possessing a regulated firearm as being disqualified under the terms of the bill.
By far, the most controversial amendment was offered by Delegate Smigiel and would have eliminated various credits that inmates currently receive while incarcerated for any of the mandatory time they serve for a crime involving a firearm. This would insure that a five year mandatory sentence would need to be fully served. It was a great amendment and the vote count was close but favorable by a very small margin. Many celebrated with the passage of the amendment as it would be the only portion of this bill which would actually address problems associated with criminals. The celebration was very short lived and sparked a controversy when Chairman Vallario interrupted the next amendment presentation several minutes later and stated, “we have to vote that last amendment again…we got the vote count wrong”. It was clear that following passage of the amendment, the Democrat leadership operatives began whipping the members until they altered the vote count. Delegate Shawn Tarrant changed his mind and this apparently spawned the second vote on the amendment. This time around the count came up tied at 23-23 and the amendment was declared to have failed. Controversy followed with claims that the vote was “tyrannical”, “unfair”, and “out-of-order” by members and many in the audience. In fact, about half of those who had occupied the audience (around 85 total) showed their contempt for the proceedings by making a loud exit storming out of the committee chamber.
This type of display was a good example of what the minority party suffers on a regular basis at the hands of a supermajority that has grown increasingly arrogant in recent years. I hope this stays with the many who saw it firsthand and those who will hear about it or see it on Youtube (Treachery in the House) in the future.
The ban list of 45 regulated rifles remains in the bill and the list includes many popular firearms such as the Colt AR-15. Further banned will be any firearms that are similar to those on the list as well. The 10-round magazine limit also could not be shaken from the bill even though many of us believe it will result in a de facto ban on many firearms currently sold in Maryland as the manufacturers refuse to tool up just for a small market state. While the bill is currently fashioned prospectively (only addresses future purchases), it will require a significant training component for new owners which will also include “displaying proficiency with the firearm” on a range. We simply do not have the infrastructure to support this type of mandated training in Maryland. Some areas of the state are better equipped than others, but all are deficient. It also remains to be seen where these folks will acquire the handguns to take to the range so they can secure their Handgun Qualification Permit since they cannot receive their handgun until they take the course. See what happens when people who know nothing about firearms make laws addressing firearms.
Registration is still in the bill moving forward and those who want to secure their Handgun Qualification License will also need to be fingerprinted and fill undergo a significant background investigation by the State Police. Folks who move into the state after October 1, 2013 will need to declare their regulated firearms to the State Police and fill out an application including a fee of $15. I can see the new signage on our gateway highways: “Governor O’Malley Welcomes you to Maryland and reminds you to check your guns with the police and get out your wallet…”
The mental health components of the bill are significant and anyone who finds themselves involuntarily committed for mental health related issues will find their right to possess a firearm significantly disrupted. The House eliminated those who were voluntarily committed as they felt this could represent a big hurdle for those who could be forced to choose between firearm ownership and receiving treatment. While there is a mechanism built into the bill to allow for an individual to show they should have their rights of firearm ownership to be restored, the path will not be an easy.
The bill will also require some additional record keeping by dealers and will expand the ability of law enforcement to conduct inspections of records. While the bill drafters worked to eliminate components in the original documents that would have eliminated all of the firearms manufacturers in Maryland, the new language will generally allow these folks to continue functioning in the state. However, it is clear that these companies are deeply offended that this state is slated to define their employees work product as “bad” or “evil” to the extent that it must be banned in Maryland. I doubt that they will remain in a state where their product cannot be sold to the employees who manufacture them.
The electronic version of the bill is available for review in total. Over the next two days the House will be debating the bill on the floor where amendments will be offered before the entire membership. It is possible it could be modified again, but it is probably in the form in which it will be voted on in the House. If the bill passes in the House, it will be reintroduced in the Senate since it has been significantly amended. The Senate will then have the choice of accepting the changes and approving the bill or moving the bill to a Conference Committee where members from both chambers will see if an agreement can be achieved before the end of this year’s session.
I encourage you to continue contacting the Democratic members of the House of Delegates and insure they know how you feel about this bill. Your Second amendment rights are clearly on the line, and I can assure you, going forward, the ban list will only grown larger so long as Annapolis has a supermajority of Democrats in charge.
Marylanders, take back your state.
Dog Found: UPDATE
Found yellow lab type not neutered at Cathy's Pet Salon, Spa and Doggie Daycare 1005 Mt Hermon Rd, Sby, 410-546-5166
AP IMPACT: Cartels Dispatch Agents Deep Inside US
Mexican drug cartels whose operatives once rarely ventured beyond the U.S. border are dispatching some of their most trusted agents to live and work deep inside the United States -- an emboldened presence that experts believe is meant to tighten their grip on the world's most lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits.
If left unchecked, authorities say, the cartels' move into the American interior could render the syndicates harder than ever to dislodge and pave the way for them to expand into other criminal enterprises such as prostitution, kidnapping-and-extortion rackets and money laundering.
Cartel activity in the U.S. is certainly not new. Starting in the 1990s, the ruthless syndicates became the nation's No. 1 supplier of illegal drugs, using unaffiliated middlemen to smuggle cocaine, marijuana and heroin beyond the border or even to grow pot here.
If left unchecked, authorities say, the cartels' move into the American interior could render the syndicates harder than ever to dislodge and pave the way for them to expand into other criminal enterprises such as prostitution, kidnapping-and-extortion rackets and money laundering.
Cartel activity in the U.S. is certainly not new. Starting in the 1990s, the ruthless syndicates became the nation's No. 1 supplier of illegal drugs, using unaffiliated middlemen to smuggle cocaine, marijuana and heroin beyond the border or even to grow pot here.
For Mayor, Choice is Clear – Joe Albero

No one blames Ireton for the poor state of the national or state economies. However, as other areas of the nation – state and local – are preparing for an economic rebound, Salisbury remains mired in the policies of redistribution and government power. Businesses, the means to grow our local economy, are treated like second class citizens, or worse. Citizens are having to pay for operations / projects – such as an expensive fireboat – after being told that all of the funds were coming from “grants”.
The most disturbing aspect of Jim Ireton’s term as mayor has been behavioral. Despite our disagreements, many of us have watched in horror as Ireton has behaved like a petulant child whenever the council majority disagreed with him.
Enter Joe Albero. It is doubtful that Joe Albero would have run for mayor had Jim Ireton lived up to half his promise. Yet, Albero has worked hard to provide Salisbury voters with a clear, distinct alternative.
Don’t You Deserve a Mayor That Works As Hard as You Do?
Albero’s platform has been one of simple, common sense: Salisbury needs a full time mayor who will work to improve the local economy. The tagline above, taken from an Albero brochure speaks volumes.
While Ireton wants to raise taxes, Albero has a plan to broaden the tax base. While Ireton wants the role of government to expand in Salisbury, Albero wants Salisbury’s economy to grow by providing services, not over-regulating.
You can throw millions of dollars at a problem, only to see the problem return soon after the money runs out. Encouraging employers to move to Salisbury and encouraging existing businesses to expand creates jobs. Home ownership increases. Neighborhoods stabilize and improve. Crime goes down. The city’s overall quality of life improves.
The choice between Jim Ireton and Joe Albero is as stark as it is clear – Joe Albero should be Salisbury’s next mayor.
In District 1 – Cynthia Polk

In an unusual twist, Shields has two opponents in the general election. Cynthia Polk (who lost to Shields by one vote four years ago) and April Jackson tied in the primary. This all but assures Shields of re-election, and District 1 residents of at least another 2 1/2 years of poor representation.
None here at SBYNews have been afforded the opportunity to hear all three candidates very often in this race. The candidate forums have been a poor venue because candidates are given little time to respond to questions and usually fall back to platitudes.
Shields should not be re-elected. Her record has been one of more strongly representing a few special-interests than in representing her constituents. She has been almost hostile towards the city’s police department. Her worst offense has been to claim that she wants civility on council. She seldom hesitates to attack fellow council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen or Tim Spies when they disagree with her. It was Shields who actually shared the soapbox with mayor Jim Ireton to imply that the council majority were “racists” because they would not agree to building quarter million dollar apartments in one of the city’s worst neighborhoods (councilwoman Laura Mitchell simply stood in the crowd and applauded). Shields even suggested that residents should engage in a racially-motivated riot.
That leaves voters with a choice between Polk and Jackson. Admittedly, we have seen neither diverge on the core issues facing Salisbury. Polk is a small business owner and we would expect her to be more business friendly. Given that Salisbury needs to change its public face in dealing with business in order to improve the city overall, District 1 voters should rally behind Mrs. Polk. Another 2 1/2 years of Shanie Shields on the city council is neither good for Salisbury nor for the good people of District 1. Cynthia Polk affords District 1 AND Salisbury a chance to move towards a better future.
In District 2 – Campbell Deserves Another Term

For eight years Campbell has worked diligently to give citizens a prudent, fiscally conservative voice on city council. She can claim credit for stopping two tax hikes proposed by incumbent mayor Jim Ireton. The recent pay increase for city police officers – something promised for years – finally became a reality thanks to Campbell’s leadership. Mundane actions, such as putting the city’s insurance out to bid, and sundry cost savings in other areas have saved taxpayer dollars and will continue to pay dividends into the future. Debbie Campbell can be compared to a work horse. She may not be flashy, but she gets things done.
Campbell’s opponent, Jake Day, is the mirror opposite. Day’s campaign has been flashy. Day has proposed grandiose schemes – some with merit, others not. An informed voter can quickly sweep away the chaff and find an overriding theme: Day wants to return to the era of the “Dream Team”. Day’s proposals harken back to the era of handing out millions in taxpayer subsidies to residential developers while the city moved to the brink of fiscal ruin. It should not be a surprise that the same people who handed Salisbury over to a select few, and wasted tens of millions of dollars, are some of Day’s most ardent supporters and campaign contributors.
By giving lip service to consensus and civility, Day hopes that voters will buy into the meme that Campbell, et al, are the cause of the city’s woes. However, if one attends council meetings and work sessions – something Day has rarely done – the objective observer knows that it is Day allies Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell, and Shanie Shields who are the primary cause of discord and uncivil behavior.
Voters should be reminded that it was Ireton and Shields who literally stood on a soapbox and implied that the council majority were racists – while Mitchell stood nearby and clapped.What concerns us most about Day’s campaign – and what will probably take him to victory tomorrow – is the fact that national special interests are pouring tens of thousands of dollars into promoting Day’s candidacy. Equally as disturbing is Day’s denial that this has even occurred. Voters should not trust a candidate who doesn’t hesitate to deny such an easily provable fact.
The choice in District 2 is as simple as it is clear: Does Salisbury deserve a council member who will work (albeit ploddingly) in their best interests, or does Salisbury want a slick, flashy candidate that will take it back to the brink of bankruptcy? We hope that Salisbury chooses the former – Debbie Campbell.
Lawsuit Over Health Care Tax Could Kill ‘Obamacare’
“Obamacare” looks increasingly inevitable, but one lawsuit making its way through the court system could pull the plug on the sweeping federal health care law.
A challenge filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation contends that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional because the bill originated in the Senate, not the House. Under the Origination Clause of the Constitution, all bills raising revenue must begin in the House.
The Supreme Court upheld most provisions of the act in June, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. took pains in the majority opinion to define Obamacare as a federal tax, not a mandate. That was when the Sacramento, Calif.-based foundation’s attorneys had their “aha” moment.
A challenge filed by the Pacific Legal Foundation contends that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional because the bill originated in the Senate, not the House. Under the Origination Clause of the Constitution, all bills raising revenue must begin in the House.
The Supreme Court upheld most provisions of the act in June, but Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. took pains in the majority opinion to define Obamacare as a federal tax, not a mandate. That was when the Sacramento, Calif.-based foundation’s attorneys had their “aha” moment.
11 Percent Of School-Aged Kids Diagnosed With ADHD
New data reveals 11 percent of children 4 through 17 have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, otherwise known as ADHD.
The statistics, which were compiled from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data by the New York Times, also showed that almost one in five high school boys have ADHD.
"Those are astronomical numbers. I'm floored," Dr. William Graf, a pediatric neurologist in New Haven and a professor at Yale School of Medicine, told the New York Times.
The statistics, which were compiled from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data by the New York Times, also showed that almost one in five high school boys have ADHD.
"Those are astronomical numbers. I'm floored," Dr. William Graf, a pediatric neurologist in New Haven and a professor at Yale School of Medicine, told the New York Times.
Prosecution To Seek Death Penalty Against Theater Shooting Suspect James Holmes
CENTENNIAL - After a week of legal twists and turns, James Holmes could face execution if convicted in the Aurora theater attack that killed 12 people. The prosecution announced on Monday they plan to seek the death penalty.
"In this case, for James Egan Holmes, justice is death," District Attorney George Brauchler said, adding that his office had spoken with victims and their families.
Holmes showed no visible reaction to the announcement, but his parents clasped hands and then embraced.
"In this case, for James Egan Holmes, justice is death," District Attorney George Brauchler said, adding that his office had spoken with victims and their families.
Holmes showed no visible reaction to the announcement, but his parents clasped hands and then embraced.
The graphs below will blow your mind. When I see something this outrageous, I always ask: “Who Benefits?”
It is clear to me that the mega-corporate health insurance companies, mega-corporate hospital companies, mega-corporate drug companies, mega-corporate medical device companies, and government bureaucrats benefit from this system. These corporations and their lobbyists wrote the 2,500 page Obamacare law. Therefore, they have insured that Obamacare will enrich them further. The government bureaucrats who have written 20,000 pages of rules and regulations are thrilled because Obamacare will require hundreds of thousands more of them.
Do you think the full implementation of Obamacare in 2014 will decrease these costs?
It is clear to me that the mega-corporate health insurance companies, mega-corporate hospital companies, mega-corporate drug companies, mega-corporate medical device companies, and government bureaucrats benefit from this system. These corporations and their lobbyists wrote the 2,500 page Obamacare law. Therefore, they have insured that Obamacare will enrich them further. The government bureaucrats who have written 20,000 pages of rules and regulations are thrilled because Obamacare will require hundreds of thousands more of them.
Do you think the full implementation of Obamacare in 2014 will decrease these costs?
Private K-12 Schools In Md. Get Little State Aid
The rift between public and private education couldn’t be much larger than it is in Maryland, where the public schools are boasted about as number 1 in the nation and the private schools receive less state funding than several neighboring states.
“Looking at other states when it comes to education, Maryland state government provides significantly less to support private education,” said Mary Ellen Russell, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference.
Russell offered some numbers for context: Pennsylvania puts about $300 million towards private education, New York puts $180 million, New Jersey provides about $150 million. And then there’s Maryland which allocates just $4.4 million state dollars for non-public education. That’s 7/100 of 1% of the $6 billion Maryland supplies to public K-12.
“Looking at other states when it comes to education, Maryland state government provides significantly less to support private education,” said Mary Ellen Russell, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference.
Russell offered some numbers for context: Pennsylvania puts about $300 million towards private education, New York puts $180 million, New Jersey provides about $150 million. And then there’s Maryland which allocates just $4.4 million state dollars for non-public education. That’s 7/100 of 1% of the $6 billion Maryland supplies to public K-12.
American Who Fought With Al Qaeda Against Syria's Assad Arrested In Virginia
A former Army soldier from Phoenix who joined rebels fighting the Syrian government and boasted to FoxNews.com of his exploits as a Muslim soldier of fortune earlier this month was arrested Wednesday in Virginia and could face life in prison.
Eric Harroun, 30, who left the Army in 2003 on full disability pay after a truck accident, was charged with conspiring to use a rocket-propelled grenade while fighting with the al-Nusrah Front, an organization also known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Harroun, who was in Syria or Turkey when he spoke to FoxNews.com by Skype, was nabbed shortly after flying in to Dulles International Airport after a voluntary interview with FBI agents, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday.
Eric Harroun, 30, who left the Army in 2003 on full disability pay after a truck accident, was charged with conspiring to use a rocket-propelled grenade while fighting with the al-Nusrah Front, an organization also known as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Harroun, who was in Syria or Turkey when he spoke to FoxNews.com by Skype, was nabbed shortly after flying in to Dulles International Airport after a voluntary interview with FBI agents, according to a criminal complaint filed Thursday.
O's Finalize 25-Man Roster
The Baltimore Orioles have finalized their 25-man roster in time for Tuesday's Opening Day game against the Rays in Tampa.
The roster includes fifteen pitchers, three of whom are on the disabled list, two catchers, seven infielders, one of whom is on the DL, and five outfielders.
The pitching staff consists, in alphabetical order, of Jake Arrieta (RHP), Luis Ayala (RHP), Wei-Yin Chen (LHP), Miguel Gonzalez (RHP), Jason Hammel (RHP), Tommy Hunter (RHP), Jim Johnson (RHP), Steve Johnson (RHP-DL), Brian Matusz (LHP), T.J. McFarland (LHP), Darren O'Day (RHP), Troy Patton (LHP), Pedro Strop (RHP), Chris Tillman (RHP-DL) and Tsuyoshi Wada (LHP-DL).
The roster includes fifteen pitchers, three of whom are on the disabled list, two catchers, seven infielders, one of whom is on the DL, and five outfielders.
The pitching staff consists, in alphabetical order, of Jake Arrieta (RHP), Luis Ayala (RHP), Wei-Yin Chen (LHP), Miguel Gonzalez (RHP), Jason Hammel (RHP), Tommy Hunter (RHP), Jim Johnson (RHP), Steve Johnson (RHP-DL), Brian Matusz (LHP), T.J. McFarland (LHP), Darren O'Day (RHP), Troy Patton (LHP), Pedro Strop (RHP), Chris Tillman (RHP-DL) and Tsuyoshi Wada (LHP-DL).
Gun Bill: By A Local Wicomico County Citizen
Ladies and Gentlemen, I write you today in an effort to help guide you in your decisions regarding the latest “Gun Bill” that is coming your way. Not only does this bill only punish law abiding citizens for the actions of criminals, but it does nothing to prevent events like the Aurora theater and Sandy Hook School. It should be thrown out in its entirety,
Would you like to consider some legislation that would go a LONG way in prevention of these events? Please allow me to propose the following:
When I find myself living with or otherwise having in my life a relative or person who does suffer from mental challenges, allow me to go to a mental health specialist either with that person or separately in order to learn how to deal with the situation more effectively without the risk of losing my 2A rights.
When my school age child becomes a truant delinquent, and in the course of trying to turn the child in the right direction we are ordered by the court to go to counseling, something which I found extremely effective and helpful, no matter how long it takes, don’t let the court ordered counseling take away my 2A rights.
When I work my fingers to the bone every day as a single parent trying to keep in budget and kids in control and the mortgage paid, and I have trouble getting my head around why Liberals want to spend every minute of their days deciding how I should live, making up more rules and regulations for me to follow, and somehow getting paid more than I get paid to do it, I want the right to go seek a conversation with a mental health professional to get my thoughts back on track without risk of losing my 2A rights.
People wind up in the Emergency Room Mental Hospital every day for a simple BAD DAY. Thank God they have the wherewithal to seek help when they need it.
It is the denial of help under the penalty of losing 2A rights that people choose not to seek the proper care they need, resulting in a broken mind that presents a risk to the rest of us.
Regulating the tool chosen after the brain is broken is ludicrous. Using that mindset, we will have to ban cars over 50 lbs, baseball bats, golf clubs, kitchen knives, hatchets, chain saws, well the list is completely endless and is a futile effort.
But, for you, chasing that is simply job security, eh?
Would you like to consider some legislation that would go a LONG way in prevention of these events? Please allow me to propose the following:
When I find myself living with or otherwise having in my life a relative or person who does suffer from mental challenges, allow me to go to a mental health specialist either with that person or separately in order to learn how to deal with the situation more effectively without the risk of losing my 2A rights.
When my school age child becomes a truant delinquent, and in the course of trying to turn the child in the right direction we are ordered by the court to go to counseling, something which I found extremely effective and helpful, no matter how long it takes, don’t let the court ordered counseling take away my 2A rights.
When I work my fingers to the bone every day as a single parent trying to keep in budget and kids in control and the mortgage paid, and I have trouble getting my head around why Liberals want to spend every minute of their days deciding how I should live, making up more rules and regulations for me to follow, and somehow getting paid more than I get paid to do it, I want the right to go seek a conversation with a mental health professional to get my thoughts back on track without risk of losing my 2A rights.
People wind up in the Emergency Room Mental Hospital every day for a simple BAD DAY. Thank God they have the wherewithal to seek help when they need it.
It is the denial of help under the penalty of losing 2A rights that people choose not to seek the proper care they need, resulting in a broken mind that presents a risk to the rest of us.
Regulating the tool chosen after the brain is broken is ludicrous. Using that mindset, we will have to ban cars over 50 lbs, baseball bats, golf clubs, kitchen knives, hatchets, chain saws, well the list is completely endless and is a futile effort.
But, for you, chasing that is simply job security, eh?
"Buckwild" Cast Member, Uncle and Family Friend Found Dead In Vehicle
Family members confirmed the identity of the third person found dead in a vehicle along with "Buckwild" cast member Shain Gandee and his uncle, David.
Robert Myers, 27, was the other person who was found dead in the vehicle, family members said. Myers, a friend of Shain Gandee's family, worked at the Subway on Tuppers Creek.
Three people were found dead Monday in the Sissonville area in a vehicle, including "Buckwild" cast member Shain Gandee, Kanawha County Commissioner Kent Carper said.
Family members and emergency personnel at the scene also said Shain Gandee was found in the vehicle dead along with his uncle, David. The two men had been reported missing for about 31 hours. The name of the other person who was found in the vehicle was unavailable.
Robert Myers, 27, was the other person who was found dead in the vehicle, family members said. Myers, a friend of Shain Gandee's family, worked at the Subway on Tuppers Creek.
Three people were found dead Monday in the Sissonville area in a vehicle, including "Buckwild" cast member Shain Gandee, Kanawha County Commissioner Kent Carper said.
Family members and emergency personnel at the scene also said Shain Gandee was found in the vehicle dead along with his uncle, David. The two men had been reported missing for about 31 hours. The name of the other person who was found in the vehicle was unavailable.
Veterans Fight Changes To Disability Payments
Veterans groups are rallying to fight any proposal to change disability payments as the federal government attempts to address its long-term debt problem. They say they've sacrificed already.
Government benefits are adjusted according to inflation, and President Barack Obama has endorsed using a slightly different measure of inflation to calculate Social Security benefits. Benefits would still grow but at a slower rate.
Advocates for the nation's 22 million veterans fear that the alternative inflation measure would also apply to disability payments to nearly 4 million veterans as well as pension payments for an additional 500,000 low-income veterans and surviving families.
Government benefits are adjusted according to inflation, and President Barack Obama has endorsed using a slightly different measure of inflation to calculate Social Security benefits. Benefits would still grow but at a slower rate.
Advocates for the nation's 22 million veterans fear that the alternative inflation measure would also apply to disability payments to nearly 4 million veterans as well as pension payments for an additional 500,000 low-income veterans and surviving families.
Frozen Food Recall
Rich Products has been informed by the USDA that Farm Rich Mini Quesadillas, Farm Rich Philly Cheese Steaks, Farm Rich Mini Pizza Slices and Farm Rich Mozzarella Bites produced from Nov. 12-19, 2012 may be contaminated with E. Coli. See details below.
Please note, each of our product packages contain cooking instructions that, if followed, will effectively destroy any E.Coli bacteria. These preparation instructions have been validated following the Grocery Manufacturers Association industry protocol to ensure food safety.
Consumer safety is our number one priority and we are voluntarily recalling these products effective immediately.
Please note, each of our product packages contain cooking instructions that, if followed, will effectively destroy any E.Coli bacteria. These preparation instructions have been validated following the Grocery Manufacturers Association industry protocol to ensure food safety.
Consumer safety is our number one priority and we are voluntarily recalling these products effective immediately.
Salisbury, MD… Wicomico County NAACP Branch#7028 will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday,
April 25, 2013 at 7:00pm at Chipman Cultural Center, 325 Broad Street, Salisbury, MD.
Our guest speaker, Richard Pollitt, Jr. is Wicomico County’s first elected Executive. Mr. Pollitt, a
Graduate of Washington College, took office on December 5, 2006 and was re-elected in 2010.
County Executive Pollitt believes that the health and strength of a county is dependent on its citizens.
Pollitt will address the county’s fiscal outlook, recent initiatives and experiences serving as president of Maryland Association of Counties. Also, there will be opportunity to address additional issues of concern from the audience.
This event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
For more information about the branch’s monthly meeting or any other events, contact Mary Ashanti at 410-543-4187 or 410-430-1896.
April 25, 2013 at 7:00pm at Chipman Cultural Center, 325 Broad Street, Salisbury, MD.
Our guest speaker, Richard Pollitt, Jr. is Wicomico County’s first elected Executive. Mr. Pollitt, a
Graduate of Washington College, took office on December 5, 2006 and was re-elected in 2010.
County Executive Pollitt believes that the health and strength of a county is dependent on its citizens.
Pollitt will address the county’s fiscal outlook, recent initiatives and experiences serving as president of Maryland Association of Counties. Also, there will be opportunity to address additional issues of concern from the audience.
This event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
For more information about the branch’s monthly meeting or any other events, contact Mary Ashanti at 410-543-4187 or 410-430-1896.
Do Ghosts Count In This Election?
According to Jim Ireton, they must. This corner home that has been foreclosed upon and has been emptied out is the site of yet another Jim Ireton campaign sign. At the other end of the street is an empty lot with Ireton and Day signs. Looks like they keep putting up signs in areas no one can or will complain.
My Grandson said to me today, "At least it won't take Jim very long to collect his signs on Wednesday since there aren't many out there to begin with". I almost wrecked my truck.
On another note, WBOC just had their noon broadcast and there was no mention at all of the elections being tomorrow. They don't want to say anything in the hopes of an extremely low turn out. When I did my Daily Times interview two weeks ago the new General Manager said, "Elections are the most important news we can put out". All I can say is, there was nothing in the Daily Times today about the elections, (so I'm told) and it looks like our local Media has proven to fail the citizens and those who have worked so hard for this election once again.
My Grandson said to me today, "At least it won't take Jim very long to collect his signs on Wednesday since there aren't many out there to begin with". I almost wrecked my truck.
On another note, WBOC just had their noon broadcast and there was no mention at all of the elections being tomorrow. They don't want to say anything in the hopes of an extremely low turn out. When I did my Daily Times interview two weeks ago the new General Manager said, "Elections are the most important news we can put out". All I can say is, there was nothing in the Daily Times today about the elections, (so I'm told) and it looks like our local Media has proven to fail the citizens and those who have worked so hard for this election once again.
JERUSALEM – As media reports present evidence the U.S. has played a central role in arming Syrian rebels, new questions now emerge about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the controversial scheme.
The questions prompt a second look at the perplexing security decisions made by Clinton and other top Obama administration officials the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on American facilities in Benghazi.
One of those key decisions reportedly delayed an investigative FBI team from arriving at the Benghazi site for 24 days. The site was widely reported to have contained classified documents.
The questions prompt a second look at the perplexing security decisions made by Clinton and other top Obama administration officials the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on American facilities in Benghazi.
One of those key decisions reportedly delayed an investigative FBI team from arriving at the Benghazi site for 24 days. The site was widely reported to have contained classified documents.
Texas DA, Wife Killed 2 Months After Deputy's Slaying
Kaufman, Texas (CNN) -- A Texas community is on edge after a district attorney who said he would put away the "scum" who killed a colleague two months ago was shot to death alongside his wife in his home Saturday night.
Kaufman County Judge Bruce Wood said he thought there was a "strong connection" between the slayings of Mike and Cynthia McLelland and the shooting death of Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, who was killed on his way to work in January.
Hasse and McLelland "worked on similar cases very closely," said Wood, the county's top elected official.
Kaufman County Judge Bruce Wood said he thought there was a "strong connection" between the slayings of Mike and Cynthia McLelland and the shooting death of Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, who was killed on his way to work in January.
Hasse and McLelland "worked on similar cases very closely," said Wood, the county's top elected official.
Deep Budget Cuts Ground Blue Angels

Gigi Barnett explains business owners say the canceled shows will take thousands of visitors and thousands of dollars with them.
The Navy’s Blue Angels’ wings are clipped. The flight daredevils haven’t been able to dodge deep federal budget cuts. The military is grounding the Blue Angels. It’s a flight that draws thousands time and again.
Cambridge Man Arrested, Faces False ID Manufacturing Charges
CAMBRIDGE -- A Cambridge man was arrested by special agents of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) after he and another man were indicted on charges related to document fraud.
The men were identified as Henry Ramos Agustin, 37, a Guatemalan citizen who lived in Cambridge, and Antonio Abraham Cruz-Cruz, 26, a Mexican citizen who lived in Adelphi. Both were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges relating to the sale and transfer of fraudulent identification documents.
The men were identified as Henry Ramos Agustin, 37, a Guatemalan citizen who lived in Cambridge, and Antonio Abraham Cruz-Cruz, 26, a Mexican citizen who lived in Adelphi. Both were indicted by a federal grand jury on charges relating to the sale and transfer of fraudulent identification documents.
Lawmakers To Consider Gun Control, School Takeover & Other Bills In Final Week
There is just one week left in the 2013 Session of the Maryland General Assembly and lawmakers will spend much of the week determining the fate of gun control legislation and hundreds of other bills.
On Friday, a pair of House committees approved an amended version of the bill backed by Governor Martin O'Malley, that had been approved by the Senate at the end of February.
Because the committees made changes to a bill that had been approved by the Senate, delegates and senators will have to work out a compromise version of the bill, and that measure would have to be approved by both the House and Senate before the legislative session ends one week from Monday.
On Friday, a pair of House committees approved an amended version of the bill backed by Governor Martin O'Malley, that had been approved by the Senate at the end of February.
Because the committees made changes to a bill that had been approved by the Senate, delegates and senators will have to work out a compromise version of the bill, and that measure would have to be approved by both the House and Senate before the legislative session ends one week from Monday.
Walmart's Death Grip on Groceries Is Making Life Worse for Millions of People (Hard Times USA)
Walmart's growing control of our food system has been to intensify the rural and urban poverty that drives unhealthy food choices.
Obama Walks To Easter Service At Nearby Church
President Barack Obama attended Easter services at an Episcopal church near the White House where past presidents frequently have worshipped.
The president, first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia took the short walk across Lafayette Park to St. John's Church Sunday morning.
Obama was greeted by several parishioners with handshakes and smiles as the church members were returning to their seats from Holy Communion, which the first family also joined.
The president, first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia took the short walk across Lafayette Park to St. John's Church Sunday morning.
Obama was greeted by several parishioners with handshakes and smiles as the church members were returning to their seats from Holy Communion, which the first family also joined.
Conservatives Freak Out After Google Honors Cesar Chavez On Easter
Conservatives reacted with outrage on Easter Sunday after seeing that the search engine Google had honored labor activist and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez, who died 20 years ago.
“I thought the Chavez-google thing was a hoax or an early April Fool’s Day prank…are they just going to leave that up there all day?” Fox News host Dana Perino wrote on Twitter.
Other conservatives also expressed their disapproval of the “doodle” via Twitter. Some of the reactions were compiled by the website Twitchy, showing conservatives announce their astonishment that the search engine didn’t recognize the religious holiday.
“I thought the Chavez-google thing was a hoax or an early April Fool’s Day prank…are they just going to leave that up there all day?” Fox News host Dana Perino wrote on Twitter.
Other conservatives also expressed their disapproval of the “doodle” via Twitter. Some of the reactions were compiled by the website Twitchy, showing conservatives announce their astonishment that the search engine didn’t recognize the religious holiday.
3 Killed In 95-Vehicle Pileup At Virginia-NC Line
GALAX, Va. (AP) -- Nearly 100 vehicles crashed Sunday along a mountainous, foggy stretch of interstate near the Virginia-North Carolina border, killing three people and injuring 25 others.
Police said traffic along Interstate 77 in southwest Virginia backed up for about 8 miles in the southbound lanes after the accidents. Authorities closed the northbound lanes so that fire trucks, ambulances and police could get to the series of chain-reaction wrecks.
Virginia State Police determined there were 17 separate crashes involving 95 vehicles within a mile span near the base of Fancy Gap Mountain, spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. The crashes began around 1:15 p.m. Sunday when there was heavy fog in the area.
A Letter To The Editor
Chicago politics are trying to get you to elect another puppet, Jake Day. The National Association of Realtors Fund, 430 Michigan Ave., Chicago, ILL has sent out post cards to virtually every voter in the City of Salisbury supporting Jake Day. Debbie Campbell is the only Council Member that fought to keep THE LORD's PRAYER in the Council Chambers to be recited at the start of each meeting. She stopped Salisbury businesses & residents from having tax increases, she got the police department fully funded, & she has spent the last eight years restoring the financial well being of the City. Concerned citizens, I can't vote in this City election but I pray that you will not fall for the factions that are painting a glittering facade that will steal your money & freedom. The publicized political fights are a benefit to the public because it is a battle to stop the special interests. Debbie Campbell FIGHTS FOR YOU & you need her for your protection & the GREAT CITY OF SALISBURY. Joe Albero has guts enough to fight to SAVE SALISBURY from the special interest groups that disregard the overall well being of the CITY. Money that is used for feel-good, eye-pleasing, & destruction behind the scenes. It steals from the people that work & pay taxes to benefit people that don't contribute to the community --- paying their way or volunteering their time.
A Comment Worthy Of A Post From Fernando Guerrero
I have known Joe for a long time and Joe has been a man to speak his mind for what he believes is right or wrong. I think Joe would be a great mayor of Salisbury. His integrity and ambition will be a great asset to the city of Salisbury. Joe not only has the most love and the best interest of Salisbury, he truly knows Salisbury from left to right. He takes the time to be involved with the youth and in our community.
I'm Fernando Guerrero and I say that Joe Albero would be a great person to have as mayor of Salisbury.
State Police Report Another Eastern Shore Fire
ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - The Virginia State Police have responded to a fire on Drummondtown and Daugherty roads in Accomack County.
The Eastern Shore of Virginia 9- 1-1 Communications Center reported the call came in at 9:18 p.m.
No other details were provided.
The Eastern Shore of Virginia 9- 1-1 Communications Center reported the call came in at 9:18 p.m.
No other details were provided.
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