It was the most mundane of meetings, approving stimulus money and grants for this and that project.
The usual cast of characters were there. I just came to observe, and as fate would have it, right before I drifted off during the public comments, I was jarred by the place erupting. A lady who was a victim of a violent crime in a home invasion, had been brutally beaten and had come in front of the council many times before to speak about her concerns about crime and gangs in Salisbury. I won't mince words here. The council knows exactly who she is.
She came to the the podium to speak about the increasing crime problems in the city of Salisbury and related issues about Chief Webster. Understandably she didn't want to give her name and address to be broadcast on the cable channel (PAC 14) So she told Louise Smith, "You know who I am and where I live."
For the record, the council requires citizens to record this information on a sign in sheet if they wish to speak during public comments.
I was astounded at Mrs. Louise Smith (R) indignation. She had complete contempt for the woman and stood up and shut the meeting down because the lady wanted some privacy. Louise admonished her and before I knew it, as the woman continued to speak, the council members started standing up and the constituent was told the meeting was over and she could no longer speak. You really need to double click on this picture up close to see what's going on. This is Mrs. Smith Standing up and closing down the meeting and Salisbury Police Officer telling the lady she has to leave.
Then Jim Ireton (D) came out from behind the desk and berated her as well, telling her she couldn't bring "that kind of drama to the council. I'll say this in front of everyone" He did later spend a few minutes talking to her about her concerns in the hallway and seemed to take a different stance from my perspective.
I really couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes. A citizen was shut down and intimidated by our paid official.
Really Louise? Really?!