Maryland consumers will begin paying small monthly fees on electric bills this year to subsidize an ambitious energy-conservation initiative, under plans approved by regulators yesterday.
The surcharges will not be set until spring, said Public Service Commission Chairman Douglas Nazarian, but preliminary estimates range from less than $1 to about $3 per month for residential ratepayers.
Electricity bills have been a thorn in O'Malley's side since he campaigned in 2006 on the unfulfilled promise of undoing a 72 percent electricity rate increase for 1.2 million customers of BGE, the state's largest utility. The O'Malley administration successfully negotiated a $170 credit for BGE customers in September, but critics were quick to upbraid the governor yesterday for policies that pile on fees at a time of economic hardship.
"I thought one of the claims of this administration ... was they were going to fight higher rates," said Del. Warren E. Miller, a Howard County Republican who sits on the House Economic Matters Committee. "Now what I'm hearing is they're going to issue an order to impose an additional charge, thereby making electricity more expensive."
The BGE plan approved yesterday anticipates a $390 million investment in energy conservation through 2015, which the Baltimore-based utility can recover through fees imposed on industrial, business and residential customers. The state's four other electric companies - Pepco, Delmarva Power & Light Co., Allegheny Power and Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative - have 90 days to propose a cost structure for their respective energy conservation programs.
A BGE spokeswoman declined to comment yesterday, saying officials there had not yet reviewed the PSC's order, which was released late in the day.
When all five electric company plans are up and running, the energy-conservation initiatives will represent investment of about $1 billion through 2015, said Malcolm Woolf, director of the Maryland Energy Administration, who called yesterday's actions "the first significant step" toward achieving O'Malley's conservation goals.
Maryland's goal of drastically reducing peak-energy consumption by 2015 is an "ambitious" goal that "no state has yet achieved," Malcolm acknowledged. "But few states have faced the energy challenges that Maryland has," he added.
The conservation requirements were adopted by the General Assembly last year amid rising energy demands that threatened to lead to rolling blackouts. The economic recession has reduced energy consumption, Nazarian said, but over time officials expect Maryland to struggle with rising consumer demand unless a "structural" reduction in consumption is achieved.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Thursday, January 01, 2009
City of Salisbury Audit Report
Recently, Joe posted a link to the Auditors Management letter. This link will take you to the late as usual, 88 page audit report. While I haven't had time to read this report, I did read the management letter. It reads as if Barrie Tilghman sent it back for a rewrite, as she has done in the past. Sugar coated? I think so.
What are your thoughts on the auditors report?
Audit Report
What are your thoughts on the auditors report?
Audit Report
Citi Rose Bowl Commercials
I know you're not a huge sports fan so I don't expect you to be sitting around watching the Rose Bowl. While I'm enjoying the game, the break away for a commercial and when they come back it's, "Welcome back to the Rose Bowl, presented by Citi."
Citi. The same benefactor of millions and millions of OUR $$$$. I'd feel better if the commentators would say, "Welcome back to the Rose Bowl, presented by you, the Taxpayers of the United States."
Gotta love the good old USA and the bailouts. Your tax dollars at work!
I know you're not a huge sports fan so I don't expect you to be sitting around watching the Rose Bowl. While I'm enjoying the game, the break away for a commercial and when they come back it's, "Welcome back to the Rose Bowl, presented by Citi."
Citi. The same benefactor of millions and millions of OUR $$$$. I'd feel better if the commentators would say, "Welcome back to the Rose Bowl, presented by you, the Taxpayers of the United States."
Gotta love the good old USA and the bailouts. Your tax dollars at work!
Folks, I don't know if you have been keeping an eye on our nations status on exploration of outer space, but, if you have you'll soon come to the realization that a little operator - (Bert Rutan - Scaled Composites) - located in the Mohave Dessert has out gunned, out performed, beyond your wildest expectations at a fraction of our Governments cost. In fact, the private space exploration adventure has outperformed NASA by a Factor of 15. Not bad!
And who would have thought that a citizen of any County could pay to purchase a ticket to travel and explore the outer space. YOU CAN'T BUY A TICKET FROM NASA HERE IN AMERICA. THE ONLY PLACE THAT WILL SELL YOU A TICKET IS RUSSIA AND THEY HAVE DONE SO ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS.
Are Americans once again being systemically brainwashed? It's happened many times before. Why do you think Orville and Wilbur Wright originally decided not to donate their infamous wind machine to the Smithsonian. How about Nikola Tesla not being credited for first inventing the radio among other inventions.
Click here to see the video for yourself:
And who would have thought that a citizen of any County could pay to purchase a ticket to travel and explore the outer space. YOU CAN'T BUY A TICKET FROM NASA HERE IN AMERICA. THE ONLY PLACE THAT WILL SELL YOU A TICKET IS RUSSIA AND THEY HAVE DONE SO ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS.
Are Americans once again being systemically brainwashed? It's happened many times before. Why do you think Orville and Wilbur Wright originally decided not to donate their infamous wind machine to the Smithsonian. How about Nikola Tesla not being credited for first inventing the radio among other inventions.
Click here to see the video for yourself:
Today's Daily Times Grapevine, Pot Calls Kettle Black
"The trouble with blogs
I completely agree that the blogs are destructive and worthless. I heard about and read them for about two months. I learned most of it was untrue -- just people causing trouble, not stating investigated fact. There's little intelligent investigation into what's posted on them. It's obvious that local politicians use blogs to stir up trouble for their agendas. These politicians should have to put their own opinions on this out there.
When will we ban these bloggers from posting lies about people? Some blog owners post the most ridiculous and outrageous mistruths. Is there anyone who hasn't been attacked?"
Do YOU find it interesting that the Daily Times is printing in the Grapevine the exact same thing they accuse the Blogs of? Go ahead and readf the comments posted in the Grapevine and then I'll comment some more at the end.
Dagnabit wrote:
Oh my the Barrie=Gary folks are running scared again. Just like Barrie Tilghman to start bashing the blogs during Gary's campaign for mayor. Must we constantly remind you sheeple that it was Barrie Tilghman that opened the eyes of the citizenry to the blogs? It was Barrie Tilghman that created Joe Albero now she doesn't know how to handle what she created. Much like the ghetto formerly known as Salisbury, she also created during her tenure as mayor. If the administration didn't have so much to hide they wouldn't be concerned with bloggers. Instead they use the Tilghman Times to spread their vindictiveness and lies. So, what is the difference in the blogs and the DT? Barrie Tilghman controls the DT, she and her cronies can't control the blogs, that is the difference.
lissylou wrote:
Ban the bloggers?????? 1. Blogs are protected by the 1st amendment.
2. Why do you not want to hear the truth and not be spoon fed pure crap like the rest of America?
cgilbert1 wrote:
Yes, the blogs are generally very opinionated. However, since you read the DT you should realize that the DT and all MSM are also very opinionated. There is no investigative reporting done in any of the local media. Any articles published are done so with the approval of the editor, so it is all based on his or her opinion of what should be reported. It is up to the reader to try to sort out what, if anything, is being reported with truth and accuracy. In my opinion, none of it is. Most is half (or less) true, and very little of the major articles locally reported are anywhere near being 100% accurate.
1/1/2009 8:31:58 AM
zazu9999 wrote:
" What does the cyber-bully have to gain by targeting the mayor of Salisbury, MD when he in fact lives in Delmar, DE? "
Well, since he owns business/rental real estate right in downtown Salisbury, I'd say he has alot to gain by exposing the mismanagement of this city by Barrie and her friends.
"Could it be Debbie Campbell? It's no secret she and the mayor have a less than cordial relationship."
It's hard for Debbie to have a cordial relationship with a someone as underhanded as the current mayor. As far as the relationship between Councilwoman Campbell and Joe Albero, I'd say it can best be described with the old proverb "The enemy of my enemy is my friend/"
1/1/2009 4:11:58 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"What I do have a problem with is when they use them to bully others or slap some ridiculous story up and claim it to be factual news."
Which is what the DT has done in the past. So what is the difference?
1/1/2009 4:04:30 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"When will we ban these bloggers from posting lies about people?"
The same day we ban newspapers and websites and TV stations from telling lies about about people. You have to use discretion and question everything you hear from any source.
"Some blog owners post the most ridiculous and outrageous mistruths."
So do some newspapers. The blogs have exposed alot of facts that those in power wanted to hide. Say what you want about Joe Albero. He is far from perfect. But it is undeniable that his exposure of things about Salisbury and it's goverment, that those in power wanted to hide, that has driven Mayor Tilghman into retirement.
"Is there anyone who hasn't been attacked?"
YES. Have you noticed that there is no one who dares to write an anti- Campbell, and anti-Cohen, or an anti-Ireton blog? They have many enemies that would love to see the status quo remain in this city. But when you stick with the truth and the facts, you are hard to attack.
1/1/2009 4:00:27 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"I learned most of it was untrue -- just people causing trouble, not stating investigated fact. There's little intelligent investigation into what's posted on them. It's obvious that local politicians use blogs to stir up trouble for their agendas."
Untrue? Unreliable? Compared to what? How about this news outlet-- that just spouts the propaganda of the Tilghman administration! Let me remind everyone again the it was THE DT that published a pack of lies about Tim Spies- in a blatent and successful attempt to to get their buddy Gary Comegys re-elected- right before election day, with to time for rebuttal thru any traditional news out let.
What sort of political dirty tricks does the Tilghman Times got up their sleeves for this election? The blogs are far from perfect, but they are the only way to get information out there when the local MSM is not objective, and has a political agenda of their own.
1/1/2009 3:44:41 PM
OK, since a friend red flagged this information to me this evening I thought I'd make the following statement. Was I lying about the WWTP and the illegal Sludge Pit and all the other illegal violations found there? Was it not Barrie Tilghman who stated publicly that they were 100% compliant there? Was it not Barrie Tilghman who claimed time and time again she took full responsibility?
How about all the sewage spills I exposed over the years. Was I lying about those too? How about the dead animals alll over the Zoo, was I lying about that? Was I lying when I said Zoo Director Jim Rapp jumped on the hood of a truck and urinated on the windshield to defrost it while there were females inside the vehicle, some of which worked at the Zoo? Was I lying when I put up the audio files for the KC Tilghman / Rachel Polk Trial? Was I lying about all the Graffiti all over Downtown Salisbury? How about the illegal pipes draining into the Wicomico River at the Zoo. Then there's that Reverse Flow Valve where the main sewage line in Salisbury was running through the Zoo and human waste was backflowing into exhibits and ultimately into the River at the Zoo. They had to install that valvue to guarantee it would never happen again, yet it wasn't printed in the Daily Times as being a problem in the past.
Look, I could go on and on throughout the three years I have been exposing wrong doings within the City of Salisbury. Certainly and especially around election time the Mayor and many others will once again promote the Blogs and as it was printed last week in the Daily Times, that nasty Joe Albero and the Dirty Dozen. Certainly they're going to bash us anywhere and everywhere they can. What I think is so stupid of the Daily Times and the Tilghman Administration is that this has failed them year after year and trust me Folks, I have the major hits/visitors at Salisbury News each and every day.
They want to connect Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen to Joe Albero, so be it. Perhaps they should add, Rick Pollitt, John Cannon, Stevie Prettyman, Mike Lewis, Andy Harris, Jim Fineran, Fernando Guerrero, Hal Chernoff, the Salvation Army, the Humane Society, shall I go on? The way I see it is, Gary Comegys was a part of the Humane Society as President for many years, did HE adopt out as many animals in his many years there as I have in a few months? If YOU can't respect the names above as honorable men and women of this community, I don't know what to tell you. Debbie and Terry don't deserve these kind of attacks but don't you find it interesting how Debbie is getting ready to run for her second term and they want to connect them with Joe Albero? Please, I beg of you and I have asked this question over and over again and get no response. Please tell me what Barrie Tilghman has done good for the City of Salisbury in the past 12 years? I can receipt numerous things the above names have done for our community. Please entertain me with her successes.
I'm not going to sit here and play a Saint. I have been ONE MAN fighting against the Daily TGimes AND the Tilghman Administration for the rights of the Citizens of Salisbury. I have been arrested numerous times for BS charges and I have had to front over $150,000.00 in CASH for legal representation. Like Joe Albero or not, what exactly am I gaining from doing all of this Folks? Does the Daily Times just not get it? Are they simply that stupid to believe if you bash someone enough that they'll simply go away? For many that may work but for this Bronx Man, they pushed the wrong button and I have watched FAR too many of my associated, (the Dirty Dozen) get trampled on and lose.
Salisbury News is an alternative, by choice! No one is charging you to visit. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing thousands upon thousands of people to come here each and every day! Some say, you get what you pay for. Salisbury News is FREE! If you don't like it here, don't come back.
Some continue to bash me anonymously, that's their right. However, NOT ONE of them will do so with their name attached to it, that's how scared they are of me. You can easily assume some of these people could be the Mayor and Police Chief themselves, right? Just what kind of recourse would I have IF one of them actually had the balls to put their name on their comments. Joe Albero has the balls because I can back what I state, they can't! So call me a liar all you want. Bash me all you want. There was a time when the Citizens would believe ANYTHING the Daily Times printed or the Mayor stated. Those days are GONE and those are the top reasons why there's so much negativity out there about me.
On a final note. IF I was doing such a poor job and IF I was so wrong all the time, where are all the lawsuits? A Mayor who is an Elected Public Figure sues a Taxpayer for his opinion? Have that many of you forgotten your rights here in America? Does everyone remember when my Father In Law would write a Letter to the Editor of the Daily Times for years and at the very end they would say, Art Goetz is the Father of Jennifer Albero who is suing the City of Salisbury? Are you people that stupid! They have had an agenda for Barrie Tilghman for YEARS! There was no reason for them to put that information out there unless they were kissing the Mayors Axx!
This Mayor of Salisbury is not running again for Office because she knows the majority of the Citizens have been reading Salisbury News and they know the truth now. Some people can't handle the truth and Barrie Tilghman is one of those people.
I'm not here to be your best friend. I don't have this Blog to force everyone to believe every word I produce. I am here to open your minds. I am here to be a part of the solutions and walk the walk. My name is on the line here every single day, which is more than I can say about the Mayor of Salisbury using the Daily Times as her tool to take good people down. What this Mayor did to Tim Spies in the last election was about the most sickening and desperate move I have ever seen her make. Shame on the Daily Times for continuing to push that agenda and I for one am very proud of the fact that my readership is as good, if not better than the Daily Times and their impact on others is at least questionable now.
The mere fact the Daily Times refuses to put up on the comments on their Site clearly shows you just how afraid they are of one man with a Blog. The Citizens are winning and the Tilghman Administration is crumbling. Thanks for your support Folks. Long Live The Blogs!
I completely agree that the blogs are destructive and worthless. I heard about and read them for about two months. I learned most of it was untrue -- just people causing trouble, not stating investigated fact. There's little intelligent investigation into what's posted on them. It's obvious that local politicians use blogs to stir up trouble for their agendas. These politicians should have to put their own opinions on this out there.
When will we ban these bloggers from posting lies about people? Some blog owners post the most ridiculous and outrageous mistruths. Is there anyone who hasn't been attacked?"
Do YOU find it interesting that the Daily Times is printing in the Grapevine the exact same thing they accuse the Blogs of? Go ahead and readf the comments posted in the Grapevine and then I'll comment some more at the end.
Dagnabit wrote:
Oh my the Barrie=Gary folks are running scared again. Just like Barrie Tilghman to start bashing the blogs during Gary's campaign for mayor. Must we constantly remind you sheeple that it was Barrie Tilghman that opened the eyes of the citizenry to the blogs? It was Barrie Tilghman that created Joe Albero now she doesn't know how to handle what she created. Much like the ghetto formerly known as Salisbury, she also created during her tenure as mayor. If the administration didn't have so much to hide they wouldn't be concerned with bloggers. Instead they use the Tilghman Times to spread their vindictiveness and lies. So, what is the difference in the blogs and the DT? Barrie Tilghman controls the DT, she and her cronies can't control the blogs, that is the difference.
lissylou wrote:
Ban the bloggers?????? 1. Blogs are protected by the 1st amendment.
2. Why do you not want to hear the truth and not be spoon fed pure crap like the rest of America?
cgilbert1 wrote:
Yes, the blogs are generally very opinionated. However, since you read the DT you should realize that the DT and all MSM are also very opinionated. There is no investigative reporting done in any of the local media. Any articles published are done so with the approval of the editor, so it is all based on his or her opinion of what should be reported. It is up to the reader to try to sort out what, if anything, is being reported with truth and accuracy. In my opinion, none of it is. Most is half (or less) true, and very little of the major articles locally reported are anywhere near being 100% accurate.
1/1/2009 8:31:58 AM
zazu9999 wrote:
" What does the cyber-bully have to gain by targeting the mayor of Salisbury, MD when he in fact lives in Delmar, DE? "
Well, since he owns business/rental real estate right in downtown Salisbury, I'd say he has alot to gain by exposing the mismanagement of this city by Barrie and her friends.
"Could it be Debbie Campbell? It's no secret she and the mayor have a less than cordial relationship."
It's hard for Debbie to have a cordial relationship with a someone as underhanded as the current mayor. As far as the relationship between Councilwoman Campbell and Joe Albero, I'd say it can best be described with the old proverb "The enemy of my enemy is my friend/"
1/1/2009 4:11:58 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"What I do have a problem with is when they use them to bully others or slap some ridiculous story up and claim it to be factual news."
Which is what the DT has done in the past. So what is the difference?
1/1/2009 4:04:30 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"When will we ban these bloggers from posting lies about people?"
The same day we ban newspapers and websites and TV stations from telling lies about about people. You have to use discretion and question everything you hear from any source.
"Some blog owners post the most ridiculous and outrageous mistruths."
So do some newspapers. The blogs have exposed alot of facts that those in power wanted to hide. Say what you want about Joe Albero. He is far from perfect. But it is undeniable that his exposure of things about Salisbury and it's goverment, that those in power wanted to hide, that has driven Mayor Tilghman into retirement.
"Is there anyone who hasn't been attacked?"
YES. Have you noticed that there is no one who dares to write an anti- Campbell, and anti-Cohen, or an anti-Ireton blog? They have many enemies that would love to see the status quo remain in this city. But when you stick with the truth and the facts, you are hard to attack.
1/1/2009 4:00:27 PM
zazu9999 wrote:
"I learned most of it was untrue -- just people causing trouble, not stating investigated fact. There's little intelligent investigation into what's posted on them. It's obvious that local politicians use blogs to stir up trouble for their agendas."
Untrue? Unreliable? Compared to what? How about this news outlet-- that just spouts the propaganda of the Tilghman administration! Let me remind everyone again the it was THE DT that published a pack of lies about Tim Spies- in a blatent and successful attempt to to get their buddy Gary Comegys re-elected- right before election day, with to time for rebuttal thru any traditional news out let.
What sort of political dirty tricks does the Tilghman Times got up their sleeves for this election? The blogs are far from perfect, but they are the only way to get information out there when the local MSM is not objective, and has a political agenda of their own.
1/1/2009 3:44:41 PM
OK, since a friend red flagged this information to me this evening I thought I'd make the following statement. Was I lying about the WWTP and the illegal Sludge Pit and all the other illegal violations found there? Was it not Barrie Tilghman who stated publicly that they were 100% compliant there? Was it not Barrie Tilghman who claimed time and time again she took full responsibility?
How about all the sewage spills I exposed over the years. Was I lying about those too? How about the dead animals alll over the Zoo, was I lying about that? Was I lying when I said Zoo Director Jim Rapp jumped on the hood of a truck and urinated on the windshield to defrost it while there were females inside the vehicle, some of which worked at the Zoo? Was I lying when I put up the audio files for the KC Tilghman / Rachel Polk Trial? Was I lying about all the Graffiti all over Downtown Salisbury? How about the illegal pipes draining into the Wicomico River at the Zoo. Then there's that Reverse Flow Valve where the main sewage line in Salisbury was running through the Zoo and human waste was backflowing into exhibits and ultimately into the River at the Zoo. They had to install that valvue to guarantee it would never happen again, yet it wasn't printed in the Daily Times as being a problem in the past.
Look, I could go on and on throughout the three years I have been exposing wrong doings within the City of Salisbury. Certainly and especially around election time the Mayor and many others will once again promote the Blogs and as it was printed last week in the Daily Times, that nasty Joe Albero and the Dirty Dozen. Certainly they're going to bash us anywhere and everywhere they can. What I think is so stupid of the Daily Times and the Tilghman Administration is that this has failed them year after year and trust me Folks, I have the major hits/visitors at Salisbury News each and every day.
They want to connect Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen to Joe Albero, so be it. Perhaps they should add, Rick Pollitt, John Cannon, Stevie Prettyman, Mike Lewis, Andy Harris, Jim Fineran, Fernando Guerrero, Hal Chernoff, the Salvation Army, the Humane Society, shall I go on? The way I see it is, Gary Comegys was a part of the Humane Society as President for many years, did HE adopt out as many animals in his many years there as I have in a few months? If YOU can't respect the names above as honorable men and women of this community, I don't know what to tell you. Debbie and Terry don't deserve these kind of attacks but don't you find it interesting how Debbie is getting ready to run for her second term and they want to connect them with Joe Albero? Please, I beg of you and I have asked this question over and over again and get no response. Please tell me what Barrie Tilghman has done good for the City of Salisbury in the past 12 years? I can receipt numerous things the above names have done for our community. Please entertain me with her successes.
I'm not going to sit here and play a Saint. I have been ONE MAN fighting against the Daily TGimes AND the Tilghman Administration for the rights of the Citizens of Salisbury. I have been arrested numerous times for BS charges and I have had to front over $150,000.00 in CASH for legal representation. Like Joe Albero or not, what exactly am I gaining from doing all of this Folks? Does the Daily Times just not get it? Are they simply that stupid to believe if you bash someone enough that they'll simply go away? For many that may work but for this Bronx Man, they pushed the wrong button and I have watched FAR too many of my associated, (the Dirty Dozen) get trampled on and lose.
Salisbury News is an alternative, by choice! No one is charging you to visit. No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing thousands upon thousands of people to come here each and every day! Some say, you get what you pay for. Salisbury News is FREE! If you don't like it here, don't come back.
Some continue to bash me anonymously, that's their right. However, NOT ONE of them will do so with their name attached to it, that's how scared they are of me. You can easily assume some of these people could be the Mayor and Police Chief themselves, right? Just what kind of recourse would I have IF one of them actually had the balls to put their name on their comments. Joe Albero has the balls because I can back what I state, they can't! So call me a liar all you want. Bash me all you want. There was a time when the Citizens would believe ANYTHING the Daily Times printed or the Mayor stated. Those days are GONE and those are the top reasons why there's so much negativity out there about me.
On a final note. IF I was doing such a poor job and IF I was so wrong all the time, where are all the lawsuits? A Mayor who is an Elected Public Figure sues a Taxpayer for his opinion? Have that many of you forgotten your rights here in America? Does everyone remember when my Father In Law would write a Letter to the Editor of the Daily Times for years and at the very end they would say, Art Goetz is the Father of Jennifer Albero who is suing the City of Salisbury? Are you people that stupid! They have had an agenda for Barrie Tilghman for YEARS! There was no reason for them to put that information out there unless they were kissing the Mayors Axx!
This Mayor of Salisbury is not running again for Office because she knows the majority of the Citizens have been reading Salisbury News and they know the truth now. Some people can't handle the truth and Barrie Tilghman is one of those people.
I'm not here to be your best friend. I don't have this Blog to force everyone to believe every word I produce. I am here to open your minds. I am here to be a part of the solutions and walk the walk. My name is on the line here every single day, which is more than I can say about the Mayor of Salisbury using the Daily Times as her tool to take good people down. What this Mayor did to Tim Spies in the last election was about the most sickening and desperate move I have ever seen her make. Shame on the Daily Times for continuing to push that agenda and I for one am very proud of the fact that my readership is as good, if not better than the Daily Times and their impact on others is at least questionable now.
The mere fact the Daily Times refuses to put up on the comments on their Site clearly shows you just how afraid they are of one man with a Blog. The Citizens are winning and the Tilghman Administration is crumbling. Thanks for your support Folks. Long Live The Blogs!
My Personal Wish For Americans In 2009
My Personal Wish for 2009 is to recognize that as tough as things may get this year, we must not ignore those who are having it even tougher. My wish is that America will take care of its own while we repair all the damage that has happened here and recoup our original beliefs in which made America such a great Country to start with. All too often we see fundraiser's going out to other Countries while good hard working Americans continue to lose their homes and jobs. Americans taking care of Americans. Buy products made in America, even if it costs more. My hope is that we can pull out of Iraq when the timing is right and hopefully that is this year. Our investment there is too serious just to walk away. However, these Troops need to come home, get a good home cooked meal and visit with their Families. My hope is that the Salisbury Airport is loaded with Citizens welcoming home our Soldiers, respecting all these men and women who have given u p so much for our freedom. We're in for some very tough times ahead and together we can survive by helping one and all, no matter your race or beliefs. We need to become that great Nation we once were and stop allowing our Government to rule since we are, "We The People." We are Americans in the greatest Country on Earth. No more talk about it, let's show the rest of the world what we're all about. Happy New Year to you all and may God Bless America.
WBOC Reports Fire 24 Hours Later
"Written by Kye Parsons
Mardela Springs Family Displaced by Fire
01/01/2009 12:30 PM ET
MARDELA SPRINGS, Md.- A smoldering cigarette appears to be the cause of a New Year's Eve fire that left a Mardela Springs family homeless, according to the Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office.
The fire was reported shortly before 1 p.m. at a one-story home on Sharptown Road. It took 20 firefighters from the Mardela Springs, Sharptown and Hebron fire companies about 10 minutes to get the blaze under control.
The fire cause an estimated $100,000 in damage to the home and an additional $20,000 in damage to its contents. There were no reported injuries.
Investigators say the fire started when a sofa in the living room erupted in flames. They also ruled the fire accidental as the result of discarded smoking materials.
The family was displaced as a result of the fire and are being assisted by family members. A family dog perished in the blaze."
Remember the Breaking News story we produced about this fire yesterday? We broke that story HERE at 1:14 PM. The story finally hit WBOC today but here's what I found interesting about it. It was delivered to WBOC by the Fire Marshal's Office for starters. They read it here on Salisbury News and rather than going to the scene they contacted the Fire Marshal and got whatever details they needed to make it look like they were delivering their viewers something.
Then I also noticed a couple of other things that bothered me. There are other people out there, (MICHAEL) who are constantly talking about having a degree in journalism and how these people are professionals at telling the news. OK, if this is the case, why do they say no one was injured, yet one dog died and the other was rushed to the Veterinary Hospital in an Ambulance? Professionals! Why weren't they on the scene?
I mean, look at it like this. Before Salisbury News they used to have to get off their tails, (and I mean all the MSM) and go to these scenes and cover the news. Now all they have to do is sit at a desk and wait for the non college educated Blogger without a degree in journalism deliver the news and then they just call the Fire Marshal a day later. Then they go and charge all their sponsors for advertising with commercials on the show for information already produced by us for FREE 24 hours earlier.
So I say to those nay sayers of Salisbury News, how do you explain all of this? How do we lay it out there for them and yet they still get it wrong? I'll tell you why Michael. Because they're NOT professionals out there on the street looking and digging for stories on their own. They got it wrong because they ONLY contacted the Fire Marshal and not the Fire Department or the Family who's home was severely damaged.
Does WBOC actually think that their viewers don't care about the animals harmed or killed in these fires? I'd even go so far as to say my guess would be that at least 80% of their viewers own an animal and do care about them as well. So, if they're so professional, how can they say no one was injured?
Being that it's a slow day today for news, they also waited almost a full 24 hours after the fire actually happened and almost 24 hours after Salisbury News broke the story before the shared their own version of the story. WBOC is starting to look more and more like the Daily Times every day.
WE at Salisbury News do feel for these animals as well as the family displaced by this fire and if there's anything WE can do to help this Family please don't hesitate to contact us. This is 2009 and as Americans interested in helping the less fortunate and rebuilding America, we want to help in any way we can. Forgive me for speaking for all of our readers here but I'm sure they would want to help too.
Mardela Springs Family Displaced by Fire
01/01/2009 12:30 PM ET
MARDELA SPRINGS, Md.- A smoldering cigarette appears to be the cause of a New Year's Eve fire that left a Mardela Springs family homeless, according to the Maryland State Fire Marshal's Office.
The fire was reported shortly before 1 p.m. at a one-story home on Sharptown Road. It took 20 firefighters from the Mardela Springs, Sharptown and Hebron fire companies about 10 minutes to get the blaze under control.
The fire cause an estimated $100,000 in damage to the home and an additional $20,000 in damage to its contents. There were no reported injuries.
Investigators say the fire started when a sofa in the living room erupted in flames. They also ruled the fire accidental as the result of discarded smoking materials.
The family was displaced as a result of the fire and are being assisted by family members. A family dog perished in the blaze."
Remember the Breaking News story we produced about this fire yesterday? We broke that story HERE at 1:14 PM. The story finally hit WBOC today but here's what I found interesting about it. It was delivered to WBOC by the Fire Marshal's Office for starters. They read it here on Salisbury News and rather than going to the scene they contacted the Fire Marshal and got whatever details they needed to make it look like they were delivering their viewers something.
Then I also noticed a couple of other things that bothered me. There are other people out there, (MICHAEL) who are constantly talking about having a degree in journalism and how these people are professionals at telling the news. OK, if this is the case, why do they say no one was injured, yet one dog died and the other was rushed to the Veterinary Hospital in an Ambulance? Professionals! Why weren't they on the scene?
I mean, look at it like this. Before Salisbury News they used to have to get off their tails, (and I mean all the MSM) and go to these scenes and cover the news. Now all they have to do is sit at a desk and wait for the non college educated Blogger without a degree in journalism deliver the news and then they just call the Fire Marshal a day later. Then they go and charge all their sponsors for advertising with commercials on the show for information already produced by us for FREE 24 hours earlier.
So I say to those nay sayers of Salisbury News, how do you explain all of this? How do we lay it out there for them and yet they still get it wrong? I'll tell you why Michael. Because they're NOT professionals out there on the street looking and digging for stories on their own. They got it wrong because they ONLY contacted the Fire Marshal and not the Fire Department or the Family who's home was severely damaged.
Does WBOC actually think that their viewers don't care about the animals harmed or killed in these fires? I'd even go so far as to say my guess would be that at least 80% of their viewers own an animal and do care about them as well. So, if they're so professional, how can they say no one was injured?
Being that it's a slow day today for news, they also waited almost a full 24 hours after the fire actually happened and almost 24 hours after Salisbury News broke the story before the shared their own version of the story. WBOC is starting to look more and more like the Daily Times every day.
WE at Salisbury News do feel for these animals as well as the family displaced by this fire and if there's anything WE can do to help this Family please don't hesitate to contact us. This is 2009 and as Americans interested in helping the less fortunate and rebuilding America, we want to help in any way we can. Forgive me for speaking for all of our readers here but I'm sure they would want to help too.
Pennsylvania Coroners Need Our Help
A 60 year old man, Robert Hull was killed on Monday in a motorcycle accident. They are trying to reach his Brother George Hull who was last know to live in Hebron, MD.
If you know George or know of his current whereabouts please contact, (or have George contact) the Cambria County Coroners Office at 814-535-6222.
If you know George or know of his current whereabouts please contact, (or have George contact) the Cambria County Coroners Office at 814-535-6222.
Drinking In A Cab & Driving?
A Letter to the Editor:
"Anyone else get picked up by a "City Cab" last night with a male driver and two male passengers already in the cab and drinking beer?"
They went on to say:
"Ask City Cab why the driver had his buddies in the car with him and who they were."
It should be noted that this Cab Company is NOT the same company in Ocean City. They are two completely different companies with two different owners. In fact, (so I'm told) the Salisbury company will be changing their name very soon. The company mentioned above is currently the City Cab in Salisbury.
"Anyone else get picked up by a "City Cab" last night with a male driver and two male passengers already in the cab and drinking beer?"
They went on to say:
"Ask City Cab why the driver had his buddies in the car with him and who they were."
It should be noted that this Cab Company is NOT the same company in Ocean City. They are two completely different companies with two different owners. In fact, (so I'm told) the Salisbury company will be changing their name very soon. The company mentioned above is currently the City Cab in Salisbury.
Bill Clinton May Be Caretaker For Wife Hillary Clinton's Senate Seat

SENATOR Bill Clinton? Don't rule it out. The former US president has emerged as a possible "caretaker" for his wife's New York Senate seat. GO HERE for more details.
Interesting Geographic Tidbits
More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska .
The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply. The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States .
Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country. Ninety percent of the world's ice covers Antarctica . This ice also represents seventy % of all the fresh water in the world. As strange as it sounds, however, Antarctica is essentially a desert. The average yearly total precipitation is about two inches. Although covered with ice (all but 0.4% of it, I.e.), Antarctica is the driest place on the planet, with an absolute humidity lower than the Gobi desert.
Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.
Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Canada is an Indian word meaning ' Big Village .'
Next to Warsaw , Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.
Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Michigan carries the designation M-1, so named because it was the first paved road any where.
Damascus , Syria
Damascus, Syria, was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence.
Istanbul , Turkey
Istanbul (AKA Constantinople), Turkey , is the only city in the world located on two continents.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles ' full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula -- and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size: L.A.
New York City
The term 'The Big Apple' was coined by touring jazz musicians of the 1930's who used the slang expression 'apple' for any town or city. Therefore, to play New York City is to play the big time - The Big Apple.
There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel.
There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio , every one is man made.
Pitcairn Island
The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia , at just 1.75 sq. Miles.
The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was Rome , Italy in 133 B.C. There is a city called Rome on every continent.
Siberia contains more than 25% of the world's forests.
The actual smallest sovereign entity in the world is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ( S.MO.M.). It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two tennis courts, and as of 2001 has a population of 80, 20 less people than the Vatican. It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is.
Sahara Desert
In the Sahara Desert , there is a town named Tidikelt, which did not receive a drop of rain for ten years. Technically though, the driest place on Earth is in the valleys of the Antarctic near Ross Island . There has been no rainfall there for two million years .
SPAIN literally means 'the land of rabbits.'
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota , was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre 'Pig's Eye' Parrant who set up the first business there.
Chances that a road is unpaved in the U.S.A: 1%, in Canada : 75%.
The deepest hole ever made in the world is in Texas . It is as deep as 20 empire state buildings but only 3 inches wide.
United States
The Interstate System requires that one-mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
The water of Angel Falls (the World's highest) in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet. IT is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls
More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska .
The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply. The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States .
Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country. Ninety percent of the world's ice covers Antarctica . This ice also represents seventy % of all the fresh water in the world. As strange as it sounds, however, Antarctica is essentially a desert. The average yearly total precipitation is about two inches. Although covered with ice (all but 0.4% of it, I.e.), Antarctica is the driest place on the planet, with an absolute humidity lower than the Gobi desert.
Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.
Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Canada is an Indian word meaning ' Big Village .'
Next to Warsaw , Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.
Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Michigan carries the designation M-1, so named because it was the first paved road any where.
Damascus , Syria
Damascus, Syria, was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence.
Istanbul , Turkey
Istanbul (AKA Constantinople), Turkey , is the only city in the world located on two continents.
Los Angeles
Los Angeles ' full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula -- and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size: L.A.
New York City
The term 'The Big Apple' was coined by touring jazz musicians of the 1930's who used the slang expression 'apple' for any town or city. Therefore, to play New York City is to play the big time - The Big Apple.
There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel.
There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio , every one is man made.
Pitcairn Island
The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia , at just 1.75 sq. Miles.
The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was Rome , Italy in 133 B.C. There is a city called Rome on every continent.
Siberia contains more than 25% of the world's forests.
The actual smallest sovereign entity in the world is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ( S.MO.M.). It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two tennis courts, and as of 2001 has a population of 80, 20 less people than the Vatican. It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is.
Sahara Desert
In the Sahara Desert , there is a town named Tidikelt, which did not receive a drop of rain for ten years. Technically though, the driest place on Earth is in the valleys of the Antarctic near Ross Island . There has been no rainfall there for two million years .
SPAIN literally means 'the land of rabbits.'
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota , was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre 'Pig's Eye' Parrant who set up the first business there.
Chances that a road is unpaved in the U.S.A: 1%, in Canada : 75%.
The deepest hole ever made in the world is in Texas . It is as deep as 20 empire state buildings but only 3 inches wide.
United States
The Interstate System requires that one-mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
The water of Angel Falls (the World's highest) in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet. IT is 15 times higher than Niagara Falls
2009 SBYnews Contract
After serious & cautious consideration . . .
Your contract of readership has been renewed for the New Year 2009!
Your contract of readership has been renewed for the New Year 2009!
It was a very hard decision to make.
So try not to screw it up!!!
So try not to screw it up!!!
My Wish for You in 2009
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words . . . May 2009 be the best year of your life!!!
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words . . . May 2009 be the best year of your life!!!
In a few short days, an African American man will move from his private residence into a much larger and infinitely more expensive one owned not by him but by the taxpayers. A vast lawn, a perimeter fence and many well trained security specialists will insulate him from the rest of us but the mere fact that this man will be residing in this house should make us all stop and count our blessings - because it proves that we live in a nation where anything is possible.
Many believed this day would never come. Most of us hoped and prayed that it would, but few of us actually believed we would live to see it. Racism is an ugly thing in all of its forms and there is little doubt that if this man had moved into this house fifteen years ago, there would have been a great outcry - possibly even rioting in the streets.
Today, we can all be both grateful and proud that no such mayhem will take place. when this man takes up residency in this house.
This man, moving into this house at this time in our nation's history is much more than a simple change of addresses for him - it is proof of a change in our attitude as a nation. It is an amends of sorts - the righting of a great wrong. It is a symbol of our growth, and of our willingness to "judge a man, not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character".
There can be little doubt now that the vast majority of us truly believe that this man has earned both his place in history and his new address. His time in this house will not be easy - it will be fraught with danger and he will face many challenges. I am sure there will be many times when he asks himself how in the world he ended up here and like all who have gone before him, the experience will age him greatly.
But I for one will not waste an ounce of worry for his sake - because in every way a man can, he asked for this. His whole life for the past fifteen years appears to have been inexorably leading this man toward this house. It is highly probable that in the past, despite all of his actions, racism would have kept this man out of this house. Today, I thank the lord above that I am an American and that I live in a nation where wrongs are righted, where justice matters and where truly anything is possible.

You thought I was talking about Obama? Sorry.
Many believed this day would never come. Most of us hoped and prayed that it would, but few of us actually believed we would live to see it. Racism is an ugly thing in all of its forms and there is little doubt that if this man had moved into this house fifteen years ago, there would have been a great outcry - possibly even rioting in the streets.
Today, we can all be both grateful and proud that no such mayhem will take place. when this man takes up residency in this house.
This man, moving into this house at this time in our nation's history is much more than a simple change of addresses for him - it is proof of a change in our attitude as a nation. It is an amends of sorts - the righting of a great wrong. It is a symbol of our growth, and of our willingness to "judge a man, not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character".
There can be little doubt now that the vast majority of us truly believe that this man has earned both his place in history and his new address. His time in this house will not be easy - it will be fraught with danger and he will face many challenges. I am sure there will be many times when he asks himself how in the world he ended up here and like all who have gone before him, the experience will age him greatly.
But I for one will not waste an ounce of worry for his sake - because in every way a man can, he asked for this. His whole life for the past fifteen years appears to have been inexorably leading this man toward this house. It is highly probable that in the past, despite all of his actions, racism would have kept this man out of this house. Today, I thank the lord above that I am an American and that I live in a nation where wrongs are righted, where justice matters and where truly anything is possible.

You thought I was talking about Obama? Sorry.
Major Damage At The Wicomico Youth & Civic Center?
We have been told, (but not yet confirmed) that based on the strong winds there has been severe wind damage at the Civic Center. I was informed that there is a huge hole in the roof the size of an automobile. I have made several attempts to confirm this story but I cannot seem to get any answers since around 6:00 PM Wednesday night. The Fire Department was not called out to that location, as far as I know.
That being said, we will make additional attempts to learn more on Thursday.
That being said, we will make additional attempts to learn more on Thursday.
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