While thousands may gather tonight in memory of Sarah Foxwell, items are being marketed and one individual has already been targeted with a criminal background, involved with this group.
My question always is, are we putting good money after good money? By that I mean, I support the Salvation Army because I know they help local people in Salisbury and their money stays local. However, if we donate to the National Organization, who knows where that money ends up.
What has the Missing & Exploited Children's Association of Maryland done for the Eastern Shore? Were they there for Sarah Foxwell? Did they gather up their supporters and search for Sarah on Christmas Day? Or do they show up when emotions are running high and target those emotions to raise money when people are at their weakest point?
Look, I'm NOT saying this is a bad organization, not one bit. I'm also not saying they're a good one either. IF I had seen them making sandwiches and providing water two or three days after Sarah went missing, that would be one thing. I'll be the first to admit, I don't know a whole lot about this organization but I will say this. I'd rather give my money to a group in which "I" know will benefit Sarah Foxwell and her siblings.
I have purposely posted this article for this time because I do not want it to conflict with their mission this evening. However, I want your eyes and ears open to groups that prey on situations like we are all in right now and I have yet to hear what this group is doing locally for the Foxwell Children. The red flag is up and if their intentions were to be put to good use here, we would have heard about it. I have not heard them come forward offering counseling, nothing. Just food for thought.