Judicial Watch founder and chairman Tom Fitton joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
The two discussed the ongoing corrupt and criminal Mueller witch hunt against President Trump.
Tom Fitton says Mueller needs to come before Congress and testify on his many conflicts of interest.
Tom Fitton: He needs to be held accountable. And I’d like to see Mr. Mueller on his list of witnesses for Congress. Why isn’t he being brought in and asked about how he was hired, the scope of his work, how he administers his office, why he can’t find and Republicans to hire, what was he doing with Peter Strzok that he let him out and then he hid that information on the reason that he kicked him off his team for four months? Basic questions.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Rudy Giuliani: The Only Payment from Trump I Want Is “To Get to Depose John Brennan One of the Biggest Frauds in History”
Former New York City Mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
Rudy went off on John Brennan accusing him of launching the fraudulent Russian conspiracy against Donald Trump.
Rudy added that he would like to be the person to depose John Brennan for the president if Brennan moves ahead with his threats to sue President Trump.
Rudy went off on John Brennan accusing him of launching the fraudulent Russian conspiracy against Donald Trump.
Rudy added that he would like to be the person to depose John Brennan for the president if Brennan moves ahead with his threats to sue President Trump.
Ocasio-Cortez Defends Decision to Ban Media From Town Halls to ‘Protect’ Citizens
New York congressional candidate and Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Friday went after reporters criticizing her decision to ban reporters from her town halls.
Ocasio-Cortez held a series of town halls last week in which members of the press were banned, which led to criticism from reporters including the Washington Post’s Seung Min Kim. Kim said on Twitter that Ocasio-Cortez would need to get used to press scrutiny because members of Congress deal with the press regularly, but the candidate said reporters would stop people from feeling "safe."
"Our community is 50% immigrant. Folks are victims of DV, trafficking, + have personal medical issues," Ocasio-Cortez told Kim. "This town hall was designed for residents to feel safe discussing sensitive issues in a threatening political time."
Ocasio-Cortez held a series of town halls last week in which members of the press were banned, which led to criticism from reporters including the Washington Post’s Seung Min Kim. Kim said on Twitter that Ocasio-Cortez would need to get used to press scrutiny because members of Congress deal with the press regularly, but the candidate said reporters would stop people from feeling "safe."
"Our community is 50% immigrant. Folks are victims of DV, trafficking, + have personal medical issues," Ocasio-Cortez told Kim. "This town hall was designed for residents to feel safe discussing sensitive issues in a threatening political time."
Afghanistan: The War That Shames America
After 17 bloody years, the longest war in US history continues without relent or purpose in Afghanistan.
There, a valiant, fiercely-independent people, the Pashtun (Pathan) mountain tribes, have battled the full might of the US Empire to a stalemate that has so far cost American taxpayers $4 trillion, and 2,371 dead and 20,320 wounded soldiers. No one knows how many Afghans have died. The number is kept secret.
Pashtun tribesmen in the Taliban alliance and their allies are fighting to oust all foreign troops from Afghanistan and evict the western-imposed and backed puppet regime in Kabul that pretends to be the nation’s legitimate government. Withdraw foreign troops and the Kabul regime would last for only days.
There, a valiant, fiercely-independent people, the Pashtun (Pathan) mountain tribes, have battled the full might of the US Empire to a stalemate that has so far cost American taxpayers $4 trillion, and 2,371 dead and 20,320 wounded soldiers. No one knows how many Afghans have died. The number is kept secret.
Pashtun tribesmen in the Taliban alliance and their allies are fighting to oust all foreign troops from Afghanistan and evict the western-imposed and backed puppet regime in Kabul that pretends to be the nation’s legitimate government. Withdraw foreign troops and the Kabul regime would last for only days.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Want to Drop the 'Mormon' Moniker
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints conjures up plenty of different images. Some people equate the Latter Day Saints with bland, middle-of-the-road public figures like Mitt Romney or (if you're old enough) the Osmonds. Others may think of polygamy. Still others may recall those eager, if dorky, young missionaries making their way through town in their short-sleeve white shirts and ties.
The LDS church has a reputation for serving the community, particularly the poor and needy. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is one of the finest religious musical entities in the world. The Latter Day Saints are some of the foremost genealogical researchers on the planet, and the reputation of their large, close-knit families — again, like the Osmonds and the Romneys — remains sterling. But most of all, people know this faith by one short name: Mormons.
But not for long, if the Church has its way. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has released its new style guide, which avoids nicknames and abbreviations. The church's president, Russell Nelson, made an announcement coinciding with the release. "The Lord has impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He has revealed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," he said. "We have work before us to bring ourselves in harmony with His will. In recent weeks, various Church leaders and departments have initiated the necessary steps to do so."
The LDS church has a reputation for serving the community, particularly the poor and needy. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir is one of the finest religious musical entities in the world. The Latter Day Saints are some of the foremost genealogical researchers on the planet, and the reputation of their large, close-knit families — again, like the Osmonds and the Romneys — remains sterling. But most of all, people know this faith by one short name: Mormons.
But not for long, if the Church has its way. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has released its new style guide, which avoids nicknames and abbreviations. The church's president, Russell Nelson, made an announcement coinciding with the release. "The Lord has impressed upon my mind the importance of the name He has revealed for His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," he said. "We have work before us to bring ourselves in harmony with His will. In recent weeks, various Church leaders and departments have initiated the necessary steps to do so."
Trump Unloads On “National Disgrace” Mueller And His “Angry Democrat Thugs”
“McCarthyism at its worst”
Following emerging details of lengthy meetings between White House officials and Robert Mueller’s investigative panel, which the President personally approved, Trump has slammed the special counsel as “Disgraced and discredited,” and branded his investigators as “Angry Democrat Thugs.”
The President noted that Mueller’s team spent over 30 hours grilling White House counsel Don McGahn, and accused the former of “looking for trouble, before labeling him a “national disgrace.”
Following emerging details of lengthy meetings between White House officials and Robert Mueller’s investigative panel, which the President personally approved, Trump has slammed the special counsel as “Disgraced and discredited,” and branded his investigators as “Angry Democrat Thugs.”
The President noted that Mueller’s team spent over 30 hours grilling White House counsel Don McGahn, and accused the former of “looking for trouble, before labeling him a “national disgrace.”
MoreDisgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs spent over 30 hours with the White House Councel, only with my approval, for purposes of transparency. Anybody needing that much time when they know there is no Russian Collusion is just someone....
Fox News Economist Says ‘Pocahontas’ Plan Would Bring Venezuela’s Socialism to the U.S. The Bill Should Sink Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Ambitions
Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), one of the leading contenders for the 2020 Democratic nomination to face Donald Trump, sponsored a new bill that would shake up the economy on socialist lines. A Fox News economist responded to this horrible idea by essentially asking, "Have you even heard of Venezuela?"
"Venezuela is a good example of what we should not be doing," Stuart Varney, a British-American economic consultant who graduated from the London School of Economics and hosts the Fox News show "Varney & Co.," said on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning. He then tied Venezuela's crisis to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new bill.
"Last week, Elizabeth Warren wanted to have political control over business," Varney quipped. "She wanted big business to go to Washington and beg for permission to do business. That’s political control over enterprises. It’s a terrible idea. That’s why Venezuela’s gone down the drain."
"Venezuela is a good example of what we should not be doing," Stuart Varney, a British-American economic consultant who graduated from the London School of Economics and hosts the Fox News show "Varney & Co.," said on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning. He then tied Venezuela's crisis to Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new bill.
"Last week, Elizabeth Warren wanted to have political control over business," Varney quipped. "She wanted big business to go to Washington and beg for permission to do business. That’s political control over enterprises. It’s a terrible idea. That’s why Venezuela’s gone down the drain."
Breaking News: Facebook took down 652 accounts and pages after finding a new influence campaign ahead of the midterms. It far exceeds the one found last month.
Facebook said it had identified a new political influence campaign on its platform that appeared intended to disrupt the midterm elections, with the social network finding and taking down 652 fake accounts and pages that were trying to sow discord around social issues.
Some of the accounts in the new influence campaign originated in Iran and Russia, Facebook said.
Some of the accounts in the new influence campaign originated in Iran and Russia, Facebook said.
Four people killed, nearly 60 shot this weekend across Chicago
Two teens who had been reported missing were among the four people killed and 54 people shot this weekend in Chicago, as the city's gun violence epidemic continued unabated.
The weekend tally was up compared to the same weekend in 2017, which saw 48 people shot and five killed, officials told Fox News on Monday.
Raysuan Turner, 16, and Darnelle Flowers, 17, were found Sunday night at about 11:57 p.m. shot to death in a field on the Far South Side of the city, police said. They had vanished day earlier, FOX 32 Chicago reported.
Earlier Sunday night, five people were shot after a weekly softball game in the Grand Crossing neighborhood. Police said a group of people had gathered for a game when a black van pulled up and someone in the vehicle opened fire. One of the victims was listed in serious condition, ABC 7 Chicago reported.
The weekend tally was up compared to the same weekend in 2017, which saw 48 people shot and five killed, officials told Fox News on Monday.
Raysuan Turner, 16, and Darnelle Flowers, 17, were found Sunday night at about 11:57 p.m. shot to death in a field on the Far South Side of the city, police said. They had vanished day earlier, FOX 32 Chicago reported.
Earlier Sunday night, five people were shot after a weekly softball game in the Grand Crossing neighborhood. Police said a group of people had gathered for a game when a black van pulled up and someone in the vehicle opened fire. One of the victims was listed in serious condition, ABC 7 Chicago reported.
Stats Show Leftists Are More Likely To Be Mentally Ill. No Surprise There…
We’ve long subscribed to the notion that leftists are freakin’ bananas. There’s plenty of real-world evidence to back it up. Making up a new gender every week. Demanding for the rights of pedophiles. Even having multiple nervous breakdowns because their candidate lost (see all stories post November 8th). Which is hilarious, we’ll happily admit. Progressives have done a stellar job of making themselves out to be cuckoo. But now it looks like there’s empirical evidence to back up the idea that leftists are mentally ill. Charts and all…
Political conservatism has been associated with dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty, a personal need to achieve order, desire for structure and closure, integrative complexity, and fear of threat or loss. It has also been suggested that conservatism should be associated with high levels of anxiety, a major component of the personality trait Neuroticism. Intriguingly, the empirical link between ideology and Neuroticism suggests the relationship is actually between certain facets of liberalism and Neuroticism.
Political conservatism has been associated with dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty, a personal need to achieve order, desire for structure and closure, integrative complexity, and fear of threat or loss. It has also been suggested that conservatism should be associated with high levels of anxiety, a major component of the personality trait Neuroticism. Intriguingly, the empirical link between ideology and Neuroticism suggests the relationship is actually between certain facets of liberalism and Neuroticism.
University of Oregon Class Focuses on ‘Consequences’ of Whiteness, Masculinity, and Heterosexuality
The University of Oregon is offering a course this summer to teach students about the “consequences” of masculinity in the United States.
Taught by Ashley Woody and Tony Silva, Sociology 399: Whiteness, Masculinity, and Heterosexuality is a featured course on the sociology department’s website, and it aims to take a critical approach to the historical development of masculinity and heterosexuality.
The class —which also goes by “Sociology 399: Straight White Heterosexuality Masculinity” — must be taken for a grade by sociology majors, but its description notes that grading is “optional for all other students.”
“What do whiteness, heterosexuality and masculinity mean today? How do they differ across contexts? How do they intersect, and what are the consequences?” the course description opines.
Neither Woody nor Silva responded to a request for more information about the class, but they appear to take a social constructionist approach to gender theory. In one of Silva’s recent works, for example, he interviewed 19 men from Grindr and Craigslist to document the “centrality of heterosexuality to normative rural masculinity.”
Taught by Ashley Woody and Tony Silva, Sociology 399: Whiteness, Masculinity, and Heterosexuality is a featured course on the sociology department’s website, and it aims to take a critical approach to the historical development of masculinity and heterosexuality.
The class —which also goes by “Sociology 399: Straight White Heterosexuality Masculinity” — must be taken for a grade by sociology majors, but its description notes that grading is “optional for all other students.”
“What do whiteness, heterosexuality and masculinity mean today? How do they differ across contexts? How do they intersect, and what are the consequences?” the course description opines.
Neither Woody nor Silva responded to a request for more information about the class, but they appear to take a social constructionist approach to gender theory. In one of Silva’s recent works, for example, he interviewed 19 men from Grindr and Craigslist to document the “centrality of heterosexuality to normative rural masculinity.”
This New Memo Proves Brett Kavanaugh Pulled No Punches On Clinton’s Lewinsky Testimony
While serving as an attorney in the office of independent counsel in the 1990s, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh wrote a stomach-churning memo urging his colleagues to ask sexually explicit questions of President Bill Clinton.
The newly released memo argues that Clinton’s “pattern of revolting behavior” with White House intern Monica Lewinsky should be clearly established for the public through aggressive and explicit questioning during the former president’s Aug. 17, 1998, testimony before a grand jury.
“The President has disgraced his Office, the legal system, and the American people by having sex with a 22-year-old intern and turning her life into a shambles — callous and disgusting behavior that has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle,” he wrote.
The document was released Monday by the National Archives in connection with the Senate’s ongoing review of Kavanaugh’s work product.
The newly released memo argues that Clinton’s “pattern of revolting behavior” with White House intern Monica Lewinsky should be clearly established for the public through aggressive and explicit questioning during the former president’s Aug. 17, 1998, testimony before a grand jury.
“The President has disgraced his Office, the legal system, and the American people by having sex with a 22-year-old intern and turning her life into a shambles — callous and disgusting behavior that has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle,” he wrote.
The document was released Monday by the National Archives in connection with the Senate’s ongoing review of Kavanaugh’s work product.
BREAKING NEWS: Superintendent Dr. Mitchell takes leave of absence
CAMBRIDGE – The Dorchester Banner learned Tuesday morning that Superintendent of Public Schools Dr. Diana Mitchell had taken a leave of absence. The Board of Education also announced that Beth Wilson had been appointed Administrator-In-Charge of Public Schools.
Dr. Mitchell served in her post for more than a year of a four-year term. She was announced as the new superintendent on May 22, 2017.
Her term has been marked not only by strong support, but also criticism. Following an incident of multiple fights and arrests at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School this spring, there were calls for her resignation.
Dr. Mitchell served in her post for more than a year of a four-year term. She was announced as the new superintendent on May 22, 2017.
Her term has been marked not only by strong support, but also criticism. Following an incident of multiple fights and arrests at Cambridge-South Dorchester High School this spring, there were calls for her resignation.
PragerU Breaks Down Why the Left Demonizes Masculinity
A new video from Prager University breaks down the term “toxic masculinity” and explains why it is perfectly fine for men to be masculine — an idea progressives reject.
A new video from Prager University takes aim at the term “toxic masculinity,” which has seen increased popularity over the past few years on college campuses and in progressive media.
CRTV host Allie Stuckey argues that masculinity is not a bad thing. In fact, it is wrong to suggest that masculinity itself is inherently harmful.
Here’s why: When you try to make men more like women, you don’t get less “toxic masculinity,” you get more.
Why? Because bad men don’t become good when they stop being men; they become good when they stop being bad. Aggression, violence, and unbridled ambition can’t be eliminated from the male psyche; they can only be harnessed. And when they are harnessed, they are tools for good, not for harm.
The same masculine traits that bring destruction also defeat tyranny. The traits that foster greed also build economies. The traits that drive men to take foolish risks also drive men to take heroic risks.
A new video from Prager University takes aim at the term “toxic masculinity,” which has seen increased popularity over the past few years on college campuses and in progressive media.
CRTV host Allie Stuckey argues that masculinity is not a bad thing. In fact, it is wrong to suggest that masculinity itself is inherently harmful.
Here’s why: When you try to make men more like women, you don’t get less “toxic masculinity,” you get more.
Why? Because bad men don’t become good when they stop being men; they become good when they stop being bad. Aggression, violence, and unbridled ambition can’t be eliminated from the male psyche; they can only be harnessed. And when they are harnessed, they are tools for good, not for harm.
The same masculine traits that bring destruction also defeat tyranny. The traits that foster greed also build economies. The traits that drive men to take foolish risks also drive men to take heroic risks.
Swalwell: I Will Consider Running for President in 2020
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) said on Monday that after the midterm elections he will consider running for president in 2020.
"Let's talk about where you've been standing a lot, congressman, and that is in Iowa – 10 times over the last year and a half. Now I like Iowa … People running for president also like Iowa," CNN anchor Poppy Harlow said.
"Are you going to run for president?" Harlow asked.
"I'm going to do all I can do first to win my way back to Congress. I'm helping a lot of colleagues. Particularly, there's three seats in Iowa where we have two of our candidates under the age of 40. Then after the midterms, I'm going to consider it," Swalwell said. "Right now, I'm helping candidates who are stepping up to protect our health care, paychecks and protect the democracy. I'm inspired by so many new candidates who are bursts of new energy, ideas and leadership."
"Let's talk about where you've been standing a lot, congressman, and that is in Iowa – 10 times over the last year and a half. Now I like Iowa … People running for president also like Iowa," CNN anchor Poppy Harlow said.
"Are you going to run for president?" Harlow asked.
"I'm going to do all I can do first to win my way back to Congress. I'm helping a lot of colleagues. Particularly, there's three seats in Iowa where we have two of our candidates under the age of 40. Then after the midterms, I'm going to consider it," Swalwell said. "Right now, I'm helping candidates who are stepping up to protect our health care, paychecks and protect the democracy. I'm inspired by so many new candidates who are bursts of new energy, ideas and leadership."
WCSO Press Release

Lawrence, James
Incident: Domestic Assault
Date of Incident: 17 August 2018
Location: 500 block of Plover Rd, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Lawrence, James Edward Sr; 56 of Salisbury
Narrative: On 8-17-18 at 540 PM, Deputies were dispatched to a residence in the 500 block of Plover Rd, Salisbury for a disturbance. The victim advised that James Lawrence assaulted her. After seeing evidence of the assault, the Deputy arrested James Lawrence. Lawrence was transported to Central Booking where he was held on $15000 bond.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree
The Cost of Homosexual Catholic Abuse
The sexual abuse scandal that rocked the Catholic Church in recent days marked the culmination of seven decades of horrendous wrongdoing by hundreds of priests. But the media would rather ignore one particularly inconvenient truth: The vast majority of the crime was perpetrated by homosexuals.
Monsignor Charles Pope, a Catholic priest writing of previous abuse scandals in the National Catholic Register, makes the case:
It is evident that the vast majority of the cases involving both the sexual abuse of minors and of adults involve male victims. The 2004 John Jay Report (The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States), which was commissioned by the U.S. bishops themselves, found that 81 percent of the victims were male and 78 percent of all victims were post-pubescent. … So, the large majority of cases involved attraction by homosexuals to young men who, though legally minors, were physically and sexually mature males, not little children. This is not pedophilia. It is homosexual attraction.
In the Catholic Herald, Madison, Wisconsin, Bishop Robert C. Morlino likewise writes of the current situation, “It is time to admit that there is a homosexual subculture within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that is wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord.” He continues, “In the specific situations at hand, we are talking about deviant sexual — almost exclusively homosexual — acts by clerics.”
More on this..
Monsignor Charles Pope, a Catholic priest writing of previous abuse scandals in the National Catholic Register, makes the case:
It is evident that the vast majority of the cases involving both the sexual abuse of minors and of adults involve male victims. The 2004 John Jay Report (The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States), which was commissioned by the U.S. bishops themselves, found that 81 percent of the victims were male and 78 percent of all victims were post-pubescent. … So, the large majority of cases involved attraction by homosexuals to young men who, though legally minors, were physically and sexually mature males, not little children. This is not pedophilia. It is homosexual attraction.
In the Catholic Herald, Madison, Wisconsin, Bishop Robert C. Morlino likewise writes of the current situation, “It is time to admit that there is a homosexual subculture within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that is wreaking great devastation in the vineyard of the Lord.” He continues, “In the specific situations at hand, we are talking about deviant sexual — almost exclusively homosexual — acts by clerics.”
Student Loans Are Starting To Bite The Economy
It’s that time of year, when students prepare to head back to the classroom. For many taking the next step in higher education, the question is increasingly, “Is it worth it?” Millions of millennials have already put off settling down because of the rising costs of servicing college debts to the detriment of economic growth.
Student loans are now the second-largest category of household debt in America, topping $1.4 trillion and trailing only mortgages at $9 trillion. And while Korn Ferry puts the average starting salary for a 2018 college graduate at $50,390, up 2.8 percent from 2017, the just-released July Consumer Price Index report shows the inflation rate rose 2.9 percent over the last 12 months. Does the phrase “treading water” come to mind?
Student loans are now the second-largest category of household debt in America, topping $1.4 trillion and trailing only mortgages at $9 trillion. And while Korn Ferry puts the average starting salary for a 2018 college graduate at $50,390, up 2.8 percent from 2017, the just-released July Consumer Price Index report shows the inflation rate rose 2.9 percent over the last 12 months. Does the phrase “treading water” come to mind?
RNC Again Breaks Fundraising Record, Brings in $14.2 Million in July
The Republican National Committee added July 2018 to its list of record-breaking fundraising periods, raising $14.2 million last month.
The figure is the most the RNC has raised in any July of a non-presidential election year, CBS News reports. The latest monthly total brings the RNC's fundraising haul this election cycle to $227.2 million.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to CBS News that the Democratic Party lacks a platform outside of resisting President Donald Trump while the Republicans work to defend their majorities through an aggressive ground game.
"We've used our unprecedented grassroots support to build the biggest field program we've ever had to defend our House and Senate majorities," McDaniel said. "History might be against us, but we're making sure every voter knows we're the party of results. All the Democrats have is resistance."
While Democratic congressional committees hold a fundraising advantage over Republicans, the RNC has a significant monetary advantage over the Democratic National Committee. At the end of June, the RNC had five times more money in the bank than the DNC, and the RNC had zero debt.
The figure is the most the RNC has raised in any July of a non-presidential election year, CBS News reports. The latest monthly total brings the RNC's fundraising haul this election cycle to $227.2 million.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to CBS News that the Democratic Party lacks a platform outside of resisting President Donald Trump while the Republicans work to defend their majorities through an aggressive ground game.
"We've used our unprecedented grassroots support to build the biggest field program we've ever had to defend our House and Senate majorities," McDaniel said. "History might be against us, but we're making sure every voter knows we're the party of results. All the Democrats have is resistance."
While Democratic congressional committees hold a fundraising advantage over Republicans, the RNC has a significant monetary advantage over the Democratic National Committee. At the end of June, the RNC had five times more money in the bank than the DNC, and the RNC had zero debt.
Are you paying Amazon's electricity bills?
Amazon, which has taken heat for harnessing taxpayer funds to further its own gains, is attempting to pass on the cost of powering its massive data centers to consumers in the form of higher electric bill fees.
According to Bloomberg, Virginia’s largest utility Dominion Energy, recently negotiated with state legislators to pass on the cost of running a power line underground to connect to one of the tech firm’s subsidiaries—to the tune of $172 million—to consumers in the form of an as-yet-unannounced monthly fee.
Rosie Thomas, 87, who already struggles to pay her monthly $170 electric bill, said “Lord, have mercy” when she learned of the new fee.
More here
According to Bloomberg, Virginia’s largest utility Dominion Energy, recently negotiated with state legislators to pass on the cost of running a power line underground to connect to one of the tech firm’s subsidiaries—to the tune of $172 million—to consumers in the form of an as-yet-unannounced monthly fee.
Rosie Thomas, 87, who already struggles to pay her monthly $170 electric bill, said “Lord, have mercy” when she learned of the new fee.
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Indiana GOP Files Ethics Complaint Against Joe Donnelly
The Indiana Republican Party filed a formal ethics complaint against Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) on Monday for allegedly using taxpayer-funded resources for campaign purposes.
Two months ago, a Politico story reported that Donnelly’s Senate campaign was engaging in potentially illegal coordination with Democrat-aligned super PACs.
Kyle Hupfer, the Indiana Republican Party Chairman, said in a statement Monday, “Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly, in an ethically challenged act of desperation, directed his official taxpayer-funded staff to film his meeting with Judge Brett Kavanaugh and then to post video, with no audio, on their official YouTube page so his campaign and outside entities could use the footage.”
“Not only has he played political games by dragging his feet and taking an entire month to meet with Judge Kavanaugh but now Joe Donnelly is playing political games with the meeting itself by using official resources for campaign purposes – a clear ethical breach,” Hupfer added.
Two months ago, a Politico story reported that Donnelly’s Senate campaign was engaging in potentially illegal coordination with Democrat-aligned super PACs.
Kyle Hupfer, the Indiana Republican Party Chairman, said in a statement Monday, “Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly, in an ethically challenged act of desperation, directed his official taxpayer-funded staff to film his meeting with Judge Brett Kavanaugh and then to post video, with no audio, on their official YouTube page so his campaign and outside entities could use the footage.”
“Not only has he played political games by dragging his feet and taking an entire month to meet with Judge Kavanaugh but now Joe Donnelly is playing political games with the meeting itself by using official resources for campaign purposes – a clear ethical breach,” Hupfer added.
Giuliani demands Brennan sue Trump
On Monday, Rudolph Giuliani demanded former CIA Director John Brennan follow through on his threat to sue President Trump over revoked security clearances.
To John Brennan: Today President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening if you don’t it would be just like Obama’s red lines. Come on John you’re not a blowhard?
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 20, 2018
The president also called out Mr. Brennan Monday morning, saying it would be easy to prove the former CIA director worked with the Mueller investigation.
“I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’s history, brings a lawsuit,” he tweeted.
During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Mr. Brennan said he met with lawyers to discuss courses of legal action he could pursue to push back against Mr. Trump’s clearance crackdown.
To John Brennan: Today President Trump granted our request (Jay Sekulow and me) to handle your case. After threatening if you don’t it would be just like Obama’s red lines. Come on John you’re not a blowhard?
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) August 20, 2018
The president also called out Mr. Brennan Monday morning, saying it would be easy to prove the former CIA director worked with the Mueller investigation.
“I hope John Brennan, the worst CIA Director in our country’s history, brings a lawsuit,” he tweeted.
During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Mr. Brennan said he met with lawyers to discuss courses of legal action he could pursue to push back against Mr. Trump’s clearance crackdown.
Diversity: Uniformity of Destruction for America
Diversity is a defining topic of our day. In its simplest form, observing diversity is welcoming the differences and uniqueness of every individual. In principle, this is very good. But that definition isn’t quite what social justice warriors use.
Some of the most effective teams benefit from members’ manifold talents that function in a complementary fashion — to add to an organization or group and to make it better. These effective teams can be found in sports, the military, business conglomerates, schools where a block of teachers function as a unit, health care facilities where sub-specialists work synergistically, and so on.
But in politics, diversity is employed as a tool for division. First, to be of value to the political Left, you’re given an identifier: woman, black, Hispanic, disabled, gender fluid, victim of white privilege, atheist, whatever. Then, according to that identifier, your status is the priority, not your individual rights or Liberty as an American.
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Some of the most effective teams benefit from members’ manifold talents that function in a complementary fashion — to add to an organization or group and to make it better. These effective teams can be found in sports, the military, business conglomerates, schools where a block of teachers function as a unit, health care facilities where sub-specialists work synergistically, and so on.
But in politics, diversity is employed as a tool for division. First, to be of value to the political Left, you’re given an identifier: woman, black, Hispanic, disabled, gender fluid, victim of white privilege, atheist, whatever. Then, according to that identifier, your status is the priority, not your individual rights or Liberty as an American.
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Facebook Censors PragerU
Last Thursday, Prager University issued a public statement alerting its millions of Facebook followers to the fact that “our last 9 posts have been completely censored reaching 0 of our 3 million followers.” PragerU’s Will Witt added, “At least two of our video posts were deleted last night for ‘hate speech’ including a post of our recent video with The Conservative Millennial, Make Men Masculine Again.”
The deleted video in question had no graphic content, bad language, or calls for violence warranting Facebook’s own parameters for its “hate speech” designation. So why were these videos censored?
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The deleted video in question had no graphic content, bad language, or calls for violence warranting Facebook’s own parameters for its “hate speech” designation. So why were these videos censored?
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Left Targets Senator Tom Carper of Delaware
The socialist left has a new target inside the Democrat Party: Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), whose September primary may offer yet another systemic shock to the Democrat Party’s already fragile establishment.
The stakes are high for a party that has been out of power completely for two years now, with Democrats on the other side of Capitol Hill seeking to retake control of the House of Representatives while Democrats in the Senate hope for less of a drubbing than the map of many red states with incumbent Democrats up for re-election would normally have in store for them.
If Carper goes down in September, it would electrify the leftist base of the Democrat Party against the establishment, perhaps even more so than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning victory over House Democratic Leadership member Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) in a primary in New York this year. Crowley’s loss was catastrophic to the establishment wing of the Democrat Party: He was seen by many as a potential successor to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, meaning his loss brought the resistance-to-Trump socialist-fueled left up close to the top House Democrat.
The stakes are high for a party that has been out of power completely for two years now, with Democrats on the other side of Capitol Hill seeking to retake control of the House of Representatives while Democrats in the Senate hope for less of a drubbing than the map of many red states with incumbent Democrats up for re-election would normally have in store for them.
If Carper goes down in September, it would electrify the leftist base of the Democrat Party against the establishment, perhaps even more so than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning victory over House Democratic Leadership member Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) in a primary in New York this year. Crowley’s loss was catastrophic to the establishment wing of the Democrat Party: He was seen by many as a potential successor to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, meaning his loss brought the resistance-to-Trump socialist-fueled left up close to the top House Democrat.
Chelsea Clinton Says She Might Run For Office One Day
Will we have to endure a Hillary 2.0 for decades to come? Will we witness a "Chelsea 2032" campaign?
On Monday Chelsea Clinton caused a stir when at an event in Edinburgh, Scotland she said an eventual run for political office is a "definite maybe".
The former first daughter was in Scotland promoting her new children's book about activism and was asked about the possibility of politics in her future. Clinton indicated she has not ruled out an eventual run for office, referring to politics as a "definite maybe" but "definite not now" according to statements reported by The Guardian.
She further explained, "At the federal level, as much as I abhor so much of what President Trump is doing, I have a great amount of gratitude for what my congresswoman and my senators are doing to try to stop him at every point,” Clinton said, referring to Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).
And she hinted at a future run for office in the following:
I think my family ... is being really well represented. But if that were to change, if my city councilor were to retire,if my congresswoman were to retire, my senators, and I thought that I could make a positive impact, then I think I would really have to ask my answer to that question [of whether to run for office].
“For me it’s a definite no now but it’s a definite maybe in the future because who knows what the future is going to bring?” she added.
On Monday Chelsea Clinton caused a stir when at an event in Edinburgh, Scotland she said an eventual run for political office is a "definite maybe".
The former first daughter was in Scotland promoting her new children's book about activism and was asked about the possibility of politics in her future. Clinton indicated she has not ruled out an eventual run for office, referring to politics as a "definite maybe" but "definite not now" according to statements reported by The Guardian.
She further explained, "At the federal level, as much as I abhor so much of what President Trump is doing, I have a great amount of gratitude for what my congresswoman and my senators are doing to try to stop him at every point,” Clinton said, referring to Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).
And she hinted at a future run for office in the following:
I think my family ... is being really well represented. But if that were to change, if my city councilor were to retire,if my congresswoman were to retire, my senators, and I thought that I could make a positive impact, then I think I would really have to ask my answer to that question [of whether to run for office].
“For me it’s a definite no now but it’s a definite maybe in the future because who knows what the future is going to bring?” she added.
For Men: What’s Masculine vs. What’s Feminine
One of the worst things to happen to men and women in the modern age is the blurring of the line between masculine and feminine.
There are a number of reasons for that. An over-feminized society. Feminist attacks on masculinity. Poor role models on TV. Fewer men growing up with their fathers or working in masculine professions.
But, the biggest causes are probably the rise of single motherhood and women going into the workforce en masse. When you take women out of the home and put them into a working environment, by necessity they have to become more masculine. That masculine imbalance carries over into their home life and many men have become more feminine as a response to it. Similarly, single mothers may not only have to fill a masculine role at work, but they may have to also fill it at home with their children.
To counter that, it’s necessary to start defining masculine and feminine roles so you can know which role you’re filling – and EVERYBODY fills both masculine and feminine roles at times. It’s all right to do that, especially situationally. If you’re a single dad, you’re going to have to do some mothering. If you’re a female manager, you’re going to have to be a boss. Furthermore, it is OKAY to be masculine and have SOME feminine traits or feminine with SOME masculine traits. However, if you start finding yourself spending MOST of your time displaying traits that don’t match up to your gender, you are probably not going to be happy.
There are a number of reasons for that. An over-feminized society. Feminist attacks on masculinity. Poor role models on TV. Fewer men growing up with their fathers or working in masculine professions.
But, the biggest causes are probably the rise of single motherhood and women going into the workforce en masse. When you take women out of the home and put them into a working environment, by necessity they have to become more masculine. That masculine imbalance carries over into their home life and many men have become more feminine as a response to it. Similarly, single mothers may not only have to fill a masculine role at work, but they may have to also fill it at home with their children.
To counter that, it’s necessary to start defining masculine and feminine roles so you can know which role you’re filling – and EVERYBODY fills both masculine and feminine roles at times. It’s all right to do that, especially situationally. If you’re a single dad, you’re going to have to do some mothering. If you’re a female manager, you’re going to have to be a boss. Furthermore, it is OKAY to be masculine and have SOME feminine traits or feminine with SOME masculine traits. However, if you start finding yourself spending MOST of your time displaying traits that don’t match up to your gender, you are probably not going to be happy.
To Raise Healthy Boys You Have To Like Men
When I was younger, and the boys were relatively small, I used to say I should have stuck to cats. Cats never grow up to be mass murderers.
This is partly, of course, a joke. I’ve known cats that could rip out your throat in your sleep. Fortunately the only one we had like that liked us.
No, let’s be serious: it is a danger every parent thought of at least once, and mothers of boys more than that. Our hearts tighten both when reading stories of horrific crimes against children, and the stories of men who became murderers. Because we can never be sure where the bad seed comes from, upbringing or genetics and genetics how far back (all of us have in our ancestry both murder victims and murderers, of that you can be sure) and because when your children start growing and being independent, you worry a little bit.
And mothers of boys—
Look, speaking generally boys are more aggressive, even as small kids. And once they get testosterone pumping in during puberty, they’re aggressive, they’re large, they’re stronger than most women by the time they’re 14 or so, and you can tell how many times during the day they meditate on violence, even if they don’t do it. It’s the way the body is wired. None of us – not one – are descended from non-aggressive apes, and throughout all of history and certainly most of pre-history, the duty to defend female and young of the band went to the male, usually the youngish male.
This is partly, of course, a joke. I’ve known cats that could rip out your throat in your sleep. Fortunately the only one we had like that liked us.
No, let’s be serious: it is a danger every parent thought of at least once, and mothers of boys more than that. Our hearts tighten both when reading stories of horrific crimes against children, and the stories of men who became murderers. Because we can never be sure where the bad seed comes from, upbringing or genetics and genetics how far back (all of us have in our ancestry both murder victims and murderers, of that you can be sure) and because when your children start growing and being independent, you worry a little bit.
And mothers of boys—
Look, speaking generally boys are more aggressive, even as small kids. And once they get testosterone pumping in during puberty, they’re aggressive, they’re large, they’re stronger than most women by the time they’re 14 or so, and you can tell how many times during the day they meditate on violence, even if they don’t do it. It’s the way the body is wired. None of us – not one – are descended from non-aggressive apes, and throughout all of history and certainly most of pre-history, the duty to defend female and young of the band went to the male, usually the youngish male.
Chicago: 'The police aren’t the ones out there doing it.'
Even with 600 more officers on the street, nearly as many people were shot in Chicago over the weekend as earlier this month, when a spike in violence prompted the boost in deployment.
At least 58 people were shot in the city from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, and seven of them were killed.
They included two boys, 16 and 17, found shot to death in a Far South Side field days after their mothers reported them missing; three men wounded during what witnesses said was a peace picnic at the Near North Side’s Seward Park; a woman and four men hit by gunfire hours after a Sunday afternoon softball game near a South Side grade school; and seven shot Friday evening in West Englewood, including a 3-year-old boy hit in the shin.
Two weekends ago, at least 74 people were shot. On that Sunday, Aug. 5, more people were shot in a single day since at least September 2011, when the Tribune began tracking every shooting in Chicago. At least 47 were hit by gunfire, 40 of them during a seven-hour period.
The bloodshed brought demands from community leaders for action, and the city responded by sending in more than 600 extra police to neighborhoods hardest hit by the violence.
A clearly frustrated police Superintendent Eddie Johnson acknowledged Monday that his department “can only do so much.”
“Crime isn’t just about what the police do,” he said at a news conference at police headquarters to talk about the weekend violence. “Crime is about what the criminals do."
“Let’s not forget the police aren’t the ones out there doing it. We can only do so much,” Johnson continued. “We cannot be on every street corner ... every moment of the day. We just can’t. That’s an impossibility. It’s unreasonable. There’s no police department in this country that can do that.”
At least 58 people were shot in the city from late Friday afternoon through early Monday, and seven of them were killed.
They included two boys, 16 and 17, found shot to death in a Far South Side field days after their mothers reported them missing; three men wounded during what witnesses said was a peace picnic at the Near North Side’s Seward Park; a woman and four men hit by gunfire hours after a Sunday afternoon softball game near a South Side grade school; and seven shot Friday evening in West Englewood, including a 3-year-old boy hit in the shin.
Two weekends ago, at least 74 people were shot. On that Sunday, Aug. 5, more people were shot in a single day since at least September 2011, when the Tribune began tracking every shooting in Chicago. At least 47 were hit by gunfire, 40 of them during a seven-hour period.
The bloodshed brought demands from community leaders for action, and the city responded by sending in more than 600 extra police to neighborhoods hardest hit by the violence.
A clearly frustrated police Superintendent Eddie Johnson acknowledged Monday that his department “can only do so much.”
“Crime isn’t just about what the police do,” he said at a news conference at police headquarters to talk about the weekend violence. “Crime is about what the criminals do."
“Let’s not forget the police aren’t the ones out there doing it. We can only do so much,” Johnson continued. “We cannot be on every street corner ... every moment of the day. We just can’t. That’s an impossibility. It’s unreasonable. There’s no police department in this country that can do that.”
Georgia rape suspect claims he was sleepwalking, investigators say
A Georgia man was charged with rape after he allegedly tried to attack his son's girlfriend — though he reportedly later claimed he was only sleepwalking.
Ricardo Arturo Cole, Sr., 54, was arrested and booked on Wednesday after he was accused of trying to have sex with the woman, who has not been indentified, in April,Fox 5 reported.
Cole's son's girlfriend told investigators she was sleeping at her boyfriend's house when she felt someone slip into bed alongside her, according to a police report.
The woman, initially thinking it was her boyfriend, alleged Cole pulled down her pants and tried to have sex with her.
Once she turned over, she reportedly realized the man in her bed was not her boyfriend. Cole claimed he was sleepwalking during the incident.
Ricardo Arturo Cole, Sr., 54, was arrested and booked on Wednesday after he was accused of trying to have sex with the woman, who has not been indentified, in April,Fox 5 reported.
Cole's son's girlfriend told investigators she was sleeping at her boyfriend's house when she felt someone slip into bed alongside her, according to a police report.
The woman, initially thinking it was her boyfriend, alleged Cole pulled down her pants and tried to have sex with her.
Once she turned over, she reportedly realized the man in her bed was not her boyfriend. Cole claimed he was sleepwalking during the incident.
Newt Gingrich: Mueller's fatal mistake
There is now no excuse for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to ask to interview President Trump.
In fact, it is now clear the investigators have been given so much information about the president’s actions and had such remarkably open access, they should just close shop and write their final report.
They no longer have any grounds for going to court to get a subpoena to compel the president to testify.
Mueller’s fatal mistake was revealed Saturday in The New York Times story titled, “White House Counsel, Don McGahn, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry.” Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman reported that there were at least 30 hours of interviews between the Mueller team and the White House Counsel.
Don McGahn asserted throughout the interviews that “he never saw Mr. Trump go beyond his legal authorities.”
In fact, it is now clear the investigators have been given so much information about the president’s actions and had such remarkably open access, they should just close shop and write their final report.
They no longer have any grounds for going to court to get a subpoena to compel the president to testify.
Mueller’s fatal mistake was revealed Saturday in The New York Times story titled, “White House Counsel, Don McGahn, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry.” Michael Schmidt and Maggie Haberman reported that there were at least 30 hours of interviews between the Mueller team and the White House Counsel.
Don McGahn asserted throughout the interviews that “he never saw Mr. Trump go beyond his legal authorities.”
First They Came for Alex Jones
This past week, the nation’s newspapers took collective umbrage at being called “the enemy of the people” by President Trump.
“That is what Nazis called Jews,” gasped the editors of the Kansas City Star. “A form even appeared in Nazi Germany, when Jewish people were called an ‘enemy of the state,’” fretted the editors of the Topeka Capital-Journal.
These being the only two editorials I read, I have to imagine that many more of the roughly 400 protesting newsrooms engaged in some variation on the reductio ad Hitlerum theme. Even if all 400 did, no halfway sentient adult can take this self-indulgence seriously.
Here is why. Since President Trump’s election, every major magazine, every major social media outlet, every major newspaper, just about all of Hollywood and Broadway, and every major TV network save for Fox News have conspired to destroy the president.
During this time, these “journalists” have treated their audiences to an endless stream of anti-Trump propaganda only marginally rooted in the truth, and not a one of them has seen a pink slip, let alone a gas chamber.
“That is what Nazis called Jews,” gasped the editors of the Kansas City Star. “A form even appeared in Nazi Germany, when Jewish people were called an ‘enemy of the state,’” fretted the editors of the Topeka Capital-Journal.
These being the only two editorials I read, I have to imagine that many more of the roughly 400 protesting newsrooms engaged in some variation on the reductio ad Hitlerum theme. Even if all 400 did, no halfway sentient adult can take this self-indulgence seriously.
Here is why. Since President Trump’s election, every major magazine, every major social media outlet, every major newspaper, just about all of Hollywood and Broadway, and every major TV network save for Fox News have conspired to destroy the president.
During this time, these “journalists” have treated their audiences to an endless stream of anti-Trump propaganda only marginally rooted in the truth, and not a one of them has seen a pink slip, let alone a gas chamber.
Lawmakers Raise Concerns Over DOD Grants to Colleges Hosting Confucius Institutes
GOP Rep.: U.S. 'cannot be naïve to the threat faced by Chinese influence operations'
Republican lawmakers expressed concern over new research partnerships between the Defense Department and American universities, several of which host Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes, citing national security threats.
The Pentagon last week awarded five grants to university-industry teams collaborating on research related to U.S. defense capabilities as part of the department's Defense Enterprise Science Initiative, a pilot program that incentivizes this type of collaboration. Three of the universities—Arizona State, Stanford, and the University of Washington—are home to Confucius Institutes, which are embedded on college campuses to teach Chinese language and culture while propagating communist viewpoints.
The move came even as Congress barred any U.S. university from using Pentagon funds to provide Chinese language courses through Confucius Institutes as part of the $716 billion 2019 National Defense Authorization Act signed into law Monday.
"I have long been concerned about the presence of Chinese government-run Confucius Institutes on American university campuses given the threat that these institutes pose to academic freedom as well as possible national security concerns," Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon.
"The FBI has warned that the Chinese government uses non-traditional intelligence collection and exploits the openness of our academic research environment, so it is imperative that academic institutions, as well as the Defense Department and other federal agencies that are funding potentially sensitive research, be mindful of this threat," he added.
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Republican lawmakers expressed concern over new research partnerships between the Defense Department and American universities, several of which host Chinese government-funded Confucius Institutes, citing national security threats.
The Pentagon last week awarded five grants to university-industry teams collaborating on research related to U.S. defense capabilities as part of the department's Defense Enterprise Science Initiative, a pilot program that incentivizes this type of collaboration. Three of the universities—Arizona State, Stanford, and the University of Washington—are home to Confucius Institutes, which are embedded on college campuses to teach Chinese language and culture while propagating communist viewpoints.
The move came even as Congress barred any U.S. university from using Pentagon funds to provide Chinese language courses through Confucius Institutes as part of the $716 billion 2019 National Defense Authorization Act signed into law Monday.
"I have long been concerned about the presence of Chinese government-run Confucius Institutes on American university campuses given the threat that these institutes pose to academic freedom as well as possible national security concerns," Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon.
"The FBI has warned that the Chinese government uses non-traditional intelligence collection and exploits the openness of our academic research environment, so it is imperative that academic institutions, as well as the Defense Department and other federal agencies that are funding potentially sensitive research, be mindful of this threat," he added.
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IRS Still Lacks Protections for Sensitive Taxpayer Information
The Internal Revenue Service has failed to implement a series of reforms aimed at bolstering its protection of sensitive taxpayer information, leaving the agency's computer systems vulnerable to unauthorized access that could compromise Americans' financial information, according to a new government oversight report.
While the IRS has taken steps to improve its protection of taxpayer information, it has yet to implement more than 100 security procedures meant to help the agency protect sensitive taxpayer information, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found in its latest audit.
"Until IRS takes additional steps to address unresolved and newly identified control deficiencies and effectively implements components of its information security program, IRS financial reporting and taxpayer data will remain unnecessarily vulnerable to inappropriate and undetected use, modification, or disclosure," according to the report. "These shortcomings were the basis for GAO's determination that IRS had a significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting systems for fiscal year 2017."
The IRS is just one of numerous government agencies struggling to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information, including that of American citizens and sensitive government information stored on government networks.
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While the IRS has taken steps to improve its protection of taxpayer information, it has yet to implement more than 100 security procedures meant to help the agency protect sensitive taxpayer information, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found in its latest audit.
"Until IRS takes additional steps to address unresolved and newly identified control deficiencies and effectively implements components of its information security program, IRS financial reporting and taxpayer data will remain unnecessarily vulnerable to inappropriate and undetected use, modification, or disclosure," according to the report. "These shortcomings were the basis for GAO's determination that IRS had a significant deficiency in internal control over financial reporting systems for fiscal year 2017."
The IRS is just one of numerous government agencies struggling to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information, including that of American citizens and sensitive government information stored on government networks.
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McMaster talked Trump out of blocking Obama's access to intelligence
Ex-national security adviser H.R. McMaster talked President Trump out of blocking former President Barack Obama's access to intelligence briefings last year, according to a report Monday.
Around March 2017, when Trump accused his predecessor, without evidence, of wiretapping Trump Tower, some of his associates in the White House were pushing their boss to pull the security clearances of Obama administration officials they saw as political rivals.
Some even suggested that Obama should lose access to intelligence briefings, an extreme move as all living ex-presidents can get them. But, the New Yorker reports, Trump was told of the importance of allowing former presidents to keep access to intelligence as they sometimes meet with foreign leaders, and with McMaster's insistence, decided not to make a move against Obama.
Around March 2017, when Trump accused his predecessor, without evidence, of wiretapping Trump Tower, some of his associates in the White House were pushing their boss to pull the security clearances of Obama administration officials they saw as political rivals.
Some even suggested that Obama should lose access to intelligence briefings, an extreme move as all living ex-presidents can get them. But, the New Yorker reports, Trump was told of the importance of allowing former presidents to keep access to intelligence as they sometimes meet with foreign leaders, and with McMaster's insistence, decided not to make a move against Obama.
Indiana Man Sentenced for Planning Terror Attack Using Explosives, Poisons
An Indiana man was sentenced on Monday to 15 years in prison for plotting to carry out a terror attack using explosives and poisons in the name of ISIS.
Marlonn Hicks, 31, of Crown Point, Ind., was inspired by the Pulse Nightclub attack in Florida and began plotting a terrorist attack in June 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
"The defendant plotted to conduct an attack on U.S. soil and, with today's sentence, he is being held accountable for his actions," said Assistant Attorney General John Demers. "I applaud the efforts of the agents and prosecutors to achieve this successful outcome. Their work will ensure that the actions of the defendant, inspired by evil, will serve only as a cautionary tale for other would-be terrorists."
Hicks quickly went from a vocal supporter of ISIS to planning an attack. Nine days after the Orlando nightclub attack, Hicks discussed possible terror attacks with an FBI source who he believed was an ISIS supporter.
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Marlonn Hicks, 31, of Crown Point, Ind., was inspired by the Pulse Nightclub attack in Florida and began plotting a terrorist attack in June 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
"The defendant plotted to conduct an attack on U.S. soil and, with today's sentence, he is being held accountable for his actions," said Assistant Attorney General John Demers. "I applaud the efforts of the agents and prosecutors to achieve this successful outcome. Their work will ensure that the actions of the defendant, inspired by evil, will serve only as a cautionary tale for other would-be terrorists."
Hicks quickly went from a vocal supporter of ISIS to planning an attack. Nine days after the Orlando nightclub attack, Hicks discussed possible terror attacks with an FBI source who he believed was an ISIS supporter.
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Kentucky judge tosses governor’s lawsuit over Medicaid work requirements
Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin lost again in court in his bid to install work requirements for Medicaid on Monday, another setback to the Trump administration's efforts to promote work requirements across the country.
A federal judge on Monday dismissed an effort by Bevin to get a challenge to the state's work requirements heard in Kentucky to invalidate a June ruling by a District of Columbia federal judge striking down the work requirements on the grounds that they are arbitrary.
Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove of the U.S. District for Eastern Kentucky tossed the governor’s lawsuit, filed against 16 state residents who had originally filed a lawsuit back in January to prevent the work rules from going into effect, because the governor couldn’t prove the state was harmed by the case being heard in D.C. instead of Kentucky.
A federal judge on Monday dismissed an effort by Bevin to get a challenge to the state's work requirements heard in Kentucky to invalidate a June ruling by a District of Columbia federal judge striking down the work requirements on the grounds that they are arbitrary.
Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove of the U.S. District for Eastern Kentucky tossed the governor’s lawsuit, filed against 16 state residents who had originally filed a lawsuit back in January to prevent the work rules from going into effect, because the governor couldn’t prove the state was harmed by the case being heard in D.C. instead of Kentucky.
Article on Kavanaugh’s sports reporting is the greatest thing you’ll read all day
The humorist James Thurber once differentiated between a laugh and a New Yorker laugh. With the New Yorker , there are no garish guffaws. The publication aims only for small, mirthful chuckles.
At least, I remember reading Thurber saying this. I can’t find the quote anywhere, and now I’m wondering if I’m having a false memory. Anyway, that’s the anecdote I remember, and I’m sticking to it.
I was reminded of this Thurber anecdote* Monday evening after I read a New Yorker article titled, “ Brett Kavanaugh, Sportswriter.”
On first blush, the article, which goes into excruciating analysis of the judge’s writing when he did sports reporting in college for the Yale Daily News, seems to be written in earnest. It also seems to be totally insane.
The article isn’t crazy, though the following passages suggest otherwise:
At least, I remember reading Thurber saying this. I can’t find the quote anywhere, and now I’m wondering if I’m having a false memory. Anyway, that’s the anecdote I remember, and I’m sticking to it.
I was reminded of this Thurber anecdote* Monday evening after I read a New Yorker article titled, “ Brett Kavanaugh, Sportswriter.”
On first blush, the article, which goes into excruciating analysis of the judge’s writing when he did sports reporting in college for the Yale Daily News, seems to be written in earnest. It also seems to be totally insane.
The article isn’t crazy, though the following passages suggest otherwise:
Study: More ‘Ecosexual’ Professors Are Having Sex with Trees
A recently published academic article examines “exosexuals’ encounters with the natural environment.”
In a new academic piece published in the journal Feminist Theory, Professor Lauran Whitworth of St. Mary’s College of Maryland defines the increasingly popular term “ecosexual.”
“1. A person that finds nature sensual, sexy. 2. A new sexual identity. 3: Person who takes the Earth as their lover,” she wrote. In another paragraph, Whitworth explains that while some environmentalists encourage the use of environmentally-friendly sex products such as fair trade condoms and chemical-free lubricants, “ecosexuals” take it a step further by encouraging sex with “nature itself.”
Whitworth includes a description of one “ecosexual” individual’s first sexual encounter with a redwood tree at Yosemite National Park.
In the spirit of carnival, ecosexuality embraces degradation and decomposition. Sprinkle describes her first encounter with redwood trees at Yosemite National Park: ‘I loved the scent of the trunk, like vanilla mixed with soil. I have a strong memory of coming across a redwood that had fallen over from a storm. I walked around off the trail and peeked at its freshly exposed roots. So soft, so sensuous, so sexy! I had to touch them.’
In a particularly bizarre portion of the piece, Whitworth writes about how defecating outside is a form of “ecosexuality.” According to her, “ecosexuality celebrates the carnal and grotesque, particularly in some of its campiest moments.”
More eco-erotica here..
In a new academic piece published in the journal Feminist Theory, Professor Lauran Whitworth of St. Mary’s College of Maryland defines the increasingly popular term “ecosexual.”
“1. A person that finds nature sensual, sexy. 2. A new sexual identity. 3: Person who takes the Earth as their lover,” she wrote. In another paragraph, Whitworth explains that while some environmentalists encourage the use of environmentally-friendly sex products such as fair trade condoms and chemical-free lubricants, “ecosexuals” take it a step further by encouraging sex with “nature itself.”
Whitworth includes a description of one “ecosexual” individual’s first sexual encounter with a redwood tree at Yosemite National Park.
In the spirit of carnival, ecosexuality embraces degradation and decomposition. Sprinkle describes her first encounter with redwood trees at Yosemite National Park: ‘I loved the scent of the trunk, like vanilla mixed with soil. I have a strong memory of coming across a redwood that had fallen over from a storm. I walked around off the trail and peeked at its freshly exposed roots. So soft, so sensuous, so sexy! I had to touch them.’
In a particularly bizarre portion of the piece, Whitworth writes about how defecating outside is a form of “ecosexuality.” According to her, “ecosexuality celebrates the carnal and grotesque, particularly in some of its campiest moments.”
More eco-erotica here..
Doctor’s orders: Let children just play
Imagine a drug that could enhance a child’s creativity, critical thinking and resilience. Imagine that this drug were simple to make, safe to take, and could be had for free.
The nation’s leading pediatricians say this miracle compound exists. In a new clinical report, they are urging doctors to prescribe it liberally to the children in their care.
What is this wonder drug? Play.
“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren’t told what to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician who led the drafting of the call to arms. Whether it’s rough-and-tumble physical play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go, he said.
The advice, issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics, may come as a shock to some parents.
The nation’s leading pediatricians say this miracle compound exists. In a new clinical report, they are urging doctors to prescribe it liberally to the children in their care.
What is this wonder drug? Play.
“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren’t told what to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician who led the drafting of the call to arms. Whether it’s rough-and-tumble physical play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go, he said.
The advice, issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics, may come as a shock to some parents.
Operation Seas The Day Cancels Popular Biker Escort
Joe, Operation Seas The Day has been a great tradition that honors our wounded veterans here on Delmarva. Each year this worth while event provides a Motorcycle escort for buses carrying Wounded Veterans from Bethany Beach to the Freeman Stage in Selbyville.
The Veterans have really enjoyed that honor and attention they receive from all the riders and it’s a great opportunity to show then that many appreciate the sacrifices they and their families have made for our country.
This year the planning committee has canceled the escort. The parade will still happen but the bikes will not be allowed to escort. Many of these bikers are veterans and are very disappointed in this. Please read over the Facebook page and comments to see for yourself.
One person even wrote them a letter stating the following…
As one of the motorcycle riders over the past years along with many of our friends that are Veterans themselves that ride, I am very sorry that you chose to not have the local motorcycle groups escort OUR WARRIORS. The community is heavily involved and all appreciate the dedication in our community to the Warrior escort. We have lived on Rt 54 since 1995, not one person we know complains about stopping traffic to escort these fine Veterans and show them the respect. Our local motorcycle community members are some of the most dedicated to our community. We are all very surprised by this and it is a shame as quite a few of us have tickets to Freeman Stage for the concert with these Veterans. We are extremely disappointed in your decision personally. As the President of one of the local groups, I speak on behalf of many who are surprised by your decision as well. Jb
We want to clarify the recent post:
The Operation Seas the Day parade is not cancelled, only the motorcycle escort portion of the parade, escorting our Wounded Warriors .
The decision made by the Operation Seas the Day committee to limit the number of motorcycles to 50 bikes made it next to impossible to organize, considering the huge turnout and wonderful support the local bike groups have given the event over the years.
This decision was made in an effort to avoid the extended road closures during the parade.
Please consider standing along the route to support our Wounded Warriors and this wonderful event in Bethany Beach, Delaware.
God Bless our Troops!
The Veterans have really enjoyed that honor and attention they receive from all the riders and it’s a great opportunity to show then that many appreciate the sacrifices they and their families have made for our country.
This year the planning committee has canceled the escort. The parade will still happen but the bikes will not be allowed to escort. Many of these bikers are veterans and are very disappointed in this. Please read over the Facebook page and comments to see for yourself.
One person even wrote them a letter stating the following…
As one of the motorcycle riders over the past years along with many of our friends that are Veterans themselves that ride, I am very sorry that you chose to not have the local motorcycle groups escort OUR WARRIORS. The community is heavily involved and all appreciate the dedication in our community to the Warrior escort. We have lived on Rt 54 since 1995, not one person we know complains about stopping traffic to escort these fine Veterans and show them the respect. Our local motorcycle community members are some of the most dedicated to our community. We are all very surprised by this and it is a shame as quite a few of us have tickets to Freeman Stage for the concert with these Veterans. We are extremely disappointed in your decision personally. As the President of one of the local groups, I speak on behalf of many who are surprised by your decision as well. Jb
We want to clarify the recent post:
The Operation Seas the Day parade is not cancelled, only the motorcycle escort portion of the parade, escorting our Wounded Warriors .
The decision made by the Operation Seas the Day committee to limit the number of motorcycles to 50 bikes made it next to impossible to organize, considering the huge turnout and wonderful support the local bike groups have given the event over the years.
This decision was made in an effort to avoid the extended road closures during the parade.
Please consider standing along the route to support our Wounded Warriors and this wonderful event in Bethany Beach, Delaware.
God Bless our Troops!
The following article by Wayne Allen Root ..
I have breaking news for you … Donald Trump’s tweets are not a
mistake. This isn’t insanity. He’s not nuts. He’s not stupid.
Actually, he’s a genius.
Trump is the Picasso of tweets. Monet meets Beethoven. The Saul
Alinsky of conservatives and capitalists. Trump is first politician
from the right to figure out how to stop the radical left by driving
them crazy.
Trump has destroyed the left with tweets. Just look at them in
disarray. From Kathy Griffin, to Jeff Tucker of CNN, to Bernie
Sanders, to Megyn Kelly — liberals lay in smoldering ruins
Branch Rickey once said, “Luck is the residue of design.” Maybe it’s time for liberals to admit that Trump’s crazy tweets aren’t so crazy after all, they are purposeful. He’s driving liberals nuts with rage, while distracting them so they don’t even see what’s happening.
Sure Trump’s tweets turn off lots of Democrats. Who cares?
Sure he turns off the media. Who cares?
Sure he turns off plenty of young people who never vote. Who cares?
Sure he turns off the people walking along Venice Beach or Melrose
Avenue in Los Angeles. Who cares?
None of these people was ever voting for him in the first place. Many of them don’t vote at all.
Liberals claim Trump is mentally ill. But he’s just much smarter than
they are. He’s playing at a different level.
Trump is doing “The Art of the Deal.” For Trump, it’s about winning. How he wins is immaterial. He doesn’t mind shocking, outraging, offending or even embarrassing himself. He is using guerrilla warfare to beat the left. Trump is deflecting and distracting his critics and enemies while he passes his entire agenda.
While Trump is busy tweeting, offending, enraging and infuriating, he is quietly — behind scenes — fundamentally changing America. Or haven’t you noticed?
Trump is erasing Obama like he never existed Trump is demolishing the socialist dreams of Obama and Sanders and Hillary and Valerie Jarrett… and their radical Marxist mentor Saul Alinsky.
Trump is destroying the Democrat Party — pushing it so far to the left it will have no chance in 2020. Trump is destroying the media. Trump will keep his job far longer than CNN President Jeff Zucker. Wanna bet?
Trump has destroyed Kathy Griffin’s career. The only head she cut off was her own. Trump has destroyed Megyn Kelly’s career. Advertisements for personal injury lawyers have higher ratings than Kelly’s new show.
Bernie Sanders’s wife is under investigation for fraud. The careers of former FBI director James Comey and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe are in tatters. McCabe is under three separate criminal investigations.
A little birdie in government tells me Hillary Clinton and the entire
Clinton Foundation will soon be under federal indictment.
There’s no more funding of liberal causes by Department of Justice
lawsuits. The National Labor Relations Board is becoming pro business. There’s no more political persecutions of conservatives by the IRS, DOJ or FBI. Border crossings are down by 50 percent to 70 percent (depending on which stat you believe).
Trump’s going after welfare for illegals. Trump’s going after voter
fraud by illegals. The travel ban is in effect. The number of Muslim
refugees let into America is being cut dramatically.
Soon, one way or another, there will be no more Obamacare.
Soon, there will be no more high Obama taxes
Soon, construction of a wall will begin.
Soon, Trump will get to name a second, and then a third, and maybe
even a fourth U.S. Supreme Court justice. Trump’s Supreme Court will turn America red for the next 40 years.
Liberals are toast. Obama is erased. Hillary will be tied up in court
for years to come. Military are beloved and respected again.
All is well in my world. How about yours?
Trump has outwitted the left.
Trump is an artist !
I have breaking news for you … Donald Trump’s tweets are not a
mistake. This isn’t insanity. He’s not nuts. He’s not stupid.
Actually, he’s a genius.
Trump is the Picasso of tweets. Monet meets Beethoven. The Saul
Alinsky of conservatives and capitalists. Trump is first politician
from the right to figure out how to stop the radical left by driving
them crazy.
Trump has destroyed the left with tweets. Just look at them in
disarray. From Kathy Griffin, to Jeff Tucker of CNN, to Bernie
Sanders, to Megyn Kelly — liberals lay in smoldering ruins
Branch Rickey once said, “Luck is the residue of design.” Maybe it’s time for liberals to admit that Trump’s crazy tweets aren’t so crazy after all, they are purposeful. He’s driving liberals nuts with rage, while distracting them so they don’t even see what’s happening.
Sure Trump’s tweets turn off lots of Democrats. Who cares?
Sure he turns off the media. Who cares?
Sure he turns off plenty of young people who never vote. Who cares?
Sure he turns off the people walking along Venice Beach or Melrose
Avenue in Los Angeles. Who cares?
None of these people was ever voting for him in the first place. Many of them don’t vote at all.
Liberals claim Trump is mentally ill. But he’s just much smarter than
they are. He’s playing at a different level.
Trump is doing “The Art of the Deal.” For Trump, it’s about winning. How he wins is immaterial. He doesn’t mind shocking, outraging, offending or even embarrassing himself. He is using guerrilla warfare to beat the left. Trump is deflecting and distracting his critics and enemies while he passes his entire agenda.
While Trump is busy tweeting, offending, enraging and infuriating, he is quietly — behind scenes — fundamentally changing America. Or haven’t you noticed?
Trump is erasing Obama like he never existed Trump is demolishing the socialist dreams of Obama and Sanders and Hillary and Valerie Jarrett… and their radical Marxist mentor Saul Alinsky.
Trump is destroying the Democrat Party — pushing it so far to the left it will have no chance in 2020. Trump is destroying the media. Trump will keep his job far longer than CNN President Jeff Zucker. Wanna bet?
Trump has destroyed Kathy Griffin’s career. The only head she cut off was her own. Trump has destroyed Megyn Kelly’s career. Advertisements for personal injury lawyers have higher ratings than Kelly’s new show.
Bernie Sanders’s wife is under investigation for fraud. The careers of former FBI director James Comey and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe are in tatters. McCabe is under three separate criminal investigations.
A little birdie in government tells me Hillary Clinton and the entire
Clinton Foundation will soon be under federal indictment.
There’s no more funding of liberal causes by Department of Justice
lawsuits. The National Labor Relations Board is becoming pro business. There’s no more political persecutions of conservatives by the IRS, DOJ or FBI. Border crossings are down by 50 percent to 70 percent (depending on which stat you believe).
Trump’s going after welfare for illegals. Trump’s going after voter
fraud by illegals. The travel ban is in effect. The number of Muslim
refugees let into America is being cut dramatically.
Soon, one way or another, there will be no more Obamacare.
Soon, there will be no more high Obama taxes
Soon, construction of a wall will begin.
Soon, Trump will get to name a second, and then a third, and maybe
even a fourth U.S. Supreme Court justice. Trump’s Supreme Court will turn America red for the next 40 years.
Liberals are toast. Obama is erased. Hillary will be tied up in court
for years to come. Military are beloved and respected again.
All is well in my world. How about yours?
Trump has outwitted the left.
Trump is an artist !
Breaking News: Russian hackers appear to have a new target: conservative U.S. think tanks that have broken with President Trump, a report by Microsoft found.
In a report scheduled for release on Tuesday, Microsoft Corporation said that it detected and seized websites that were created in recent weeks by hackers linked to the Russian unit formerly known as the G.R.U.
The sites appeared meant to trick people into thinking they were clicking through links managed by the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute, but were secretly redirected to web pages created by the hackers to steal passwords and other credentials.
The sites appeared meant to trick people into thinking they were clicking through links managed by the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute, but were secretly redirected to web pages created by the hackers to steal passwords and other credentials.
Subject: Ex-CIA Director Brennan's anti-Trump comments did 'damage' to intel community, Mullen says
Former CIA Director John Brennan risked damaging the intelligence community with his anti-Trump comments, retired Adm. Michael Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told "Fox News Sunday."
Mullen's comments came as several former intelligence officials appeared on Sunday talk shows, including Brennan -- who floated the possibility of taking legal action against the president.
"I think John's an extraordinary servant of the country, but I think he has been incredibly critical of the president, and I think that has put him in a political place which actually does more damage for the intelligence community -- which is apolitical," Mullen said.
Brennan had publicly accused President Trump of "treason" after his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin this summer in Helsinki, Finland, and he has repeatedly lambasted Trump with Twitter posts that critics have charged improperly hint at classified insider information about the ongoing Russia probe.
However, Mullen added, Trump's decision to revoke Brennan's security clearance last week raised significant concerns.
Mullen's comments came as several former intelligence officials appeared on Sunday talk shows, including Brennan -- who floated the possibility of taking legal action against the president.
"I think John's an extraordinary servant of the country, but I think he has been incredibly critical of the president, and I think that has put him in a political place which actually does more damage for the intelligence community -- which is apolitical," Mullen said.
Brennan had publicly accused President Trump of "treason" after his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin this summer in Helsinki, Finland, and he has repeatedly lambasted Trump with Twitter posts that critics have charged improperly hint at classified insider information about the ongoing Russia probe.
However, Mullen added, Trump's decision to revoke Brennan's security clearance last week raised significant concerns.
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