Over the years I have argued that the Daily Times has acted unethically by refusing to disclose certain relationships and potential conflicts of interest. These include, but are not limited to, then Executive Editor (now General Manager) Greg Bassett’s relationship with former congressman Wayne Gilchrest (his wife Cathy served as Gilchrest’s Communications Director) and Managing Director Erick Sahler’s relationship with the Wicomico Board of Education (his wife serves as the BOE’s public information officer).
To be clear, I am not arguing that either Cathy Bassett or Tracy Sahler have done anything wrong. I am not even arguing that the DT has done anything wrong, other than their failure to disclose the relationships. I will argue that they have shown bias in favor of both Gilchrest and the BOE. However, I will also admit that this bias would probably have manifested itself without the aforementioned relationships.
No, my request is a simple one – DISCLOSE the relationships. Let the reader make up his or her own mind.
The Daily Times has further eroded its own credibility when it argues that in an area like ours it is ridiculous to expect such disclosure. The gist of Sahler’s argument is that we are all a bunch of incestuous bumpkins and EVERY article written would require such a disclosure. Sahler attempts to justify this foolish theory by claiming that, under my argument, they would have to go so far as to disclose op-ed editor Susan Parker’s role as a member of the Salisbury Orchestra when writing about the Orchestra. I wasn’t even aware that the DT had a music critic.
Yesterday we ran an op-ed regarding a Virginia lawyer declaring his candidacy against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. In the post we linked to an article in the Richmond Times Dispatch. At the bottom of the article ran the following disclosure:
Cantor's wife, Diana F. Cantor, is a member of the board of directors of Media General Inc., parent company of the Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Is that so difficult? Is the Daily Times so filled with earth shatteringly important news that they can’t afford to print an extra 25 or 30 words?
Such disclosures can go a long way into showing motive (or at least suggesting it). Is the Daily Times an independent agent when reporting on the board of ed (as the most current example)? Maybe. Maybe not. One thing is certain, their childish refusal to do the right thing and disclose a potential conflict leads many readers to believe that they are less than independent.
G. A. Harrison is a frequent contributor to “Salisbury News”. “Delmarva Dealings” appears each Wednesday and Sunday at Noon on SbyNEWS.com.