“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.”
James Madison
“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”
― Ron Paul, End the Fed

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, September 23, 2013
Gun Control Regulations Approved
One week from tomorrow Maryland's new gun control law takes effect.
Among other things, the law bans 45 different types of weapons, limits magazine clips to 10 rounds, and requires gun buyers to submit fingerprints to the Maryland State Police.
Now the regulations that the State Police will use to enforce the law have received final approval by a state Senate-House committee.
By a vote of 9-6, the Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review (ALER) approved the regulations. More
Welfare Bill For L.A. Anchor Babies: $650 million
A projected $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, county officials said Monday.
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced the latest figures from the Department of Public Social Services, which showed more than $376 million in CalWORKs benefits and food stamps combined have been distributed through July to illegal alien parents for their native-born children.
Approximately $54 million in welfare payments are issued each month, consisting of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs and $34 million in food stamp issuances, according to the data.
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced the latest figures from the Department of Public Social Services, which showed more than $376 million in CalWORKs benefits and food stamps combined have been distributed through July to illegal alien parents for their native-born children.
Approximately $54 million in welfare payments are issued each month, consisting of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs and $34 million in food stamp issuances, according to the data.
Parents Upset Over School's Corporal Punishment Permission Form
Some parents at Leeds Elementary Public School in Alabama were in for a shock when their kids brought home a permission slip for corporal punishment. It stated that failure to return the form would be considered authorization for school personnel to administer the punishment.
Corporal punishment is legal in 19 states in America. Today in a debate on Fox and Friends, Peter Sprigg from the Family Research Council defended school’s actions. “There are some parents who see this as a legitimate form of punishment and are perfectly happy to delegate their authority and right to use disciplinary spanking to the school as a way of supporting the methods of discipline they use at home.”
Sprigg agreed that ultimately the decision should be left up to the parents.
Corporal punishment is legal in 19 states in America. Today in a debate on Fox and Friends, Peter Sprigg from the Family Research Council defended school’s actions. “There are some parents who see this as a legitimate form of punishment and are perfectly happy to delegate their authority and right to use disciplinary spanking to the school as a way of supporting the methods of discipline they use at home.”
Sprigg agreed that ultimately the decision should be left up to the parents.
What A Life
'It's free food - it's awesome!': unemployed beach bum uses food stamps to buy lobster and sushi - and has no plans of getting a job
Jason Greenslate has no job, surfs and drinks when he wakes up every afternoon and has no intentions of finding employment anytime in the near future - yet, he eats lobster or gourmet sushi everyday. He owes his successful culinary mooching to one thing: food stamps.
Jason Greenslate has no job, surfs and drinks when he wakes up every afternoon and has no intentions of finding employment anytime in the near future - yet, he eats lobster or gourmet sushi everyday. He owes his successful culinary mooching to one thing: food stamps.
D.C. Says It’s Ready For Obamacare’s Oct. 1 Launch; Md. Will Have Delays
New health insurance marketplaces for small businesses are scheduled to open across the country next week, and while most states are ready to begin enrollment, others have fallen behind, delaying some of the savings employers were promised under Obamacare.
District officials, for example, say all systems are go for launch for the city’s new health insurance exchange on October 1, the deadline established by the Affordable Care Act for states and the federal government to open enrollment for new, online insurance marketplaces.
While the Obama administration has pushed back for a year a mandate requiring many employers to start covering their workforces, officials have moved forward on the new insurance exchanges, which they hope will promote competition among insurers and drive down the cost of individual and employer-sponsored coverage.
District officials, for example, say all systems are go for launch for the city’s new health insurance exchange on October 1, the deadline established by the Affordable Care Act for states and the federal government to open enrollment for new, online insurance marketplaces.
While the Obama administration has pushed back for a year a mandate requiring many employers to start covering their workforces, officials have moved forward on the new insurance exchanges, which they hope will promote competition among insurers and drive down the cost of individual and employer-sponsored coverage.
Naval Academy Mulling $6 Million Golf Course Renovation
The Naval Academy is considering more than $6 million in renovations for the Naval Academy Golf Club.
Earlier this year, the academy commissioned Jessup-based McDonald Golf Inc. to review a golf course restoration plan that had been completed in 2007. McDonald presented a revised plan to academy officials two weeks ago, said Chet Gladchuk, the academy's athletic director.
A 44-page plan proposes $4.6 million in improvements to the golf course on the Broadneck Peninsula and nearly $1.9 million in improvements to practice areas. A timeline for construction proposes closing the course from early July 2014 through October 2014.
Earlier this year, the academy commissioned Jessup-based McDonald Golf Inc. to review a golf course restoration plan that had been completed in 2007. McDonald presented a revised plan to academy officials two weeks ago, said Chet Gladchuk, the academy's athletic director.
A 44-page plan proposes $4.6 million in improvements to the golf course on the Broadneck Peninsula and nearly $1.9 million in improvements to practice areas. A timeline for construction proposes closing the course from early July 2014 through October 2014.
Pedestrian Killed In Ocean City Hit-And-Run; Police Looking For Driver
Maryland State Police say they are looking for the driver who hit and killed a pedestrian in Ocean City this past weekend.
According to State Police, authorities found the victim on the eastbound side of Route 50 at Elm Street on Friday night.
The victim later died at a hospital, officials say.
According to State Police, authorities found the victim on the eastbound side of Route 50 at Elm Street on Friday night.
The victim later died at a hospital, officials say.
Chrysler Files For IPO
Chrysler has filed for an initial public offering, four years after the famed automaker went bankrupt and sought a rescue from the Italian brand Fiat.
JPMorgan Chase & Co was the sole underwriter listed on the regulatory filing, which did not include a proposed price or final offering amount.
JPMorgan Chase & Co was the sole underwriter listed on the regulatory filing, which did not include a proposed price or final offering amount.
Report: Egypt Court Bans Brotherhood Activities
An Egyptian court Monday ordered a ban on activities of the Muslim Brotherhood and froze its finances, according to state-run news website EgyNews.
The move is the latest in an anti-Muslim Brotherhood crackdown that began when the military ousted President Mohamed Morsy, who was backed by the Brotherhood, in early July.
The country's Ministry of Social Solidarity said earlier this month that it was considering punishing the group, accusing it of violating a law regulating non-governmental groups, EgyNews reported. The law prohibits such groups from operating as political organizations and forming militias.
The move is the latest in an anti-Muslim Brotherhood crackdown that began when the military ousted President Mohamed Morsy, who was backed by the Brotherhood, in early July.
The country's Ministry of Social Solidarity said earlier this month that it was considering punishing the group, accusing it of violating a law regulating non-governmental groups, EgyNews reported. The law prohibits such groups from operating as political organizations and forming militias.
Benghazi Investigators Gave Hillary Clinton Heads-Up On Findings
The leaders of the State Department’s Benghazi probe defended their inquiry into the 2012 attack, but they acknowledged to Congress on Thursday that their mission was limited in scope and faced questions over why they gave Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton an advance look at their findings.
Retired Adm. Mike Mullen, vice chairman of the accountability review board, also acknowledged that he had warned Mrs. Clinton’s chief of staff not to send a particular official to Congress because he thought “she would be a weak witness” who might have hurt the State Department’s stance.
Republicans said those moves called into question the motives of the review, which was supposed to be an independent look at what went wrong in the attack and how to prevent others.
“If this is so independent, why are you giving the State Department a heads-up about a witness coming in front of this committee?” said Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican. He said the warning came just days after Adm. Mullen had been appointed to the review board.
Retired Adm. Mike Mullen, vice chairman of the accountability review board, also acknowledged that he had warned Mrs. Clinton’s chief of staff not to send a particular official to Congress because he thought “she would be a weak witness” who might have hurt the State Department’s stance.
Republicans said those moves called into question the motives of the review, which was supposed to be an independent look at what went wrong in the attack and how to prevent others.
“If this is so independent, why are you giving the State Department a heads-up about a witness coming in front of this committee?” said Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican. He said the warning came just days after Adm. Mullen had been appointed to the review board.
5 Years After The Financial Crisis, The Big Banks Are Still Committing Massive Crimes
You Won’t Believe What They’ve Done …
Here are just some of the improprieties by big banks over the last century (you’ll see that many shenanigans are continuing today):
Laundering money for terrorists (the HSBC employeewho blew the whistle on the banks’ money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels says that the giant bank is still laundering money, saying: “The public needs to know that money is still being funneled through HSBC to directly buy guns and bullets to kill our soldiers …. Banks financing … terrorists affects every single American.” He also said: “It is disgusting that our banks are STILL financing terror on 9/11 2013“. And see this)
Here are just some of the improprieties by big banks over the last century (you’ll see that many shenanigans are continuing today):
Laundering money for terrorists (the HSBC employeewho blew the whistle on the banks’ money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels says that the giant bank is still laundering money, saying: “The public needs to know that money is still being funneled through HSBC to directly buy guns and bullets to kill our soldiers …. Banks financing … terrorists affects every single American.” He also said: “It is disgusting that our banks are STILL financing terror on 9/11 2013“. And see this)
Clinton Plans Second Fundraiser For Va. Gov. Candidate McAuliffe
Hillary Clinton is planning a second fundraiser for Terry McAuliffe, her longtime political associate and friend who is seeking the Democratic nomination for Virginia governor.
The former secretary of state and first lady will host a $25,000-per-couple fundraiser in New York City for McAuliffe on Oct 15, reports Politico, just two weeks after one already planned for Sept. 30.
Clinton and former President Bill Clinton have, for the most part, kept quiet politically after she stepped down as secretary of state earlier this year. For example, they waited until after New York City's primary election concluded before backing any Democratic candidates, opting to endorse winner Bill de Blasio only after he snagged the nomination.
The former secretary of state and first lady will host a $25,000-per-couple fundraiser in New York City for McAuliffe on Oct 15, reports Politico, just two weeks after one already planned for Sept. 30.
Clinton and former President Bill Clinton have, for the most part, kept quiet politically after she stepped down as secretary of state earlier this year. For example, they waited until after New York City's primary election concluded before backing any Democratic candidates, opting to endorse winner Bill de Blasio only after he snagged the nomination.
FDA Requires Tracking Codes On Medical Implants
Federal health regulators will begin tracking millions of medical devices, from pacemakers to hip replacements, using a new electronic system designed to protect patients by catching problematic implants earlier.
The Food and Drug Administration published new rules Friday that require most medical devices sold in the U.S. to carry a unique code, identifying its make, manufacture date and lot number. The codes will be stored in a publicly accessible database to help regulators, doctors and companies monitor safety issues with devices.
The tracking system has been promoted by doctors and public safety advocates for years. Other industries, from food processors to automakers, have used unique identification codes to track their products through the supply chain for decades.
The Food and Drug Administration published new rules Friday that require most medical devices sold in the U.S. to carry a unique code, identifying its make, manufacture date and lot number. The codes will be stored in a publicly accessible database to help regulators, doctors and companies monitor safety issues with devices.
The tracking system has been promoted by doctors and public safety advocates for years. Other industries, from food processors to automakers, have used unique identification codes to track their products through the supply chain for decades.
Why Swedish People Are So Quiet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden—Eight of us—six Swedes, one Finn, and me, the Nigerian-American—are gathered in a modest city-center studio apartment in Stockholm’s eclectic Södermalm district. Next to our dinner table is a small window with a gorgeous view of Stockholm’s history-rich old town, Gamla stan, with its narrow red clay, melon, and burnt-sienna-colored structures. The location alone makes this modest studio as coveted as a New York penthouse with direct views of Central Park.
Jörgen is making single cups of coffee on a mini press as we each wait silently in turn. The silence leaves me unsettled, almost feeling obliged to fill it with random chit-chat, a few words about the weather. I glance from silent guest to silent guest. Surely I can’t be the only one struck by this odd stillness?
Jörgen is making single cups of coffee on a mini press as we each wait silently in turn. The silence leaves me unsettled, almost feeling obliged to fill it with random chit-chat, a few words about the weather. I glance from silent guest to silent guest. Surely I can’t be the only one struck by this odd stillness?
The Real Navy Yard Scandal
It is inhumane not to treat those suffering from mental illness.
In the liberal remake of Casablanca, the police captain comes upon the scene of the shooting and orders his men to “round up the usual weapons.”
It’s always the weapon and never the shooter. Twelve people are murdered in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, and before sundown Senator Dianne Feinstein has called for yet another debate on gun violence. Major opprobrium is heaped on the AR-15, the semiautomatic used in the Newtown massacre.
In the liberal remake of Casablanca, the police captain comes upon the scene of the shooting and orders his men to “round up the usual weapons.”
It’s always the weapon and never the shooter. Twelve people are murdered in a rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, and before sundown Senator Dianne Feinstein has called for yet another debate on gun violence. Major opprobrium is heaped on the AR-15, the semiautomatic used in the Newtown massacre.
Senate Republicans Can Stop Reid From Funding Obamacare
When Establishment Republicans and their Democrat comrades claim there is no path to victory in the fight to defund Obamacare, they are intentionally muddying the waters. Do not confuse blundering political expedience with winning.
There is a clear path to victory and the folks comprising the new Republican leadership emerging in the House and Senate are smart enough and bold enough to take that path.
They’re playing to win and deserve our support.
There is a clear path to victory and the folks comprising the new Republican leadership emerging in the House and Senate are smart enough and bold enough to take that path.
They’re playing to win and deserve our support.
EPA Regulations Could Devastate Maryland Mining
The Environmental Protection Agency’s restrictions on new coal and natural gas power plants meant to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change would be a disaster for Western Maryland’s coal mining business, industry representatives said.
The new regulations, announced Friday by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, would allow new coal-powered plants to emit up to 1,100 pounds of carbon per megawatt-hour. Natural gas plants would be allowed to emit between 1,000 and 1,100 pounds of carbon per megawatt-hour, depending on their size
“They’ll have a devastating effect on us because they want to eliminate the coal-powered plants, and all of their actions will do just that,” said Adrienne Ottaviani, the executive director of the Maryland Coal Association. “It will be probably more of the coal companies in Maryland closing their doors. They just can’t continue with the regulations being placed upon them.”
The new regulations, announced Friday by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, would allow new coal-powered plants to emit up to 1,100 pounds of carbon per megawatt-hour. Natural gas plants would be allowed to emit between 1,000 and 1,100 pounds of carbon per megawatt-hour, depending on their size
“They’ll have a devastating effect on us because they want to eliminate the coal-powered plants, and all of their actions will do just that,” said Adrienne Ottaviani, the executive director of the Maryland Coal Association. “It will be probably more of the coal companies in Maryland closing their doors. They just can’t continue with the regulations being placed upon them.”
CHART: Drugs That Cause The Most Harm
MOST people would agree that some drugs are worse than others: Heroin is probably considered to be more dangerous than marijuana, for instance. Because governments formulate criminal and social policies based upon classifications of harm, a study published by the Lancet on Nov., 1, 2010, makes interesting reading.
Researchers led by Professor David Nutt, a former chief drugs adviser to the British government, asked drug-harm experts to rank 20 drugs (legal and illegal) on 16 measures of harm to the user and to wider society, such as damage to health, drug dependency, economic costs and crime.
Researchers led by Professor David Nutt, a former chief drugs adviser to the British government, asked drug-harm experts to rank 20 drugs (legal and illegal) on 16 measures of harm to the user and to wider society, such as damage to health, drug dependency, economic costs and crime.
The Eastern Shore Bucks Football
The little team that could…. The Eastern Shore Bucks are a Christian varsity football program located in southern DE. This team is for homeschool, private school, and public school students in grades 9-12 who do not have access to a football program all over the Eastern Shore. Their affiliation is MACC (Mid Atlantic Christian Conference). This has been the first year for this program and their record so far is 3-2 overall with about 4 more games to play. What makes this team so amazing is that out of the 23 students on the roster only 2 of them have ever played football on a high school level yet they are making their way to the top. The students on this team come from Salisbury MD, Mardela MD, Denton MD, Centerville MD, Harrington DE, Selbyville DE, Greenwood DE and a few other towns. They have all meshed well under the leadership of Coach Dan Young to form a strong team. There are even a few players on this team that have climbed the stat ladder to become in the top 10 rankings for MD and DE. This is a team worth acknowledging. They can be found on Facebook under Eastern Shore Bucks and on MaxPreps under Eastern Shore Home School. Their last home game is this Saturday September 28th at 2pm which is also senior day. The address for this game is 6510 Hickman Road Greenwood DE 19950. The Coach is Dan Young and his contact number is 302-258-9203.
CAIRO (AP) -- An Egyptian court has banned the Muslim Brotherhood group and ordered its assets confiscated in a dramatic escalation of a crackdown by the military-backed government against supporters of the ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi.
Egypt state TV said the court issued its ruling on Monday.
Egypt state TV said the court issued its ruling on Monday.
Will The Real President Of America Stand Up To Face Fitting Punishment
NEW YORK, — One year following unmitigated disaster in Benghazi, the most opaque Administration in American history apparently believes we should be mollified by delayed and circumscribed legislative hearings.
If you are happy that the costliest government on earth can only produce a bit of distracting daytime drama, then you are easily happy. The tragedy that erupted in Benghazi was likely born much earlier in reckless support by our own government of radical Islamist groups inside and outside America. There will be much more to tell in time.
At stake are matters tantamount to treason and not just petty points of administrative error. It is more than likely that individuals in both major parties are subverting a full scope investigation to shield their own culpability—much larger questions scream out for answers.
Who Effectively Runs the Federal Government under the Obama Administration?
If you are happy that the costliest government on earth can only produce a bit of distracting daytime drama, then you are easily happy. The tragedy that erupted in Benghazi was likely born much earlier in reckless support by our own government of radical Islamist groups inside and outside America. There will be much more to tell in time.
At stake are matters tantamount to treason and not just petty points of administrative error. It is more than likely that individuals in both major parties are subverting a full scope investigation to shield their own culpability—much larger questions scream out for answers.
Who Effectively Runs the Federal Government under the Obama Administration?
Ann Miller And Cindy Sharretts On The Blaze TV Today At 5pm
Thank you for helping to spread the word!!! Between our network of social media people spreading the video, Ann Miller's article in the Examiner and the article in the Baltimore Sun the story of Robert Small being arrested at last Thursday's Maryland State Department of Education's Common Core Forum we have made it a national story!! I am very excited to let you know that Ann Miller and Cindy Sharretts will be on The Blaze. They are taping this morning and we expect they will be on this evening at 5pm.
If you have not already subscribed to The Blaze you can get a 14 day free trial. It is also on Dish Network Channel 212.
On October 1 the MSDE is planning it's last of four "Common Core Public Forums" in Prince George's Co. I hope you will join me in respectfully writing pointed questions. Since they won't allow us to stand up and ask questions without threat of arrest, we will play by their rules. It would be nice if someone wanted to make some flyers on the rotteness within the core.
If you have not already subscribed to The Blaze you can get a 14 day free trial. It is also on Dish Network Channel 212.
On October 1 the MSDE is planning it's last of four "Common Core Public Forums" in Prince George's Co. I hope you will join me in respectfully writing pointed questions. Since they won't allow us to stand up and ask questions without threat of arrest, we will play by their rules. It would be nice if someone wanted to make some flyers on the rotteness within the core.
Facebook Blocks Founders Of Patriot Trucker Group For Saying 'God Bless America'
The administrators of the group "Truckers To Shut Down America" were temporarily booted from posting in Facebook for saying "God Bless America." On Sunday afternoon, they were finally back up and posting on their Facebook page, which has gone viral.
Today, the Examiner spoke with the group's founder, Zeeda Andrews. A former trucker herself, Andrews has tapped a nerve by calling for a "General Strike" to protest "the corruption that is destroying America." Americans who believe that the Government is trampling on theConstitution are welcome to join, regardless of party.
Today, the patriot group "Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment" offered to be out in full force, calling the effort one of their "patriot waves" to support the truckers making the trek across the nation to Washington, D.C. on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013, as reported today by the Examiner.
Today, the Examiner spoke with the group's founder, Zeeda Andrews. A former trucker herself, Andrews has tapped a nerve by calling for a "General Strike" to protest "the corruption that is destroying America." Americans who believe that the Government is trampling on theConstitution are welcome to join, regardless of party.
Today, the patriot group "Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment" offered to be out in full force, calling the effort one of their "patriot waves" to support the truckers making the trek across the nation to Washington, D.C. on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013, as reported today by the Examiner.
The 51st State, Western Maryland: How To Succeed Without Seceding
The mountain natives are restless in Maryland. They want to have it their way, though they represent just 10 percent of the state’s population.
Here are a few things that annoy them:
Here are a few things that annoy them:
- A stream of tax increases (including one on rain!) from Annapolis.
- State restrictions that devalue their land.
- Tougher gun-control laws.
- A bleeding-heart law that does away with the death penalty.
- A state law legalizing gay marriages.
- Political map-makers who deprive them of their conservative congressman.
Annapolis, Md. - Delegate Ron George joined Anne Arundel County Executive, Laura Neuman, in the county’s first annual POW/MIA Recognition Day. The event also heard from Korean War veteran and former POW in China, Corporal James N. Diggs, who raised Anne Arundel County’s new POW/MIA flag for the first time.
“The continued pain felt by parents, spouses, children, and in later years grandchildren, is an emptiness of questions waiting to be answered,” George remarked.
There are over 83,000 POW/MIA soldiers from World War II to present. September 20th is the national POW/MIA Recognition Day.
In speaking to family members and the missing’s comrades in arms that were present, Mr. George found they all had a desire to thank their missing family members and friends for their service and to also discover the unfinished story. Answers to where they are, and of what those missing went through for their country.
George recalled, “As someone who turned 18 during the Vietnam War, I have always found it offensive how the issue of missing POW’s and MIA’s seemed an uncomfortable issue to admit. As if forgetting about them helped put the war behind us. I want us to work to have answers for all of them.”
To those whom this event was for, Ron George said, “Even though they can’t hear my voice, Thank You.”
Georgetown Man Arrested For Attempted Murder
Location: 12000 block of Seashore Highway, Georgetown, DE
Date of Occurrence: Sunday September 22, 2013 at approximately 8:12 p.m.
37 year old female
15 year old female
14 year old male
57 year old male
Defendant, Charges, and Bond Information:
Albert Norman, 52, Georgetown, DE (No Photo Available)
Attempted Murder 1st
Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony
Aggravated Menacing
Terroristic Threatening
Endangering the Welfare of a Child (2 counts)
Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution without bail.
Georgetown, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a 52 year old Georgetown man after he stabbed his wife during a domestic dispute.
The incident started around 8:12 p.m. last night as the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center (9-1-1) received a call from a residence located in the 12000 block of Seashore Highway stating Albert Norman had stabbed his 37 year old wife. Troopers responding to the home made contact with the victim who had been stabbed multiple times in the upper torso. She was then transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital where she underwent surgery for her wounds and is currently listed in serious but stable condition.
Information was obtained through the victim and the couple's children that the two were talking about ending their relationship when Albert suddenly began stabbing his wife in the back with a knife. The children were able to intervene and their mother was able to escape to a next door neighbor's house where she able to enter and hide. When Albert made contact with the 57 year old homeowner, he threatened to stab him as well before fleeing the area in his car. Albert then drove himself to Troop 4 in Georgetown where he turned himself in.
Albert Norman was charged with Attempted Murder 1st, Possession of Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony, Aggravated Menacing, Terroristic Threatening, and two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. He was arraigned at JP3 and committed to SCI where he is being held without bail.
Date of Occurrence: Sunday September 22, 2013 at approximately 8:12 p.m.
37 year old female
15 year old female
14 year old male
57 year old male
Defendant, Charges, and Bond Information:
Albert Norman, 52, Georgetown, DE (No Photo Available)
Attempted Murder 1st
Possession of a Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony
Aggravated Menacing
Terroristic Threatening
Endangering the Welfare of a Child (2 counts)
Arraigned at JP3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution without bail.
Georgetown, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a 52 year old Georgetown man after he stabbed his wife during a domestic dispute.
The incident started around 8:12 p.m. last night as the Sussex County Emergency Operations Center (9-1-1) received a call from a residence located in the 12000 block of Seashore Highway stating Albert Norman had stabbed his 37 year old wife. Troopers responding to the home made contact with the victim who had been stabbed multiple times in the upper torso. She was then transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital where she underwent surgery for her wounds and is currently listed in serious but stable condition.
Information was obtained through the victim and the couple's children that the two were talking about ending their relationship when Albert suddenly began stabbing his wife in the back with a knife. The children were able to intervene and their mother was able to escape to a next door neighbor's house where she able to enter and hide. When Albert made contact with the 57 year old homeowner, he threatened to stab him as well before fleeing the area in his car. Albert then drove himself to Troop 4 in Georgetown where he turned himself in.
Albert Norman was charged with Attempted Murder 1st, Possession of Deadly Weapon During the Commission of a Felony, Aggravated Menacing, Terroristic Threatening, and two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child. He was arraigned at JP3 and committed to SCI where he is being held without bail.
Congressman Harris Votes To Defund Obamacare And Keep The Government Open
Congressman Andy Harris Stands With the American People Against Obamacare
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. voted for the continuing resolution that would defund The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, control spending, and keep the government funded until December 15, 2013. It is now up to the U.S. Senate to stand with the House and the American people against this law and make responsible reductions in out of control government spending.
“We have seen as this disastrous law is being implemented that it is anything but affordable and patients are not being protected,” said Harris. “This law is bad for middle class families who will see their premiums go up and young people who are just starting out. Businesses are having to move full time workers to part time, lay people off, or put off hiring because the regulations are too expensive. It is now time for the U.S. Senate to listen to the American people and take action to defund this train wreck.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. voted for the continuing resolution that would defund The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, control spending, and keep the government funded until December 15, 2013. It is now up to the U.S. Senate to stand with the House and the American people against this law and make responsible reductions in out of control government spending.
“We have seen as this disastrous law is being implemented that it is anything but affordable and patients are not being protected,” said Harris. “This law is bad for middle class families who will see their premiums go up and young people who are just starting out. Businesses are having to move full time workers to part time, lay people off, or put off hiring because the regulations are too expensive. It is now time for the U.S. Senate to listen to the American people and take action to defund this train wreck.”
Sunfest Proves To Be A Huge Success At End Of 2013 Season
With crowds as far as the eye can see and tens of thousands of people walking the Boardwalk as well, Sunfest had an exceptional year in attendance. One thing I did notice was the prices of the crafts were much higher than in years past. If you attended, did you notice the same thing?
Owner called, GOT info from his Friend who reads SBYNEWS. Owner came and picked up his dog this morning.
Found this dog on Sharptown Road between Mardela and Sharptown about 6 PM Sunday. Its a female, has a collar with rabies tag WICOMICO 2013. She is little shy,, calm and gentle. She was running in the middle of the road with another dog, I was able to make her come to me, the other dog ran away.
A Mix Of Emotions Around The Marine Barracks
Even though the weather was beautiful, the mood outside the Marine Corps Barracks on Sunday in Southeast D.C. was solemn.
"Pretty somber, I would say," said Amanda Robertson, of Arlington, as she passed by the barracks.
This is the first Sunday since 12 people were killed at the Washington Navy Yard, and some, like Robertson, lifted up the victims' families in prayer.
"Pretty somber, I would say," said Amanda Robertson, of Arlington, as she passed by the barracks.
This is the first Sunday since 12 people were killed at the Washington Navy Yard, and some, like Robertson, lifted up the victims' families in prayer.
No Thanks, Obamacare. I'll Pay The Penalty
Can't afford the premiums. Don't need health insurance. Won't support Obamacare.
These are some of the reasons why CNNMoney readers say they'll opt to pay a penalty for not having health insurance in 2014, rather than sign up for a policy in the state-based exchanges or through their companies.
"I would love to have insurance, but we just don't have the money," said Sandra Czop, 58, of Bloomingdale, Ill. "We need that $100 to put food on the table. We have no money to put gas in the car."
Czop, a mortgage loan officer whose business is down 60% and whose husband is unemployed, summed up the sentiments of many readers. Though subsidies are available to those earning less than 400% of the poverty level, the premiums are still too high for many Americans.
These are some of the reasons why CNNMoney readers say they'll opt to pay a penalty for not having health insurance in 2014, rather than sign up for a policy in the state-based exchanges or through their companies.
"I would love to have insurance, but we just don't have the money," said Sandra Czop, 58, of Bloomingdale, Ill. "We need that $100 to put food on the table. We have no money to put gas in the car."
Czop, a mortgage loan officer whose business is down 60% and whose husband is unemployed, summed up the sentiments of many readers. Though subsidies are available to those earning less than 400% of the poverty level, the premiums are still too high for many Americans.
Doctors Tell Mom To Abort “Brain Dead” Baby, Mom Sues After Delivering Healthy Child
A mother in England is filing suit against a hospital where doctors told her she should have an abortion of her supposedly “brain dead” unborn baby. Sarah Hagan is now suing City Hospitals Sunderland after giving birth to a healthy child.
Hagan says that, after a 24-week ultrasound scan of her unborn baby, doctors told her that her son Aaron was “brain dead,” had just one eye and no chance of survival.
The mother of two says physicians adviser her to take an abortion drug, even though the mifepristone abortion pill is only authorized to be used to destroy the life of an unborn baby much earlier in pregnancy.
When the abortion drug didn’t work, another doctor informed Hagan her baby needed to be delivered immediately and she gave birth to Aaron, who was born at 1lb 7oz with both eyes and healthy other than the fact that he was born prematurely — which has left him with chronic lung problems he wouldn’t have had otherwise. Now Aaron is 15 months old and Hagan is taking legal action.
The London Daily Mail newspaper has more:
Hagan says that, after a 24-week ultrasound scan of her unborn baby, doctors told her that her son Aaron was “brain dead,” had just one eye and no chance of survival.
The mother of two says physicians adviser her to take an abortion drug, even though the mifepristone abortion pill is only authorized to be used to destroy the life of an unborn baby much earlier in pregnancy.
When the abortion drug didn’t work, another doctor informed Hagan her baby needed to be delivered immediately and she gave birth to Aaron, who was born at 1lb 7oz with both eyes and healthy other than the fact that he was born prematurely — which has left him with chronic lung problems he wouldn’t have had otherwise. Now Aaron is 15 months old and Hagan is taking legal action.
The London Daily Mail newspaper has more:
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Press Release 9-23-13
While patrolling the area of Grays Corner Road and Friendship Road, in Berlin on Sunday September 15th, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office came in contact with a subject who was acting suspicious.
The Deputy stopped the individual, who was identified as Betty Jane Hilton 59, from Damascus, Maryland. While the Deputy was speaking to Mrs. Hilton, Ms. Hilton became extremely nervous and stated she did not want to go to jail, through further investigation Mrs. Hilton admitted to being in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia used to smoke marijuana. Mrs. Hilton was subsequently searched and arrested for possession of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Mrs. Hilton was issued criminal citations and released on her signature.
On September 18,2013 at approximately 1404 hrs. Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were dispatched to Wal-Mart in Berlin Md. for a theft. Once at the Wal-Mart The suspect was identified as Victoria Ashley Lewis 29 years of age, from Selbyville DE. Ms. Lewis was in the Wal-Mart store in Berlin allegedly attempting to shoplift merchandise. There was an active arrest warrant for Ms. Lewis’s Ms. Lewis was arrested for theft and on the Warrant. A search of her vehicle produced drug paraphernalia which she was also charged. Ms. Lewis was held at the Worcester County Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00 Bond.
On September 13, 2013, after several attempts to locate, Fernando Musiani 24 of Berlin Md., he turned himself into the Ocean City Police Department on an outstanding warrant. Mr. Musiani was wanted for Violation of Probation. Mr. Musiani was taken into custody by Deputies without incident. Mr. Musiani was processed and transported to the Worcester County Jail where he was held on $10,600 cash only bond.
On September 14, 2013 at approximately 0051 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy was traveling north bound on Rt. 113 in the area of Whaleyville Rd. The Deputy observed a red Chevy Cavalier, traveling at a high rate of speed. The Deputy paced the vehicle at 70 mph in a posted 55 mph zone and observed the vehicle drift in between lanes. The Deputy stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as Darien Beckwith 22 of Dagsboro De. Mr. Beckwith performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Mr. Beckwith was placed under arrest and was charged with the following:
Driving While Impaired
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Unsafe Lane Change
Speeding 70/55
Mr. Beckwith was issued citations and released on his own personal recognizance.
On September 12, 2013 Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to a residence in West Ocean City in reference to a domestic complaint/violation of a protective order.
Upon arrival the victim stated she was in her driveway when Mr. Funk, 48 years of age of West Ocean City Md., began to verbally harass her. During the investigation it was revealed there was a Protective Order in place against Mr. Funk.
Mr. Funk was arrested for the violation of the Protective Order. Mr. Funk was later released by the court commissioner on a $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
The Deputy stopped the individual, who was identified as Betty Jane Hilton 59, from Damascus, Maryland. While the Deputy was speaking to Mrs. Hilton, Ms. Hilton became extremely nervous and stated she did not want to go to jail, through further investigation Mrs. Hilton admitted to being in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia used to smoke marijuana. Mrs. Hilton was subsequently searched and arrested for possession of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana. Mrs. Hilton was issued criminal citations and released on her signature.
On September 18,2013 at approximately 1404 hrs. Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were dispatched to Wal-Mart in Berlin Md. for a theft. Once at the Wal-Mart The suspect was identified as Victoria Ashley Lewis 29 years of age, from Selbyville DE. Ms. Lewis was in the Wal-Mart store in Berlin allegedly attempting to shoplift merchandise. There was an active arrest warrant for Ms. Lewis’s Ms. Lewis was arrested for theft and on the Warrant. A search of her vehicle produced drug paraphernalia which she was also charged. Ms. Lewis was held at the Worcester County Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00 Bond.
On September 14, 2013 at approximately 0051 hours, a Worcester County Sheriff’s Deputy was traveling north bound on Rt. 113 in the area of Whaleyville Rd. The Deputy observed a red Chevy Cavalier, traveling at a high rate of speed. The Deputy paced the vehicle at 70 mph in a posted 55 mph zone and observed the vehicle drift in between lanes. The Deputy stopped the vehicle and identified the driver as Darien Beckwith 22 of Dagsboro De. Mr. Beckwith performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Mr. Beckwith was placed under arrest and was charged with the following:
Driving While Impaired
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Unsafe Lane Change
Speeding 70/55
Mr. Beckwith was issued citations and released on his own personal recognizance.
On September 12, 2013 Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to a residence in West Ocean City in reference to a domestic complaint/violation of a protective order.
Upon arrival the victim stated she was in her driveway when Mr. Funk, 48 years of age of West Ocean City Md., began to verbally harass her. During the investigation it was revealed there was a Protective Order in place against Mr. Funk.
Mr. Funk was arrested for the violation of the Protective Order. Mr. Funk was later released by the court commissioner on a $5,000.00 unsecured bond.
SFD Calls For Service 9-22-13
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 23:04:41 Nature: Seizure City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 20:33:27 Nature: Abdominal Pain City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 20:16:59 Nature: Pi Accident City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 19:26:39 Nature: Diabetic Difficulty City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 18:32:35 Nature: Assault Ems City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 11:52:48 Nature: Subject Fallen City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 08:49:39 Nature: Sick Subject City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 08:07:41 Nature: Pro Qa Ems City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 07:58:52 Nature: Pro Qa Ems City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 07:08:31 Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 05:38:49 Nature: Diabetic Difficulty City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 04:01:57 Nature: Delayed Ambulance Address: 2702 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 03:56:58 Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 02:56:00 Nature: Alcohol Poisoning City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 02:18:48 Nature: Difficulty Breathing City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 02:17:21 Nature: Chest Pain City: Salisbury
- Sunday September, 22 2013 @ 01:49:32 Nature: Alcohol Poisoning City: Salisbury
ANNAPOLIS, MD – As part of the O'Malley-Brown Administration's ongoing focus on job training, Governor Martin O'Malley issued an Executive Order directing State agencies to promote apprenticeship programs and encourage hiring in priority areas. The Order is part of the Administration's ongoing efforts to strengthen the middle class by ensuring Marylanders have the skills necessary to compete in the 21st Century economy.
Under the Executive Order, State agencies are encouraged to award credit in the procurement process to contractors that agree to participate in registered apprenticeship programs. The Executive Order also encourages contractors to submit voluntary plans for community outreach and hiring in areas of high unemployment.
"In Maryland, our people are our greatest asset," said Governor O'Malley. "When investing in our State infrastructure, we must also seize the opportunity to develop critical job skills needed in construction, and to expand employment opportunities for Marylanders, particularly in areas with high unemployment. This Executive Order will allow us to continue our efforts to expand opportunities for middle class families, and build an economy that creates prosperity for Maryland from the middle out."
The procurement guidelines direct State agencies to consider on a project-by-project basis whether promoting apprenticeship programs and community hiring is in the best interests of the State, after considering a broad range of factors, including the size and complexity of the project and the impact on project costs, if any. Contractors who agree to participate in apprenticeship programs are authorized to execute either a project labor agreement or an apprenticeship agreement with an operator of a program that is registered with the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council.
Under the Executive Order, State agencies are encouraged to award credit in the procurement process to contractors that agree to participate in registered apprenticeship programs. The Executive Order also encourages contractors to submit voluntary plans for community outreach and hiring in areas of high unemployment.
"In Maryland, our people are our greatest asset," said Governor O'Malley. "When investing in our State infrastructure, we must also seize the opportunity to develop critical job skills needed in construction, and to expand employment opportunities for Marylanders, particularly in areas with high unemployment. This Executive Order will allow us to continue our efforts to expand opportunities for middle class families, and build an economy that creates prosperity for Maryland from the middle out."
The procurement guidelines direct State agencies to consider on a project-by-project basis whether promoting apprenticeship programs and community hiring is in the best interests of the State, after considering a broad range of factors, including the size and complexity of the project and the impact on project costs, if any. Contractors who agree to participate in apprenticeship programs are authorized to execute either a project labor agreement or an apprenticeship agreement with an operator of a program that is registered with the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council.
Missing Cat 9-19-13 UPDATE
Dear Mr. Albero,
I have lost my dear cat "Pop-Tart". He is a 10 year old small maincoon, orange tiger in color with white belly. Our family is heartbroken and was hoping that you could post the information for us as soon as possible.
He disappeared from our yard in Westbury Acres on Tuesday night. He is not a wanderer and never ever stays gone for long, and never overnight.
Please help me find my cat if you can. I am sending you a picture of him.
Thank You So Much
I have lost my dear cat "Pop-Tart". He is a 10 year old small maincoon, orange tiger in color with white belly. Our family is heartbroken and was hoping that you could post the information for us as soon as possible.
He disappeared from our yard in Westbury Acres on Tuesday night. He is not a wanderer and never ever stays gone for long, and never overnight.
Please help me find my cat if you can. I am sending you a picture of him.
Thank You So Much
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