Check out my freehand nail art in the folders/pages above this line :) - Se min frihånds nail art i fanebladene over denne linie :)

Viser opslag med etiketten fire. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten fire. Vis alle opslag

mandag den 22. februar 2016

The Holo Hookup February Box swaches

The Holo Hookup February Box has Takko Lacquer as the guest. The theme is the elements: Different Dimension Earth, Takko Lacquer Water, Glisten & Glow Fire and Cupcake Polish Air.

Different Dimension Earth:
Different Dimension Earth – the element for the star signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is described as a rich brown holo with multichrome flakes plus blue and green holographic micro-glitter, but I think it is more of a mix between bronze and brown with a twist of olive. No matter what, it is very unique and unusual, and the flakies and micro glitters really play their par well. It was very opaque in one coat, but this is two with a coat of Seche Vite.

Takko Lacquer Water:
Takko Lacquer Water – the element for the star signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It is a light delicate green aqua holo with intense gold shimmer. Two rich coats gave me opacity, but if you apply thin coats, you need 3. I finished with a coat of Seche Vite.

Glisten & Glow Fire:
Glisten & Glow Fire – the element for the star signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
It is a pretty pink-leaning red (also sometimes leaning a bit towards orange) holo with scattered silver and cherry holo micro-glitter, the holo and the micro-glitter effect is gorgeous, but it also has a slightly metallic finish. You see it in two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Cupcake Polish Air:
Cupcake Polish Air – the element for the star signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
Air is a beautiful ice blue periwinkle leaning holo with a strong pink shimmer. The formula was on the thick side, but manageable. This is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
So what was your favorite/s?

Or maybe the PINK MAGENTA beauty in the previous post is more you :D

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fredag den 31. januar 2014

Dots on Fire - nail art

Well the dots are not on FIRE, they are ON fire – aehm they are on Fire 159 from Chanel ;) - see swatches HERE.

The dots are OPI Alpine Snow, Nails Inc. Baker Street (blue) and Nailstation Confidentiel (yellow) and the top coat is Seche vite. I liked this easy, bright and happy dotticure.

søndag den 15. december 2013

Chanel Fire 159 - swatches

Chanel Fire 159 – unfortunately I have not been able to find any info about neither collection nor year/season – can you help me...?
Fire is a classic and very beautiful true red bold and bright creme polish. You can easily get away with one rich coat, but this is 2 coats without a top coat, and ahhh, that amazing shine…
Chanel Fire 159 – jeg har desværre ikke kunnet finde oplysninger om, hverken hvilken kollektion den tilhører, udgivelses år eller årstid for den – kan du hjælpe mig…?
Fire er en klassisk og meget smuk rød creme lak, pågående og frisk. Den er meget velpigmenteret, så du kan sagtens nøjes med et generøst lag, men her ser du 2 lag uden toplak – og se den smukke og skinnende finish…
Do you love Fire as much as I do?
I know it's a red like so many others BUT I love everything about it: can be used as a one-coater, and the formula and shine of Chanel is so unique...
Synes du lige så godt om Fire som jeg gør?
Jeg ved godt det er en rød som så mange andre MEN jeg elsker den: den kan bruges med et lag, og Chanels skinnende finish og fantastiske konsistens er så unik...

tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

Hearts on fire - hjerter i brand

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
At first I was going to make hearts on fire on the black Essie Licorice, but then I added 1 coat of Essie Luxeffects Shine of the Times to create even more fire illusion, maybe too much – I’ll let you decide…
The red-hot hearts I more or less marbled with acrylic colors before painting and a fine brush. On my ring finger one hart actually have caught fire, the others are not there yet, but they are almost ready to combust. I finished off with a top coat.
God Valentines dag
Først ville jeg lave brændende hjerter på den sorte Essie Licorice, men så lagde jeg også et lag Essie Luxeffects Shine of the Times for at give en endnu større ild effekt – for meget måske, det vil jeg lade dig komme med et bud på…
De brandvarme hjerte lavede jeg ved at blande acrylfarver løst med penslen, og på min ringfinger lavede jeget hjerte, der er brudt i brand. De andre er endnu kun brandvarme og mere eller mindre klar til at flamme i lys lue. Jeg sluttede med et lag toplak.
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