The next
in my “Hiding in X” series is pink.
When I
did my “Hiding in blue”, Ana from “Mimi’s Vanity Box” suggested, that I did a similar
pink camouflage, so this is for you my friend, you have been a faithful support ever since I started my blog!
This is
my second attempt, you can see the first farthest below, it lacked contrast and
edge, so I realized, that I had to add more fuchsia/hot pink to get better
contrast, and I started out with China Glaze Ahoy!, a raspberry red/hot pink
with nice glass flecks, as the base color. For the dots I used China Glaze Rich
& Famous + Dance baby, Essie Lovie Dovie and OPI Pedal Faster Suzi. And I
top coated to finish the design.
Da jeg postede “Hiding in Blue” foreslog Ana fra ”Mimi’sVanity Box” at jeg lavede en pink kamouflage, så den er til hende, en trofast støtte, der har været der lgie fra mine første spænde skridt her på bloggen!
Det er mit andet forsøg, du kan se det første længere
nede, men det manglede kontrast og ”kant”, so jeg tænkte at jeg var nødt til at
bruge mere fuchsia/hot pink for at få mere kontrast. Derfor valgte jeg
grundfarven China Glaze Ahoy!. en hindbærrød/hot pink med smukke glasagtige
flecks, og til kamouflagen valgte jeg China Glaze Rich & Famous + Dance
baby, Essie Lovie Dovie and OPI Pedal Faster Suzi, som jeg dottede på med et
dotting tool. Til sidst lagde jeg toplak.
First discarded attempt/første kasserede forsøg:
My first
try became too blahh, way too little contrast for my liking – even if I added a little
silver. The base Color is China Glaze Rich & Famouse and the
dots/camouflage colors are china Glaze Second Hand Silk + Dance Baby, Essie
Lovie Dovie + Spaghetti Strap and OPI Pedal Faster Suzi.