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Viser opslag med etiketten Dark Territory. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Dark Territory. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 10. maj 2016

Elevation Polish Dark Territory, Plum Zingers and New Nicknames and Space Raspberries & Rhum

Today I have my picks from the Elevation Polish Lost Collection, March 2016: Dark Territory, Plum Zingers and New Nicknames and Space Raspberries & Rhum.

Dark Territory:
Elevation Polish Dark Territory is a unique polish in dark teal holo with a flash of purple in some light settings/angles. The holo is strong and also visible in indoor light settings. It is rather opaque in one coat, but this is two with a coat of Seche Vite. 

Plum Zingers and New Nicknames:
Elevation Polish Plum Zingers and New Nicknames is a dark, slightly dusky, purple holo with a slight dash of golden micro shimmer. The holo effect is strong in the sun. You see it in two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.

Space Raspberries & Rhum:
Elevation Polish Space Raspberries & Rhum is a gorgeous purple base with holo flake shimmer and a very subtle hint of gold micro shimmer. This is two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
So, what do you think of these dark beauties..?

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