Check out my freehand nail art in the folders/pages above this line :) - Se min frihånds nail art i fanebladene over denne linie :)

Viser opslag med etiketten 01 Chilled Orange. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten 01 Chilled Orange. Vis alle opslag

søndag den 3. juni 2012

Chilled orange abstract – Soul Sista Week

Essence 01 Chilled Orange is the base color, and I sponged partial areas with Essence 03 Lounge Chair Affair (both polishes are from the Soul Sista collection). They blend extremely well, not very noticeable, but definitely creating a nice effect – a simple difference in shade. I wanted to paint a bouquet of flowers and started painting thin stems hanging from the cuticles towards the tip – but then I thought that the color combination looked great, all it needed was some purple – so I ended up doing an abstract, and I was kind of happy about the colors and playfulness of the design…
Essence 01 Chilled Orange er grundfarven, og jeg duppede tilfældige dele med 03 Lounge Chair Affair (begge fra Soul Sista kollektionen). Jeg elsker den måde de flyder sammen, det er næsten ikke synligt, men alligevel er der en tydelig nuanceforskel. Derefter ville jeg male en buket blomster, der hang med hovedet nedad – så jeg startede med de tynde stilke. Men jeg synes det grønne klædte de andre farver så godt og tænkte at lidt lilla ville gøre de perfekt – så jeg endte med abstrakt nail art, og jeg kunne godt li’ letheden og farveglæden i resultatet…

fredag den 1. juni 2012

Mojito Flowers – Soul Sista Week

The base color is Essence 05 Mojito Green from the Soul Sista Collection. It’s a one-coater and a gorgeous teal green, more green than on the photos. As I have done with all the other manis in this collection I sponged random areas with other colors from the collection, and in this mani I chose 04 Totally Retro Nude and 01 Chilled Orange. Then I painted the flowers with acrylic color and top coated with Seche Vite.
See more flowers in the top menu!
Grundfarven er Essence 05 Mojito Green fra Soul Sista kollektionen. Det er en etlags smuk turkisgrøn, ser mest blå ud her, men er faktisk mest grøn. Som jeg har gjort ved de andre manicurer fra samme kollektion, har jeg duppet tilfældige områder med en af de andre 4 farver, i dette tilfælde valgte jeg både 04 Totally Retro Nude og 01 Chilled Orange. Derefter malede jeg blomsterne med akrylfarve og top coatede med Seche Vite.
Se flere blomster of nail art i top menuen!

torsdag den 31. maj 2012

Lounge Chair Flowers – Soul Sista week

The base color is 2 coats of Essence 03 Lounge Chair Affair, and it’s a tiny bit sheer in 2 coats. I sponged a band with Essence 01 Chilled Orange (both polishes are from the Soul Sista collection). They blend extremely well together – not very noticeable, but definitely creating a nice effect – a simple difference in shade. Then I painted the flowers, first I mixed acrylic colors, a turquoise with a touch of silver for the flower petals, the “strains” in the petals is painted with a leather brown color and the center with yellow and orange. I used a dotting tool for the dots.  Finally I top coated with Seche Vite.
Not my most well painted flowers, but they gave me a lounge chair under the palms vibe :) - you can see more flowers in the top menu!
Grundfarven er Essence 03 Lounge Chair Affair, og den ville være 100% heldækkende, hvis den fik et lag mere. Jeg duppede Essence 01 Chilled Orange (også fra Soul Sista kollektionen) hen over den, og jeg elsker den måde de flyder sammen, det er næsten ikke synligt, men alligevel er der en tydelig nuanceforskel. Derefter malede jeg blomsterne; jeg blandede ført en turkis med en smule sølv til kronbladene, og strengene i dem er malet med en læderbrun, mens midten er malet med gul og orange. Prikkerne er lavet med et dotting tool. Til slut lagde jeg Seche Vite som toplak.
Det er ikke mine flotteste blomster, men designet gav mig tanker om en liggestol under palmer :) - du kan se flere blomster ved at vælge fanebladet i topmenuen...

onsdag den 23. maj 2012

Tiger Domo Kun Qee celebreity - Artsy Wednesday

He isn't biting me LOL - han bider mig ikke ;)
This week’s challenge is “Inspired by a celebrity manicure”, and to be honest, I have absolutely NO idea of who wears what LOL
But I do know that the celebrity on my blog is Strawberry Domo Kun Qee. So here you have another and until now less famous celebrity from my nail polish shelf: Tiger Domo Kun Qee…
The base color is Essence 01 Chilled Orange from the Soul Sista Coll., and I find it to be the perfect match for my tiger Domo Kun. His face and stripes, I painted with acrylic color, and I top coated with Seche vite.
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle at Lab Muffin,  Alanna at Pretty Purple Polish, Holly at Hooked, Tif at Polished Genious, Sofie from Swååfie, Catrine at Unnakednails, Melanie at Nail & Polish, Jessica at Beauty Gnome
This week Lyndsey isn't posting (Nails by Ms. Lizard,)
Denne uges udfordring er “Inspireret af en berømtheds manicure”, og for at sige det lige ud, så aner jeg ikke hvem der har hvad på ;)
Men jeg ved at berømtheden på min blog er Strawberry DomoKun Qee. Så her har i en anden og indtil nu knap så kendt berømthed fra min neglelakshylde: Tiger Domo Kun Qee…
Grundfarven er Essence 01 Chilled Orange fra Soul Sista Coll., og jeg synes den er det perfekte match for Domo Kuns farve. Hans ansigt og striberne har jeg malet med akryl farve, og toplakken er Seche Vite.

lørdag den 5. maj 2012

Swatch Saturday - Essence Soul Sista & Fruity & Rebels collections - swatches & review

Left to right/v. mod h.: 05 Mojito Green, 01 Chilled Orange, 04 Totally Retro Nude, 02 James’s Favorite Brown and 03 Lounge Chair Affair - sun
Left to right/v. mod h.: 05 Mojito Green, 01 Chilled Orange, 04 Totally Retro Nude, 02 James’s Favorite Brown and 03 Lounge Chair Affair - indoor, flash

Left to right/v. mod h.: 05 Mojito Green, 01 Chilled Orange, 04 Totally Retro Nude, 02 James’s Favorite Brown and 03 Lounge Chair Affair - sun
Left to right/v. mod h.: 05 Mojito Green, 01 Chilled Orange, 04 Totally Retro Nude, 02 James’s Favorite Brown and 03 Lounge Chair Affair - flash
Soul Sista has 5 colors, see the coll. HERE (scroll on arrow to the polishes), and I bought them all.
All of them has a good opacity (some one-coaters) and they dry quickly and are easy to apply.
05 Mojito Green is a turquoise green (greener than on photos) with a very light golden shimmer. The finish is silky, neither shiny nor matte.
01 Chilled Orange is an orange/warm yellow cream, leaning towards a silky finish.
04 Totally Retro Nude is a warm-toned sand beige with a touch of brown and a light shimmer. Normal finish.
02 James’s Favorite Brown is a warm-toned chocolate brown with shimmer, almost leaning towards metallic.
03 Lounge Chair Affair is a coral/salmon (less red than on the photos) with golden shimmer and an almost matte finish. 
One Kiwi a Day + Banana Joe
From the Fruity Collection, see more HERE (scroll on arrow to the  nail polish),  I only bought two, and now afterwards I don’t understand why…
One Kiwi a day is a pale yellow-toned green with light green glitter in just the right amount, a one coater, and it dies fairly shiny and quick. 
Banana Joe is a sheer very, very pale yellow with subtle shimmer, and it looks like it’s prone to brush strokes, 2-3 coats would be OK. Dries quick with a normal shiny finish.

04 Rebelizer + 03 Peach Punk
04 Rebelizer + 03 Peach Punk
From the Rebels Collection, see more HERE ( use arrow to find the polishes) I bought 2 og the 4, the neons. They are easy to apply, dries quickly with a semi-matte finish "with a latex effect" - not sure  what that is though. They both have subtle shimmer, actually I think all 4 had..
04 Rebelizer is a  apple-lime kind of yellow-green color, difficult to describe
03 Peach Punk is a coral-peach-salmon kind of color

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