Showing posts with label Want. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Want. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Catching Up On My Summer Reading

One of the things that I was able to accomplish with all my travel delays was to finish reading several books that have been stuck in my queue for the last few months.

I have finished Captain Ward's "Tales of the Anna Karrue" and "Into the Mystic" - the chronicles of a tugboat captain in Charleston SC.
Capt. Ward is an old friend from Key West- he and his wife kept me sane on more than a few trips to the Dry Tortugas, where he was a captain on the Yankee Freedom.
His stories give a glimpse into life on waters in and around Charleston SC, really highlighting some of the drama that surround a very colorful segment of coastal life.
Tasty stuff... Pick them up if you enjoy a good seaside tale.

Speaking of tales- or more appropriately - tails...

If you have not secured your copy of The Book of Barkley yet, what the hell are you waiting for?

It took me a while to get mine, but I am so glad I did...

I may be a bit biased, having had the pleasure of meeting the author not once but twice, and this book has double impact on me: Knowing the author, and being the recipient of the love of a black lab at my humble abode, the tales hit home with a vengeance.
As the author shares her tales of life, love, a mischievous black lab, and ultimately, loved ones lost, she weaves thought-provoking tales of home, work, squeaky toys, and family, she makes you reflect on your life and your loved ones in a very profound manner.

If you read this book and don't smile, laugh out loud, and shed a tear or three (or like me, about 50), I will have to revoke your status as a Constant Reader. 
Listen to your Uncle Jay: Go to the site and order The Book of Barkley now.



Thursday, September 04, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Still thinking about the medicalert bracelet.


Monday, December 23, 2013





Monday, December 16, 2013


...Not for any good reason, just want.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Vehicle of Desire

Whilst waltzing around Krasnodar and Sochi, I came across a vehicle that tickled my fancy...

Now, to preface this missive- Uncle Jay is all about being unique (just like everyone else).
I prefer things a little out of the ordinary.
Hence the Blue Toaster instead of a Ford Exploder, the FJR instead of a Harley, a .44 Magnum instead of a .40 S&W.
You know...

So, wandering the streets of Krasnodar I saw a rather cool looking Microbus looking vehicle. Very utilitarian.
So I started asking questions...

To start with:
"'Dafuq is dat?!"
It's called a Uaz. (Oo-woz)
This was the first one I saw, but hardly the last. The damn things are everywhere in Russia.

I started to do a little digging...

And it seems like it is quite capable, if you spend enough on accessories.

(This is true of anything, from cars to trophy wives. But I digress...)

We saw them everywhere... Like at this checkpoint in Estosadok.
And yes, this picture is yet another example of Stupid American Tricks: Taking pictures of a security checkpoint...
Which can earn you a close encounter with a cattle prod.
Ask me how I know.

We started asking St.Ass questions regarding the Uaz.
He was understandably puzzled.
StAss: "Why would you want to buy zis piece of crap? Zhe ride is horrible because zey use shit springs, zhe brakes won't stop zhe car, and zhe steering is crap."
Yours Truly: "But St.Ass! It's so cool!"
St.Ass: "No, it izn't. It's crap."

He began to pontificate on how, basically, everything made in Russia is substandard and falls apart due to shoddy design and manufacture.
Of this, I am not sure...
I can think of one good example that disproves his blanket statement...
Is good example, no?
Reliable? Da.
Accurate? Perhaps, not so much.

Besides- getting a Uaz through all the EPA and safety BS would be a nightmare and probably be a show-stopper anyway, so I'm going to back-burner my dreams of having all the hipsters giving my cool ride covetous glances...

Maybe I can find this other cool ride I saw on the street in Sochi:
The Mitsubishi Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
"Hey- you got some of your station wagon on my sport car!"
"No, you got sports car on my SUV!"


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

If I Had One Of These... motorcycle rider, Volkswagen Beetle or hitchhiker would be safe.

I'd name it Shelob and head to the entertainment district at 11:00pm on a Friday!


Friday, August 09, 2013


I'm printing up cards like this....

Click for embigification 


Friday, June 28, 2013

Attitude Box

The Useless Box (now with Attitude!)


Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Answer To This Week's Puzzler

Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have winners!

Yes- astute and observant Constant Readers figured it out...

About 6 months ago the ignition key on my FJR started to go flaky, and about 2 weeks ago it gave up the ghost completely.

I originally wired a toggle switch into the circuit, but that's not exactly secure.

Then I found this company:

They make this little jewel...

Just an  RFID tag/fob in your pocket- completely passive-
you don't have to push the button.
Walk up, get on, flip the "run" switch and press the starter.
The key still works to lock the steering column, and of course I need it for the gas tank, the panniers and the seat lock...

And even an idjit like me can install it... it took all of 20 minutes.
(One of the benefits of having all that plastic on the bike- easy to hide hardware and wiring.)

The drawback is when one of the local LEOs notice there is no key in the ignition and follows you into the grocery store parking lot to ask why you hot-wired the bike.
You dig the key out and show him you still have it, and then get to demonstrate the RFID activity radius and the bells and whistles of the system, like how it doesn't shut down if you were to drop your keys while underway...

Really cool stuff... they have version for cars, watercraft, and heavy equipment.


(FTC Disclaimer: Bite me.)