Showing posts with label FTMF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FTMF. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Yes, I'm Still Alive.

Busy (and about as graceful) as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

So, a while back I was getting chastized because I hadn't updated the ol' Blog in a while, so I sat down and dashed off the following, but never got around to publishing it...
After several inquiries from Constant Readers, I guess the word around the campfire is that I have shuffled off my mortal coil and joined the bleedin' choir invisible...
Sorry, no.
Please see the somewhat dated post below to give you a cross section of Uncle Jay in Tampa Bay...

I know. Silence is golden.
(Random thought: Get a Golden Retriever and name it Silence in order to have a bad pun on hand at all times... Probably not an original thought... Let me check... Nope.)
So I've been a little quiet...
Basically I've been swamped with my new job that it's difficult to dedicate the time required to put together a good blog post...
Famous the St.Ass was down here in Tampa last week; He took a few minutes out of our visit to chastise me for my lack of posting.
Basically I don't have too much to complain about- (workwise, that is-
I could go on and on about The Aggrieved Left and their participation trophy mentality).
I also don't spend too much time sitting in airports (one of my go-to spots for blogging) so my usual writing location is unavailable.
When I'm at my desk (typically 7:30a to 9:00p or as late as 11:30p on a game/concert night) I'm heads-down on licensing, budgeting, staff schedules, surveys, documentation, research or resource evaluation...
Blogging? Ain't nobody got time for dat.
I do try to keep up with other blogs, (living vicariously through Tam, OldNFO, Roberta, Borepatch, McThag, Robb, and the rest of the Usual Suspects.
At best I throw a pic up on Instagram now and then... (Follow me at Gojira15 if you'd like.)
But, so much bullshit in the last few weeks from the Political maelstrom...
I find it so humorous that the Left has such short and selective memories.
For the last eight years it's been "shut up, we won, deal with it" and Dissent is Racist, and now it's all Not My President, Dissent is Patriotic, and Electoral College is BS- Majority Vote Rules!
The Democratic sure loved the Nuke option in the Senate back when they had control...
Now, of course it's un-American to utilize their tools against them...
And the Trump Derangement is thick and heavy.
So much angst from The Aggrieved Left.
So, a few bullet points:

  • Gosh. He actually made promises, people voted for him, and now he's keeping his promises? UnPossible.

  • It's funny how most major "news" organizations are now "opinion" organizations.

  • So-called News organizations report "facts" that are spun and written so contextually misleading so they can be called facts, when the actual narrative is pure bullshit.

  • Celebrities should just shut up about politics.

  • The Media (and by association the unwashed, illiterate Aggrieved Left) will focus on one sentence that can be misinterpreted or spun as incorrect, and thus call out *everything* Trump or his Spox says as complete lies and falsehoods.
    (Apparently they just learned to read after November 9th 2016. Where the fuck was this so-called fact checking 2008-2016?)

  • Does the Media (& The Aggrieved Left) understand the difference between "Health Care" and "Health Care Insurance Coverage"?
    No one is taking health care away from anyone. Stop being scare mongers.

And on the same note-

  • All the Planned Parenthood supporters that are up in arms... stop lying to yourself and others about what goes on there and just fund that crap yourself... no one is talking about overturning Roe vs. Wade.

  • And still on the same note- no one in the Trump Admin says "No Immigrants".
    What they are saying is "Hold up a sec so we can get some *effective* safety checks in place IF YOU ARE COMING FROM SPECIFIC LOCATIONS OF PROVEN RISK.
    Immigrants are fine IF EVERYONE PLAYS BY THE SAME RULES.
    (By the way- Go have a peek at oh-so-enlightened Australia or even Canada for some hugely stringent immigration rules.
    Hint: Most asshole celebrities who bragged about moving to Canada or elsewhere wouldn't qualify... But Trump supporters probably would...but that's another blog post.)

  • Popular vote vs Electoral College and Illegal Alien voting.
    The Media (and the Aggrieved Left) love to call out President Trump and his Minions about the popular vote levels and ridicule them for talking about vote fraud (illegals voting, dead people voting, multi-voting...etc).

    Problem is that the Left is usually in charge of the voting precincts where the fraud happens, and they'll never be straight about getting it corrected.

    Case in point- the final election results in South Florida were held up for HOURS in order to keep Florida from being called for Trump and thus altering the turnout in the western states as things were going south for Hillary.

    The Left kept point out that with Florida still a toss up it was important to motivate every John and Jane (or more likely Juan and Juanita) to pull the election out of the crapper for Clinton.

  • And they are Illegal Aliens, not undocumented workers. If you broke immigration law coming here, you're a criminal. Fuck you, go back and come back in through proper channels. And take your anchor babies (regardless of age) with you. FTMF.

  • Build the fucking wall.
  • Tampa Lefty media employs so many strawmen in their news opinion stories that they need to be audited for their employment practices.
  • The Aggrieved Left needs to embrace "Good for goose, good for the gander" concept, except it would be construed as sexist, as opposed to equality-seking as the phrase was originally intended.
  • Thank Ghod I don't travel like I used to. If one of these spontaneous protests had caused me to miss a flight, I would definitely be on the local (and perhaps national) news, and a number of protesters would get the unique experience of riding in a ambulance with broken bones and their teeth in their pockets.
  • I wouldn't have Steve Spicer's job for all the tea in India.
    Steve Spicer: "I love puppies and the sky is blue."
    Media/Aggrieved Left: "Trump hates Kittens and is ignorant of atmospheric science because Spox Spicer touts confusing narrative that defames Migrant Muslim."
So, moving on.
I'll try to keep the ice cream machine stocked a little more often...
It all depends in how much ass needs kicking around here, and how much my ass gets kicked.

TBG - - Livin' the dream in Tampa

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Elections... Decisions, Decisions

Over the weekend I was in a discussion regarding the election. While I wasn't thrilled with Trump as a whole, in my book it was no contest when I entered the voting booth (figuratively speaking, of course).

We were discussing how it really was not a hard decision in the end for me to cast my vote...
And in reflection, it never has been, at least for me.
But... Shouldn't the decision be close?
Shouldn't it be the best of the best of both sides?

I mean, let's look at the choices I have faced when I went to vote:

1980  Reagan / Carter  - Easy decision - Carter was a horrible failure as President. FTMF
1984  Reagan / Mondale - No problem - No reason to think about changing the administration.
1988  Bush / Dukakis - Easy - Dukakis couldn't compete with GHWB's election machine.
1992  Clinton / Bush - Never even thought about voting for Clinton.
1996  Clinton / Dole - Dole was not my first choice, but he didn't make my skin crawl like it did when I heard Clinton (either one) speak.
2000  Bush / Gore - Easy choice, after listening to the man-bear-pig speak.
2004  Bush / Kerry - No problem pulling the lever for Bush.
2008  McCain / Obama - I saw through the smoke and mirrors early. No thought of voting Obama.
2012  Romney / Obama - Even more resolute about the choices.
2016  Trump / Clinton - Not even a tiny thought of giving her a chance to carry out her grand plan of fucking up the country even more than Obama already has.

Seriously- shouldn't we expect better candidates? Shouldn't it be difficult to choose because both should have great potential to do good for the WHOLE country, not just special interests?


Saturday, August 20, 2016

He Has A Way With Words, Don't He?

Lochte puts down his pencil...
"Here. Read this." he says to his publicist.
"I like, went to this club. Was cray cray, I was so wasted. We got some dude to take us back but I had to piss so we stop at this shithole gas station. Fucking doors locked man. Fuckers aren't stopping me though, I'm murican. So I kick down that door with one unstoppable roundhouse and we go piss on the floor to show them who's boss. Wouldn't you know it, some rent a cop starts yellin some jibberish at us and waving a gun. I'm like bro, I had to piss, door had to go. He just kept going on his voodoo speak so I tossed dude a couple hundo's and bailed. Now dudes all pissed that I went and told everyone how awesome I was. Haters. So yea murica, I'm sorry bro."
"Uh, Ryan... You wouldn't mind if we edit this just a little bit? Just so it reads a little better?"
From Lochte's Instagram account 

Let's analyze, shall we?

[1] "I want to apologize"
He's being a weasel. The "I want to" takes the force from the "apologize."
If you want to apologize you simply apologize. Dressing it up minimizes the effect.

[2] "for my behavior last weekend —"
This phrase, followed by the dash, is crucial.
It specifies what behavior he's apologizing for. He should be apologizing for being an obsequious asshole. But, no- he apologizes for getting caught.

[a] "for not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning and "

At the same time he's putting the focus on his description of the events, not what the events actually entailed- namely, drunken buffoonery and the lies he told about it- he sneaks in that the events occurred during the "early morning" (i.e., tired, after a night of drinking) in order to justify the supposed imprecision.
But remember that he told his lies much later, including media interviews and in official testimony to police. Post-interview damage control from the PR firm was obvious instruction "Don't lie any more, and don't admit to lying."

[b] for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics.
This is good. It shows a bit of awareness that people exist in the world besides himself.
But it does nothing to address his core misconduct: the vandalism and deliberately fabricated story (being stopped by a roadblock of assailants purporting to be cops who, among other things, held a gun to his head as he dismissed them with a nonchalant "whatever").
And there's the "for my role in" qualifying phrase- because he can't be taking responsibility for the actions of the group as a whole, or for media's role in shifting the focus away from the athletes.

Fuck this- the entire thing smacks of : "My PR Guy said to say this so you might have some sympathy for me."

The entire non-apology is basically a slab of lawyer-ese in attempt to appease but to avoid acceptance of any kind of guilt.

If he'd written it himself I'd suggest he go work for Hillary Clinton's campaign.
He'd fit right in.
But based on his older Instagram & Twitter content, its obvious that the apology is a carefully crafted piece from a very capable PR firm that probably already has ties to some noisome political organizations.
Probably Trump's, maybe Clinton's too.


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Looks Dangerous Indy...You Go First.

Doing time in Indianapolis, on NBC's Road to Rio coverage of the US Olympic Team Trials.
This week I'm polluting the back bench of Supershooter 32 covering the US Diving Team.
Springboard, Platform, Sync Diving...

All the fun disciplines.

Tried to have dinner at Fogo de Chao last night, but the waiting list was too long.
Wound up at Georgia Reese's for Nashville chicken that was passable, but nothing special.
Oh well.
I have a few other places in mind for the rare occasion that I will be able to get out in the evening...
Weber Grill Restaurant I hear is good, and folks tell me to eschew St.Elmo's and head around the corner to Harry & Izzy's.
Same food, same kitchen, lower prices.
We'll see how the week progresses.

TBG [Exit-pursued by a libtard UI social justice warrior who doesn't like the Gasden flag on my backpack]

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ironic, Is It Not?

Leftist Gun Grabbers: "ZOMG, Ban anyone that's been under FBI investigation from getting weapons!"

So... Does that mean Clinton, if elected, can't have access to the Big Red Button that launches the nukes?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Once Again, United Airlines Makes My Life Miserable

Busy Weekend, Fucked Up Flights

So once again, United is fucking me in the ass with 10 feet of shit-smeared wrought iron fencing.

I HAD a 3 hour afternoon flight to Houston and a long layover to to enjoy the United Club before my 11 hour flight to Rio.

But of course,  this morning I got this message:

So, into Houston at 9:25p.
Just in time to wave my Rio flight goodbye.

On the phone with the Premier Desk...
Now I'm on an earlier flight- 2 stops before I get into Houston just under the wire for my flight to GIG.

This is shaping up to be a great trip...

TBG - in a long TSA line because my Pre-Check number didn't transfer to my new ticket. Fuckers.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Shit That Torques Me Off, (#25,749 in a series)

We are working in a conference room with 50 seats, 38 of which are occupied.

It's general seating in the office...

One person, who arrives relatively early, sits in the back row, directly under the single AC vent in the room.
The rest of the room suffers from the generation of body heat from the crowded environment.

She's cold... so she has the Hotel shut off the AC, even though people sitting 8' away are sweating bullets.

Are you fucking kidding me?

TBG, perspiring like pedophile on a playground.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Please define "Safer Communities" for me?

From our "AYFKM?" File:

It seems the Obama Administration has been digging into the DEA's evidence locker and taking the tainted acid tabs again. 

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will be taking new actions to facilitate the re-entry of former prisoners into society, President Obama announced in a video released Saturday.

The DOJ is focusing specifically on building up "strong re-entry programs" and showing how they can "make communities safer," according to the president.

I guess Obama has a bizarre idea of how to make safe communities.
Perhaps he can employ some of his released prisoners on his Secret Service detail if they are so good at safety and security efforts....

And regarding releasing 600,000 prisoners into the mainstream every year:

"It's about making sure that we live up to our ideals as a nation."

I'm really tired of getting lectured to about American Ideals and "That's not who we are."

TBG -[Exit - pursued by a badger]

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Communist Dictator Playing With Favorite Puppet

Birds of a feather...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

They Don't Learn...

Lots of stories about the rank and file GOP Senators starting to cave on Obama's SCOTUS nominee...
People That Should Know are all espousing the opinion that the nominee will not only get a hearing but will most likely be confirmed due to chicanery and intrigue... 

Seems to me that the current crop of pseudo-Conservative RINOs that were elected to put a stop to the Progressive Agenda are obviously not seeing what is going on in the election cycle...
Most folks say Trump's popularity is due mostly to people being pissed at the business-as-usual politics in DC...
You would think the entrenched politicians could read the writing on the wall and start squaring their asses away.

Sadly,  it probably won't happen...
The will keep making the same dumb decisions in the face of thr obvious  contrary public opinion. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Morons with Too Much Money

Just a couple notes regarding Trump-brand crap...

1.  Why the hell would anyone buy anything with a Trump logo?
Trump wine?
Trump magazine?
Trump steaks?

Are you kidding?

Would you buy a steak from this grinning idiot?

2.  If you had the bad sense to buy/invest in anything Trump-centric, you really should not complain*. You know the guy is a 100% self-centered charlatan.** You bought that ticket,  you have to sit through that movie and shut the fuck up.

3.  The above comments are especially applicable to any student who shelled out a metric fuck-ton of money to garner a "degree" from Trump University.
What did you really expect,  an employer would see that TrumpU credential and think "Wow. That guy is an obvious intellect and knows how to make sound financial decisions. I'm gonna hire the shit outta that guy."?

We, collectively, are soooo fucked.


* I would be sofaking embarrassed about getting fucked out of my money by such outright false and dishonest means - But it's like that money-back guarantee on that ED non-drug Enzyte promoted by Smilin' Bob... They bank on the fact that you'd be too embarrassed to file for the refund.
And see what that got them...

**Obviously cut from the same cloth as our current POTUS.  If (Ghod help us) Trump is elected,  it will definitely be a case of Orange is the new Black.  [I hate that SNL came up with that...]

Friday, February 12, 2016

Observations: Toronto

Lester Pearson sucks.
(The airport, not Lester himself. At least I assume. I've never met him.)
Canada C&I - Nexus is awesome.
Jeebus it's COLD!!
Downtown Toronto has some great undergound passages to get from one place to another... I assume some Torontonians don't see the sky between November and April.
If you're looking for good Chinese food downtown, Hong Shing on Dundas is a good place to go. If time and travel are not an issue, head out to Markham or Richmond Hill. Tell 'em Uncle Jay sent you.
In Toronto, even if you have a rental car, Uber is your friend. (At least for the moment.) Taxis and parking are stupid expensive.
There is a preponderance of Bernie '16, Feel the Bern, and Hillary! bumper stickers on Ontario-tagged cars.
Too many for my taste...
Tells me everything I want to know about the average Canadian's  Socialist/Progressive leanings.
Stay in your lane, assholes. We're trying to run and election down here south of 48 degrees. If you want a say in our politics, pony up, immigrate legally, and pay your fucking share of taxes down here.
Otherwise, STFU.
Did I mention it's fucking COLD here?
Good poutine is pretty good.
Bad poutine is fucking awful.
For a red meat fix downtown, Copacabana Rodizio on Adelaide St. can put you in a meat coma in short order.
The parmesan sirloin is amazing. And the cinnamon pineapple is to die for.
There is a dearth of signage at Lester Pearson... Hey airport authority, how about some signage on the train, the parking garages, and some of the smaller access roads.
F this place. I'm outta here.
It's too fucking cold.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Druthers: SOTU

Things I'd rather be doing than watching Obama give his last State of the Union address:

  • Root canal work by an unwashed Mumbai sewer worker using only a teaspoon and a dull icepick.
  • Crotch defoliation via highspeed belt sander followed by site irrigation with nitric acid.
  • Molten aluminum enema.
  • Chalazion removal and curettage on my eyelid using a tire iron & a 10-cent cigar.
  • Swim laps in a the sewage treatment tanks at the Mexico City leper hospital.

Really. Anything but listening to his narcissistic bleatings and petulant simpering.

TBG - still down under.

Saturday, January 09, 2016

Australia Gun Laws & Rules

To whet your appetite have a peek at this from one of the FAQs

I currently hold a firearms licence for sport/target shooting. Can I go hunting on rural property?

No, you are only authorised to shoot at an approved Sport/Target Shooting Club. If you wish to shoot on rural land you must apply to have the genuine reason of Recreational Hunting and Vermin Control or Primary Production added to your existing firearms licence.
To add this genuine reason, you should email the Firearms Registry Licensing Unit at to obtain pre-printed application forms – please refer to the information under 'What if I want to change my genuine reason or add a new genuine reason?' above.

Pique your interest?

Submitted for your edification, some FAQs and Links regarding gun laws from the oh-so-enlightened Aussies...

From the Auburn Shooting Academy (Sydney west) website:

-Frequently Asked Questions-

How long does it take to get a pistol license?
After joining the club and completing the initial Pistol Safe Handling training, your application for a Probationary Pistol Licence (PPL) will take about 6 to 8 weeks. You will then need to complete the clubs 12 week pistol training program while under close supervision and the remainder of the first 6 months of your PPL under general supervision. A PPL is valid for 12 months after which time a Category H (Pistol Target Shooting) licence can be applied for.

Can anyone become a club member and licensed shooter?

You must be able to pass a Police criminal background check, have good English language skills and be a NSW resident.

What do I need to join the Shooting Academy Club?

You will need a government issued photo identification, two references from adults who have known you 2 years or more and be able to pass a Police criminal background check. You will also need to be a member of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA).

How much does a Pistol License Cost?
Your Probationary Pistol Licence (PPL) will cost $100 (for 12 months), and your Category H Pistol Licence will cost $100 for 2 years or $200 for 5 years. These fees are in addition to your club and shooting association membership fees.

When I have a license, can I bring an unlicensed friend shooting?
No. Unlicenced shooters may only try pistol target shooting, under the requirements of the Police P650 declaration form, by prior arrangement with the club and under the direct supervision of a Club Range Officer.

Can I shoot at the Shooting Academy at any time?

After you have completed 6 months of your PPL, and have completed your induction and safety training, you can shoot at any time provided the range is not pre-booked for training or competition.

Do I have to attend every Thursday night in the first 12 weeks?
 No, but it is in your best interest to complete your 12 week induction and safety training as soon as possible. You must complete the club's 12 week training course before your PPL is 6 months old. You can only do this on Thursday nights under the supervision of a club Range Officer.

What are the attendance or competition requirements to comply with the conditions of Pistol license?
Licenced pistol shooters must compete in at least 6 club competitions each year, and a further 4 club shoots for each different type of pistol they own.

What's involved in buying my first pistol?
After you have your Probationary Pistol Licence (PPL) for 6 months, and have completed the club’s induction and safety training course, you can apply for a Permit to Acquire (to buy your first pistol). You must have your Category H safe inspected by the local Police who will provide a letter stating that it complies with regulations. This together with the Permit to Acquire is forwarded to the Firearms Registry.

Can I buy a gun on the Internet?
No. Firearms can ONLY be legally bought and sold through licenced firearms dealers, and only to licenced shooters who have a Permit to Acquire.

Can I shoot at other Pistol clubs or ranges?
Yes. After you have your Probationary Pistol Licence (PPL) for 6 months, with the permission of the other Club, you can participate in shooting events at other approved pistol ranges. Range fees and competition entry fees for other Club venues are not included in your Shooting Academy Club membership. Additional training and accreditation may be required for participation in external shooting competitions.

Do I need to purchase my own pistol?
No. Club pistols are available free of charge to members under training and during the first 6 months of a PPL. .

Can I store a pistol at the Club?
Yes. Safe-storage compliant gun safes are available at the Club for a modest biennial fee.

Which leads us to the NSW Gun Laws...

Licence Applications

In NSW, any person seeking to possess and use a firearm must be authorised by way of a licence or permit.
All persons wishing to obtain a firearms licence in NSW must have a genuine reason for obtaining the licence and must meet a range of legislative requirements relating to that genuine reason.
Licence holders are only authorised to possess and use the category of firearm for which the licence has been issued and the firearm may only be used for the purpose established as being the genuine reason for holding the firearms licence.
The Genuine Reasons applicable to a firearms licence are listed below. Please review the requirements for the genuine reason you wish to select to ensure that you can meet all the requirements. The Licence Category and Genuine Reason Table also shows the categories of licence applicable to each genuine reason.

Genuine Reasons

Changes to an Existing Licence

Firearms Safety Training Courses

If you are applying for a licence for the first time you will need to complete a Firearms Safety Training Course for longarms or pistols. Refer to each genuine reason FACT Sheet for information regarding applicable courses.

Business Licence

If you are making an application for a firearms licence for a business, please see the FACT Sheet below and the Business Declaration form which must be completed and returned with your application.

Making Your Licence Application

Once you have determined the appropriate genuine reason and category of licence, you may use the link below to request your pre-printed licence application and genuine reason forms.
You may also obtain pre-printed licence application forms by contacting the Firearms Registry Customer Service line on 1300 362 562.

I especially enjoyed the phrasing under the section on firearm collectors the caveat:
"A Firearm Collector licence allows for the possession of firearms only, not their use.
NOTE: This licence does not authorise the collection of ammunition. For information on collection of ammunition see Ammunition Collection Permit."

And finally, as an American gun owner, these FAQs are hilarious and frightening.

Lord, please spare us who want to use the Australian model for proposed gun regulation & ownership...


Monday, December 21, 2015

Amused But Confused

Just thinking out loud here...

I'm sure by now you've heard that there was some kerfuffle at one of the beauty pageants where the EmCee crowned the wrong contestant and had to backpedal to correct things in a most embarrassing fashion...

I think the whole thing was a sham- after all, the real winner didn't get crowned...

Because isn't the current Correct Thinking that BHO is the most wonderful, most photogenic, most intelligent, best-thing-since-sliced-bread evar?
He got the Nobel- and I hear he's in the running for an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy, a Clio and Tony. (With all his lies, shouldn't he get a Pulitzer for his works of fiction?)
Why not Miss USA/World/Universe/Galaxy/Queen of Every Fucking Thing?


Thursday, December 17, 2015

From our What Goes Around file: Executive Order Edition

Just reading the news from CNN (spit) about Obama making yet another Exec Order, this one on some form of Gun Control, most likely the NoFly - NoBuy concept which we have already discussed...

(Lots of supposition here, but here goes..)
The Left if going to find it distasteful if (when) a conservative POTUS is elected and he/she starts flinging EOs around like Obama does, just like the Dems in the Senate are regretting the "Nuclear Option" they exercised so deftly, as it is now wielded by the GOP, though they need to use it better, harder and more often...
(Oh! That's what she said!)

Before Exec Order - 47,000 people on No-Fly list.
After the Exec Order - 300 Million on the list.
Welcome to ObamAmerika.

Some day in the near future, some Political Science student is going to opine:
"Man, no one could throw an Autopen/ExecOrder like ol' Barry Hussein! That dude had a knack for fucking things up."
I would heartily agree...


Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Just Another Observation On The No-fly List

In regards to the clamoring to preclude No-Fly Listers from buying guns-

Remember who's on the list:
Possible terrorists.

Remember the current Adminstration/Progressive narrative:
It you are a vocal 2nd Amendment supporter, you are a potential domestic terrorist.

GunBlog Black List = No-Fly / No-Buy

Keep your powder dry.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

"DO SOMETHING!!1!Eleventy!

The current Leftist on gun control and access to firearms by Those That Should Not Have Guns is that if you are on the FBI/TSA no-fly list, than you shouldn't be able to buy a gun.

Know anything about this list?
Probably not enough. You might think that it's a list of known terrorists and dangerous felons that, if given access to air travel, will commandeer the plane and cause mass-carnage.

Its a mysterious list generated and maintained by several Three Letter Agencies for the Good Of All Mankind. Getting on the list is easy- have the same name as a know terrorist or high-level criminal that some TLA would like to chat with, or a similar name to a know terrorist or felon, or just be a person that one of the many TLAs would like to talk to.
Not necessarily a terrorist, felon, or otherwise a bad guy.
Numbers of people vary- DHS says it's 2,500 of known bad guys, and another 16,000 "individuals of interest". The ACLU says the list is over 1,000,000 members strong and growing by 1,600 submitted names per day.

Since no one agency "owns" the list, once you're on it, it's almost impossible to get off of it, which sucks it you're one of those similar-named people. I know a few people and every time they want to fly, they have to just through many hoops, including stringent checking at the TSA checkpoints, even after they present the famous and mostly useless 'redress number'.
Getting off the list

So- now there is a call to restrict anyone one the no-fly list from legally purchasing a firearm...
(Probably via some form of executive order or mandate.)

Let me get this right- If your name is Robert Johnson, Daniel Brown, Patrick Martin, or event Edward Kennedy, you will be unable to legally purchase a firearm.
Restricting a constitutional right without due process. Nice.

I wonder how that's going to work out.


Yesterday's News Cycle - San Bernardino

Before  11:00am PST
Climate change!
Climate change,

11:00a PST
Active shooter!
Active shooter!
Active shooter!
Active shooter!

F'ing NRA!
Evil gun lobby!
Workplace violence!
Praying doesn't help - DO SOMETHING!!!1!11!

Democrats: Calls for drastic measures to curb gun violence, blaming Conservatives for giving access to guns to everyone from two-tooth hillbilly mouthbreathers to convicted Islamo-terrorists that are on the FBI/TSA no-fly list, including 500 rounds of free armor-piercing exploding cop-killer bullets for free.
Dem 2016 Candidates: Grandstanding with meaningful soundbites!
This isn't normal. WE MUST DO SOMETHING!

Conservatives: Thoughts and prayers for victims and families.
Also: Hey! Slow down! Let's let the situation get resolved before we start assigning blame.

CAIR: "Man, we hope the shooters have a normal American name like Smith or Jones."

11:15a - 6:00pm
Active shooter! Live helicopter shot!
Active shooter!  Planned parenthood only a mile from shooting location!
Active shooter! Interview with talking head from Three Letter Agency!
Active shooter! Interview with retired officia from Random Government Agency!
Active shooter! Interview with talking head from a different Three Letter Agency!
Active shooter! Helicopter Live Feed!
Active shooter!  Planned parenthood STILL only a mile from shooting location!
Active shooter! Vehicle pursuit!
Uh Oh. - Syed R|zwan Far00k and Tashf33n M@lik - Hey! Look! Climate Change!
FIFA Scandal
Climate Change

F'ing gun owners!
Black Lives Matter!
F'ing politicians!
F'ing white mass murderers!
F'ing gun laws!
F'ing NRA!
F'ing GOP!
F'ing Angry White Guy Mass Killers!
(Shooter names released)
(clicky-click - twitter messages being deleted)

Thursday AM:
"Motive Unclear"
"Workplace violence"
"Still under investigation."
PSA for (Anti child injury by furniture tipping initiative) - WTF?

"Don't blame entire group/subclass/religion for actions of one or two people."

"Yeah, we said that last week. Hope it works out for you as well as it has for us."

F'ing gun owners anyway!
F'ing NRA too!
F'ing politicians!
F'ing stupid Americans!
Make $$$ sitting at home in your underwear eating cheetos. Click this link.

**logout & close laptop**

Ghod, I've gotta get out of this office. The exposure to CNN and Twitter is killing me.
I think I'll go drink a big glass of tapwater and go breathe the air out on the balcony that overlooks the traffic circle at Diana Cazadora.
It's gotta be better than sitting in here...


Wednesday, December 02, 2015

CNN Overload & Streetfood!

I'm in the Operations office in the Hotel in Meh-He-Co City and the level of people in the office varies between zero and 30.
Most of the time it's around 6 or 8.

I'm sitting in the front of the room, which is arranged 'classroom' style, so everyone behind me is looking over my shoulder, which can be a little disturbing, mostly for them when I'm shopping on or, or when I'm surfing
(As a rule, these are mostly New Yorkers or New Jersey residents that are here for the event.)

Anyway, I try to keep most of the stuff that would require a trigger warning for a Yankee hoplophobic, entitled-class climate alarmist to a minimum on my screen.

Meanwhile, on a 70" flatscreen in the front of the room, CNN International is playing constantly.
(Because it is one of the few channels in Ingles on the hotel's 35-channel network... The other 2 are Fox News [not gonna happen with this crowd] and SuperMax [a channel playing latenight Cinemax movies, including softcore 24/7])
The local sportschannel is ESPN Deportes, and it seems like they want to watch the 36 minute CNN repeating cycle featuring Anderson Cooper, Christine Amanpour and the staff of dozens that cover the news for Ted Turners bastard child than having to listen to soccer recaps in high-speed Español.

So Yours Truly is stuck in front of this non-stop drivel, consisting mostly of US commentators kissing Obama's ass, lionizing Granny Clinton, and trying to scandalize or at least trivialize the conservative 2016 candidates for President. Shit-tons of coverage on Paris climate talks ("The US owes all 3rd world nations reparations! ZOMG- The Marshall Shoals Islands are going under!!), Japanese whale hunts, and the one that just boggles my mind- climate change is the reason for ISIS and the Paris attacks.
When they start in on that feature, my brain completely shuts down due to the complete stupidity of the concept. These people have gone over the edge in the cause/effect analysis.
As a matter of fact, climate change is the cause of all ills in the world...

Donald Trump? - Climate change.
Colorado PP shooting? - Climate change.
Clinton e-mail scandal? - Climate change.
China investor group buys into Manchester U FC? - Climate change.
Russian Jetliner shootdown over Turkey? - Climate change.
Cleveland Browns lost to the Ravens? - Climate change.
Michael Brown/Eric Gardner/Freddy Gray? - Climate change.
Slow Internet? - Climate change.
Burned your Thanksgiving turkey? - Climate change.
World War II? - Climate change.
.22 LR Ammo shortage? - Climate change.

Just a couple days to go...
I can get through it...
Mostly by looking forward to my nightly forays into the dark neighborhood streets behind the St. Regis, in search of Mexican street meat and michelada.

Mmmm Al pastor and onions on the Plancha

Al pastor con queso on the way...

Yeah, that's not a tennis shoe... That's lengua, beef tongue...

I'll stick with the giant Cone o' Meat-

All hail Al Pastor!