Showing posts with label Irony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Irony. Show all posts

Monday, January 04, 2016

Think Before You Speak - Hurt Feelings Edition


Monday, October 26, 2015

1 Week Later - Still Jet Lagged: 2:30 AM Thoughts

It's 2:30 in the morning.
I have a meeting at 9:00a and there is no possibility of sleep on the horizon...

And what am I thinking about in the dead of the night?

That the perfect crime has probably already been committed and no one will ever know about it.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Observations from the Field

Watching the news in the last couple weeks about the oh-so-Earthlike planet (somewhere off the Kessel run, reachable in 11 parsecs or so) and all the speculation therein...

We (all the Family here on vacation in Montana) were discussing the possibilities.

My final opinion, just before packing it in (at 7:30 PM - I was TIRED) was:

"I don't even qualify to live in Australia.
Even if we were able to colonize another planet in my life time there's not a chance they'd let me live there."



Tuesday, September 02, 2014


We has it.

To which every parent will reply: "Yep. Pretty much."


Monday, February 17, 2014

There's This Thing Called Irony... Perhaps You've Heard Of It?

I caught part of a current social activism program that is currently in progress on one of the cable networks, the channel I usually refer to as "NCIS Network" since that's all they seem to play- unless they are re-running one of their programs...
(I have to say I did enjoy the first couple seasons of Burn Notice, and Suits had a good start, but I couldn't keep up with them as they started to get even further and further from any kind of possible reality...)

So, last week I was noshing in the commissary -  In one of the  many program monitors that are installed in there, out of the corner of my eye I caught a segment of the current iteration of their Characters Unite program... The "I won't stand for _____ " campaign.

I saw it for a second, then tuned out.
As a rule I, try to ignore the overtly political crap here and just focus on my job...

Until I saw someone here wandering the halls with one of the program shirts...

This isn't the culprit, but it's one of these type of shirts.
Ok dumbass.
I don't know if you can comprehend this- but when you say "I won't stand for intolerance" I have to wonder if you have any kind of grasp on reality.

Really?- Because I can't believe you would try to wear this 'ironically', as a hipster might.
Because since I'm not part of your 'movement' (and when I hear that, I think 'bowel movement') the over-the-top irony just looks stupid.

Philosophically, this program (and the concept of 'tolerance' as it is being pushed these days) is asinine and self-contradictory in and of itself.
After all - shouldn't tolerance be extended to people that choose to be pig-headed, bigoted, prejudiced assholes?

If you want them to put up with you, should you be tolerant of them?

That IS want tolerance is all about... Right?


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Must Be That 'Climate Change' Everyone's Talking About...

Weather be fucked up, yo.



Saturday, December 07, 2013

Who Didn't See That Coming?

When you only have a 24-hour turnaround between trips, what are the odds that your bag will not make one of your connections?
In my case, it's 100%.
Thanks United.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Beans, Beans, Musical Deadly Fruit...

A 56-year-old man was crushed to death when he was buried underneath a pile of pinto beans at the Colorado warehouse where he worked, police said. 

It's kinda hard to know which way to go with this story...

Beans, beans, they're not so good for your heart,
when you're buried under several tons of them.

 -or take the DirecTV route-

1. When Obama is your president, you'll take any job you can get.
2. When you take any job you can get, you take the job in the bean warehouse.
3. When you take the job in the bean warehouse, you get crushed to death under a pile of beans.
4. Don't get crushed to death under a pile of beans; Defeat Obama and elect Romney.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Signs of the Apocalypse - London 2012 (#2)

Moving into the '90's, finally...

You DO know there is not one inch of tape over in Central Tape
or in the Tape Library, right?


Friday, July 06, 2012

Life is an Iron


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summarily Unimpressed

More after the break...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Preaching Tolerance...

... Matthew 7:5, y'all...

Gay activists flip the bird at WH Reagan portrait

President Obama hosted a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Pride event at the White House last week, and the activists made sure to indicate how much they dislike former President Reagan compared to the current occupant.

Really, LGBT?
With all your talk about tolerance and that your lifestyle is not respected in America, and this is how you act?

Grow up.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Language Lesson

The Woman Who Knows Most Things and Yours Truly were discussing aberrations in the English language...

TWWKMT: "It's odd that some many things that are bad for women start with men."
YT: "How so?"
TWWKMT: "MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdowns...and if we do a little creative spelling... HISterectomys."
YT: "Well... To be fair, keep in mind HERnias, HERpes, and using your spelling logic, HERricanes are a real bite in the ass..."


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Evil Petroleum Company

So... Is it possible that Satan really does own an oil company?


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good Enough Reason For Me... vote for her:

PIERS MORGAN,HOST: You said on immigration, "Elect Sarah Palin as President of the US in 2012 and we'll all leave voluntarily."

GEORGE LOPEZ: I agree. If Sarah Palin becomes president .... I will move to Canada.
 Figures he wouldn't go back to Mexico...

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, pendejo.


Monday, May 02, 2011

Something For Everyone

Wow. One-stop shopping.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Checking The Dictionary...

Irony. Let me shows you it.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Stringent Selection Processes

Apparently size DOES matter...

According to Yangtze Evening News, a Nanjing paper, penis size is now a barometer in selecting young players at Tianjin Locomotive Football Club. Looking at a boy’s penis size and shape can give you an idea of his hormone level, revealed a senior staffer of the club. Boys with short, thick genitals and tight scrotum are good for football playing.


Why are these guys smiling?

Hey boys... She says she thinks she knows you...

Story via China Sports Review.


Saturday, December 04, 2010

Truth in Labeling

From our "I don't think that means what you think it means" Department

Foreign Born Impostor
Famous But Incompetent
Firm Believer in Islam
Full Blown Idiot