Showing posts with label grill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grill. Show all posts


Peach Crisp Pizza Recipe

Hola Amigos! Happy Wednesday! I just got the most delicious and juicy peaches at the store today. I couldn't help myself and just pictured them in my head as sweet crisps!...but, since I had the last of my little pizza crusts left, well...why not! So here goes nothing...(i promise after this one I won't torture you with another pizza recipe...well at least not for a while, lol)

Peach Crisp Pizza
1 Cinnamon Pizza Crust
1/2 Cup Mascarpone Cheese
1.2 tsp Vanilla Butter extract
Mix the Mascarpone cheese with the Vanilla Butter extrac and spread over the cinnamon crust.
For the Filling
2 Peaches peeled and cut in small cubes
1 TBSP Lemon Curd
3 TBSP Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Apple Juice
1/2 tsps vanilla extract
1 tsps Flour
1 1/2 TBSP Raisins (optional)
Mix all these ingredients and place on an oven safe bowl and bake at 350F for 15-20 minutes. Remove and let it get cool to the touch.
Your favorite Granola
I make my own with 
1/2 Cup Quick oats
Shredded Coconut, 
1/4 Cup Apple Juice
1 TBSP Honey
1 TBSP Brown sugar
1 tsps butter
Place your quick oats mix with raisins, nuts and shredded coconut on aluminum foil. In a microwave safe container, mix the rest of the ingredients and heat up for a few seconds. Stir until sugar is dissolved and spoon the mix over the oats. Bake at 275F for 20 minutes.
Assemble your pizza with the Mascarpone covered crust, then your peach filling and top it with your favorite granola mix.
Bake for 3 1/2 minutes at 400F.


For those of you thinking is not a pizza unless it has cheese...well there you go, vanilla buttery Mascarpone, binding together the sweet peach filling and the crispy granola

This little pizza is a masterpiece. You could eat the crust and the cheese all by themselves, the peach feeling is delicious by the spoonful and the the handful , put it all together and you go...yummm

Also this time I had to bring out the Ice Cream! Just watch it melt next to your warm pizza...and why not, dip your pizza in it too!

Wishing you a great 4th of July tomorrow, celebrate freedom, courage, diversity and all values that make this a Great Nation. Be Safe and Have Fun!

Oh...and while you are getting the goodies ready for tomorrow, remember that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!
Happy 4th of July 2013!

Sharing my sweet crisp at these Fabulous Parties:
Sweet 2 Eat Baking
A Little Claireification
Classy Clutter
Rattlebridge Farm
Just Us Four
The Home Girl
Lets this Mind be in You
The Mandatory Mooch
Dear Creatives
Simply Designing
Kitchen fun with my 3 Sons
Living Better Together
My Turn (for Us)
Do Small Things with Love
Family Home and Life
This Silly Girl's Life
Sparkles and a Stove
French Country Cottage
My Romantic Home
Love and Laundry
Diana Rambles
Dessert Now, Dinner Later
The Wondering Brain
Sew Licious Home Decor
Serenity You
Pint Sized Baker
Sugar Bee Crafts
Chef in Training
Love Bakes Good Cakes
Marty's Musings
The Pin Junkie
One Tough Mother
The Best Blog Recipes
Blissful and Domestic
Home Maid Simple
Rate the Plate Utah
This and That


S'mores Pizza Recipe

S'mores Dessert Pizza, a Cinnamon Crust covered in Chocolate and Marshmallows done in 3 minutes!
Hola Amigos, as you can see, I just couldn't stop with the Apple Pie Pizza, but had to do a S'mores one too! So without further ado, here are the easy steps...(there is really not a recipe here)

S'mores Pizza

1 Cinnamon Crust with Icing
1( 3.5oz)  Chocolate Candy Bar of your preference
Mini Marshmallows
Crushed Candy'n Cookies or your favorite
All my ingredients are  from the Dollar Store

Heat up your oven at 450F. Remove the cinnamon pizza from the wrap. 
Cut the chocolate candy bar and spread the squares and pieces on top of the pizza. Put in the oven for 3 minutes. Remove and with a plastic spatula spread the melted chocolate over the Pizza. Top it with marshmallows and crushed candy cookies.

Bake for another 3 minutes.
This cinnamon pizza comes with a little container of sugar glaze, so I put it in the microwave for a few seconds for it to melt and then drizzled it over my baked and ready to eat pizza.


Ohhh no need for a grill here! This is just a sweet and good as the original stuff!

Watch it when you take the first bite...Hot, Sticky Sweet and Oozing Hot Chocolate!

This was just a quick idea for you to do with and for your kids my friends, in days when it might be too hot to go outside or no desire to grill at all! In 7 minutes you have a perfectly good S'more!

Thank You for visiting today, remember that everything tastes better with Chocolate and a Pinch of Love!

Bringing some sweetness to these Fabulous Parties:
Golden Reflections
Sweet 2 Eat Baking
Spatulas on Parade
A Little Claireification
Rattlebrige Farm
Simply Designing
Living Better Together
My Turn (for Us)
Love and Laundry
Handy Man, Crafty Woman
Ducks'n a Row
Adorned from Above
Dragonfly Designs
Clean and Scentsible
The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen
Cozy Little House
Memories by the Mile
Hun...what's for dinner
Pint Sized Baker
I Gotta Try That
Our Home Away from Home
Love Bakes Good Cakes
Opulent Cottage
Fluster Buster
Mom's Test Kitchen
Family Home and Life
This Silly Girl's Life
Sparkles and a Stove
French Country Cottage
My Romantic Home
Do Small Things with Love
Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons
Dear Creatives
Diana Rambles
The Mandatory Mooch
Kreative Creationz
Let's this Mind be in You
The Home Girl
Just Us Four
Desert Now, Dinner Later
The Wondering Brain
Sew Licious Home Decor
Classy Clutter
Serenity You
Life on Lakeshore Drive
Nap time Creations
Love Grows Wild
Feeding Big
Chef in Training
The Princess and Her Cowboys
Home Maid Simple
The Answer is Chocolate
It's Overflowing
Be Different, Act Normal
Chocolate Chocolate and More
I Should be Mopping the Floors
Designed Decor
Rate The Plate Utah
Something Swanky
This and That


Apple and Sage Pork Burgers with Green Apple Slaw Recipe

Hola Amigos! The weekend is almost here,  I can't believe how fast this week has gone by! and why it always feel like that when it comes to summer, while winter days seem to last forever...oh well, let's enjoy the sun while it lasts.
Tonight's dinner was prepared while we were busy mowing the lawn, weeding and all the stuff that you do to keep your yard in shape. So far only tiny strawberries and 0 blackberries...hmmm wonder what's going on with this year's crop...but back to the recipe.
 Something quick and easy needed to be done, so my hubs got his grill out and cooked some hot dogs for kiddo, some sausages for him and some pork burgers for me!
This burgers I made the same way you would made a pork  loin or chops. All the herbs but just a tiny touch of them because they can be strong and take over the flavors and apples! On top of the burger and on the side, Green Apple Slaw everything on a Hawaiian bun. Sounds tempting? Here is the recipe!

Apple and Sage Pork Burgers with Green Apple Slaw
1 Pd. Ground Pork
2 TBSP Apple Sauce
1 tsp. Minced Garlic
1/2 tsp Sage (or to taste)
1/2 tsp Paprika
1/4 tsp Allspice
1/2 tsp Thyme Leaves (or to taste)
Salt and Pepper to taste 
Hawaiian Buns
BBQ Sauce Optional

Add all these ingredients to the ground pork and mix until everything is combined. Form your patties and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes so the herbs can infuse the pork.
When this is done, grill your burgers keeping in mind is pork and it needs to be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 (We are old school and still go to 155-160).

Green Apple Slaw
3 Cups Pre-Bagged Cole Slaw
2 Green Apples, no core, chopped in any fashion you like.
1 Small carrot shredded
1/4 of a Red Bell Pepper finely chopped
1/4 of a Orange Bell Pepper finely chopped
1/4 Red Onion Sliced
1/2 Cup Mayo
1 TBSP Dijon Mustard
1 TBSP Red Wine Vinegar
1/3 Cup Brown Sugar
The Juice of Half a Lemon

Mix all the veggies and mayo in a salad bowl. Squirt a little bit of the juice of you half lemon into the chopped apples so they remain green and add them to the veggie bowl. In a measuring cup add the rest of the juice of your half lemon, mustard and brown sugar. Mix until the sugar is dissolved, Add this to the veggie/apple mix, toss to combine and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.
I know the amounts of ingredients might look odd to you ( 1/4 of a bell pepper for instance) but I'm trying to keep it real and that is exactly what I used. 


They were good and very satisfying. I just love the crispiness and tartness of the creamy green apple slaw combined with the sweetness of the Hawaiian bun with a bite of earthy and herb infused pork!

I'm sure you noticed that the burgers were glazed with BBQ sauce, my hubs, the grill master this time, likes everything with sauce so before I knew it it was already on the burgers, but they still were delicious!

The thing I love the most about burgers is that there is no wrong way of doing one! As long as you don't burn it of course!

And in case you were asking for cheese? Why not...Melted Swiss Cheese goes heavenly on top of this burger!

Thank you for sharing yet another burger recipe! Hope this one along with other favorites like our Hawaiian Burger with Aloha Sauce or the Black and Blue Burgers with Pimento Dressing becomes one of the burgers you'll give a try this summer!

Remember my friends, everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love,


Pizza Burgers Recipe

Hola Amigos, Ciao Paisanos! We are having pizza for dinner tonight, what's so great about it you are probably asking? It's a Pizza Burger! Everything you like in your pizza, just put it in a patty and a bun! It's summer folks, I let other people do the cooking,,I just deal with the prep, can you blame me?..LOL
This burger is super easy but remarkably tasty with endless possibilities, just like your regular pizza. Ready to give it a try, here is what I used.
Pizza Burgers

The Meats
The Veggies to top your pizza
 Your choice! Either roasted of raw, it's your pizza!
The Cheeses
A good 1/2 cup of freshly shredded Parmesan Cheese and Slices of Mozzarella to top your patties.
The Fixings
Your favorite veggies, more cheese, olives and pizza sauce.
The Bread
Extra Yuminess
 Roasted Garlic Butter
1 Stick of softened unslated butter, 1 TBSP chopped Italian Parsley, a pinch of salt and 1 Head of Roasted Garlic (peel garlic, chopped top, exposing top of the cloves, rub a little bit of olive oil on top, wrap your garlic on aluminum foil and bake in a 400F oven for 30-35 min. Remove from oven and when cool to the touch you are ready to squeeze each clove onto whatever you choose!)

Make your patties by mixing the meats, in regards of the pepperoni, there is no amount of it mentioned because you add as much as you want. You could either grind it up to have the same texture as the rest of your meat or diced it finely to get a spicy chunk in every bite. Add 1/2 of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and make patties to fit your buns. Mine were rectangles, grill until sausage is cooked. 
Top each burger while hot with a slice of Mozzarella Cheese and Pizza Sauce.
Now to put your burger together! To make it taste more like your favorite pizza dough add a little of Roasted Garlic Butter to each slice of Bread

 I got 4 good size burgers and 2 smaller ones for my little guy!

Just Consider the endless topping possibilities with this burger! I think I will make a Hawaiian soon!

So here is my Pizza Burger for tonight folks! Hope you enjoyed today's recipe and try a Pizza Burger of your own, would love it if you make it and let me know how it was! 

Thank You for sharing this meal with me! Remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love,

Piccoli Baci, 

Sharing some Pizza Burgers at these Fabulous Parties:
Feeding Big
Sara Howe
The Dedicated House
The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen
Clairejustine oxox
Ms. enPlace
Who Needs a Cape
4 You with Love
Sew Licious Home Decor
The Tumbleweed Contessa
Serenity You
Cherrios and Lattes
Diana Rambles
Dear Creative
My Romantic Home
Chic on a Shoestring
Simply Designing
The Best Blog Recipes
The Home Girl
504 Main
Love and Laundry
One Artsy Mama
The Pin Junkie
Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons
Walking on Sunshine
My Turn (for Us)
Living Better Together
Sparkles and a Stove
Consider me Inspired
the Mandatory Mooch
Easy Life Meal and Plannig Food Done Light
No Minimalist here
Fireflies and Jellybeans
Sew Crafty Angel
Life with the Crust Cut Off
The Shady Porch
Dragonfly Designs
Ginger Snap Crafts
Ducks 'n a Row
Marty's Musings
Fluster Buster
Mom's Test Kitchen
Clean and Scentsible
Savvy Southern Style
Titi Crafty
Under The Table and Dreaming
Between Naps on the Porch
Food Done Light
Do Small Things with Love
Be Different, Act Normal
Chef in Training


Salmon and Shrimp Burgers Recipe

Hola Amigos! Happy Monday. Summer is here to stay now! Yesterday we had a rather hot and humid 90 degree weather day. can't get a little too hot sometimes but it's all good because at night we had the most amazing Super Moon!!! Oh My Word!...what a beautiful sight it was! and if you allow me to say this, the first thought that crossed my mind was God is Good!
But back to our burger today, Grill Master " Big Boy" had friends over and he wanted to try something different for them, could you please get me some salmon burgers at the store? he off the store I went, no pre made patties though, time to improvise with fresh wild caught salmon and why not...add some large raw shrimp into the mix. I've never done home made salmon burgers before and never for a hungry teen crowd, talk about pressure!!! There goes nothing, I said...and here are the results:

Salmon and Shrimp Hamburgers

1 1/2 Pounds Salmon, finely minced and skinned
12 oz Raw Large Shrimp, finely minced, save a couple for garnish
1 Cup Panko
1 TBSP Seafood Seasoning
1/3 Cup finely chopped trilogy (celery onion and bell peppers)
1tsps fresh grind ginger
1 clove garlic
salt and peper to taste (optional)
1 Large Egg beaten
1 tsps Lemon juice
1 TBSP Soy Sauce
Buns, lettuce, fixings of your preference (we prepared or "copy cat campfire mayo and our go to glaze) 
In a large bowl mix Minced Salmon, shrimp, panko, trilogy, ginger and garlic.Mix with your hands until all ingredients are fully combined. At this moment you may add salt of pepper if you choose to, I did not.
In a separate bowl, combine egg, soy sauce and lemon juice.
Add this mixture to the salmon and shrimp bowl, mix and at this point make your patties.
Oil your grill (very important), place your burgers and cook to desired doneness . 
As soon as your burgers are done, grill the saved shrimp for a couple of seconds and garnish each burger with one of them . 
Fix them to your liking 

I tell you friends I had to steal 2 burgers in order to take some pictures, because I think they were gone the minute they were out of the grill, teens can really devour food when they feel like it, lol

I figure either they were good or the kids were plain hungry!

But it turns out they were good! As a matter of fact, I even heard the "we gotta make these again"! Whoot Whoot! Victory!

I think I've a hit among the teen crowd and will keep them coming for more!
Not quite sure is a good idea for my wallet, but I love to see them happy and well fed as you can see they also ate all of their veggies without protesting!

The campfire sauce is so easy, just 1/2 cup Mayo, 3 TBSP  BBQ Sauce and  1 TBSP Relish, yumm!

Yes there is a bit more work involved than just buying the ready made patties, but I tell you is well worthy, fresher taste, quality ingredients and best of all a happy crowd.

Thank You for visiting today! I hope your summer is extra warm with the love of your family and friends gathered around every meal!
Remember my friends, everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love! 

Sharing Grill Master Big Boy's newest creation at these Fabulous Parties:
Sara Howe
Clairejustine oxox
Ms. enPlace
Who Needs a Cape
4 You with Love
Sew Licious Home Decor
The Tumbleweed Contessa
Serenity You
Cheerios and Lattes
Diana Rambles
Dear Creatives
My Romantic Home
Chic on a Shoestring
Simply Designing
The Best Blog Recipes
The Home Girl
504 Main
Love and Laundry
One Artsy Mama
The Pin Junkie
Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons
Walking on Sunshine
My Turn (for Us)
Living Better Together
Sparkles and a Stove
Consider Me Inspired
The Mandatory Mooch
Easy Life Meal and Planning
Food Done Light
No Minimalist Here
Fireflies and Jellybeans
Sew Crafty Angel
Life with the Crust Cut Off
The Shady Porch
Dragonfly Designs
Ginger Snap Crafts
Ducks 'n a Row
Marty's Musings
Fluster Buster
Savvy Southern Style
Love Bakes Good Cakes
Shaffer Sisters
Memories by the Mile
Rate The Plate Utah
Nap Time Creations
Pint Sized Baker
Sugar Bee Crafts
Our Home Away from Home
The Tumbleweed Contessa
Mom's Test Kitchen
Clean and Scentsible
Titi Crafty
Under the Table and Dreaming
Between Naps on the Porch
Do Small Things with Love