We also carve our pumpkins,well just my husband and little one now since I'm busy with dinner, eat Skull Sugar cookies, Pan de Muerto we get at Mexican Town in the city and watch a scary kid friendly movie afterwards.
The main dish always consists of some sort of seafood dish. To me anything seafood means abundance. I grew up with tons of it and we have it at home at least once or twice a week, so why not for Halloween to match the abundance of candy and fun!
This year I've incorporated some pumpkin on this dish to please my husband who unlike me, loves pumpkin. I had to do some research since I'm not familiar with the use of pumpkin in dishes, found this recipe online here and tweaked it my way, leaving a few things out and adding some in.
It's delicious and rich! Just the way I like my curry! and to me the most important thing...I can't taste the pumpkin! I know it's there but i can't taste it! that is a win win to me! Will make it again for sure!
It's a bit spicy and with a beautiful orange color, making it perfect for those cold Fall nights!
Do you have any traditions for Halloween? Are you planning on starting a new one this year? If so, I would love to hear about it. Thank You so much for visiting the blog today my friends. and remember that everything, even in the spookiest nights of the year, tastes better with a Pinch of Love!
Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry RecipeAdapted recipe from Epicurious
1 (15 oz) can Pumpkin Puree
1 lb Uncooked Shrimp, clean and deveined
1 lb Uncooked Scallops
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1 TBSP Ginger, minced
1 (14.5 oz) can Tomatoes chopped, drain the liquid
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
1 Cup Vegetable broth
1 (13.5 oz) can Coconut Milk
1 1/2 Tbsp Curry Powder
1 tsp Seafood Seasoning
1 tsp Lemon juice
Salt, Pepper to taste
Oil for sauteing veggies
Lemon slices
Green Onions
In a large saucepan, add enough oil saute some veggies, like 1 TBSP, over medium heat add onions and ginger. Cook until onions are soft, around 5-8 minutes. Add tomatoes and garlic cooked and mix until everything is integrated to the onion and ginger mix. Add pumpkin puree. Cook covered for 10 minutes stirring often for the mix not to stick to the pan. Once the time has elapsed, add broth, coconut milk, curry, seafood seasoning salt and pepper to taste. Cook this for 15-20 minutes. Finally add the shrimp, scallops and lemon juice and cook until seafood is cooked, Like 7-8 minutes. Remove from heat. Serve with white rice or rice noodles and garnish with a slice of lemon and green onions. Enjoy.
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 35 minutes Serves 6
Sharing Halloween traditions at these Fa-BOO-lous parties:
A Handful of Everything,Lamberts Lately, The Brambleberry Cottage, Creative Geekery, Live Laugh Rowe, The Crafty Blog Stalker, Saving 4 Six, Pink Recipe Box, The Mandatory Mooch, Sweet Haute, What's Cooking Love?, 52 Mantels, Tbe 36th Avenue, Craftionary, The Best Blog Recipes, Home Maid Simple, Tidy Mom, Diana Rambles, 504 Main, Just Us Four, Practically Functional, Townsend House, Craft Dictator, Living Better Together, The Jenny Evolution, Shaken Together, Today's Creative Blog, Your Home Based Mom, Cozy Little House, The Blackberry Vine, Huckleberry Love,Homemade Ginger, Memories by The Mile, Mandy's Recipe Box, Our Table for Seven, Not Just a Housewife, The Well Crafted Home, Ducks n' a Row, Lady Behind the Curtain, The Style Sisters, Ginger Sanp Crafts, Smart School House, Made to b a Momma, White Lights on Wednesday, My Girlish Whims, The Shaddy Porch, Someday Crafts, Love Bakes Good Cakes, Crafty Allie, Dear Creatives, Cheerios and Lattes, Love and Laundry, The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen, I Should be Mopping The Floors, Create With Joy, Will Cook For Smiles, Rain on a Tin Roof, The Chicken Chick, Watch Out Martha, Jam Hands, Feeding Big, A Southern Fairytale, Mad in Crafts, Pint Sized Baker, The Gunny Sack, Nap Time Creations, Home Stories A to Z, All She Cooks, The View from 510, Hi! It's Jilly, Fluster Buster, Rattlebridge Farm, Foodie Friends Friday, My Mixing Spoons, This Gal Cooks