Showing posts with label Pumpkins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pumpkins. Show all posts


Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry Recipe

Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry Recipe, The ideal #comfortfood just the right hint of spice, flavorful pumpkin and shrimp, Save a Turkey, eat shrimp
Hola Amigos! I'm sharing with you today, my family's October 30th tradition. It's started 6 years when we were trying to have dinner on Halloween night  after my oldest was done with the candy collecting palooza around  the neighborhood. Dinner kept getting interrupted by kids ringing the doorbell for more candy even when bowls were left on the porch for them to grab. They just wanted to keep going collecting with my son which was O.K but I like my food hot! lol ...So we decided to have our Halloween dinner the night before Halloween.
Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry Recipe, Savory Pumpkin curry is the perfect addition to your Fall #comfortfood line up. Shirmp and scallops bring a nice exotic but affordable touch to this dish. #Fall #curry

We also carve our pumpkins,well just my husband and little one now since I'm busy with dinner, eat Skull Sugar cookies, Pan de Muerto we get at Mexican Town in the city and watch a scary kid friendly movie afterwards.

The main dish always consists of some sort of seafood dish. To me anything seafood means abundance. I grew up with tons of it and we have it at home at least once or twice a week, so why not for Halloween to match the abundance of candy and fun!

This year I've incorporated some pumpkin on this dish to please my husband who unlike me, loves pumpkin. I had to do some research since I'm not familiar with the use of pumpkin in dishes,  found this recipe online here and  tweaked it my way, leaving a few things out and adding some in.

It's delicious and rich! Just the way I like my curry! and to me the most important thing...I can't taste the pumpkin! I know it's there but i can't taste it! that is a win win to me! Will make it again for sure!
It's a bit spicy and with a beautiful orange color, making it perfect for those cold Fall nights!
Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry Recipe. Because there is so much to pumpkins than pie! This savory dish rich in flavors and textures is the perfect comfort food for Fall cold days! Warm yourself up from the inside out with this colorful and delicious dish, #comfortfood #Fall #curry

Do you have any traditions for Halloween? Are you planning on starting a new one this year? If so, I would love to hear about it. Thank You so much for visiting the blog today my friends. and remember that everything, even in the spookiest nights of the year, tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


Pumpkin Shrimp and Scallop Curry Recipe
Adapted recipe from Epicurious
1 (15 oz) can Pumpkin Puree
1 lb Uncooked Shrimp, clean and deveined
1 lb Uncooked Scallops
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1 TBSP Ginger, minced
1 (14.5 oz) can Tomatoes chopped, drain the liquid
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
1 Cup Vegetable broth
1 (13.5 oz) can Coconut Milk 
1 1/2 Tbsp Curry Powder 
1 tsp Seafood Seasoning
1 tsp Lemon juice
Salt, Pepper to taste
Oil for sauteing veggies
Lemon slices
Green Onions 
In a large saucepan, add enough oil saute some veggies, like 1 TBSP, over medium heat add onions and ginger. Cook until onions are soft, around 5-8 minutes. Add tomatoes and garlic cooked and mix until everything is integrated to the onion and ginger mix. Add pumpkin puree. Cook covered for 10 minutes stirring often for the mix not to stick to the pan. Once the time has elapsed, add broth, coconut milk, curry, seafood seasoning salt and pepper to taste. Cook this for 15-20 minutes. Finally add the shrimp, scallops and lemon juice and cook until seafood is cooked, Like 7-8 minutes. Remove from heat. Serve with white rice or rice noodles and garnish with a slice of lemon and green onions. Enjoy.

Prep Time: 10 minutes                                  Cook Time: 35 minutes                   Serves 6

Sharing Halloween traditions at these Fa-BOO-lous parties:

A Handful of Everything,Lamberts LatelyThe Brambleberry CottageCreative GeekeryLive Laugh RoweThe Crafty Blog StalkerSaving 4 SixPink Recipe BoxThe Mandatory MoochSweet HauteWhat's Cooking Love?52 MantelsTbe 36th AvenueCraftionaryThe Best Blog RecipesHome Maid SimpleTidy MomDiana Rambles504 MainJust Us FourPractically FunctionalTownsend HouseCraft DictatorLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionShaken TogetherToday's Creative BlogYour Home Based MomCozy Little HouseThe Blackberry VineHuckleberry Love,Homemade GingerMemories by The MileMandy's Recipe BoxOur Table for SevenNot Just a HousewifeThe Well Crafted HomeDucks n' a RowLady Behind the CurtainThe Style SistersGinger Sanp CraftsSmart School HouseMade to b a MommaWhite Lights on WednesdayMy Girlish WhimsThe Shaddy PorchSomeday CraftsLove Bakes Good CakesCrafty AllieDear CreativesCheerios and LattesLove and LaundryThe Plaid and Paisley KitchenI Should be Mopping The FloorsCreate With JoyWill Cook For SmilesRain on a Tin RoofThe Chicken ChickWatch Out MarthaJam HandsFeeding BigA Southern FairytaleMad in CraftsPint Sized BakerThe Gunny SackNap Time CreationsHome Stories A to ZAll She CooksThe View from 510Hi! It's JillyFluster BusterRattlebridge FarmFoodie Friends FridayMy Mixing SpoonsThis Gal Cooks


Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe

Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, the possibilities are endless when it comes to these delicious brownies when you only need 2 ingredients! Try and Tasted good old fashioned recipe and goodness!
Hola Amigos! If you follow me on FB you know I got a little help from my friends to get me through what I call a seasonal blogger dilemma. For a while I was seriously considering going into hibernation, closing shop, sort of speak through the Fall and then wake up and join the living on Winter time..odd I know, but here is why:  I couldn't figure out what to blog about because we all know this is Pumpkin Season and I Hate Pumpkins, with Passion!!!

Pumpkins, Squash, Gourds, Sweet Potatoes, name it! If it's orange and it's not a carrot I don't like it!. Believe me, I've tried, very hard, but a single bite won't go down my throat.
I don't cook them, I don't know how to cook them and never been interested in them until this Fall, when the entire bloggy community is going head over hills over pumpkins and since now I'm blogging...well what to do!

I got a lot of good suggestions. This was among them, recipe and all courtesy of Paula D. Wilson, one of my FB readers. She promised me I would not be able to taste the pumpkin in these brownies and I thought.....what do I have to lose!

Well, Shut The Front Door!!!! They are amazing! and No Pumpkin Flavor!!! To the point that my little one who can't stand pumpkins either ate the first one and then I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but nothing...he loved them!
Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, It  doesn't get any better than this! Two ingredients and tons of flavor! A good old fashioned recipe tried and tested for success every time!

They are soft, fudgy and so chocolaty! I followed the recipe to the T...well there are only 2 ingredients as you probably know. Just added some chocolate chips and M&M's as I do with all my brownies! Oh My!!!
Just grab the milk and keep them coming!
Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, Life it's sweeter when all this goodness requires only 2 ingredients. A good old fashioned recipe well tried and tested with 100% approval by chocaholics!

Decorate them with seasonal candy, more fudge, caramel, peanuts or marshmallows!!! They are good!

I want to thank Paula for her help and for sharing her recipe with me and let me try some pumpkin without really tasting it!!! how great is that?

Thank you for visiting the blog today! Every Thursday on FB I'm having a Thankful Thursday as a way of thanking my readers and fellow bloggers for their support. If you are a small blog, you are just starting as a blogger, you are an artist, you are a reader with a great recipe, Comment on this post leaving me a link to your blog,  contact me and send me your recipe and I will try it and post it here on my blog giving you the credit you deserve. You don't need to be a blogger to do this, just email me or PM me on FB or G+.

Have a great day and keep in mind friends...everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love and a little help from your friends!


Pumpkin Brownies
1 Box Brownies (18 -20oz) I used Ghirardelli's Ultimate Brownie Mix
1 can (15 oz) Pumpkin Puree
M&M's candy (optional)
Chocolate Chips (optional)
Seasonal Candy (optional)
Mix together Brownie Mix (no eggs, no oil, no water) Just the powder with the Pumpkin Puree. It's going to be a thick mix. Pour it into a 13x9 baking dish and bake for 18-24 minutes at 350F or until a toothpick in the middle comes out clean.
Let it cool, cut in squares and decorate the brownies any way you like it. Enjoy!

Prep Time: 3 minutes                                                                  Baking Time 18-24 Minutes                          

Bringing a sweet treat with a trick to these Fa-BOO-lous parties:
Planned in PencilTatertots and JelloNot Your Ordinary RecipesSerenityYouClassy ClutterFox Hollow CottageCheerios and LattesToo Much TimeTwigg StudiosLife on Lakeshore DriveWCFSYour Homebased MomMommifriedThe Thriftiness MissUnder the Table and DreamingDear CreativesFlamingo ToesI Should be Mopping the FloorsFrugal Foodie MamaSumo's Sweet StuffCoastal CharmBetween Naps on the PorchCarrie This HomeA Pinch of JoyPandP KitchenJembelishA Southern FairytaleSetting for FourTiti CraftyHuckleberry LoveVMG 206The Gunny SackLadybug BlessingsHome Stories A to ZChef in TrainingOur Table for SevenNap-Time CreationsMandy's Recipe BoxThe Everyday HomeThe Well Crafted HomeSmart School HouseMy Sweet MissionLady Behind the CurtainThank You HoneyAll She CooksDucks 'n a RowDelishSweet HauteA Handful of EverythingThe Mandatory MoochSaving 4 SixThe Crafty BlogstalkerMaid in a DaySimply Dream and CreateThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomThe Girl CreativeHome Maid SimpleLove and LaundryTodays Crative BlogPractically FunctionalMy Turn (for Us)Kitchen Fun with my 3 SonsSara HoweTownsend HouseCooking with CurlsLiving Better TogetherShaken TogetherThe Pin Junkie504 MainSix Sisters StuffIt's OverflowingBe Different Act NormalWhat's Cooking with RuthieAngels HomesteadSuburbs MamaWOMHousewives of Riverton,SNAPCassidy's CookingClassy Clutter


DIY Halloween Ribbon Pumpkin

DIY Halloween Ribbon Pumpkin, a fun project in the spirit of Halloween, change the appearance of your craft store ordinary pumpkin and make it stand out with different Halloween ribbons!
Hola Amigos! A pretty craft here to give your Halloween pumpkins a different look with more texture and character than just plain orange or white gourd you find at your craft store.
It's really put together in no time once you get the hold of it. I was watching a night show when I made mine, One thing though, Tulula, my ribb-pumpkin was made in the "before blogging" times, so the pictures I took were for personal reference and not for posting, so my apologies for the quality.

This is what I used: Halloween themed ribbons, depending on the size of your pumpkin you might need 4-5 rolls of ribbon. I used about 4 plus a few more I had around, I wanted Tulula to be colorful, 1 fake pumpkin from your craft store and glue gun sticks, lots of them.
This is how I did it: First, cut your ribbon in 1.5 2 inches in length. Glue the end edges very carefully because with your sheer ribbon the hot glue goes right through it. Make a loop.
Starting on the very top of your pumpkin, hot glue the ends of your loop around the stem, interchanging different colors of ribbon, textures and even widths to give your pumpkin more visual interest. Keep doing this until your entire pumpkin is covered in ribbon.
Finally decorate your pumpkin stem is you choose too with a little bling from the floral section of your craft store very popular this time of the year.

Isn't she cute! I will make her more sisters and display them all together, perhaps since she is so colorful the others could be in plain matching colors! Possibilities are endless!

How do you decorate for Halloween? Do you like sweet and cute? traditional colors like orange and black? Do you got for the creepy and spooky? Do you pick a them to decorate around every year? Let me know in your comments please, I'm "dying" to know, lol...I just had to say that!

Thank You so much for your visit today! Hope you are looking forward to this first Back to School weekend I am for sure. I miss my little man so much! He on the other hand is having a blast...go figure!
DIY Halloween Ribbon Pumpkin, step out of the ordinary orange, black or white pumpkin and have fun with all those ribbons you find in craft store during the holidays! Colorful and fun, Easy to make and above all very festive!


Sharing Tulula at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
House of HepworthsThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryThe Girl CreativeTidy MomMy Turn (for Us),
The Pin JunkieSparkles and a StoveLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionHappy and Blessed HomeSimply Sweet HomeThe Answer is ChocolateBecoming MarthaSimply DesigningKtichen Fun with my 3 Sons504 MainA Simple FiveOne Tough MotherMy Romantic HomeHappy Hour ProjectsLiz Marie BlogLove and LaundryThe Wondering BrainCooking with CurlsFive Days Five WaysJust Us FourCheerios and LattesWhat's Cooking with Ruthieit's OverflowingSix Sister's Sutff,
Too Much TimeClassy ClutterSew Licious Home DecorTwigg StudiosBowdabraWCFSSummer's ScrapsFlamingo ToesMade from PinterestSuburbs MamaVMG 206Tti CraftySumo;s Sweet StuffUnder the Table and DreamingBetween Naps on the PorchI Gotta Try ThatJembelishCupcake-n-bakeThe Blackberry VineSumo's Sweet StuffHuckleberry LoveI should be mopping the floorsNot Just a HousewifeThank You HoneyNap-Time CreationsChef in TrainingMemories by the MileHomemade GingerLady Behind the CurtainShaffer SistersSmart School HouseThe Everyday HomeThe Real Housewives of RivertonMaid in a DaySNAPAll She CooksThe Everyday HomeReal CoakeMade to be a MommaSew Much AdoWhite Lights on WednesdayPink Recipe BoxGlitter, Glue and PaintThe Shady PorchCreative GeekeryThe Brambleberry CottageArtsy Fartsy MamaLiving Well Spending LessI heart Nap TimeBowdabraDebbiedoo'sDIY ShowoffMy Love 2 CreateClassy Clutter

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