Oh Yes...this is the season when our homes get inundated by the aromas and tastes of Candy Corn. So much of it, that by the end of October I personally don't want to see one more of these sugary treats which seem to have endless shelf life as well!
Our friend "Bones" here not only ate a whole lot of the sweet treat but loved it so much that decided to take it with him to his final resting place!
Of course, his cause of death was Candy Corn Overdose, to the point that when his flesh decomposed...it turned into Candy Corn Stew.....after all my friends, ...we are what we eat...right?
His coffin reflects his love for the season as well, Spiced Carrot with a hint of Apple Cider...at the end...he realized it's a good thing to have veggies and fruits in your Diet...a little too late I'll say....
Do you love Candy Corn as much as "Bones"? What's your favorite Halloween Candy....in other words, what't that thing you secretly raid out of your kids's trick or treat loot?...me? M&M's...I'm addicted to them and I constantly keep a little bag in my purse, just in case of a Zombie Apocalypse or something like that!
Thank You so much for attending Bones trip to the after life! Please join us again to more Halloween Food Fun and remember that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love....and lots of Candy Corn.."Bones"!
Death by Candy Corn Carrot Cake
1 box Carrot Cake
(all the ingredients necessary to make it BUT...replace the amount called for water with Apple Cider)
6 oz Candy Corn
1 Cup Cream
1 TBSP Butter
1 TBSP Vanilla Pudding or Cornstarch
Heat oven at 350 degrees. Follow baking instructions. If you are baking these particular coffins you get 12, you can also bake a regular cake, cut it in little pieces and "bury your little piece" in the Candy Corn Stew.
For the Candy Corn Stew, on medium heat add cream, candy corn and pudding. Stir constantly until candy corn is melted. Add your pudding or cornstarch until thickened. Remove from heat and pour some of the mix on each coffin. Decorate with "bones" if you want! Serve warm, room temperature or cold.
Have a glass of milk handy, believe me you're going to need it, and enjoy!
Prep Time 10 minutes Baking time 20 minutes Serves 12 coffins
Sharing a Sugar Rush Dessert at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
Dear Creatives, Diana Rambles, 504 Main, Tartertots and Jello, A Little Claireification, Sewlicious Home, Angels Homestead, The Thriftiness Miss, Craft Dictator, Sara Howe, Cheerios and Lattes,Six Sisters Stuff, I Gotta Create, Be Different Act Normal, It's Overflowing, Twigg Studios, WCFS, Your Homebased Mom, Dessert Now, Dinner Later, Pink When, Who Needs a Cape, Nifty Thrifty Things, Flamingo Toes, Spatulas on Parade, Mi Mixing Spoons, I Should Be Mopping the Floors, The Casual Craftlete, Cooking for the Seven Drawrfs, This Gal Cooks, Between Naps on the Porch, PandP Kitchen, The Tumbleweed Contessa, Titi Crafty, Create with Joy, Feeding Big, Suburbs Mama, Rain on a Tin Roof, A Pinch of Joy, Setting for Four, Huckleberry Love, Say Not Sweet Anne, The Gunny Sack, Coastal Charm, Ladybug Blessings, Chef in Training, Home Stories A to Z, Hun...What's for Dinner.
Our Table for 7, Under the Table and Dreaming, DIY Home Sweet Home, Mad in Crafts, A Southern Fairytale, Jam Hands, Jembellish, Sugar Bee Crafts, Nap Time Creations, Memories by the Mile, Cozy Little House, The Well Crafted Home, Ducks'n a Row, The Everyday Home, Sew Creative, The Shady Porch, Ginger Snap Crafts, Fluster Buster, This Silly Girl's Life, Trendy Tree House, Kitchen Meets Girl, SNAP, 733 Blog, The Real Housewives of Riverton, Polkadots on Parade, Someday Crafts, We Like to Learn as We Go, My Girlish Whims, Smart School House. The 36th Avenue, 52 Mantels, The Mandatory Mooch, Sweet Haute, Saving 4 Six, Lamberts Lately, What's Cooking Love, Glamorous Bride, A Handful of Everything, Live, Laugh, Rowe, The Crafty Blog Stalker, Katherines Corner, The Best Blog Recipes, Craftionary, Tidy Mom, The Girl Creative, One Tough Mother, Home Maid Simple, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Do Small Things with Love, Townsend House, Planned in Pencil, Living Better Together, The Jenny Evolution, Shaken Together, The Pin Junkie, Frugal Fit Family, Not Your Ordinary Recipes, Delish, Cherished Bliss, Sara Howe, My Love 2 Create, Call me PMc
Our Table for 7, Under the Table and Dreaming, DIY Home Sweet Home, Mad in Crafts, A Southern Fairytale, Jam Hands, Jembellish, Sugar Bee Crafts, Nap Time Creations, Memories by the Mile, Cozy Little House, The Well Crafted Home, Ducks'n a Row, The Everyday Home, Sew Creative, The Shady Porch, Ginger Snap Crafts, Fluster Buster, This Silly Girl's Life, Trendy Tree House, Kitchen Meets Girl, SNAP, 733 Blog, The Real Housewives of Riverton, Polkadots on Parade, Someday Crafts, We Like to Learn as We Go, My Girlish Whims, Smart School House. The 36th Avenue, 52 Mantels, The Mandatory Mooch, Sweet Haute, Saving 4 Six, Lamberts Lately, What's Cooking Love, Glamorous Bride, A Handful of Everything, Live, Laugh, Rowe, The Crafty Blog Stalker, Katherines Corner, The Best Blog Recipes, Craftionary, Tidy Mom, The Girl Creative, One Tough Mother, Home Maid Simple, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, Do Small Things with Love, Townsend House, Planned in Pencil, Living Better Together, The Jenny Evolution, Shaken Together, The Pin Junkie, Frugal Fit Family, Not Your Ordinary Recipes, Delish, Cherished Bliss, Sara Howe, My Love 2 Create, Call me PMc