Showing posts with label Cupcakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cupcakes. Show all posts


Death by Candy Corn Halloween Carrot Cake Recipe

Death by Candy Corn Halloween Carrot Cake Recipe, Our dear friend Bones had too much of the treat he loved the most, Candy Corn, a tasty recipe is part of his obituary...follow it and join him in the afterlife, if you dare....
Hola Amigos! Happy weekend! I'm so glad this week is over, feels like it lasted an Eternity! Speaking of eternities, poor little bones here is a true example that everything in excess can lead to your demise! In his case something as innocent as Candy Corn!
Oh Yes...this is the season when our homes get inundated by the aromas and tastes of Candy Corn. So much of it,  that by the end of October I personally don't want to see one more of these sugary treats which seem to have endless shelf life as well!

Our friend "Bones" here not only ate a whole lot of the sweet treat but loved it so much that decided to take it with him to his final resting place!
Death by Candy Corn Carrot Cake Recipe, Poor Bones! He loved Candy Corn so much it took him to his grave "Literally" check out how by following this tasty recipe!...if you dare....

Of course, his cause of death was Candy Corn Overdose, to the point that when his flesh turned into Candy Corn Stew.....after all my friends, ...we are what we eat...right?

His coffin reflects his love for the season as well, Spiced Carrot with a hint of Apple the end...he realized it's a good thing to have veggies and fruits in your Diet...a little too late I'll say....

Do you love Candy Corn as much as "Bones"? What's your favorite Halloween other words, what't that thing you secretly raid out of your kids's trick or treat loot? M&M's...I'm addicted to them and I constantly keep a little bag in my purse, just in case of a Zombie Apocalypse or something like that!

Thank You so much for attending Bones trip to the after life! Please join us again to more Halloween Food Fun and remember that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love....and lots of Candy Corn.."Bones"!


Death by Candy Corn Carrot Cake 
1 box Carrot Cake
(all the ingredients necessary to make it BUT...replace the amount called for water with Apple Cider)
6 oz Candy Corn 
1 Cup Cream
1 TBSP Butter
1 TBSP Vanilla Pudding or Cornstarch
Heat oven at 350 degrees. Follow baking instructions. If you are baking these particular coffins you get 12, you can also bake a regular cake, cut it in little pieces and "bury your little piece" in the Candy Corn Stew.
For the Candy Corn Stew, on medium heat add cream, candy corn and pudding. Stir constantly until candy corn is melted. Add your pudding or cornstarch until thickened. Remove from heat and pour some of the mix on each coffin. Decorate with "bones" if you want! Serve warm, room temperature or cold.
Have a glass of milk handy, believe me you're going to  need it, and enjoy!

Prep Time  10 minutes                          Baking time 20 minutes                    Serves 12 coffins
Death by Candy Corn Halloween Carrot Cake Recipe, too much of the good thing can be deadly! Ask our friend "Bones" here...victim of his own sweet tooth and love for all things Candy Corn!

Sharing a Sugar Rush Dessert at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
Dear CreativesDiana Rambles504 MainTartertots and JelloA Little ClaireificationSewlicious HomeAngels HomesteadThe Thriftiness MissCraft DictatorSara HoweCheerios and Lattes,Six Sisters StuffI Gotta CreateBe Different Act NormalIt's OverflowingTwigg StudiosWCFSYour Homebased MomDessert Now, Dinner LaterPink WhenWho Needs a CapeNifty Thrifty ThingsFlamingo ToesSpatulas on ParadeMi Mixing SpoonsI Should Be Mopping the FloorsThe Casual CraftleteCooking for the Seven DrawrfsThis Gal CooksBetween Naps on the PorchPandP KitchenThe Tumbleweed ContessaTiti CraftyCreate with JoyFeeding BigSuburbs MamaRain on a Tin RoofA Pinch of JoySetting for FourHuckleberry LoveSay Not Sweet AnneThe Gunny SackCoastal CharmLadybug BlessingsChef in TrainingHome Stories A to ZHun...What's for Dinner.
Our Table for 7Under the Table and DreamingDIY Home Sweet HomeMad in CraftsA Southern FairytaleJam HandsJembellishSugar Bee CraftsNap Time CreationsMemories by the MileCozy Little HouseThe Well Crafted HomeDucks'n a RowThe Everyday HomeSew CreativeThe Shady PorchGinger Snap CraftsFluster BusterThis Silly Girl's LifeTrendy Tree HouseKitchen Meets GirlSNAP733 BlogThe Real Housewives of RivertonPolkadots on ParadeSomeday CraftsWe Like to Learn as We GoMy Girlish WhimsSmart School HouseThe 36th Avenue52 MantelsThe Mandatory MoochSweet HauteSaving 4 SixLamberts LatelyWhat's Cooking LoveGlamorous BrideA Handful of EverythingLive, Laugh, RoweThe Crafty Blog StalkerKatherines CornerThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomThe Girl CreativeOne Tough MotherHome Maid SimpleKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsDo Small Things with LoveTownsend HousePlanned in PencilLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionShaken TogetherThe Pin JunkieFrugal Fit FamilyNot Your Ordinary RecipesDelishCherished BlissSara HoweMy Love 2 CreateCall me PMc


Toe of Frog Halloween Lemon Cupcake Recipe

Toe of Frog Halloween Lemon "Poke" Cupcake Recipe, bring this magical creatures into your home! they are sweet and fun! The perfect Halloween cupcake for those who celebrate with a whimsical theme!
Hola Amigos! We are finally getting into some Fall temperatures here! It has been so hot the last couple of days! I mean really hot...we needed a little break! Today I'm sharing with you a very easy recipe, a simple twist on one  I made before. I was in desperate need of something sweet with some ingredients that I already had and that I could together with  very little thought to it. See, I suffer from migraines and some days are worse than others...but back to the cupcakes.

This is a pudding poke cupcake. I used pistachio pudding to take a little bit of the bite of the lemon cake! Besides I thought the combination on green and yellow was just too pretty!
Since I had a few frogs hopping around the kitchen, I used them as the centerpiece decor and theme for my cupcakes. When I was little I heard so many things about frogs, and believe me, non of them had to do with kissing them to transform them into a prince...that happened later, lol

My "abuelita" (gradma) used to say that if I was to touch a frog I would get Warts!!! EEWWW! never touched one..on this cupcake the warts are made out of mint green mints M&M's
Toe of Frog Halloween Lemon "Poke" Cupcake Recipe, Because Halloween doesn't have to be scary all the time, we can also have fun with these sweet whimsical woodland creatures...even their warts are sweet and edible!

She also used to say, if you squeeze a frog (why would I do this...I don't have a clue) the frog skin would secrete some slimey, almost mucus like substance...YUCKS!!!...on my cupcakes I recreated the slime with Wilton"s  green candy melts! you can see it just running all over the top!

But forget about the mucus if you can for a minute, these cold blooded amphibians can magically be born in water...they grow legs...(toes included) and then, they Walk Out of the Pond and live the rest of their lives hiding on the muddy surfaces near the pond in case they needed a quick refreshing bath! My pond is represented by the pistachio pudding topping and my dirt by a crumbled cupcake!

There you go my friends, this is my Frog story and I'm sticking to it! On time I learned to love these guys to the point of refusing to dissect one when I was in HS earning proudly I should say, my first F!! oh well...there's a frog out there owning me her life!

Thanks for visiting my friends! I love Halloween because even a non fancy, not perfect and everyday home baked cupcake, can turn into something out of a children's tale with just a little bit of imagination and a Pinch of Love!

Toe of Frog Halloween Lemon Cupcake 
1 Box Lemon Cake
(and everything you need to put it together according to the box)
1 packet (4 servings) Pistachio Instant Pudding
(and everything you need to put it together according to the box)
Key Lime mini marshmallows (optional)
1/2 bag Wilton green Candy Melts
1 small bag of Mint M&M's
Decorative Gummy Frogs (or any other slimey critter you might have)
Mix your cake according to instructions. Cup the mix into Jumbo Muffins non stick tin pan. At this point I decided to add a couple of key lime marshmallows I just found at a local store for .99. Delicious!
Bake at 350 F for about 18-20 minutes. Let them cool.
While they cool prepare your pudding mix according the the packet instructions. 
Pull your jumbo cupcakes out of the tin pan. Poke a couple of holes in the cupcakes using the handle of a wooden spoon and pour the instant pudding mix on them. *Note: Don't over mix your pudding, since it's instant it will start to set super fast. perhaps just a couple of whisks or use some regular Pistachio Pudding not instant.  I got distracted by the phone while whisking and very little went into the "poked holes". Refrigerate.
If you have some extra pudding top and cover areas of the cupcake  that were not covered with the initial pouring add a couple of M&M's on each cupcake
Melt your candy tablets and spread them on the cupcakes to create the slime.
Crumble the less pretty looking cupcake on top of the slime and  top them up with your Frog or critter! Enjoy!

Prep Time 10 minutes                                 Cook Time 18-20 minutes                    Serves 6

Hopping over with my Sweet Cupcakes to these Fa-BOO-lous parties:
The Wondering BrainCheerios and LattesOr So She SaysIt's OverflowingLife on Lakeshore DriveSuburbs MamaTwig StudiosNifty Thrifty ThingsFlamingo ToesNavy Wifey PetersSpatulas on ParadeVMG206Titi CraftyCookin' For the Seven DwarfsWho Needs a CapeSummer's ScrapsTwelve O' EightThe Velvet Moon BakerYour Homebased MomMy Mixing SpoonBowdabraCaft-O-ManiacThe Chicken ChickThis Gal CooksCupcake-n-BakeA Pinch of JoyJembellishKeep It SimpleAlderberry HillDIY Home Sweet HomeSay Not Sweet AnneLines AcrossFlour Me with LoveUnder the Table and DreamingMs. enPlaceBetween Naps on The PorchRain on a Tin RoofThe PandP KitchenThe Tumbleweed ContessaClaire Justine oxoxCozy Little HouseMade in a DayThe Blackberry VineMad SkillsLove Grows WildHome Stories A to ZTable for 7Ladybug BlessingsI Gotta CreateChef In TrainingMandy's Recipe BoxNap-Time CreationsA Southern Fairy TaleHuckleberry LoveJam HandsNot Just a HousewifeThis and ThatDucks 'n a RowLady Behind the CurtainMade to be a MommaGinger Snap CraftsMom's Test KitchenThe Shady PorchMy Girlish WhimsCrystal and CoThe Well Crafted HomeThe Everyday HomeKitchen Meets GirlThank You HoneyThe Trendy TreehouseDream a Little BiggerSmart School HouseWhite Lights on WednesdayPolkadots on ParadeReal Housewives of RivertonSNAP733 BlogThis Silly Girl's LifeSomeday CraftsWe Like to Learn as We GoMemories by the MileThe 36th Avenue52 MantelsSweet Hautea Handful of EverythingKatherine's CornerThe Mandatory MoochWhat's Cooking LoveLamberts LatelyThe Crafty Blog StlakerLive Laugh RoweGingerly MadeBrambleberry CottageRecipes for my boysKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryThe Answer is ChocolateMy Turn (for Us)Simply Sweet Home,Living Better TogetherThe Pink JunkieTidy MomJust Us FourHome Maid SimpleDear CreativesDiana Rambles504 MainTatertots and JelloA Little ClaireificationAngels HomesteadSix Sisters StuffBe Different Act NormalDelish



Sharknado Cupcake Recipe

Shark Week "Sharknado" Cupcakes Recipe, take a bite out of Shark Week with these airy and delicious cupcakes! Filled with Very Berry "Blood" they are sure to be a hit, just like the movie, when served in a fun Luau, Halloween Party or just a fun gathering !

Hola Amigos! I'm sure by now you are all excited about the best film of this summer season: Sharknado!!!! Nothing celebrates Shark Week better than a powerful whirlwind carrying thousands of sharks ready to devour an entire city!!! Ok, the movie is one of the dumbest syfy films so far...borderline comedy! but Shark Week is still awesome and to celebrate my love of all things shark and bad acting, I made fun cupcakes!

This is a tongue in cheek kind of post, if you are sensitive to realistic looking gummy sharks and fake blood, better read tomorrow's post I promise you it will be a serious one, but for've been warned, if you are game, sit down and enjoy a few of my favorite personal Shark Facts.

I love sharks! Since little I learned to admire them and to fear them. We were at the beach every weekend and the rule was, if you hear dad yell "Get Out Of The Water" you just did it! no questions ask! Ever!!! I'm sure you know why...

My Grad School thesis was about the Economical vs Biological Impact of the Commercialization of Sharks (specific species). I got high scores from the 3 judging professors whoot think I know my sharks alright!
Shark Week "Sharknado" Cupcakes Recipe, Shark Week will never be the same after you take a bite our of these fun cupcakes, Filled with a "Bloody" delicious raspberry filling they are great for a creepy Luau, a Halloween Hawaiian Gathering or just plain fun!

Believe it or not, I know how to prepare a killer Shark Fin Soup! From collecting, drying, removing skin to separating and bleaching the little fibers to make the soup, which is a delicacy in Asian cultures. My dad thought me the process and it's an experience I will never forget. Note: We never killed a shark for this purpose, sometimes fisherman have a few as bycatch for the day.

We are a bigger threat to sharks than they are to us. Granted nobody wants to be attacked or eaten by a shark, chances are you are most likely to be bitten by another human being in your lifetime than by a shark. The practice of 'shark finning" for the above mentioned soup, sport and fear among other things, are  the main threats to these animals.
Shark Week "Sharknado" Cupcakes recipe, celebrate the best B syfy movie since The Attack of the Giant Caterpilar!! These fun and delicious cupcakes are filled with berry "Blood" and you won't be able to resist taking a "Bite Out of Them!

The Shark Conservation Act was signed into a Law in January 2011

White Sharks can smell a drop of blood from up to mile away, but most sharks can smell a drop of blood 3000 yards away.

Sharks don't sleep like we do. Most of them need to constant be in the move in order to get oxygen through their gills and bodies, so they "sleep swim" (not to be confused with sleep walk) part of their brains are less active and allows them to rest.
Shark Week "Sharknado" Cupcake Recipe, Shark Week will never be the same after you have one of these airy and delicious cupcakes! Filled with very berry "blood" they are irresistible

And on the subject of sleeping now that you are more likely to put that bikini and swim in the middle of the night right after watching a JAWS marathon, I want to thank you for your visit today! Enjoy Shark Week and remember than even Sharknado Cupcakes taste better with a Pinch of Love! (for sharks)
Shark Week "Sharknado" Cupcakes recipe...this cupcakes are the perfect Trick and Treat for Halloween...a gush of Very Berry Blood with each Sharky Bite! No artificial coloring on this blood, just pure fruit goodness!


Sharknado Cupckaes
1 Bag of White Cupcake Mix
1 Cup Cream Soda
2 TBSP Raspberry Preserves
5 Straberries
5 Blakberries
Vanilla Icing
Cotton Candy
Shark Gummies
Pre Heat oven at 350 degrees. Follow instructions on your cupcake bag. I replaced what the instructions ask for water and replaced it for the same amount of cream soda. Fill your cupcake liners and bake for about 15-20 minutes or follow bag instructions.
For the "Blood" Filling
In a saucepan on low heat add and mix 1/4 cup cream soda, preserves and fruit. Heat up until mix starts to thicken, about 10 minutes. Set aside and cool to room temperature. Once cooled, put the mix in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Inject the center of the cupcakes with this mix.
Once filled, top each cupcake with some vanilla icing. Shape a piece of your cotton candy into a funnel shape (resembling a tornado) and place it on top of the icing with a few shark gummies.
Take A Bite of your cupcakes and enjoy.

Preparation: 12 minutes         Cook Time 15-20 minutes      Serves 12

Sharing my Review on Sharknado at these Fabulous Parties:
Kitchen Fun with my 3 SonsCraftionaryThe Best Blog RecipesTidy MomHome Maid SimpleMy Romantic HomeFrench Country CottageHappy Hour ProjectsOne Tough Mother504 MainLove and LaundryA Simple FiveLiz Marie BlogBecoming MarthaHappy and Blessed HomeThe Pin JunkieLiving Better TogetherThe Answer is ChocolateA Peek into my ParadiseMy Turn (for Us)Le Chateau des FleursChic on a ShoestringClaire Justine oxoxSerenity NowSix Sister's StuffCheerios and LattesCooking with Curls4 Little FergusonsJust Us FourAngels HomesteadSpatulas on ParadeSuburbs MamaThe TablescaperThe Foley FamTwigg StudiosVMG206Flamingo ToesNifty Thrifty ThingsTartertots and JelloClassy ClutterToo Much Time, Claire Justine oxox Ms. enPlace Mommy MentionablesWCFSTwelveOeightTitiCraftyMade from PinterestFrugal Foodie MamaMy Mixing SpoonsSumo's Sweet StuffLines AcrossThe Chicken ChickSay Not Sweet AnneFlour Me with LoveCupcake-n-BakeThe Plaid and Paisley KitchenjembellishSew Can DoKeeping it Simple CraftsBoogieboard CottageAlderberry HillDIY Home Sweet HomeUnder the Table and DreamingEveryday Moms MealsThe Princess and her CowboysThe Tumbleweed ContessaKathe with an EThe Blackberry VineLadybug BlessingsHandmade CuddlesPint Sized BakerRain on a Tin RoofSetting for FourHuckleberry LoveChef in TrainingLove Grows WildSugar Bee CraftsNap-Time CreationsPowerful MotheringAdventures of a DIY MomNot Just a HousewifeMemories by the MileMandy's Recipe BoxClean and ScentsibleSmart School HouseLady Behind the CurtainMade to be a MommaGinger Snap CraftsMy Girlish WhimsDIY Crafty ProjectsThe Everyday HomeDucks'n a Row,Kitchen Meets GirlCreations by KaraAll She CooksThe Shady PorchThank You HoneyCrystal & Co.Life with the Crust Cut OffSNAPHandy Man, Crafty WomanWe Like to Learn as We GoThe Style SistersFeeding BigFine Craft GuildThe Real Housewives of RivertonThe Brambleberry CottagePolkadots on ParadeWe Made ThatSweet HauteThe Crafty Blog StalkerSaving 4 SixLanberts LatelyWhat's cooking, Love?The Mandatory MoochThe 36th AVENUEKatherine's CornerCrazyLou CreationsChocolate, Chocolate and MoreHouse of the HepworthsKrative CreationzSparkles and a StoveArtsy Fartsy MamaLiving Well Spending LessDomestic SuperHeroDiana RamblesSimply DesigningEasy Life Meal and Party PlanningIt's OverflowingThe Inspiration Network

Other Fun Cupcakes you Might Enjoy:


Beer and Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe

Hola Amigos! Happy Weekend to all of you especially to all the fathers this Sunday. Today I'm sharing with you the perfect dessert to serve dad on his special day, but also for summer BBQs , birthdays or gatherings with friends this grilling season! My beer and chocolate cupcakes for the beer lover in your house...never forgetting some chocolate for the lady behind the man!

I have tried this recipe several times  I found  it a while back  in a little insert that came with a specialty beer set I got my hubs a few Christmas ago, it's pretty straight forward and since then I've changed the taste of the cupcakes by using different flavored beers. This is my adaptation to the original recipe.

Beer and Chocolate Cupcakes

1 stick Butter, softened
1 1/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa
2 Eggs
1/2  tsps Salt
1/2 tsps Baking Soda
1/2 tsps Baking Powder
1 Cup Flour
1/2 Cup Flavored Beer, I used Leinenkugel's Berry Weiss
1/2 Cup Water
1 tsps vanilla extract
Heat up your oven at 325 degrees and place liners on a 12 cupcake baking pan. Set aside.
Mix together butter, brown sugar and cocoa until everything is well integrated. Add eggs one at a time and mix everything at medium speed. 
In a separate bowl, whisk together the salt, baking soda, baking powder and flour until everything is well combined.
In another bowl mix beer, water and vanilla.
Now it's time add wet and dry ingredients to the chocolate batter. First liquid, followed by dry in an alternate way while mixing on medium speed. Repeat the procedure until all the ingredients are mixed.
Spoon this mix on the lined cupcakes  3/4  full. Bake for 18-20 minutes until a toothpick in the middle comes clean. 

1 Cup of Butter
2 TBSP Flavored Beer used above
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 TBSP Heavy Cream
1 Tsp Vanilla.
Beat this ingredients together until fluffy and ready to spread over cooled cupcakes.


Since I'm really bad at decorating, I found these delicious gummy "smoochies" and added a touch of whimsy to my cupcakes!

Aren't they a cute way of giving daddy a kiss?

You can really taste this particular beer on the cupcakes and the fact it intensifies the chocolate flavor! Yummm!

Give your husband a Big Chocolate Smooch this Sunday!

Wishing all the Fathers a wonderful Father's Day full of love and laughter.
Always keep in mind my friends, that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!...and a beer!


Sharing some spiked cupcakes at these Fabulous Parties:
Cozy Little House
Memories by the Mile
Organized SAHM
Love Bake Good Cakes
Our Home away from Home
Nap Time Creations
Sugar Bee Crafts
Pint Sized Baker
Hun..what's for dinner
Kathe with an E
Love Grows Wild
I Gotta Try That
The Tumbleweed Contesssa
Rain on a Tin Roof
Serendipity You
Ms. enPlace
Sweet2Eat Baking
Th ePlaid and Paisley Kitchen
Spatulas on Parade
Rattlebridge Farm
Flamingo Toes
Diana Rambles
Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons
Walking on Sunshine
Sincerely, Paula
Sunny Simple Life
The Thriftiness Miss
My Romantic Home
The Dedicated House
Just Us 4
Call Me PMc
The Best Blog Recipes
The Tablescaper
Sew-Licious Home
The Wondering Brain
Desert Now, Dinner Later
Life on Lakeshore Drive
Will Cook for Smiles
Frugal Foodie Mama
Claire Justine oxox
Under The Table and Dreaming
Chef in Training


Mandarin Orange Tropical Cupcakes

Hola Amigos! Hope you all had a great weekend and got to take advantage of the good weather if you had it in your neck of the woods. I'm thrilled to find that a variety of fruits are on sale at our local supermarkets. Strawberries $1.98 for 2 pounds, blackberries for $.99 a pint, mini mandarin oranges for $1.25 per pound! I'm a happy girl! There is nothing better than fresh fruit and now that I'm finally starting my diet I will have no excuse to get my healthy dose of vitamin C and fiber the healthy way!

Today I'm sharing with you my Mandarin Orange Tropical cupcakes, my little one says they are SpongeBob cupcakes because one of the main ingredients as you will see, they are very tasty, easy to make and fast. Nothing extraordinary just good all fashion cupcakes for busy moms and families on the run!

Mandarin Orange Tropical Cupcakes

1 (18.25 oz) package of Pineapple Upside Down Cake
3 Eggs
1/3 Cup of Oil
1 (11 oz) Can of Mandarin Orange Segments
(save the juice, about 1 Cup)
1/3 Cup of Orange Juice, Mandarin or Pineapple
Make your cake mix according to directions with the addition of the mandarin segments. When it comes to the "Add Water Part" usually the box says 1 1/3 cup, use the juice of the mandarin orange segments (1 cup) and 1/3 of your orange, mandarin or pineapple juice. I had this wonderful Pineapple-Coconut nectar I used! Magic!!!
Fill out about 24 cupcakes and bake for 18-21 minutes until a pick comes out clean.

1 (8 oz)  Container frozen Whipped Topping, thawed
1 (20 oz) Can Crushed Pineapple
1 cup of Sweetened Shredded Coconut
1 (3.5 oz) package of Lemon Instant Pudding Mix
In a large bowl, beat together all the ingredients and top your cupcakes.


You guys know I love chocolate, but this cupcakes are "the bomb"! Very refreshing for Spring and Summer!

A lot of flavor packed in just a tiny bite

These cupcakes will have you singing "Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea...SpongeBob Square Pants" to the top or your lungs....all day long! LOL

I found these tiny mandarin oranges at the store, they are so sweet, and perfect for topping our pretty cupcakes!

Thank you for visiting today friends, hope you like my easy but yummy cupcakes!
Remember everything tastes better with a little imagination and a Pinch of Love!
