Showing posts with label S'mores. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S'mores. Show all posts


S'mores Empanadas Recipe

S'mores Empanadas Recipe, looking for a season round alternative to S'mores, this little pastry pillows have all the goodness of your typical S'more but no need to camp out for them! 4 Ingredients and enjoy!
Hola Amigos! Just thought of stopping by to share something quick we just whipped at the kitchen this afternoon so the kids (big and small) could have something to celebrate on S'mores Day!. Very simple and easy recipe, like most of our weekend cooking and baking,  but never, never skimping on flavor!
So without further ado, lets enjoy the sweetness of S'mores Day!

A little frozen pie dough, stuffed with your favorite candy, marshmallows of course and why not...some cookie butter for an extra caramel note!

Bake and 20 minutes later...enjoy!

S'mores Empanadas Recipe, these delicious treat you can have year round. Buttery and flaky crust and ooey gooey center! No need of a campfire to enjoy them!

Out of 1 sheet of  pie dough you can make 3 good size empanadas!
S'mores Empanadas Recipe, enjoy these buttery and flaky pillows of chocolaty goodness all year round. No need of a campfire to enjoy these easy treat!

S'mores Empanadas Recipe, enjoy these delicious treat all year round. With their flaky and buttery crust and gooey chocolate center , you can't have just one! 4 ingredients and enjoy!

Inside you will find warm sweet chocolate goodness surrounded by a crispy and buttery dough!

There is of course a little air pocket between the chocolate and the crispy shell...but who cares? it's so sweet you need a little extra "pie" to balance it of!

There you go my friends! Happy S'mores Day....and remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love and Lot's of Chocolate too!


S'mores Empanadas
1 Bag frozen Pie Dough thawed
Your Favorite Candy Bars as much as you want per empanada (I used a mix of Cookies'n Cream, Chocolate and Dark Chocolate Almond, all from Hershey's)
6 Large Marshmallows (1 for each empanada) 
6 TBSP Cookie Butter (1 for each empanada) 
Roll out your thawed Pie Crust and roll it thin with a pin. Using a small saucer (about 6 inches)  cut 3 out  circles per pie crust sheet. (2 come in a bag). Fill them up with the marshmallow, cookie butter and small pieces of candies. Close the little pillows by folding in stuffed circle in half, sealing the edges with a little bit of water and a fork to give it a nice presentation.
If desired give each empanada a little egg wash for color.
Place the empanadas in a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and bake at 365F  for approximately 20 minutes or until crust is nice and brown. 
Remove from oven and enjoy...careful they are super hot in the inside!

Prep Time: 10 minutes             Cooking Time 20 minutes         Serves 6

Celebrating S'mores Day at these Fabulous Parties:
Life on Lakeshore DrivetwelveOeightFrugal Foodie MamaMs. en PlaceNavy Wifey PetersMy Mixing SpoonsCraft-o-ManiacSumo's Sweet StuffLines AcrossThe Chicken ChickSay Not Sweet AnneFlour Me with LoveCupcake-n-BakeThe Plaid and Paisley KitchenJembellishSew Can DoKeep It Simple CraftsBoogieboard CottageAlderberry HillUnder the Table and DreamingEveryday Moms MealsWCFSBetween Naps on the PorchThe Princess and her CowboysThe Tumbleweed ContessaCoastal CharmKathe with an EHun...what's for dinnerThe Blackberry VineLadybug Blessings,Handmade CuddlesPint Sized BakerRain on a Tin RoofSetting for FourHuckleberry LoveChef in TrainingLove Grows WildSugar Bee CraftsNap-Time CreationsPowerful MotheringAdventures of a DIY momNot Just a HousewifeMemories by the MileMandy's Recipe BoxShaffer SistersClean and ScentsibleLady Behind the CurtainMade to be a MommaGinger Snap CraftsMy Girlish WhimsDIY Crafty ProjectsThe Everyday HomeDucks'n a RowKitchen Meets GirlCreations by KaraAll She CooksThe Shady PorchThank You HoneyCrystal & Co,Life with the Crust Cut OffSNAPHandy Man, Crafty WomanWe Like to Learn as We GoThe Style SistersCozy Little HouseFeeding BigFine Craft GuildThe Real Housewives of Riverton733 BlogThe Brambleberry CottagePolkadots on ParadeWe Made ThatSweet HauteThe Crafty Blog StalkerSaving 4 SixLamberts LatelyWhat's cooking, Love?The Mandatory MoochThe 36th AVENUEKatherine's CornerCrazyLou CreationsChocolate, Chocolate and More!Posed PerfectionHouse of the HepworthsKreative CrationzSparkles and a StoveArtsy Fartsy MamaLiving Well Spending LessDomestic SuperHeroCraftionaryFrench Country CottageBecoming MarthaLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionHappy and Blessed HomeThe Answer is ChocolateA Peek into My ParadiseMy Turn (for Us)Tidy MomHappy Hour ProjectsCraftberry BushA Simple FiveDiana RamblesSimply DesigningChic on a ShoestringKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsThe Pin Junkie504 MainThe Thriftiness MissHome Maid SimpleJennifer RizzoBlissful and DomesticMy Personal AccentSunny Simple LifeNap Time CraftersAngels HomesteadA Little ClaireificationEasy Life Meal and Party PlanningCheerios and LattesBowdabraIt's OverflowingSix Sister's StuffMade from PinterestA Pretty Life in the SuburbsSummer ScrapsThe Inspiration NetworkEsskunstThe Trendy Tree HouseWhite Lights on WednesdayDuck's n' a RowMy Romantic HomeTatertots and JelloGlitter, Glue and PaintThe Stylist Quo

Another S'mores Recipe you might like:
DIY Home Sweet Home


S'mores Pizza Recipe

S'mores Dessert Pizza, a Cinnamon Crust covered in Chocolate and Marshmallows done in 3 minutes!
Hola Amigos, as you can see, I just couldn't stop with the Apple Pie Pizza, but had to do a S'mores one too! So without further ado, here are the easy steps...(there is really not a recipe here)

S'mores Pizza

1 Cinnamon Crust with Icing
1( 3.5oz)  Chocolate Candy Bar of your preference
Mini Marshmallows
Crushed Candy'n Cookies or your favorite
All my ingredients are  from the Dollar Store

Heat up your oven at 450F. Remove the cinnamon pizza from the wrap. 
Cut the chocolate candy bar and spread the squares and pieces on top of the pizza. Put in the oven for 3 minutes. Remove and with a plastic spatula spread the melted chocolate over the Pizza. Top it with marshmallows and crushed candy cookies.

Bake for another 3 minutes.
This cinnamon pizza comes with a little container of sugar glaze, so I put it in the microwave for a few seconds for it to melt and then drizzled it over my baked and ready to eat pizza.


Ohhh no need for a grill here! This is just a sweet and good as the original stuff!

Watch it when you take the first bite...Hot, Sticky Sweet and Oozing Hot Chocolate!

This was just a quick idea for you to do with and for your kids my friends, in days when it might be too hot to go outside or no desire to grill at all! In 7 minutes you have a perfectly good S'more!

Thank You for visiting today, remember that everything tastes better with Chocolate and a Pinch of Love!

Bringing some sweetness to these Fabulous Parties:
Golden Reflections
Sweet 2 Eat Baking
Spatulas on Parade
A Little Claireification
Rattlebrige Farm
Simply Designing
Living Better Together
My Turn (for Us)
Love and Laundry
Handy Man, Crafty Woman
Ducks'n a Row
Adorned from Above
Dragonfly Designs
Clean and Scentsible
The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen
Cozy Little House
Memories by the Mile
Hun...what's for dinner
Pint Sized Baker
I Gotta Try That
Our Home Away from Home
Love Bakes Good Cakes
Opulent Cottage
Fluster Buster
Mom's Test Kitchen
Family Home and Life
This Silly Girl's Life
Sparkles and a Stove
French Country Cottage
My Romantic Home
Do Small Things with Love
Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons
Dear Creatives
Diana Rambles
The Mandatory Mooch
Kreative Creationz
Let's this Mind be in You
The Home Girl
Just Us Four
Desert Now, Dinner Later
The Wondering Brain
Sew Licious Home Decor
Classy Clutter
Serenity You
Life on Lakeshore Drive
Nap time Creations
Love Grows Wild
Feeding Big
Chef in Training
The Princess and Her Cowboys
Home Maid Simple
The Answer is Chocolate
It's Overflowing
Be Different, Act Normal
Chocolate Chocolate and More
I Should be Mopping the Floors
Designed Decor
Rate The Plate Utah
Something Swanky
This and That