Showing posts with label beef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beef. Show all posts


Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe

Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe, Days and Evenings are getting colder! Bring back the warmth with this hearty "Stoup" Stew and Soup all in one and good enough to feed and Ogre! Perfect if you celebrate Halloween or Harvest!
Hola Amigos: Not everything hasto be skulls, bones and witches for Halloween right? there are plenty of other fun characters out there to play along with make a recipes around them. This is one example, the friendly (?) Ogre!
We all learned to love that green fellow capable of making the "princess"  forget about getting  the ultimate makeover and be true to herself.  I wasn't quite fond of his taste for dinner (neither were the 3 blind mice) but I'm sure this dish would satisfy his appetite and the appetite of any of our own big and little ogres at home!
Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe. When soup is hearty enough to feed an Ogre it should be called a "Stoup" . Comfort food just like a Stew but easy to prepare as soup! A crock pot meal perfect for Fall or Winter!

It's a crock pot dish no need to slave over a cauldron  to enjoy comfort food at the end of a cool Fall or Winter's day!
Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe, a hearty meal to bring comfort when the weather is getting colder. Beef and pasta together in one Crock Pot Meal!

Just like a real Ogre would do, don't even worry to much about perfectly cutting veggies, just rough chop everything and after 4 hours or so enjoy the goodness!

As you can see here, nothing is Mushed <-----not quite sure that's an actual word but you get the idea. Everything remains whole giving it the perfect "Stoup" consistency...a Stew and Soup together! what is not to love about it!

Here you have it my friends! Like our favorite character said once "Ogres (and bloggers) are like onions", no we don't stink, but we have layers and deep inside we all believe in fairy tales and we  bring them to life with projects, crafts or why not a recipe! Enjoy and remember that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup
1 (1 1/2-2 Pound) Chuck Roast
1 Small Bag Frozen Stuffed Pasta
(I had Ravioli handy, but you could use Tortellini too)
1 14.5 Oz Can Petite Diced Tomatoes
1 14.5 Oz Can Sweet Corn
1 14.5 Oz Can Beef Broth
1 14.5 Oz Can Condensed Tomato Soup
1 Large Onion Chopped
8 oz Baby Bella Mushrooms
Salt, Pepper, Celery Salt , Onion Powder to taste (or use your own favorite spice mix)
Parmesan Cheese
Get your Crock Pot ready.
Make a bed with your chopped onion and place the roast on top, add the rest of ingredients except the Parmesan Cheese.
Cook for 4 hours. Serve with some Parmesan Cheese on top and Enjoy
Personal Tip: I like to use chuck roast for soups because it's not expensive and it gives the best flavor to soups, stock and broths, but I don't like the fact that it has bones and a bit too much fat for my taste, so I take the extra step of trimming the bone and fat before I freeze it, so it is ready to go when I need it. 

Prep Time: 5 Minutes                              Cooking Time 4 hours                         Serves 6 Bowls

Sharing some Ogre Chow at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
The 36th Avenue52 MantelsThe Mandatory MoochSweet HauteSaving 4 SixLamberts LatelyWhat's Cooking Love?A Handful of EverythingLive, Laugh RoweThe Crafty Blog StalkerKatherines CornerThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomThe Girl CreativeOne Tough MotherHome Maid SimpleKitchen Fun with my 3 Sons504 MainCraft DictatorDo Small Things with LoveDiana RamblesSara HowePlanned in PencilLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionShaken TogetherThe Pin JunkieTatertots and JelloNot Your Ordinary RecipesSerenity YouClassy ClutterWho Needs a CapeCheerios and LattesToo Much TimeTwigg StudiosLife on Lakeshore DriveWCFSYour Homebased MomMommifriedThe Thriftiness MissUnder the Table and DreamingDear CreativesFlamingo ToesI Should be Mopping the FloorFrugal Foodie MamaSumo's Sweet StuffCoastal CharmBetween Naps on the PorchCarrie This HomeA Pinch of JoyPandP KitchenJembellishA Southern FairytaleSetting for FourTiti CraftyHuckleberry LoveVMG 206The Gunny SackLadybug BlessingsHome Stories A to ZChef in TrainingOur Table for SevenNap-Time CreationsMandy's Recipe BoxThe Everyday HomeThe Well Crafted HomeSmart School HouseMy Sweet MissionLady Behind the CurtainThank You HoneyAll She CooksDucks n' a RowSix Sisters's StuffCall Me PMc



My Hand Will Go On Halloween Meatloaf Recipe

My Hand will Go On Halloween Meatloaf Recipe, you can make your everyday food creepy enough as it came straight from your favorite scary film! This recipe comes handy when you need to spice up that old meatloaf and give it an extra frighting touch for Halloween! It's a finger licking good recipe! #halloweencreepyfood, #halloweenfood, #meatloafrecipe #severedhand
Hola Amigos! Today sharing a macabre twist on a favorite of most, thing though...after today, I'm not quite sure you will look at this dish the same way!
We all have meatloaf recipes. I don't have a particular one of those meals that you put together as you go and with whatever you find at hand!
My Hand Will Go On Halloween Meatloaf Recipe, this recipe will have you licking your finger right to the bone! It's good! The perfect simple meal for that scary night when we are too busy with candy but still want to have a Scary Feast at home! #halloweencreepyfood, #halloweenfood, #halloween, #meatloafrecipe #severedhand

As I've said before, everything you cook on everyday basis could be transformed into the spookiest looking dish ever. It just takes a little patience and imagination. (Noticed the bent fingers on this creepy pic) lol

My little one was all hands on when it came to prepare it! And things got even better when he got the chance to literally pull the finger of the meatloaf and have a bite!
My Hand Will Go On Halloween Meatloaf Recipe, scare the fingerprints out of your dinner guests with this realistic "freddy Krueger" like hand! It's a finger licking good recipe for a meatloaf though! To die for! #Halloweencreepyfood, #Halloweenfood. #scaryhalloweenmeals, #meatloafrecipe, #severedhand

My hand here even has a bone...oh yeah...for those of you who like eggs in your meatloaf! They have the perfect color and even come with marrow..yikes!

I know you are probably thinking what the heart has to do with anything...well...I was just trying to give the meatloaf something to grab on while in the oven.

Cooking is about having fun my friends, when you have to do it everyday of the week, you better get creative with flavors, colors and even shapes when possible. Have a Happy day and Bon Appetit (if you can, lol) and remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


My Hand Will Go On Halloween Meatloaf Recipe
1 1/2 Groud Beef ( I use 90/10)
3/4 Cup Mild Chunky style Salsa
1/2 Cup Onion and Garlic Refried Beans (or any other you have handy)
1 egg (slightly beaten) 
2 small bags of Doritos Cool Ranch Crushed
2 Coocked Eggs
salt and pepper to taste
4 Slices on Bacon cut in little 1 inch squares.
For skin texture
1 Cup Ketchup + 1/2 Cup BBQ
1/4 Cup Dijon Mustard + 1/4 Cup Honey Mustard Dressing 
Pre Heat Oven at 365
To make the meatloaf mix beef , salsa, refried beans, slightly beaten egg, salt and pepper and crushed Doritos. Once is mixed. Place the mix on a parchment covered cookie sheet. and shape it as a hand if you choose to do this particular one, using yours as the model, Manipulate it at little into fingers, hand, Radius and Ulna (not much, just a little bit of these last). To make the Radius and Ulna make an indentation on the meat mold and place the eggs in this indentation one next to the other. Cover them with more of the beef mix.
Cover hand with little bacon squares.
Cover the entire hand with aluminum foil and bake for 45 minutes. Once the 45 minutes are done, pull it out, remove aluminum foil brush your hand with a mix of ketchup and bbq sauce. After is all covered, brush very lightly on the Mustard mix. 
Place back in the oven and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Serve on a bed of rice. Enjoy!

Prep time 20 minutes                   Cook Time 1 hour 5 minutes                          Serves 6-8

Sharing my Creepy Meatloaf at these Fa-Boo-lous Parties:
Real Housewives of RivertonMaid in a DaySNAPAll She CooksThe Everyday HomeReal CoakeMade to be a MommaSew Much AdoWhite Lights on WednesdayPink Recipe BoxHandy Man, Crafty WomanGlitter, Glue and PaintThe Shady PorchCreative GeekeryThe Brambleberry CottageArtsy Fartsy MamaLiving Well Spending LessMy Turn (for Us)The Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomHome Maid SimpleOne Tough Mother504 MainKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsHappy Hour ProjectLiving Better TogetherFood Done LightDear CreativesThe Wondering BrainCheerios and Lattes,Or So She SaysIt's OverflowingLife on Lakeshore DriveSuburbs MamaTwig StudiosNifty Thrifty ThingsFlamingo ToesNavy Wifey PetersSpatulas on ParadeVMG206Titi CraftyCooking For the Seven DwarfsWho Needs a CapeSummer's ScrapsTwelve' O EightThe Velvet Moon BakerYour Homebased MomMy Mixing SpoonBowdabraCraft-O-ManiacThe Chicken ChickThis Gal CooksCupcake-n-BakeA Pinch of JoyJembllishBoogieboard CottageKeep It SimpleAlderberry HillDIY Home Sweet HomeSay Not Sweet AnneLines AcrossFlour Me With LoveUnder the Table and DreamingMs. enPlaceBetween Naps on The PorchRain on a Tin RoofThe PandP KitchenThe Tumbleweed ContessaClaire Justine oxoxCozy Little HouseThe Blackberry VineMad SkillsLove Grows WildHome Stories A to ZHun...what's for DinnerTable for 7LadyBug BlessingsI Gotta CreateChef In TrainingMandy's Recipe BoxNap Time-CreationsA Southern FairytaleHuckleberry LoveJam HandsNot just a HousewifeThis and ThatDucks 'n a RowLady Behind the CurtainGinger Snap CraftsDessert Now, Dinner LaterMade from PinterstCall Me PMcFrugal Foodie MamaFoodie Friends Friday

Get Your Crap TogetherCoconutHead


Easy Slow Cooker Ropa Vieja Recipe

Easy Slow Cooker Ropa Vieja Recipe, Enjoy the flavors of Latin America with this savory dish! Comfort food Latin Style!
Hola Amigos! This is a super easy, crock it and forget it recipe for Flank Steak. It's based on a traditional Latin dish called Ropa Vieja or Ragged Clothes. My mom makes the best Ropa Vieja ever, and for 10 years now I haven't had the "real stuff" like I like to call it, sad, I know. No matter how much I've tried I just can't make it exactly like hers, so I gave up and decided to wait till my mami cooks some for me and made my own recipe.

There are numerous versions to this dish, mine has only a few ingredients and that is what I really love. Lots of flavor, very little effort. The key is the day before you know you are going to cook your Flank Steak, Season it! It will pay up with taste I promise you!

My other favorite ingredients are easily found on the Latin isle of your grocery store, Mojo Criollo, Sazon with Coriander and Annatto and Recaito (cilantro base). These ingredients will put the Latin flavor to your beef and every meal without the typical Mexican seasonings most people are used to.

The best way to eat this savory dish is with a side of rice and a side of black beans and plantains! I couldn't find any plantains at my store when I was about to make it (now there's a ton) but just the black beans and rice are heavenly.

Now if you are my husband, then you skip this and go straight for a bun and cheese! Hey, I won't argue, as long as it gets eaten I'm good...(he wouldn't be able to do this to my mom,  though,  lol )

Have a great weekend friends and remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!  and the hubs just added...and a bun!


Easy Slow Cooker Ropa Vieja
1 (1 1/2) Flank Steak
1-2 Cloves Garlic mashed
Salt, Pepper
1 Large Onion, sliced
1 Orange Bell Pepper, diced*
1 Yellow Bell Pepper, diced*
1/2 Cup Goya Mojo Criollo
3/4 Cup Beef Stock
1 Flavor Packet Sazon Goya with Coriander and Annato (Achiote)  
1 TBSP Goya Recaito (Cilantro Base)
1 TBSP Ketchup
Cooked white or dirty rice
Cooked Black Beans 
* Red is ok too.
The day before you are going to cook your Ropa Vieja, season the flank steak  by rubbing it with the mashed garlic cloves salt and pepper, put a zip lock bag in the refrigerator until the moment you are ready to cook it.
The next day, put your flank steak in the crock pot with sliced onions, orange bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, Mojo, stock, Sazon, Recaito and ketchup. Place lid and cook for 4 hours,
Once it's done, shred the beef using 2 forks and mix it up with the remaining of the cooking sauce. Garnish with some diced peppers and serve with a side of rice and beans. Or if you choose on  a bun with cheese.

Prep Time: At last 3 hour seasoning          Cook Time: 4 hours                 Serves 4

Sharing some Latin Flavors at these Fabulous Parties:
The Best Blog RecipesHome Maid SimpleOne Tough Mother504 MainKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsSimply DesigningThe Answer is ChocolateLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionThe Pin JunkieNot your Ordinary RecipesA Peek into my ParadiseSunny Simple LifeDiana RamblesTatertots and JelloThe Wondering BrainNap Time Crafters30 Handmade DaysJust Us 4Five Days 5 WaysFrugal Fit FamilySix Sister's StuffIt's OverflowingA little ClaireificationBe Different Act NormalWhat's Cooking with RuthieSerenity YouFunkie Junk InteriorsAngles HomesteadSewlicious Home DecorSpatulas on ParadeLife on Lakeshore DriveTwigg StudiosFlamingo ToesSuburbs MamaEMMTwelve O EightUnder the Table and DreamingVMG206Titi CraftyThe Chicken ChickPursuit of Functional HomeLines AcrossHuckleberry LoveCraft-O-ManiacSumo's Sweet StuffSay Not Sweet AnneFlour Me with LoveDIY Home Sweet HomeAlderberry HillBoogieboard CottageSew Can DoThis Gal CooksjembellishA Pinch of LoveHun..what's for Dinner?Adventures of a DIY MomThe Shady PorchLady Behind the CurtainI Gotta Try ThatTable for SevenMemories by the MileWith a BlastNot Just a HousewifeAll She CooksKitchen Meets GirlThank You HoneySmart School HouseGinger Snap CraftsThe Everyday HomeMy Girlish WhimsCozy Little HouseClean and ScentsibleShaffer SistersWhite Lights on WednesdayThe 36th AvenueFluster BusterThis Silly Girl's LifePolkadots on Parade733 BlogSNAPWhat is Cooking Love?The Real Housewives of RivertonThe Mandatory MoochReal CoakeMade to be a MommaI Gotta CreateLive Laugh RoweLamberts LatelyCreative GeekeryThe Brambleberry Cottage52 MantelsSaving 4 SixFood Done LightThe Crafty BlogstalkerConsidered Me InspiredJennifer RizzoSimple Dream and CreateHouse of HepworthsThe Girl CreativeCindy's Recipes and WritingsMy Turn (for Us)Rattlebridge Farm, Chef in TrainingMy Mixing SpoonsHome Stories A to Z

Other Panamanian dishes you might like:


Caribbean Sloppy Joes Recipe

Caribbean Sloopy Joes Recipe, a touch spicy and heat will bring sandwich to a level out of this world. If you like the flavor of Caribbean Tropical Islands, this is a mix for you!
Hola Amigos! This recipe is a twist on your classic Sloppy Joe Sandwich in the sense that the sauce it's not coming from your typical can. Nothing wrong with that though, but when you have the extra time, why not make something special for the family.
I'm choosing these sandwiches as my Afternoon Snack for older kids. I have a teenager and when there are some days when just chicken nuggets will make him happy (like 20 of them) others days he wants something a bit more substantial to carry him all the way to dinner. This is that snack.
Caribbean Sloppy Joes Recipe, Let's not forget our older kids in Junior High and High School, even the ones going back to college, let's treat them to this new Bold Flavor. Sweet and Spicy is sure to wake their taste buds!

Keep in mind that there would be plenty left over for the next day or it you want to make this recipe for dinner, just serve it with your usual side of greens and you will be all set in about 30 minutes or less. Do you add cheese to your Sloppy Joes? My kids add cheese to everything! Pepper Jack is the choice for this one here!

I hope you enjoy this summery treat on a classic. My kids have heat on their veins so even the little one enjoys some zing once in a while. Feel free to adjust the heat factor to your family's needs. It won't change the overall taste of this Caribbean Sloppy Joe! Everything you cook for your family and friends tastes better with your imagination and a Pinch of Love!


Caribbean Sloppy Joes
1 Pound Ground Beef
1 Small Yellow Bell Pepper, Chopped
1 Small Orange Bell Pepper, Chopped
1 Small Onion, Chopped
1 1/2 Teaspoons of the following: Minced Onion, Smoked Paprika, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Hot Sauce (optional)
2-3 TableSpoons Hoisin Sauce
1/2 Cup Jerk Marinade or 3 Tablespoons of Jerk Seasoning (more if you really like it spicy)
1 1/2  Cup Orange Juice
Oil for skillet
Pepper Jack Cheese Slices
In a large skillet, heat up some oil and saute chopped vegetables and beef. Add spices. 
Mix in Hoisin sauce and Jerk Marinade. Coat everything and stir so it won't stick to the bottom and burn. 
Add orange juice, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and  simmer for 25-30 minutes, stirring once or twice until done.
Toast your buns and serve! Enjoy

Prep Time: 10 minutes                                Cooking time 25-30 minutes              Serves 4-6

Bringing some Sugar and Spice to these Fabulous Parties:
Our Table for SevenMemories by the MileNot Just a HousewifeBebetsyClean and ScentsibleMom's Test KitchenThe Lady Behind the CurtainThe Everyday HomeSmart School HouseKitchen meets GirlDucks'n a RowThe Shaddy PorchCrystal and Co.Made to be a MommaSew Much AdoThank You HoneyMy Girlish WhimsHandy Man, Crafty WomanThis Silly Girl's LifeSomeday CraftsPolkadots on ParadeThe Real Housewives of RivertonWe Like to Learn as We Go733 BlogReal Coake52 MantelsThe 36th AvenueThe Brambleberry CottageWhat's Cooking, Love?A Handufl of EverythingKatherine's CornerCrazyLouHouse of HepworthsThe Mandatory MoochI Gotta CreateLamberts LatelyChocolate, chocolate and moreThe Crafty Blog StalkerThe Best Blog RecipesJennifer RizzoDo Small Things with LoveKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsThe Answer is ChocolateMy Turn (for Us)Simple Living and EatingThe Pin JunkieSimply Designing504 MainCraftionaryTidy MomThe Shabby NestA Simple FiveA Peek Into My ParadiseLiving Better TogetherOne Tough MotherHappy and Blessed HomeFive Days Five WaysShaken TogetherNot Your Ordinary RecipesFour Little FergusonsJust Us FourMade from PinterestThe Wondering BrainCheerios and LattesSix Sister's StuffClassy ClutterA Little ClaireificationSpatulas on ParadeToo Much Time on my HandsAngels HomesteadWhat's Cooking with RuthieLife on Lakeshore DriveSerenity YouUnder the Table and DreamingFrugal Foodie MamaClaire Justine oxoxHuckleberry LoveSumo's Sweet StuffSay Not Sweet AnneFlour Me With LoveJembellishJam HandsSew Can DoKeeping it SimpleBoogieboard CottageWho Needs a CapeAlderberry HillMs. enPlaceBetween Naps on the PorchThe Tumbleweed ContessaJoyful Healthy EatsCozy Little HouseThe Blackberry VinePint Sized BakerA Southern FairytaleCoastal CharmThe Gunny SackHun...What's for Dinner?Chef in TrainningThe Princess and her CowboysHome Stories A-ZNap-Time CreationsMandy's Recipe BoxLadybug BlessingsSetting for FourDessert Now, Dinner LaterSugar Bee CraftsA Pretty Life in the SuburbsLove Bakes Good CakesDucks n' a RowSNAPTatertots and JelloEMMMy Sweet MissionUnder the Table and DreamingCall Me PMc

Other Sandwiches You might like:


Easy Ravioli Lasagna Recipe

EAsy Ravioli Lasgana, no time to cook noodles, no problem use frozen ravioli and have the ultimate lasagna in no time. It's delicious and you can customize it by changing the flavors of the ravioli! Yum!
Hola Amigos! Once in a while we all deserve a break from the kitchen, take a few shortcuts but at the same achieve great and delicious results. This is that kind of recipe. Using frozen ravioli of any kind you would be able to create this lasagna in no time and great taste. 
It freezes wonderfully so you will probably want to  bake 2 and freeze 1 for another lazy day.
You put together your lasagna the same way you would a regular one.  Cover it up, bake and enjoy!

You know you have done a great job when you can cut your lasagna and see all the layers you carefully put together come out so pretty!
Easy Ravioli Lasagna when you have no time to cook use frozen ravioli to make it! Customize it your way by changing the flavors of the ravioli! Delicious, Fast the perfect Freezer Meal

No one can complain there is not enough cheese on this lasagna! Add more veggies to yours by using spinach raviolis instead. Delicious!

Serve it with garlic bread or a green salad. This one is a main dish in itself
Here is the recipe for you friends. Enjoy and remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love

Ravioli Lasagna Recipe
1 Pound Ground Beef
1 Jar (28 oz) You Favorite Spaghetti Sauce
1 1/2 Package (250z) Frozen Ravioli Cheese, Beef, Spinach, your choice
1  Cup Bechamel Sauce
1 (8oz ) Can Sliced Mushrooms (optional)
1 1/2 Cup Shredded Italian Cheese
In a large pan, over medium heat, brown beef until no longer pink. Add Spaghetti Sauce and season if necessary. 
Using a 9"x13" lasagna baking dish, layer a 1/3 of the beef sauce, half of the ravioli (frozen or cooked), bechamel sauce, mushrooms and half of the mix of Italian Cheeses. Repeat 1 more layer of ravioli, beef sauce and finish with the rest of the cheese.
Cover and bake in a 365 F oven for 40-45 minutes or until heated up.

Prep Time 30 minutes   Cooking Time 40-45 minutes  Servings 6-8 

Easy Ravioli Lasgna, Easy and quick meal with only a few ingredients but pack with flavor. Change the raviolis to cheese, beef, spinach and have a different meal every time. Perfect Freezer Meal

Sharing my Lazy Recipe at these Fabulous Parties:
Life with the Crust Cut OffThe Shaffer SistersRose Chintz CottageThe Trendy Tree HouseThe Mandatory MoochReal Coake.comThe Crafty Blog StalkerLive Laugh Rowe52 MantelsSaving 4 SixHouse of HepworthsSew Crafty AngelA Handful Of EverythingLiving Well, Spending LessConsider me InspiredArtsy Fartsy MamaThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryNaptime CraftersKitchen Fun with my 3 SonsThe Answer is ChocolateLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionBecoming MarthaHappy Hour ProjectsRooted in ThymeHome Maid SimpleOne Tough MotherTidy Mom504 MainThe Pin JunkieMy Turn (for Us)Love and LaundryHappy and Blessed HomeChef Picky Kid and MeRattlebridge FarmThe Wondering BrainLovely Crafty BlogA Little ClaireificationHomemade Ginger4 Little Fergusons30 Handmade days, Five Days 5 WaysDessert Now, Dinner LaterSew-Licious Home Decor4 You with LoveAngels HomesteadBe Different Act NormalToo Much Time on my HandsCheerios and LattesIt's OverflowingSerenity YouMama GabSpatulas on ParadeLife on Lakeshore DriveBowdabraCooking for the Seven DwarfsTiti CraftyWCFSCreate with JoyFrugal Foodie MamaClaire Justine oxoxUncommon DesignsAlderberry HillBoogieBoard CottageFlour Me with LoveKeeping It SimpleSew Can DoCupcake-n-bakeJembellishJam HandsSumo's Sweet StuffThe Chicken ChickCraft-o-ManiacHuckleberry LoveUnder the Table and DreamingMs. enPlaceThe Plaid and Paisley KitchenThe Princess and her CowboysI Gotta Try ThatBetween Naps on the PorchWho Needs a CapeLove Grows WildMandy's Recipe BoxNap-Time CreationsHome Stories A to ZPint Sized BakerAdventures of a DIY MomSugar Bee CraftsOur Home Away from HomeThe Blackberry VineFeeding BigChef in TrainingLove Bakes Good CakesHomemade GingerSmart School House,