This particular recipe is my SIL's !!! I'm sure you probably make it a similar way since it's such a simple and easy recipe but boy! good!
What I love about it is that it has tons of cheese and equal amount of spinach! I've found some places cut the amount of spinach short and add a fillers like water chestnuts instead!
Chips are an important part of this dip. Don't get the thin ones! This particular dip is thick and chunky so you need a good chip to get a hold of all the goodness!
And why the Rat's Nest name for my this particular one? well think about it, Rats are omnivores, but they love cheese there are 3 cheeses alone on this one! Rats like warm moist places, this dip has the right amount of moisture thanks to the spinach and since it's's steamy hot! And rat's are messy...there is a mess every time you eat chips right? crumbles everywhere...or maybe just when I eat them, lol
So there you go my friends, short and sweet! What's your favorite appetizer? Do you order the same one every time you go out? It was great to have you here for appetizer time! Remember everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!
Rat's Nest Halloween Spinach and Artichoke Dip
16 oz Frozen Chopped Spinach, thawed and drained
8 oz Chives and Onion Cream Cheese, softened
1 package Vegetable Dip Mix
14 oz (1 can) Artichoke Hearts, chopped and drained
8 oz (1 can) Water Chestnuts, chopped and drained
1/4 Cup Mayonnaise
1 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Pre-heat oven at 350 degrees. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, except the mozzarella cheese. Spoon everything on a oven safe container and top the mix with the mozzarella cheese.
Put in the oven and and bake for 15 minutes or until dip is hot. Serve with chips and enjoy!
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Servings 3 Cups
Sharing some Spooktacular chips and dip at these Fa-BOO-Lous Parties:
Ducks 'n a Row, Lady Behind the Curtain, Made to be a Momma, Ginger Snap Crafts, Mom's Test Kitchen, The Shady Porch, My Girlish Whims, Crystal and Co, The Well Crafted Home, The Everyday Home, Kitchen Meets Girl, Thank You Honey, The Trendytreehouse, Dream a Little Bigger, White Lights on Wednesday, Smart School House, Polkadots on Parade, We Like to Learn as We Go Real Housewives of Riverton, SNAP, 733, This Silly Girl's Life, Someday Crafts, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, Memories by the Mile, The 36th Avenue, 52 Mantels, Sweet Haute, A Handful of Everything, Katherine's Corner, The Mandatory Mooch, What's Cooking, Love?, Lamberts Lately, The Crafty Blogstalker, Live Laugh Rowe, Gingerly Made, The Brambleberry Cottage, Recipes for my boys, Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons, The Best Blog Recipes, Craftionary, The Answer is Chocolate, My Turn (for Us), Simply Sweet Home, Living Better Together, The Pin Junkie, Tidy Mom, Just Us Four, Home Maid Simple, Dear Creative, Diana Rambles, 504 Main, Tatertots and Jello, A Little Claireification, Sewlicious Home, Angels Homestead, The Thriftiness Miss, Craft Dictator, Sara Howe, Cheerios and Lattes, Six Sisters Stuff, I Gotta Create, Be Different Act Normal, It's Overflowing, Twigg Studios, WCFS, Your Homebased Mom, Dessert Now, Dinner Later, Pink When, Who Needs a Cape, Nifty Thrifty Things, Flamingo Toes, Spatulas on Parade, My Mixing Spoons, I Should Be Mopping the Floors, The Casual Craftlete, Cooking for the Seven Dwarfs, This Gal Cooks, Between Naps on the Porch, PandP Kitchen, The Tumbleweed Contessa, Titi Crafty, Create with Joy, Feeding Big, Suburbs Mama, Rain on a Tin Roof, A Pinch of Joy, Setting for Four, Huckleberry Love, The Gunny Sack, Ladybug Blessings, Chef in Training, Mandy's Recipe Box, Home Stories A to Z, Our Table for 7, Under the Table and Dreaming, DIY Home Sweet Home, Mad in Crafts, A Southern Fairytale, Jam Hands, Jembellish, Sugar Bee Crafts, Nap Time Creations, Memories by the Mile, Cozy Little House, Fluster Buster, Townsend House, Frugal Foodie Mama