Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvest. Show all posts


Orzo and Chicken Autumn Skillet Meal Recipe

Hola Amigos! We had an unusually warm day for this time in the year up here. But still, it was one of those days that some comfort food was in order. I went to the store to get me some chicken and thought about trying the new chicken helpers on the market, just to make a quick meal but I couldn't Something about sweet and sour chicken coming out of a box doesn't sound too appealing to me, no matter how easy it looks.
I tell you guys, best decision ever! For about the same price I made this delicious and easy 1 skillet meal.
Maybe lady luck was on my side because all the mayor components were on sale! The rest we all have in our pantries.

A homemade meal to feed 4 for about $5 (well not counting the caramel apple candy corn and diet pop I got)!

This is your ideal Fall and Winter meal, easy, warm and comforting! In my book it doesn't get any better than that. Dinner is done in no time leaving plenty of time to enjoy the crisp weather and sunsets outside with the family.

Thank You for your visit to the blog today! I hope you are able to try this recipe and enjoy it as much as we did. Remember my friends, everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


Orzo and Chicken Autumn Skillet Meal
1 Pd Chicken Tenders (was on sale)
1 Pd Baby Spinach (was on sale for $1)
1 Small can Mushrooms slices (was on sale for $.89)
1 Large Onion, sliced
1 Clove Garlic, minced
2 Cup Chicken Broth
1/3 Cup Orzo (was on sale for $1)
1 Tbsp oil for browning
Season your chicken as you usually do with salt and pepper. I add a pinch of celery salt to mine all the time.
In a large skillet add the oil. Let it get hot and add your onion and garlic clove. Cook until your onions are transparent, always keeping an eye on your garlic not to burn. Add the chicken and brown. Add spinach, mix in with the chicken. Add orzo, mushrooms and broth. Cook for the time indicated on the box. I cooked mine 12 minutes. We really don't like our pasta quite al dente, neither mushy so that time was good for me. If you like it more al dente by all means cook it for only 8 minutes which is the box recommended time.
Let it sit for a couple of minutes for the pasta to absorb the sauce and serve with Parmesan cheese and bread. Enjoy

Prep and cooking time 30 minutes                                                                  Serves 4

Sharing my Frugal Comfort Meal at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
The Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryThe Girl CreativeTidy MomHome Maid SimpleLove and LaundryToday's Creative BlogPractically FunctionalMy Turn (for Us)Kitchen Fun with my 3 SonsSara HoweTownsend HouseCooking with CurlsLiving Better TogetherShaken TogetherThe Pin Junkie504 MainCheerios and LattesSix Sisters StuffIt's OverflowingBe Different Act NormalClassy ClutterWhat's Cooking with RuthieAngels HomesteadSuburbs MamaTwigg StudiosLife on Lakeshore DriveI Should be Mopping the FloorsThe Chicken ChickHuckleberry LoveUnder the Table and DreamingSumo's Sweet StuffThe Velvet Moon BakerFlamingo ToesThis Gal CooksWOMBetween Naps on the PorchMy Girlish WhimsGinger Snap CraftsMade to be a MommaA Southern FaitytaleThe Shady PorchMom's Test KitchenMom's Test KitchenLady Behind the CurtainCreations by KaraDucks' n a RowOur Table for SevenHomemade GingerHun What's for Dinner?Memories by the MileNot Just a HousewifeHome Stories A to ZThe Blackberry VineThe Mandatory MoochSweet HauteA Pinch of JoyRecipes for my BoysKitchen Meets GirlReal Coake FamilyConsidered Me InspiredCassidy's Cooking


Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe

Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, the possibilities are endless when it comes to these delicious brownies when you only need 2 ingredients! Try and Tasted good old fashioned recipe and goodness!
Hola Amigos! If you follow me on FB you know I got a little help from my friends to get me through what I call a seasonal blogger dilemma. For a while I was seriously considering going into hibernation, closing shop, sort of speak through the Fall and then wake up and join the living on Winter time..odd I know, but here is why:  I couldn't figure out what to blog about because we all know this is Pumpkin Season and I Hate Pumpkins, with Passion!!!

Pumpkins, Squash, Gourds, Sweet Potatoes, name it! If it's orange and it's not a carrot I don't like it!. Believe me, I've tried, very hard, but a single bite won't go down my throat.
I don't cook them, I don't know how to cook them and never been interested in them until this Fall, when the entire bloggy community is going head over hills over pumpkins and since now I'm blogging...well what to do!

I got a lot of good suggestions. This was among them, recipe and all courtesy of Paula D. Wilson, one of my FB readers. She promised me I would not be able to taste the pumpkin in these brownies and I thought.....what do I have to lose!

Well, Shut The Front Door!!!! They are amazing! and No Pumpkin Flavor!!! To the point that my little one who can't stand pumpkins either ate the first one and then I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop, but nothing...he loved them!
Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, It  doesn't get any better than this! Two ingredients and tons of flavor! A good old fashioned recipe tried and tested for success every time!

They are soft, fudgy and so chocolaty! I followed the recipe to the T...well there are only 2 ingredients as you probably know. Just added some chocolate chips and M&M's as I do with all my brownies! Oh My!!!
Just grab the milk and keep them coming!
Pumpkin Brownies Halloween Recipe, Life it's sweeter when all this goodness requires only 2 ingredients. A good old fashioned recipe well tried and tested with 100% approval by chocaholics!

Decorate them with seasonal candy, more fudge, caramel, peanuts or marshmallows!!! They are good!

I want to thank Paula for her help and for sharing her recipe with me and let me try some pumpkin without really tasting it!!! how great is that?

Thank you for visiting the blog today! Every Thursday on FB I'm having a Thankful Thursday as a way of thanking my readers and fellow bloggers for their support. If you are a small blog, you are just starting as a blogger, you are an artist, you are a reader with a great recipe, Comment on this post leaving me a link to your blog,  contact me and send me your recipe and I will try it and post it here on my blog giving you the credit you deserve. You don't need to be a blogger to do this, just email me or PM me on FB or G+.

Have a great day and keep in mind friends...everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love and a little help from your friends!


Pumpkin Brownies
1 Box Brownies (18 -20oz) I used Ghirardelli's Ultimate Brownie Mix
1 can (15 oz) Pumpkin Puree
M&M's candy (optional)
Chocolate Chips (optional)
Seasonal Candy (optional)
Mix together Brownie Mix (no eggs, no oil, no water) Just the powder with the Pumpkin Puree. It's going to be a thick mix. Pour it into a 13x9 baking dish and bake for 18-24 minutes at 350F or until a toothpick in the middle comes out clean.
Let it cool, cut in squares and decorate the brownies any way you like it. Enjoy!

Prep Time: 3 minutes                                                                  Baking Time 18-24 Minutes                          

Bringing a sweet treat with a trick to these Fa-BOO-lous parties:
Planned in PencilTatertots and JelloNot Your Ordinary RecipesSerenityYouClassy ClutterFox Hollow CottageCheerios and LattesToo Much TimeTwigg StudiosLife on Lakeshore DriveWCFSYour Homebased MomMommifriedThe Thriftiness MissUnder the Table and DreamingDear CreativesFlamingo ToesI Should be Mopping the FloorsFrugal Foodie MamaSumo's Sweet StuffCoastal CharmBetween Naps on the PorchCarrie This HomeA Pinch of JoyPandP KitchenJembelishA Southern FairytaleSetting for FourTiti CraftyHuckleberry LoveVMG 206The Gunny SackLadybug BlessingsHome Stories A to ZChef in TrainingOur Table for SevenNap-Time CreationsMandy's Recipe BoxThe Everyday HomeThe Well Crafted HomeSmart School HouseMy Sweet MissionLady Behind the CurtainThank You HoneyAll She CooksDucks 'n a RowDelishSweet HauteA Handful of EverythingThe Mandatory MoochSaving 4 SixThe Crafty BlogstalkerMaid in a DaySimply Dream and CreateThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomThe Girl CreativeHome Maid SimpleLove and LaundryTodays Crative BlogPractically FunctionalMy Turn (for Us)Kitchen Fun with my 3 SonsSara HoweTownsend HouseCooking with CurlsLiving Better TogetherShaken TogetherThe Pin Junkie504 MainSix Sisters StuffIt's OverflowingBe Different Act NormalWhat's Cooking with RuthieAngels HomesteadSuburbs MamaWOMHousewives of Riverton,SNAPCassidy's CookingClassy Clutter


Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe

Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe, Days and Evenings are getting colder! Bring back the warmth with this hearty "Stoup" Stew and Soup all in one and good enough to feed and Ogre! Perfect if you celebrate Halloween or Harvest!
Hola Amigos: Not everything hasto be skulls, bones and witches for Halloween right? there are plenty of other fun characters out there to play along with make a recipes around them. This is one example, the friendly (?) Ogre!
We all learned to love that green fellow capable of making the "princess"  forget about getting  the ultimate makeover and be true to herself.  I wasn't quite fond of his taste for dinner (neither were the 3 blind mice) but I'm sure this dish would satisfy his appetite and the appetite of any of our own big and little ogres at home!
Woodland Ogre Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe. When soup is hearty enough to feed an Ogre it should be called a "Stoup" . Comfort food just like a Stew but easy to prepare as soup! A crock pot meal perfect for Fall or Winter!

It's a crock pot dish no need to slave over a cauldron  to enjoy comfort food at the end of a cool Fall or Winter's day!
Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup Recipe, a hearty meal to bring comfort when the weather is getting colder. Beef and pasta together in one Crock Pot Meal!

Just like a real Ogre would do, don't even worry to much about perfectly cutting veggies, just rough chop everything and after 4 hours or so enjoy the goodness!

As you can see here, nothing is Mushed <-----not quite sure that's an actual word but you get the idea. Everything remains whole giving it the perfect "Stoup" consistency...a Stew and Soup together! what is not to love about it!

Here you have it my friends! Like our favorite character said once "Ogres (and bloggers) are like onions", no we don't stink, but we have layers and deep inside we all believe in fairy tales and we  bring them to life with projects, crafts or why not a recipe! Enjoy and remember that everything tastes better with a Pinch of Love!


Woodland Ogre Halloween Beef and Pasta Stoup
1 (1 1/2-2 Pound) Chuck Roast
1 Small Bag Frozen Stuffed Pasta
(I had Ravioli handy, but you could use Tortellini too)
1 14.5 Oz Can Petite Diced Tomatoes
1 14.5 Oz Can Sweet Corn
1 14.5 Oz Can Beef Broth
1 14.5 Oz Can Condensed Tomato Soup
1 Large Onion Chopped
8 oz Baby Bella Mushrooms
Salt, Pepper, Celery Salt , Onion Powder to taste (or use your own favorite spice mix)
Parmesan Cheese
Get your Crock Pot ready.
Make a bed with your chopped onion and place the roast on top, add the rest of ingredients except the Parmesan Cheese.
Cook for 4 hours. Serve with some Parmesan Cheese on top and Enjoy
Personal Tip: I like to use chuck roast for soups because it's not expensive and it gives the best flavor to soups, stock and broths, but I don't like the fact that it has bones and a bit too much fat for my taste, so I take the extra step of trimming the bone and fat before I freeze it, so it is ready to go when I need it. 

Prep Time: 5 Minutes                              Cooking Time 4 hours                         Serves 6 Bowls

Sharing some Ogre Chow at these Fa-BOO-lous Parties:
The 36th Avenue52 MantelsThe Mandatory MoochSweet HauteSaving 4 SixLamberts LatelyWhat's Cooking Love?A Handful of EverythingLive, Laugh RoweThe Crafty Blog StalkerKatherines CornerThe Best Blog RecipesCraftionaryTidy MomThe Girl CreativeOne Tough MotherHome Maid SimpleKitchen Fun with my 3 Sons504 MainCraft DictatorDo Small Things with LoveDiana RamblesSara HowePlanned in PencilLiving Better TogetherThe Jenny EvolutionShaken TogetherThe Pin JunkieTatertots and JelloNot Your Ordinary RecipesSerenity YouClassy ClutterWho Needs a CapeCheerios and LattesToo Much TimeTwigg StudiosLife on Lakeshore DriveWCFSYour Homebased MomMommifriedThe Thriftiness MissUnder the Table and DreamingDear CreativesFlamingo ToesI Should be Mopping the FloorFrugal Foodie MamaSumo's Sweet StuffCoastal CharmBetween Naps on the PorchCarrie This HomeA Pinch of JoyPandP KitchenJembellishA Southern FairytaleSetting for FourTiti CraftyHuckleberry LoveVMG 206The Gunny SackLadybug BlessingsHome Stories A to ZChef in TrainingOur Table for SevenNap-Time CreationsMandy's Recipe BoxThe Everyday HomeThe Well Crafted HomeSmart School HouseMy Sweet MissionLady Behind the CurtainThank You HoneyAll She CooksDucks n' a RowSix Sisters's StuffCall Me PMc
