Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen. Show all posts


Caterpillar Kitchen Spring Wreath

When to Call It Quits and Buy the Darn Thing!

Hola Amigos! HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING 2013!!!! I seems like it's only on the calendar because there's still snow falling out there and with Easter just two weeks away I wonder if we have to try to find eggs in the snow, let's keep our fingers crossed this doesn't happen.

How may times have you said to yourself as you browse through a catalog.."What? How Much?...Nahh I can   do that for way less!!!!! Well I fell into this temptation and after all  I went through I said : "You know what? Next time just buy the  darn thing!!!!
It all started one afternoon when I saw this cute caterpillar made out of clay pots. It wasn't expensive at all, but I don't know what possessed me to think.".that plus shipping, nah..I can do this for less than 10 bucks"! In theory perhaps...
First I bought 6 mini clay pots for less than a dollar and I used a coupon...Score!
I primed them with white primer that I always keep handy...Score again!
I have tons of acrylic paint so that was far I'm way under $10.00...Score

Then the 3 hour problem began...try to put these pots together in a way that they resemble the movement and body of a cute caterpillar, give it a head (non present on the catalog version) and then attaching it to a vine wreath! Sounded easier than it was...

First the pots would not stay in place...they kept moving, twisting and getting all bent out of shape.

Attaching jute to a Christmas ornament was a good idea until my cat ran away with the end of my jute roll and started playing with it..

When I finally had them in some sort of shape that  resembled a caterpillar it came time to attach it to the wreath, yeah 6 heavy little pots on a vine wreath first thing that came to mind, Hot Glue Gun! Big mistake as you can see here...Ouch...

To make a long story short and between dinner, playing, cleaning and a load of laundry I finally mounted the caterpillar, decorated the wreath and I'm still praying I don't wake up tomorrow morning to a pile of broken clay pots! (It held together, Thank Goodness!)

Now in my defense, the little caterpillar I saw in the catalog, was not meant to be part of a wreath at all, it was just a garden decoration with bigger pots, so it's like trying to make a roast out of a can of Spam (nothing wrong with Spam though, lol)

Don't get me wrong, I think I accomplished what I initially was set to do and I'm proud of the results.

My little spring kitchen wreath is much loved, after all, you love everything which costs you sweat and tears right?I think it's cute and perfect size for my pantry door.

I manage to keep the overall feeling of "nature" I wanted for the entire house decor this spring in a whimsical way, it's the kitchen and I like to have fun and enjoy myself while I'm cooking.

But at the end I realized that sometimes is better to "invest" in the goods, go and  focus on to other better things. My time and poor hand were certainly worth more than the catalog price and my imaginary $10 next time if you think you can make something for less...just think about it twice...and safe yourself some aggravation (or use something other than a hot glue gun to work with) LOL

Sharing my boo-boo and words of wisdom at these Fabulous Parties:
Under the Table and Dreaming
No Minimalist Here
Rose Chintz Cottage
Marigold's Loft
Setting for Four
Dragonfly Designs
The Shabby Creek Cottage
Beyond the Picket Fence
Clippie Dips
Designed Decor
The Taylor House
Jennifer Rizzo
The Thriftiness Miss
The Frugal Girls
The Shabby Nest
Simply Designing
The Home Girl
504 Main
One Artsy Mama
The Best Blog Recipes
Shaken Together
The Real Coake Family
Fox Hollow Cottag
My Turn (For Us)
Just Us Four
Tatertotos and Jello
Dear Creatives
My Romantic Home
Chic on a Shoestring
Sincerely, Paula
Funky Junk Interiors
Life on Lakeshore Drive
Flamingo Toes
The Chicken Chick
Top This by Leanne
a Humble Creation
Judy H-J's Thoughts
Sugar Bee Crafts
Do Small Things with Love
Nap-time Creations
Love Grows Wild
The 36th Avenue
Married Filing Jointly
The Charm of Home
Rooted in Thyme
The CSI Project


Whimsical Christmas Kitchen

My kitchen for this Christmas looks a lot like a Candy Shop and I'm Loving It! Candy everywhere and 0 calories! You can't help but smile at this extra perk!

Lately our Late Fall-Winter days have been cold, wet but no snow, kind of odd for this time of the year and this part of the country, but I'm not complaining. I'm not looking forward to the melodious sounds of a dozen snow blowers going all at once around the neighborhood or the mess snowy boots leave on my floors!

 But taking pictures worth posting, has been challenging not to say near impossible! My kitchen has only one window and our lighting needs improving. Needless to say, I apologize for the quality of these set of pictures in advance!

 Here in a little corner of my counter, Mr. and Mrs Claus found a cozy spot to overlook the preparations, next to my peppermint tray and an old scale! They are so sweet!

At the other end of the counter we find the jolly couple again, this time inviting the guests to have a delicious cup of hot cocoa, a tasty lollipop or a taste of sweet mint tea! Oh, Mr. and Mrs Claus are the perfect Host and Hostess for every occasion. 

She has such a sweet expression.

He looks so handsome with his Chef Hat

 Now, not because something is little you don't make it look pretty and festive right? So our window gets a festive touch with these  Candy Trees.

At our home even the doors to the pantry get a special treatment! Gingerbread and Bows and a Ticket to see Dear Santa! That's what I call a treat!

And speaking of treats,,,did you notice that Gingerbread and Candy Centerpiece on the kitchen island? Delicioso! and No calories!!!!

With this sweet note I bring the tour of our Holiday Kitchen to and end. Hope your kitchen is full of laughter, happiness and love and the sweet aroma of Christmas cooking!


I will be joining these Fabulous Parties: