Showing posts with label Richard Ratajczack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richard Ratajczack. Show all posts

6 May 2013

The Relative Band-(J.Rose,J.Denley,M.Nicols,R.Turner,L.Houtkamp,M.Cuypers, R.Ratajczack)ABC Studios Sydney-March 1984

This one goes out to Andy and all the Dime-a-Dozen Tapers, seeders/uploaders whose shows we have both enjoyed and posted over the years.

A-1-Maggie Nicols,,Marcel Cuypers-duo
A-2-Roger Turner-solo
A-3-Luc Houtkamp-solo
A-4-John Rose-Richard Ratajczack-duo
A-5-Jim Denley, solo
A-6-Group improv
B-1-Group Improv
B-2-Group Improv
B-3-Roger Turner-solo
The Relative Band
John Rose-violin
Maggie Nicols-Vox
Jim Denley-Flute
Marcel Cuypers-Pno
Roger Turner-Percussion
Luc Houtkamp-Tenor, Alto Saxes
Richard Ratajczack-DB

Recorded March 1984, ABC Studios Sydney (N.S.W. Australia)
Linneage- tdk c90 2nd gen----Nakamichi 500----Zoom---'puter---Traders little helper--wav to Flac 
Soundforge (raise levels-split tracks)

What we have here appears to be either a pre FM recording or raw soundboard studio,recordings of an adhoc configuration for what would be released under the rubric of John Rose's Relative band, as part of the compilation 'Forward of short leg'on the Dossier Label (Dossier ST 7529),A few longer fragments,also later appeared on a 3 disc compilation of Rose's Fringe Benefits Label, (Entropy 006 (CD), both of these are out of print, but in any case no more than ten minutes from these sessions was ever used.

All the Performers are still active , though i have to confess to never having heard Marcel Cuypers on anything else, and also to having heard precious little of the respective Oeuvres of Houtkamp and Ratajczack.

I Like Maggie Nicols  a lot, her performance here is exemplary and hugely exiting! ,Jim Denley and John Rose (both of whom i saw separately and in different groupings live at around the time this session was recorded) ,and Roger Turner are now pretty much household names, the others though less well known are all Composer Improvisers who are still putting out records.

All pieces are freely improvised, the bulk of the material is comprised of group performances , interspersed with short Duos and Solos.
the Music is wonderful and still as fresh as paint!
here ae some links to the artists pages, and relevant sites, all including Marcel Cuypers have available recordings for sale!
Jim Denley
Maggie Nicols 
Luc Houtkamp
John Rose
Marcel Cuypers
Richard Ratajzack
Roger Turner