Showing posts with label Berliner Improvisations Quartett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berliner Improvisations Quartett. Show all posts

16 May 2017


CD 1

1. Hans-Jürgen Lindner "Wir Beginnen Jetzt..."  2:37
   2.LJT 9.6.1977

2. Berliner Improvisationsquartett "Siebenviertel"  6:24
Hermann Keller, piano, composition
Manfred Schulze, baritone saxophone, clarinet, composition
Andreas Altenfelder, trumpet
Wilfried Staufenbiel, cello
   2. LJT 9.6.1977

3. Friedhelm Schönfeld Trio  "Nachtwalzer"  13:11
Friedhelm Schönfeld, tenor saxophone
Reinhard Walter, piano
Dieter Keitel, drums
   3. LJT 21.5.1978

4. Andreas Altenfelder Quintett  "Für M."  7:32
Andreas Altenfelder, trumpet
Johannes Bauer, trombone
Heiner Reinhardt, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet
Christoph Winckel, bass
Wolfram Dix, drums
   4. LJT 11.5.1979

5. Doug Hammond Duo  "Steps"  11:57
Doug Hammond, drums
Sulaiman Hakim, alto & soprano saxophone
   4. LJT  11.5.1979

6. Das Quintett  "ohne Titel"  33:38
Heinz Becker, trumpet
Konrad Bauer, trombone
Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky, alto & soprano saxophone, clarinet
Klaus Koch, bass
Günter Sommer, drums
   5. LJT  26.6.1980

CD 2

1. Albert Mangelsdorff  "ohne Titel"  6:10
Albert Mangelsdorff, trombone
   5. LJT  27.6.1980

2. Jost / Glawischnig Doppeltrio  "ohne Titel"  11:57
Ekkehard Jost, baritone & bass saxophone
Dieter Glawischnig, piano, bass trombone
Michael Schläper, soprano & tenor saxophone
Jürgen Bock, bass
Georg Wolf, bass
John Preininger, drums
   6. LJT  28.3.1981

3. Károly Binder Quartet feat. John Tchicai  "Exercise"  8:12
Károly Binder, piano
John Tchicai, alto saxophone, bass clarinet, flute
Mihály Dresch, tenor saxophone
Róbert Benko, bass
István Baló, drums
   8. LJT  30.9.1983

4. Hannes Zerbe Sextett  "B-A-C-H"  19:00
Hannes Zerbe, piano
Michael Sell, trumpet
John English, trombone
Manfred Hering, soprano & tenor saxophone
Klaus Koch, bass
Dieter Keitel, drums
   8. LJT  1.10.1983

5. Borbetomagus  "ohne Titel"  33:18
Jim Sauter, alto & tenor saxophone
Donald Dietrich, alto & tenor saxophone
Donald Miller, guitar
   9. LJT  30.9.1984

LJT 2500-1/2501-2

19 October 2010

Berliner Improvisations Quartett - Live in Moers '79

An integration to the previous post by onxidlib.
The photo above (Manfred Schulze) is by Herb Weisrock.

Rec. live at "The 8th Moers Festival", Moers, Germany,
on June 3, 1979 (mics recording)

Manfred Schulze,baritone sax,clarinet
Hermann Keller,piano
Andreas Altenfelder,trumpet
Wilfried Staufenbiel,cello,vocal

1. Intro by Burkhard Hennen (01:03)
2. Ex Tempore III (22:06)
3. Ex Tempore IV (11:41)
4. Ein Abschied Für Jazzensemble (08:07)

Total Time 43:03

12 October 2010


This lp opened my ears for the Free Music scene in the GDR. It's not Free Jazz or Free Improvisation. It is a category of its own. Although the lyrics are "spoken" (a reference could be "Pierrot Lunaire" by Schönberg) in German (Beaudelaire...) the music is quite outstanding.
Really independent music - for example Andreas Altenfelder's trumpet work on track 5 or Manfred Schulze's bariton sax musings which are always insistent but never hermetic.

Manfred Schulze who was the founder of the M.S. Bläser Quintet has died 2010. From 1992 he was forced to abandon music because of a grave disease.

Hermann Keller died in 2018 - among his activities/groups is the Berliner Improvisations Trio/Quartet with Antje Messerschmidt (violin and viola), Jürgen Kupke (clarinets) and Ulrich Weber on trumpet and fluegelhorn.

Andreas Altenfelder was playing with the Willem Breuker Kollektiev for more than 20 years. Only recently a recording of his own group has been released for the first time.

Wilfried Staufenbiel has played with Hermann Keller later as well ("apart" from singing and leading a choir) . Keller, Staufenbiel with Ulrich Weber (tp) continued the group as a trio until Keller's demise in 2018.

This is the Amiga lp plus two more...

Manfred Schulze, baritone saxophone, clarinet
Hermann Keller, piano, vocals
Andreas Altenfelder, trumpet, vocals, flute
Wilfried Staufenbiel, cello, vocals

1. Nocturno 9:19
2. Die Augen Der Armen (Canon-Chaconne-Fantasie) 11:26
3. Ex Tempore IV (Thema Und Variationen) 10:35
4. Ostinato 9:28

Recorded 19./20.07.1979 at Amiga-Studios, Berli.

AMIGA  8 55 717(vinyl rip)


5. Sieben Viertel       08:59

Berlin, 12. August 1979
(from the Double-LP "SNAPSHOT/Jazz aus der DDR" - FMP) (vinyl rip)

6. Ein Abschied Für Jazzensemble  08:08

New Jazz Festival Moers 3rd June, 1979 (released 2008 - deleted)
(from the CD-Box "Musik in Deutschland - Jazz - Neue Musik im Jazz; Sony Music)

This are the complete issued recordings by this singular group/line-up.