Showing posts with label Jiří Stivín. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jiří Stivín. Show all posts

6 January 2016

SCOTT / STiVíN / DAŠEK - Rozhovory (Supraphon 1981)

For all lovers of Rudolf Dašek, Jiří Stivín (both previously worked in duo named System Tandem) and veteran American clarinetist and saxophonist Tony Scott, who frequently visited Czechoslovakia during 70's and 80's. Moody and introspective trios were recorded in 1978, but not released until 1981. Rip is still a bit crunchy, although I repaired a huge number of clicks.

SCOTT / STiVíN / DAŠEK - Rozhovory / Interviews (Supraphon 1981)

01. Rozhovor úvodní / Interview Inroductory  3.55
02. Rozhovor jen tak / Interview ad hoc  7.40
03. Rozhovor o jazzu / Interview about Jazz  6.00
04. Rozhovor o kráse / Interview about Beauty  4.50

05. Rozhovor v tandemu / Interview in Tandem  6.30
06. Rozhovor v klidu / Interview in Peace  4.30
07. Rozhovor v blues / Interview in Blues  8.50
08. Rozhovor v kavárně / Interview in Café  3.10

Composed and improvised by

TONY SCOTT - clarinet, tenor sax, piano, voice
JiŘí STiVíN - flute, tenor sax, voice

Recorded in May 1978 at MaSti studio, Prague

Supraphon 1115 2890 (vinyl rip)

22 January 2015

JiŘí STiVíN - Zodiac Live at Prague Spring 2007

Stivín's album Zodiac (Zvěrokruh in Czech, released 1977) was never performed live, until Spring 2007, in time for 40th anniversary of its creation. From studio version, where Stivín played also drums beside saxes, flutes etc., and posted here before, he retained both string quartet and mixed choir (even in updated personnelss). Slovak pianist Gabriel Jonáš was busy at the time for Prague Spring Festival, so he was replaced by Karel Růžička. Added are vibraphonist Radek Krampl and Stivín's occasional international partners, bassist Ali Haurand and drummer Daniel Humair. Various medieval melodies are used in choir parts. I think result is still vital mix of classical & early music, folklore and jazz.

JiŘí STiVíN - Zodiac Live at Prague Spring 2007

01. Živly / Elements (Jiří Stivín) 28.15
02. Nálady / Moods (Jiří Stivín) 23.50
03. Zvěrokruh / Zodiac (Jiří Stivín) 14.35
04. Miserere (Stivín-Růžička-Krampl-Haurand-Humair / Anonym) 5.30 (encore)

Jiří Stivín - flutes, saxes and bass clarinet
Karel Růžička - piano
Radek Krampl - vibes, marimba and devices
Ali Haurand - double bass
Daniel Humair - drums

Talich Quartet (Jan Talich - 1st violin, Petr Maceček - 2nd violin, Vladimír Bukač - viola, Petr Prause - cello)
Kühn mixed chorus, choirmaster Marek Vorlíček.

Czech Radio broadcast. Recorded June 2, 2007 at Prague Crossroad (Saint Anna Church). Concert was part of Prague Spring festival.

4 January 2015

Mirka Křivánková + Jiří Stivín & Co. Jazz System - Zrcadlení / Reflections (1984)

Another from number of still-not-yet-on-CD Stivín albums. This one is special for his collaboration with singer Mirka Křivánková (now mainly not musically active). Křivánková was singing on live occasions with these musicians, but album story is different. She recorded some solo voice improvisations in studio in 1982. Two years after Jiří Stivín used them as compositional material, adding his instruments and rhythm colleagues. Alan Vitouš is of course brother of famous bassist Miroslav. I don't have this vinyl, recordings comes somehow direcly from Mirka K., so included pics are from discogs.

Mirka Křivánková + Jiří Stivín & Co. Jazz System - Zrcadlení / Reflections (Supraphon 1984)

Jiří Stivín: Odrazy / Reflections

1.    Odrazy hlasů / Reflections of Voices        4:30
2.     Odrazy Obrazů / Reflections of Images        3:55
3.    Odrazy rytmů / Reflections of Rhythm        5:05
4.    Odrazy minulosti / Reflections of the Past    5:10
5.    Odrazy odvazů / Reflections of Actions        3:00

Jiří Stivín: Doteky / Contacts

6.    Minimální doteky / Minimal Contacts        7:30
7.    Mlhavé doteky / Misty Contacts        3:05
8.    Bludné doteky / Erratic Contacts        2:40
9.    Hravé doteky / Playful Contacts        2:35
10.  Žhavé doteky / Ardent Contacts        5:10

Mirka Křivánková – voice
Jiří Stivín – flutes, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, marimba, treating the voice tapes
Ondřej Soukup – double bass, bass guitar
Alan Vitouš – percussion

Recorded 1982 at Czechoslovak Radio Studio A (Křivánková) & 1984 at Mozarteum Studio, Prague (others).

LP Supraphon 1115 3116 

2 February 2013


Finally I came up with Milo's request. 
Not exactly Jazz yet a singular creative achievement in music.


Jiří Stivín, flute, alto flute, recorders, crumhorns, renaissance ranket, transverse folk pipe, fuyara, ocarina, syrinx, alto saxophone, bass clarinet, voice, the Bressan baroque recorder
Pierre Favre, drums, gongs, crotals, bells, beans, water tom-toms
Pavel Kühn, vocals

Tajemný Výlet I / Mysterious Excursion I

A1. Promena První / Metamorphosis One                     06:51    
A2. Skalní Kone / Cliff Horses                             02:56
A3. Starý Pramen / Ancient Wellspring                     00:55    
A4. Zvuk Rosy / Sound Of Dew                             02:53    
A5. Kamínek / Pebble                                     00:44    
A6. Koreny / Roots                                     02:14    
A7. Sladké Drívko / Sweet Stick                     02:45    
A8. Znamení / Sign                                     00:31    
A9. Barvy Temnot / Colours Of Darkness                     02:38
Tajemný Výlet II / Mysterious Excursion II

B1. Myší Pohádka / The Mouse Tale                     00:45    
B2. Tanec Pod Zvonem / Dance Under The Bell             04:39    
B3. Nocní Lety / Nightly Flights                     02:04    
B4. Bludicka / Will-O'-The-Wisp                     02:31    
B5. Hadi A Štíri / Snakes And Scorpions                     01:18    
B6. Dech A Jeho Stíny / The Breath And Its Shadows      04:18    
B7. Promena Druhá / Metamorphosis Two                     08:12
Výlet Za Svetlem / Excursion In Search Of Light

C1. Jeskyne / The Cave                                     07:27    
C2. Závoj Hmoty / Veil Of Matter                     03:58    
C3. Vyjasnení / Enlightment                             10:35
Výlet Mezi Lidi / Excursion Among People

D1. Lidove / In Folk Style                             04:22    
D2. Povídal, Že Jim Hrál / So What, Said He And Played     06:43    
D3. Dosti Radosti / The Joys Are Over                     05:38    
D4. Skorápky Vodních Dutin / Water Cavity Shells     03:34    
D5. Promena Tretí / Metamorphosis Three             01:02    

Recorded November 1979 at concerts in the Theatre of Music, Reduta Hall and the Domovina Studio, Prague.

SUPRAPHON 1115 3381-82

24 February 2012

BLUE EFFECT & JAZZ Q PRAHA - Coniunctio (1970)

BLUE EFFECT & JAZZ Q PRAHA - Coniunctio (Supraphon 1970)

1. Coniunctio I (In Memoriam Lubomír Pristof) 19.13
    Blue Effect & Jazz Q Praha
2. Návštěva u tety Markéty, vypití šálku čaje 6.05
    Jiří Stivín (flute solo) & Blue Effect
3. Asi půjdu se psem ven 7.23
    Jiří Stivín, Jazz Q Praha
4. Coniunctio II 7.15
    Blue Effect & Jazz Q Praha

Radim Hladík - guitar, rasper, siren
Jiří Kozel - bass guitar, bells
Vlado Čech - drums

Jiří Stivín - flute, alto sax, piccolo, artistic chain, siren, pristophone, wood blocks, hawaiian flute
Martin Kratochvíl - piano, organ, trumpet-bassoon
Jiří Pellant - double bass
Milan Vitoch - drums, horse chimes

Recorded in Supraphon studio Dejvice, Prague, March 1970

Coniunctio presents eary freejazz-oriented version of Jazz Q with Jiří Stivín in experimental fusion with progressive rock group Blue Effect. Music sometimes reminds expanded Soft Machine from Fourth album. With Stivín's departure shortly after this recording, Martin Kratochvíl changed direction of Jazz Q towards electric jazz-rock, Blue Effect continued in its progressive rock (or art rock) vein and also made 2 albums in fusion with Czechoslovak Radio Jazz Orchestra - New Synthesis (1971) and New Synthesis 2 (1974). All of these albums were issued on separate CDs during 90's (now out of print) and are part of Blue Effect 9CD box 1969-1989 (Supraphon 2009), from where is this taken. All later Jazz Q albums is now possible to buy as mp3 or flac download in new Supraphonline web shop, but at the moment this page has Czech version only in both language and payment possibilty.

21 May 2011

JiŘí STiVíN & RUDOLF DAŠEK - System Tandem (JAPO 1974)

This album is welcome addition to previously available output of great Czech duo. Vinyl rip contributed by kind and quick Wildgrebe.

Jiří Stivín - alto & soprano sax, flute, recorder
Rudolf Dašek - guitar

01 Puddle on the Muddle 5:39
02 Moravian Folk Song - Forman Going Down the Valley 5:13
03 Hey, Man (Let's Play Something About Spain) 9:10
04 Shepherd Song 10:33
05 What's Your Story 8:01
06 Puzzle Game 3:00

Recorded at unknown studio, May 1974

Japo 60008 oop 1974


2 May 2011



Jirí Stivín, alto & soprano saxophone, flute, recorder, vocal
Rudolf Dašek, guitar

1. Shepherd Song (Dašek) 10:53
2. What's Your Theme? (Dašek) 07:50
3. Puzzle Game (Dašek) 03:41
4. Fiddle-flowers (Stivín) 10:36
5. Hey, Man (Let's Play Something
---from Spain) (Dašek) 11:51

Recorded by RTV Ljubljana at the Concert
of the 15th International Jazz Festival in Ljubljana,
Yugoslavia on June 14, 1974.

SUPRAPHON 1 15 1799


26 April 2011

Jiří Stivín - Zvěrokruh / Zodiac (Supraphon 1977)

From orginal LP sleevenote:

On this latest record, Jiří Stivín presents his musical ideas in a way completely different from entirely spontaneous character of his previous LP's. The usual pulsation of the rhythm section with bass and drums are absent here, while - for instance - the ostinato figures of the vocal chorus and the classical string quartet are the prime bearers of metro-rhythmic texture. In both cases, Stivín is assisted by leading ensembles from the realm of classical music: the Kühn Mixed Chorus and the Talich Quartet, the latter boasting fresh laurels of the Grand Prix of Charles Cross for its recording of Dvořák's string quartets for French Calliope company. Actually, since the dissolution of the Stivín & Dašek System Tandem, Stivín has been increasingly presenting himself to the public as a performer of baroque and contemporary concert music. Many of the stimuli he has thus absorbed have - transformed in an original manner - found their way into music of Zodiac, a striking contrast to prevailingly kaleidoscopic character of the standard way of playing jazz. Here one should seek the origin of Stivín's striving for a more coherent design of the album's musical canvas in the form of two four-movement cycles and a long final composition as a summing up.


01 Živly / Elements
    1 Oheň / Fire 5:01
    2 Voda / Water 4:13
    3 Vzduch / Air 7:05
    4 Země / Earth 4:50

02 Nálady / Moods
    1 Flegmatici / Phlegmatics 4:34
    2 Sangvinici / Sanguinics 1:40
    3 Melancholici / Melancholics 3:55
    4 Cholerici / Cholerics 2:41

03 Zvěrokruh / Zodiac 8:29

Jiří Stivín - flute, alto flute, recorders, whistles, alto & baritone saxes, panpipes, bottles, electric bass, marimba, drums, percussion, voice
Gabriel Jonáš - piano, electric piano, harpsichord

Kühn Mixed Choir, Pavel Kühn - chorus master
Talich String Quartet (in Moods and Zodiac)

Recoded October 1976 and mixed January 1977 at Mozarteum Studio, Prague
Produced by Antonín Matzner

Supraphon 1977, Artia 1979, CD Bonton Music 1997 (OOP)

29 December 2010


This is precious music although I got the LP at a very favourable price. It's a prize!
Sorry for the cheap joke but the titel will cast a smile on my face and the music even more...


Jiří Stivín, recorder, basque flute, alto sax, flute
Zbigniew Seifert, violin
Rudolf Dašek, guitar
Barre Phillips, bass
Josef Vejvoda, drums, percussion
Milan Vitoch, drums, percussion

1. Five Hits In A Row (Stivín) 14:58
2. Anten (Phillips) 06:01
3. Give More (Stivín) 07:43
4. Shadows Of Dogs And People (Stivín) 05:42
5. Phone On Monday And Reverse The Charge (Stivín) 07:30

Recorded at the Supraphon Studio, Prague.
From 25th to 27th February, 1972.

SUPRAPHON 1 15 1229