Richard Davis trio-Feat Joe Beck& Jack Dejohnette- Song for wounded Knee 1973
Richard Davis what can one say!.. his records under his own name are so undervalued.. most of them are out of print...
This is a passionate testament to the trio's heartfelt political activism, something considered corny and passé in todays largely arid musical landscape... evermore relevant though in a world that is arguably geopolitically worse off than it was in 73.
Its a world where bread and circuses take on a whole other dimension, the illusion of personal freedom indistinguishable from and so frequently confused with the sphere of personal consumption.
I've always loved the more abstract side of Davis's musical sensibility amply displayed here in a set
of glowing largely improvised pieces..on the opening Blues" Song for Wounded knee" , Davis uses the melody to blue Monk.. but the rest is pretty free.. Davis's arco is evident throughout.. some passages on 'America the beautiful "or "Agnewstic"wouldn't be out of place in a chamber piece by Helmut Lachenmann...
staggering.. gorgeous!
ps.. this may have been partially inspired by the great book "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee"which came out around that time
Richard Davis.Org
Vinyl rip ... split tracks, no syrup!