Showing posts with label Connie Crothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connie Crothers. Show all posts

31 July 2013

Connie Crothers-Solo 1980 (Jazz Lp-4)

This one goes out to Mosa from requests... as Sublime and superbly modulated an album of solo piano as one could wish .
This album is an intriguing mix of spontaneous renditions of standards and all out free improvisations , beautifully recorded by Label Mate, Saxophonist Lennie Popkin!
Long, but riveting from start to finish!

A Student and friend of the late Lennie Tristano,Crothers is dipping even further out into free territory these days , all her records are pretty wonderful , this appears to be one of the few which hasn't been reissued .

Anyone wishing to delve further should explore, the phenomenal 4 disc set of improvisations for two pianos with David Arner on the Rogue art label, which is simply stunning, in the stratospheric realm of Riley/Tippett, or Crispell/Grawe but of course, one is hard pressed to choose 1 thing to recommend , given that its all so good..
btw, Crothers also Administers the collective New Artists label, home to most of her recordings...

Band of fire a quintet featuring R.Campbell, R.Tabnik,R.Mancuso and perennial fave Ken Filiano one of the best live albums I've heard in a while, it and other great things can be found here at New Artists.
The label also has a downloadable Video archive ,including much Crothers

This though out of print , and never reissued may perhaps still be purchased from Jazz records here a label run by Carole Tristano, Lennie's drummer Daughter.
Crothers own website is here

info from Discogs
A1-All About Love-4:00
A2-A New Jazz Scene-3:50
A3-My One And only Love-7:44
A4-That Straight Ahead Thing-6:19
B1-A Single Note-3:21
B2-Drums-Piano 6:39
B3-All About You-7:06
C1-Love Suite: Roy Eldridge-4:16
C2-Love Suite: Sheila Jordan-4:32
C3-Love Suite: Max Roach-8:26
D1-I'm Getting Sentimental Over You-6:30
D2-You Don't Know What Love Is-2:56
D3-How Deep Is The Ocean-8:05
D4-Breaking Through The Boundaries-5:31

Piano – Connie Crothers
Recorded By – Lenny Popkin

Connie Crothers – Solo
Jazz Records ?– JR-4