Showing posts with label Michael Ranta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Ranta. Show all posts

21 November 2018

Muharram 1392 (Sagittarius A-Star 2011)

Sagittarius A-Star, SAS #17
Released 2011

A - Untitled    
B - Untitled    

Hartmut Geerken, Hubertus von Puttkamer, Michael Ranta, Omar el Hakim, Salah Ragab

Recorded February 17, 1972 in Heliopolis, Egypt.

this is all info on the lp, nothing else found online
cover is from discogs. I still dont know how to take a picture of a shiny black cover

17 August 2013


Live in Teheran, Calcutta, Dacca, Manila, Seoul and Osaka in 1976

A. Untitled

C. Untitled
D. Untitled

E. Untitled
F. Untitled

G. Untitled
H. Untitled

I. Untitled
J. Untitled

K1. Excerpt From "Arrangements" (Toshi Ichiyanagi)
K2. Lonely Mountain (Shoko Shida)
L1. Same Trains
L2. Coda

Michael Ranta, mallet instruments, xylophone, marimba, metallophone, vibraphone, tabla, flexatone, castagnets, Japanese oboe, argool, gong, tamtams, short-wave receiver, Chinese violin, er-hu, jung-hu, wood block, echo machine, cup bells, Indian israj, voltage-controlled oscillator, voltage-controlled filter, vocals

Hartmut Geerken, piano, prepared piano, piano strings, Tibetan tingshak, water tingshak, waldteufel, mokkatam pot rattles, bells, water bells, sleigh bells, gongs, water gongs, Tibetan boo-chals, water boo-chals, musical clock, Tibetan horn, singing tube, maracas, wood block, temple block, Peking opera gongs, castagnets, lead camel bell, short-wave receiver, swarmandal, whistles, argool, monkey drum, toy xylophone, lion bell, gopichand, Egyptian cymbals & sagat, waterphone, voice, toy glockenspiele, thumb piano

José "Pepito" Bosch, congas [G,H]

Toshi Ichiyanagi, synthesizer [L2]

LP1 recorded on 25 November 1976 at Baghe Ferdows-Zafaranieh in co-op with Nirt, Teheran, Iran.

LP2 recorded on 3-4 December 1976 at Max Mueller Bhavan, Calcutta, India.

LP3 recorded on 8 December 1976 at the German Cultural Institute in co-op with the Academy of the Arts, Dacca, Bangladesh.

LP4 recorded on 13 December 1976 at Abelardo Inner Green (open air) in co-op with the U.P. College of Music, Manila, Philippines.

LP5 recorded on 15 December 1976 at the Korea Drama Center, Seoul, Korea.

LP 6 recorded on 18 December 1976 at the Goethe-Institute, Osaka, Japan.

Qbico ‎– QBICO 101

Vinyl Rip

17 July 2013

Michael Ranta-Hartmut Geerken, The Heliopolar Egg-Live in Bangkok 1976

Here's another great Michael Ranta session , in a duo with Hartmut Geerken, From 1976 released in 2011 on the Qbico Omicron-Omega - 10 lp box set, unfortunately this is the only one in the set that i own.

..beautiful slowly unfolding waves of , Echo plex O.D , paradise, in  .. Taj Mahal travellers ....Kluster circa-Klopfzeichen, 1969....Psychedelic,continual Flux.......mode,no suggestion of imitation the textures rise and swell harshly at times...all .enveloped in a warm endless glow...

All pieces are untitled

Instruments [Mallet Instruments], Xylophone, Marimba, Metallophone, Vibraphone, Tabla, Idiophone [Flexatone], Castanets [Castagnets], Oboe [Japanese], Woodwind [Argool], Gong, Tam-tam [Tamtams], Electronics [Short-wave Receiver], Violin [Chinese], Erhu [Er-hu, Jung-hu], Wood Block, Effects [Echo Machine], Bells [Cup Bells], Esraj [Indian Israj], Electronics [Vco, Vcf], Vocals – Michael Ranta

Piano, Piano [Prepared Piano, Piano Strings], Bells [Tibetan Tingshak, Water Tingshak], Bullroarer [Waldteufel], Rattle [Mokkatam Pot Rattles], Bells, Bells [Water Bells, Sleigh Bells], Gong [Gongs, Water Gongs], Performer [Tibetan Boo-chals, Water Boo-chals, Musical Clock], Horn [Tibetan Horn], Performer [Singing Tube], Maracas, Wood Block, Temple Block, Gong [Peking Opera Gongs], Castanets [Castagnets], Bells [Lead Camel Bell], Electronics [Short-wave Receiver], Swarmandel [Swarmandal], Whistle [Whistles], Woodwind [Argool], Percussion [Monkey Drum], Xylophone [Toy Xylophone], Bells [Lion Bell], Ektare [Gopichand], Cymbal [Egyptian Cymbals & Sagat], Waterphone, Voice, Glockenspiel [Toy Glockenspiele], Kalimba [Thumb Piano] – Hartmut Geerken

12 July 2013


A. Wired I

B. Wired II

Mike Lewis, Hammond & Leslie organ, vocals, percussion
Karl-Heinz Böttner, Hammond & Leslie organ, vox organ guitar, vocals, ocarina, flexatone, zither, electric bass
Michael Ranta, percussion, home-made plucked instruments, vocals
Conny Plank, diabolus in musica, live electronics

Recorded on 28 April 1970 at Rhenus Studio, Godorf

Deutsche Grammophon ‎– 2740 105

Vinyl Rip

25 April 2007


"Mind bending slice of drone improv from these three post-WWII heavyweights. Very reminiscent of Taj Mahal Travelers with layers of heavily reverbed ring-mod piano, percussion, and voices (in fact, just about everything in the mix seems ring-modded). Overall sheen resembles prime-era Nurse With Wound (although predating such by a few seasons). Toshi Ichiyanagi is one of the most well known Japanese composers of any era, a student of John Cage, Julliard graduate who returned to Japan in 1961 to spread Cage's Indeterminacy principles, Yoko Ono's former husband Fluxus artist. Michael Ranta is a well regarded contemporary repertoire percussionist, a familiar name to those in the know (close collaborator of Harry Partch, performed everything from Lachenmann pieces to tape music accompaniments), member of Wired (whose LP was included in the Deutsch Gramophone Free Improvisation boxset). And of course Takehisa Kosugi is the Group Ongaku founder who merged into the New York Fluxus artists before forming Taj Mahal Travellers, has since been composer-in-residence for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. (Review from Eclipse Records)

Very Rare & highly collectable LP. Essential for anyone into Avant Improv or Fluxus Artists, Ripped form Vinyl @ 256kbps.