During the summer or '76, Young Groove was able to get his hands on a pretty good stockpile of Power Records' legendary comicbook/record combos. Most of the Marvel ones were reprints with voice acting, music, and sound effects added. Sometimes you'd run across something brand new--and this Conan record was probably the best of 'em all. Written by Len Wein (not Roy Thomas?!) with art by John Buscema and Neal Adams (!), how could I not love it?
While the comic in and of itself is far-out enough to warrant a "Thanks, Groove!" all by its lonesome, checking out a pulse-pounding Power Record isn't nearly as fulfilling an experience without getting to dig the awesome audio, as well. Click the "play" button and read along, baby!
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While most of Marvel's Power Records offerings were reprints, this all-new saga was actually re-printed by Marvel Comics in Conan the Barbarian #116 (August 1980) with added pages by J.M. Dematteis and John Buscema. Even the splash page became the comicbook cover. Waste not, want not, by Crom!