Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: My Dinner with Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan

CTU Webmaster Q, Channing Tatum, and Girlfriend Jenna Dewan Hanging Out in LA

Every time something amazing happens here at CTU, something else seems to top it, so I am now a true believer that anything is possible in this world. My dinner with Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan last week definitely would fall in the category of the seemingly impossible, but it really did happen and as you can see on this post, I even have pictures to prove it!!!

Just to recap for any new readers...last week I went to Los Angeles, California to visit my best friend and while I was there, I hung out with 'Stop-Loss' director Kimberly Pierce, had a ball at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, spent an incredible day with Chan's mom Kay, and topped off my trip with a fantastic dinner at a local LA hot spot with Channing Tatum and his girlfriend Jenna Dewan (aka Chenna).

Believe it or not, the dinner almost didn't happen, because I was supposed to fly back home on Tuesday, August 5th. As luck may have it, an extremely small and fast moving storm decided to hit my hometown that day, so I postponed my departure to Wednesday to avoid any potential run ins with mother nature. Because of that day delay, it thankfully allowed me to have dinner with Chan and Jenna Tuesday night.

Channing Tatum and Girlfriend Jenna DewanI had spoken to Chan the day before when I was hanging out with his mom, and he told me to call him the next day so we could try to meet up before I left. I called and left a message and Jenna called me back to see if I wanted to go to a restaurant called STK. Ironically, this was the same restaurant that I had taken my best friend to a couple of nights before.

Although I didn't know when I made my reservations weeks ahead to make sure we would be able to get in, I learned from Jenna that STK is actually one of their favorite restaurants. If you've ever eaten there, then you totally know why, because the food and service are amazing. I went both with and with celebrities in tow and the people there were awesome. I'd like to give a shout to David and Chad! They were the best host and waiter EVER!!! OK back to the story...

Jenna offered to make reservations some place else, but since my best friend and I loved the restaurant so much, I was excited to go again. It was beyond surreal to think we would be going back to STK with Channing and Jenna.

Jenna had made an 8 PM reservation, and we arrived first. When I told the host that our reservation was listed under Dewan or Tatum, he looked up with a smile and said "Jenna Dewan?" and I happily told him "Yes" (trying really hard to stay cool and hold in my excitement).

We decided to wait outside in the restaurant's small, trendy courtyard until Chan and Jenna arrived. Just a few minutes later we saw Jenna. We hugged, and she told us that Chan was running a little late from the meeting he had with the Hollywood screen legend I mentioned in my previous post. He was on his way, so we decided to go ahead and get seated while we waited for him to arrive.

We walked to the table and although I don't think Jenna noticed, you could tell that people recognized her. One table in particular kept starring at us (and when I say US, I mean HER). We later found out why, because they came over to the table before they left. Jenna was carrying a bag and wearing a necklace she had gotten at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards gift retreat a couple of days before. The table of people actually worked for the company that provided them for the awards show, so they were totally excited that she had chosen their gifts and was wearing them.

As we were ordering our appetizers, Chan called Jenna to say he was a few minutes away. Jenna pulled out her phone to answer it, and I couldn't help but notice the photo she used for Chan. She also turned the phone towards me so I could see the nickname.

Again to protect the innocent, I'm not going to say what the name was. That's between Jenna, Chan, and her phone, but I'll just say that it was really cute. As far as the picture she used is concerned, it seems that Jenna has the same taste in favorite Chan photos as many of us, because ironically, she chose the gorgeous 'Stop-Loss' promotional still to the left that fans have been drooling over since the movie released it. Seriously, can you blame her?

We ordered our appetizers and not too long after we got them, Chan arrived. The restaurant was all abuzz and people stopped him to talk to him while he tried to politely make his way to our table that was in a back corner of the restaurant. Jenna got up from the booth so they could give each other a hug and then he reached out his arms so I could do the same.

We had already received our salads, but we realized they had given me the wrong one. I had not touched it, so before taking it back, the waiter asked Chan if he wanted it. One of the things learned from Chan last year when I visited him on the set of 'Fighting' was that he really did not like veggies. Jenna reinforced that by quickly letting the waiter know that he did not eat anything green. Chan made what my friend and I thought was a joke by saying he was going to order beef as his appetizer and beef for his entree. We were surprised when he did just that by ordering a filet appetizer and rib eye for his entree. Needless to say, he was quite full by the end of dinner. We all were, because the food was so good.

We talked about a lot of different things during dinner, from Jenna and her family to Chan's projects and his meeting that day to reality shows we have watched and are way too embarrassed to admit, all while Chan and Jenna sat close, holding hands. I can't believe I've gotten this far without mentioning they are just the cutest and most loving couple ever. Every now and then, they would just look at each other and it was like there was no one else in the room.

At one point Chan mentioned that he often turned down chances to do talk shows or interviews, because he feels it's important that people keep Chan the person separate from Chan the actor. Sometimes if you know too much about a person, it can be difficult to really see the character they are portraying.

As some of you may imagine, hearing him say that kind of freaked me out for a second. If you've been reading CTU for any period of time, then you know the whole concept behind "Unwrapped" is to help people learn about Chan (the person AND the actor). I could potentially be a kink in his plan of anonymity, because of the nature of what I do everyday on this site.

Then it hit me. Unless this dinner was an elaborate way for him to "break up with CTU", he's obviously cool with what I do here, and I think we should all consider ourselves VERY lucky that both he and Jenna choose to connect with their fans through the site.

Channing Tatum, Girlfriend Jenna Dewan, and CTU Webmaster Q  Hanging Out in LADuring dinner, I also learned that Chan is in the process of trying to learn Korean, because he is going to be starring in and executive producing the first Hollywood movie to ever film in South Korea. Sadly the technology gremlins struck again when he tried to install the software on his computer. Seems those gremlins never take a vacation when it comes to Chan. I may just have to get him a low-tech copy of a book that teaches Korean.

At some point, a hostess let us know that she had reserved a place for us in the exclusive lounge called Coco De Ville that is attached to the restaurant. It was getting late, but we decided to go to the lounge for a little bit after we finished dinner. The somewhat intimidating bouncer unhooked the velvet rope to let all of us in and my friend swears she saw Paris Hilton walking out as we arrived.

It was a lounge that played really great music, and we sat on an interesting bench that was suspended from the ceiling. We talked for a bit more, and I learned that Chan is currently in training for 'Dear John', which is still scheduled to start filming in South Carolina next month. Jenna is also supposed to start filming her next movie 'Virgin on Bourbon Street' in September too.

We did not stay in the lounge for long. Chan, the gentleman that he is, asked us for our valet tickets so he could take care of them, and we headed out to get our cars. As we walked passed the paparazzi right outside the restaurant, Chan and Jenna kept their heads down so we could walk past them without a hailstorm of flashes.

We were almost home free and then someone must have tipped them off, because they all came rushing after us. Like a scene in a movie, I just started seeing tons of flashes and hearing all of the clicks from the cameras. Fans came up to get autographs and photos with them, and they were happy to oblige. As you saw in my last post, both Chan and Jenna are so awesome with fans. They both gave me a big hug once our cars arrived, and we said our goodbyes.

I want to thank Chan and Jenna for inviting us to dinner and for taking the time to hang out with us. I can guarantee that I will never forget that night, and I definitely hope we get to have many more good times like that in the coming years.

Rock4Change.org LogoOne of the other things that I was really happy to learn at dinner is related to the new Rock4Change benefit concert that Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan have decided to support. It was great to hear about it, because one of my goals for CTU this year is to get involved with one or more charities.

Rock4Change empowers & inspires a new generation of activism through the entertainment industry, and in doing so will raise funds and awareness for important social issues that need our attention. Each one of us has the opportunity and the responsibility to use our voice to make a difference. Partnering with the biggest names in music, film, television, and sports, the organization shines a spotlight on worthwhile causes to motivate people across the globe to do their part to affect change. They invite all of us to be a part of the worldwide movement and know that together we can rock to change the world.

For the first time in ten years, the MTV Video Music Awards will take place in Los Angeles, and the biggest names in music will descend upon Hollywood for the festivities. With all of the amazing talent together in the same city Rock4Change has decided to produce the ultimate party with a purpose. The goal of the event is to raise awareness and financial support for two incredible non-profit organizations who are doing life saving and life changing work in Africa, specifically to help end the atrocities in Darfur and Uganda.

The event will bring together some of the biggest names in music, TV, film and sports for a once-in-a-lifetime celebration of music, dance and the power of the human spirit. Rock4Change will feature performances by Grammy award winning artists, an original piece on the evolution of dance by award-winning choreographer Shane Sparks, video presentations from the charities, an awards presentation and many more surprises.

Jenna Dewan & Channing Tatum are going to be presenters at the benefit concert and together will introduce an incredible piece that EMMY nominated choreographer Shane Sparks ("America's Best Dance Crew" & "So You Think You Can Dance") is putting together on the fusion of African dance & Hip Hop.

Channing will film his public service announcement (PSA) on Friday, and I will post it on the site soon. You can watch Jenna's PSA for the event below with Ludacris, James Franco, Flea, and Greg Grunberg:

If you are going to be in Los Angeles, California on September 4, 2008, then I encourage you to join Channing, Jenna, me, a long list of celebrities, and other supporters at the Rock4Change fall concert event. One hundred percent of the net proceeds from ticket sales for the star studded benefit concert will fund the reforestation project in Darfur through "Aid Still Required" and the work "Hands Across Nations" does to support some of the 1 million children who have been orphaned by AIDS in Uganda. You can CLICK HERE to buy your tickets to the event.

Thanks to Rock4Change I am able to give away two FREE tickets to the concert to one lucky Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan fan. If you can attend the event and would like to win the tickets, then here's what you need to do to enter the contest:
1) CLICK HERE to quickly signup for the Channing Tatum Unwrapped newsletter where you will get a daily email with any articles I have posted in the last 24 hours. If you don't want to miss out on any juicy Channing Tatum and/or Jenna Dewan news, then the newsletter is the best way to go. If you are already subscribed to the newsletter, then you can skip to step #2.

2) Send me an email from the address you used to sign up for the newsletter to contests@channingtatumunwrapped.com with "Rock4Change" in the subject, your mailing address and phone number in the body of the email, and an explanation of why you would like to win the tickets. I have another contest running right now, so it's important that you have the correct subject on your email.

Each fan can enter the contest one time. Please do not submit multiple entries, because only your first submission will be used. The winner of the contest will be announced on this Saturday, August 23, 2008, so please submit your entries by the end of the day on Friday, August 22, 2008 to try to win the prize. Good luck everyone!!!!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Photos and Video of Channing Tatum and Girlfriend Jenna Dewan at Madeo's Restaurant

I will be posting my last LA trip article about my dinner with Channing Tatum and his adorable girlfriend Jenna Dewan, but in the mean time, I found some more new photos and a video of the our favorite couple Chenna leaving popular restaurant Madeo in West Hollywood on August 12, 2008. Enjoy!!!

Below you can check out the X17Online video showing Chan and Jenna interacting with fans outside the restaurant:

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

CHANNING TATUM FOR DUMMIES...Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

Channing Tatum for Dummies Channing Tatum for Dummies is a series of articles where I try to answer the most frequently asked questions about Channing Tatum that I receive from readers or find on message boards all over the internet.

Here are today's Channing Tatum frequently asked questions and answers:

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Question:

Does Channing Tatum play Ghengis Khan in 'Mongol'?

CTU Answer:

Channing Tatum as Ghengis Khan in 'Mongol'As you can see in the promotional still on the right, Channing was originally cast in the role of Ghengis Khan in the movie 'Mongol', but he ended up declining the role because of scheduling conflicts (possibly with his 2006 hit movie 'Step Up'). Many websites still say that Channing Tatum is in the film, but they are incorrect. The role of Ghengis Khan in 'Mongol' is now being played by Tadanobu Asano.

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Question:

What is Channing Tatum's favorite music?

CTU Answer:

Channing Tatum likes all kinds of music, but when I visited him on the set of his film 'Fighting' last year, he mentioned that he had recently heard some new music created by his Oscar-nominated co-star Terrence Howard and really liked it.

Terrence wrote, produced and performs all of the new music on his debut album called 'Shine Through It'. It is being released by Columbia Records on September 2, 2008 and fans can listen to some of it in a video below that he recently made for MySpace:

You can listen to more of the songs on the new album at Terrence's official MySpace page.

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Question:

How can I send Jenna Dewan fan mail? Does she have an official site or MySpace page?

CTU Answer:

Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan at 'Iron Man' Premiere (April 30, 2008)Channing Tatum's girlfriend Jenna Dewan has confirmed to me that she currently does not have an official site and does not have a MySpace page at all. As a matter of a fact, she does not have a profile on any of the social networking sites.

Anyone on MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, etc. saying that they are Jenna are definitely posers, have no association with her, and should not be believed. Jenna is grateful for all of the non-posing fan sites that you all have created for her, so keep up the good work!!!

If you would like to send fan mail to the real Jenna Dewan, she told me that you can send it to her agency, and they will make sure that she receives it. Here is the address where you can send your fan mail and autograph requests:

Jenna Dewan
c/o Joanne Wiles - William Morris Agency
One William Morris Pl.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

FYI...In case you missed it, fans can CLICK HERE to get Chan's fan mail address, and I'll make sure to keep posting any Jenna Dewan news that is sent to me and that I find.

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Question:

Can I buy the M&M Cru shirts from the online dance battle?

CTU Answer:

Biggest Online Dance Battle: ACDC Crew and M&M Cru LogosI have confirmed with the director of the M&M Cru dance battle videos that they are currently not able to sell shirts for complicated legal reasons around selling Miley Cyrus merchandise. They are hopeful that they will be able to sell shirts to fans at some point to benefit a charity like the ACDC crew is doing with Invisible Children, but they are still working on that arrangement.

Anyone selling M&M Cru shirts has not been given permission to do so and the shirts are not official. Feel free to buy them if you see them for sale online, but know that they are not actually associated with the M&M Cru that includes both Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan as members.

Thanks for submitting these questions! If you want to submit a question about Channing Tatum, email it ctfd@channingtatumunwrapped.com and I will try to get it answered for you in the following Channing Tatum for Dummies article. I cannot guarantee that I will have an answer for every question, but I will tell you what I know (or at the very least give you an opinion on the subject).

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vote for Channing Tatum's Official MySpace at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards!!!

Channing Tatum's Official MySpace Nominated for Choice MySpacer Award at 2008 Teen Choice Awards

The 2008 Teen Choice Awards just announced their next batch of categories and nominees, and I honestly freaked out when I saw who was nominated in one of the brand new categories.

The new Choice MySpacer award will recognize a celebrity who creatively uses their MySpace page to connect with their fans through blogs, bulletins or status updates.

To my amazement, the official MySpace profile that I created and maintain for Channing Tatum is one of the nominees for the new award. Needless to say, this is the biggest thing that has happened to Channing Tatum Unwrapped since Chan asked CTU to be his official site.

I honestly haven't been able to stop smiling since I read the list of nominees and since Chan and Jenna sent me the congratulatory photo below right after we all got the awesome news:

Channing Tatum and Girlfriend Jenna Dewan Congratulating CTU Webmaster Q for Teen Choice MySpacer Award Nomination

Have I ever told you all how much I love those two? Are they not the cutest and sweetest couple you've ever seen? If you have any doubts why I love what I do here at CTU so much, take another look at the photo above, and you should understand why.

In the world of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (my favorite book when I was growing up), I'm Charlie after he's found the golden ticket, and Willie Wonka (aka Chan) has given me the keys to the fan factory. All I need are a few Umpa Loompas, and I'm set.

I can't express how grateful I am to Chan and Jen for the priceless pic and for being so supportive of what I do here at CTU!!!

Below you will find the list of nominees in the new category:

Channing Tatum's Official MySpace Nominated for Choice MySpacer Award at 2008 Teen Choice Awards
Fans can vote for CTU's MySpace profile at the Teen Choice Awards website or on their MySpace page by clicking on the Vote link, logging in, and clicking on the "Summer" tab to vote for the new category.

While you're there, make sure to also click on the "Movies" tab to vote for Channing and his films too. You can CLICK HERE to read about all of the other categories that Channing Tatum and his 2008 films were nominated for.

Hosted by Miley Cyrus, Teen Choice celebrates the hottest teen icons in film, television, music, sports and fashion. The coolest stars will receive coveted Teen Choice surfboard awards in categories such as Choice Male Hottie and Choice Hook-Up when Teen Choice 2008 airs Monday, August 4 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

Celebrities scheduled to appear at the popular awards show include Chris Brown, Scarlett Johanssen, Zac Efron, Pink, Jaime Pressly, Danica Patrick, Selena Gomez, JoJo, Minka Kelly, Jesse McCartney, Chad Michael Murray, Chace Crawford, Kristen Bell, Drake Bell, Mischa Barton, Brittany Snow, and Hayden Panettiere. Additional performers and presenters will be announced soon.

Please everyone make sure you vote for Channing and CTU EVERYDAY for the 2008 Teen Choice Awards!!!!!

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

NEWS FLASH: New Interview, Video, and Movie Update for Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan

Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan on the Set of Her 2008 Film 'The Jerk Theory' (Official Website)
It's that time again Chenna fans. It's been a while since we've had an update on Jenna Dewan's current projects. Channing Tatum's longtime girlfriend has been very busy shooting numerous movies that are scheduled to release this year, and I have quite a bit of news to share.

In addition to her new Lifetime Television movie "Fab Five: Texas Cheerleader Scandal", which premieres Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 9pm ET/PT, fans should be on the look out for Jenna in her romantic comedy 'The Jerk Theory' with 'Step Up's Josh Henderson and in the dark comedy 'Six Wives of Henry Lefay' with Tim Allen.

Abraham, one of the producers over at 'The Jerk Theory',  just let me know that they have added another video of Jenna on their YouTube channel.  In the new video, we get to learn a little more about Jenna's character Molly.

You can CLICK HERE to watch it or you can check it out below:

Abraham also wants all of us Jenna fans to know that the film just launched the movie's official site at TheJerkTheory.com, so make sure to check it out. You'll find a ton of promotional photos, info about the film and the characters, and you can even hear snippets of Josh Henderson's debut album, which is used as the soundtrack for the film.

There's even more where that came from, because they'll be releasing the movie poster in a few days and the trailer in the next week or so. Everyone just stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped, and I'll post them both as soon as they're released.

I want to give a big thanks to Abraham for the inside scoop on Jenna's new film. Fans can CLICK HERE to check out tons of photos of Jenna and Chan on the film set last year.

Next up, we have a new interview that Jenna recently did to promote her film 'Six Wives of Henry Lefay'. It's a short article, but is jammed pack with info on most of her 2008 projects, the dance battle with Miley Cyrus, Channing Tatum, and a new project that we're hearing about for the first time. Enjoy!
A Whole New Tim Allen in 'Six Wives,' Says Rising Starlet Dewan
By Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith
Jul 2, 2008

Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan at 'Iron Man' Premiere (April 30, 2008)"Tim Allen completely impressed me playing a totally different character than I've seen him do before -- a womanizing, gotta-love-him older man," reports Jenna Dewan, who'll be seen alongside Tim in the upcoming "The Six Wives of Henry Lefay." "It's more of a dark comedy than people are used to with him -- with all his six wives having to come back to plan his funeral after he dies, and all the insane funny things that happen when these different female personalities crash together under these circumstances. My role, actually, I can't say too much about," adds the 27-year-old actress of "Step Up" and "The Grudge 2" fame.

Jenna's definitely riding the up escalator of Hollywood fame. Her every public appearance with boyfriend Channing Tatum gets chronicled. They were recently in a dance-off on the YouTube "Miley & Mandy Show." ("How funny is that? ... I had no idea how big it had become … Both Miley and Mandy are sweethearts," she says of Miley Cyrus and Mandy Jiroux.) As for marriage prospects, however, Jenna demurs, "We'll see. I don't like to talk about my personal life too much."

She's been on a roll shooting movie after movie in recent months, including "Love Lies Bleeding" with Christian Slater and the indie coming-of-age story "Shine On." She's scheduled to begin filming "Virgin on Bourbon Street" in August. And then there's Lifetime's "Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal," debuting Aug. 2, of which she's very proud.

Based on a true story, it's about a group of cheerleaders so out of control they're drinking alcohol at school, skipping classes and bullying other students. A young coach endeavors to stop them, though administrators and parents seem bent on looking the other way. "Thank God I got to play the coach," Jenna says. As a young actress, "usually you play the girlfriend. You don't get to play someone strong. You don't receive a lot of these kind of really powerful characters that offer role models for women."
Source: National Ledger

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: New Personal Photos of Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan at Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation Gala

My two favorite things to write about on this site are personal pictures sent to me by Chan and his family and fan encounters. For the first time, I get to write about both in one post.

As I recently mentioned, Channing Tatum's girlfriend Jenna Dewan was chosen to receive the Limelight Award from the Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation at their annual gala last Saturday night. It was a private event, and I had not been able to find any photos.

Fast forward to this past Thursday when I received a very special email from Chan's mom Kay. Believe it or not, she sent me exclusive personal photos from the gala that show Jenna, her parents, and Chan's parents on the campus of UCLA where the event was held.

Although we've seen one photo of Jenna's dad Darryl before, this may be the first time fans are getting to see Jenna's mom Nancy and step dad Claude.

Even though Chan was sadly not able to attend the event, since he is still filming 'G.I. Joe' in Prague, his parents were their to support his longtime girlfriend, and Chan's mom told me they are extremely proud of Jenna's well-deserved achievement.

Here are the great photos that Kay sent us:

Left to Right: Jenna's Mom Nancy, Jenna's Step Dad Claude,
Jenna, Chan's Dad Glenn, and Chan's Mom Kay

Jenna and Her Dad Darryl

Jenna and Her Mom Nancy

Jenna with Fans at the Event

In addition to the family photos above, a fan and longtime CTU reader who ran into Jenna on her way to the event sent in the awesome photo below, which leads me to the fan encounter I previously mentioned...

Fabulous Jenna Dewan fan Mel F. had a lucky encounter with Jenna when she ran into her on the campus of UCLA. Here's what she had to say about her encounter:

Hi Q!

Last Saturday night I was walking home and ran into Jenna Dewan a couple hundred feet from my dorm! She looked absolutely gorgeous..and she was so nice! A couple little girls came over to tell her something about dance and Jenna was such a sweetheart to them. She seems like she'd be great with kids, especially since she's an inspiration to so many of them. I asked her about Channing, and her face just lit up.. they seem like they'd be the perfect couple! =) It was an amazing encounter, and I hope that Jenna continues to have great success for the future!

- Mel F.

Finally, CTU reader Erin submitted a video that was created by Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan fan Lainy from the Czech Republic. The video shows photos of Jenna working with the children of St. Judes hospital, which I'm sure is part of the reason why she was chosen for this year's Limelight Award.

You can CLICK HERE to watch the video or you can check it out below. Enjoy!!!

Thanks to Mel for the encounter and to Lainy for the great video!!! I also want to send a huge thanks to Kay for sending us all of the awesome photos and to Jenna and her family for allowing me to share them with her fans here at CTU.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Photos of Channing Tatum's Girlfriend Jenna Dewan at 'Zohan' Premiere Last Night

Based on what I've been told, I'm fairly certain that Channing Tatum is still filming 'G.I. Joe' in the Czech Republic right now. So although both Channing and his girlfriend Jenna Dewan were invited to last night's Los Angeles, California premiere of 'You Don't Mess With The Zohan', only Jenna was able to come out and support her good friend Emmanuelle Chriqui who stars in the Adam Sandler comedy.

The star-studded premiere was held last night at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California, and we have a ton of new photos of Jenna looking gorgeous as usual on the red carpet. You can check out some of the high quality photos below, and you will find over 40 more photos in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery. Enjoy!!!

Jenna is extremely busy this year. Lifetime Television has moved up the premiere of her new movie 'Fab Five: Texas Cheerleader Scandal' to Saturday, August 2, 2008 at 9pm ET/PT. You can CLICK HERE to learn more about it.

I also recently read that her upcoming romantic comedy 'The Jerk Theory' with 'Step Up' co-star Josh Henderson is almost complete and is set to release this year. Finally, be on the lookout for the newly renamed thriller 'Shine On' (aka 'Wonderwall', 'Out of the Bronx', and 'My Life') and the Tim Allen comedy 'The Six Wives of Henry Lefay' .

As I mentioned previously on the blog, Jenna will be awarded the Limelight Award at the annual Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation Gala Saturday night (May 31, 2008). You can CLICK HERE for all of the details if you would like to attend the event.

Stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped, and I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on all of Jenna's projects and appearances.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

NEWS FLASH: Jenna Dewan Chosen to Receive the Limelight Award

Channing Tatum's longtime girlfriend Jenna Dewan will soon receive the Limelight Award from the Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation. The charity event will take place from 6pm - 10pm on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at the University of California in Los Angeles.  In addition to the awards presentation, attendees will be treated to a cocktail reception, dinner, a dance performance, and a dessert reception with the dancers, celebrities and honorees following the performance.

Net proceeds from the event will go towards the Gabriella Axelrad Education Foundation. The foundation, through its programs everybody dance! and the Gabriella Charter School, gives Los Angeles’ underserved children a chance to expand their potential and broaden their horizons through the arts. Both the school and dance programs strive to instill a love of learning dance and the arts in the children who attend, while increasing their chances for a productive future.

I'm not surprised that Jenna (who has had a strong love of dance since she was a child) was chosen to receive this year's Limelight Award. In addition to supporting St. Judes Children's Hospital for many years,  spending time with children being treated by the hospital, and volunteering at Los Angeles women's shelters, Jenna has always shown her commitment to helping both women and children in need.

If you too are interested in helping a good cause, you can CLICK HERE to get more information on how to attend this year's event.

CONGRATS to Jenna for being awarded the Limelight Award!!!

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Graphic Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Pictures of the Week were created and submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Fan Kristina. It's four beautiful graphics that will make great wallpapers for any computer. Enjoy!

Thanks, Kristina, for making and sending in these awesome fan graphics!

CTU Readers will soon find these graphics and all of the others that were created and submitted by our fabulous readers in the Fan Graphics Set of the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery.

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to potw@channingtatumunwrapped.com and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like today's picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Channing Tatum Videos of the Week: Fabulous Fan Video

Today's Video of the Week was created by Fabulous Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Fan Mehek. Here's what she has to say about her fan video:

These pictures of Channing are my favorite because they show the different characteristics and abilities of him. He rocks in all aspects. The pics of Chenna are amazing because it shows love in all terms and conditions. I love Channing Taum and I hope he gets the best from life, and that he'll continue to entertain us forever.

Thanks Q,
Mehek K.

You can watch Mehek's awesome video below. Enjoy!!!

Big thanks to Mehek for creating and submitting this great video!!!! Everyone can CLICK HERE to watch tons of other fan videos created by talented CTU readers. All Chenna fans should also make sure to check out the Channing Tatum Unwrapped photo gallery where you will find almost 200 photos of Channing Tatum with his gorgeous, real-life girlfriend Jenna Dewan.

If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to votw@channingtatumunwrapped.com and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Photos of Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan at 'Iron Man' Premiere

We have some great new photos of Channing Tatum and girlfriend Jenna Dewan from when they attended the Los Angeles, California premiere of 'Iron Man' last night (April 30, 2008) at Mann's Grauman Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

We have tons of pictures of Channing and Jenna arriving on the red carpet, and I even found some exclusive high quality photos of our favorite couple Chenna over on the movie site IESB.net. Enjoy!!!

You can now see the photos above and more in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery.

The Paramount Pictures big screen adaptation of Marvel's legendary super hero Iron Man stars Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, and Terrence Howard (Channing's co-star in his upcoming movie 'Fighting').

After a world wind promotional tour with premieres in countries like Italy, Germany, England, and Australia, the movie finally premiered state side in New York a few days ago and Los Angeles is it's last stop on the publicity train before 'Iron Man has an extremely wide theatrical release in over 4,000 theaters tomorrow, May 2, 2008. You can click here to watch the trailer for the film.

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