Showing posts with label Channing Tatum Posers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Channing Tatum Posers. Show all posts

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NEWS FLASH: Channing Tatum Added to MySpace's New Celebrity Site

I've been working on this for a while, so I'm happy to let you all know that Channing Tatum's official and only MySpace profile has finally been added to MySpace's new celebrity site.

This is a good thing for a couple of reasons. First of all, by having the profile listed in their celebrity directory, it makes it easier for fans to find it. Even more importantly, it makes it harder for posers (people pretending to be Channing) to fool fans with their fake profiles.

If you've been reading Channing Tatum Unwrapped for a while, then you may remember how we helped MySpace delete almost 700 posers last year. Sadly, as Channing's popularity continues to grow, more fake profiles are being created each day to try to fool fans. Being listed in the directory will hopefully help reduce the posers in the long run.

Feel free to CLICK HERE to find official MySpace profiles for lots of different celebrities and don't ever get fooled by a poser again.

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Friday, September 7, 2007

CTU NEWS: Why It Doesn't Pay to Be a Channing Tatum Poser These Days...

Seeing the page to the left with the following message would upset anyone who has not purposely deleted their MySpace profile:

Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.

Well, this is a message that some people are going to have to get used to seeing right now or very soon.

Just so you know, this is now my second all time favorite CTU post out of almost 500 articles about Channing Tatum. The first was the one where Chan asked CTU to be his official site (I'll never get tired of that one) and the third is a tie between my resent behind-the-scenes articles on Chan's cameo in 'Step Up 2: The Streets' here and here.

Why is this my second favorite post EVER? Well, it is my pleasure to be the first to tell Channing's fans (and to alert his many posers) that MySpace has officially started deleting approximately 700 Channing Tatum poser profiles. Yes you read that right...700 poser profiles.

The top three worst posers on MySpace had over 65000, 25000, and 3000 friends each. The second and third worst poser profiles have already been deleted and the worst one will be gone very soon (and the other offenders will follow). This by no means will get rid of ALL of the Channing Tatum posers on MySpace, but it will thankfully make a large dent in the problem.

So here's how it all went down...

I have been trying to inform Channing's fans for months now that Channing does NOT have a public MySpace profile where he talks to his fans. Some listened, some didn't. Many had their doubts no matter how much I let them know that everyone in his camp (including Chan) had confirmed that he did not have a public profile where he talks to his fans.

Well, I was contacted last week by an amazing mom of three by the name of Tracey Hamilton who is on a mission to "clean up" MySpace. Her goal is to make it safer for all of us by helping MySpace remove celebrity poser profiles and confirming official celebrity profiles.

Tracey worked tirelessly for two days and found approximately 700 Channing Tatum posers clearly pretending to be him and that is possibly more than even Johnny Depp and Paris Hilton. It’s a great commentary on Chan’s popularity, but it is really not good for his reputation and fans that the poser problem has gotten so bad.

Tracey sent me the 13 page list of posers and I sent it to Chan's mom who quickly sent it to everyone on his team (i.e. publicist, agent, managers). In a matter of days, Chan, his mom, and his team had a promise that all of the posers on the list would be deleted and I am happy to say that MySpace started to make good on that promise today.

So what's the moral of this story?

First and foremost, Channing Tatum does NOT have a public MySpace profile where he talks to his fans (nor does he have a profile on ANY of the other social networking sites).

Also, if you really want to get something done, tell a mom. Mamma Chan Fan (me), Mama Chan (Chan's mom Kay), and Tracey are extremely happy that there are going to be 700 less Channing Tatum posers on MySpace very soon, and we hope that the problem never gets this bad again.

Finally, don't mess with Channing's fans. As long as I am running this site, I am always going to work hard to show Chan that he made the right choice in picking CTU as his official site and that means that I am always going to look out for their best interests because they are fans and because I am lucky enough to call many of them my friends. Anyone who knows me knows that you don't mess with my family and you don't mess with my friends. This MySpace poser clean up is a perfect example of how far I will go to fulfill that promise.

Although the page is run by me and not by Chan, feel free to visit the Channing Tatum Unwrapped profile if you want to give Chan a shout out on MySpace.

This is a proud moment in CTU's eventful, yet short history. Thank you again to Chan, Chan's mom Kay, and to Tracey Hamilton for taking this problem seriously and helping to make the Channing Tatum fan community a safer place for fans around the world.

So if you had someone claiming to be Channing Tatum as a friend on MySpace and they mysteriously disappear off your friends list, you now know exactly why. And as always, if you are concerned about a profile or a person who has contacted you on the instant messaging sites, please email me at posers@channingtatumunwrapped.com and I will try to help you figure out if it is the real Channing or not.


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Sunday, August 19, 2007

WARNING: Watch Out for the Channing Tatum Posers Everywhere!!!

I have always hated posers in the Channing world and there are more than any of us can count. So now that Channing Tatum Unwrapped is Channing's official site, I feel that it's even more important that I try to educate fans on the severe poser issue that exists all over the internet.

It was brought to my attention by Channing and Jenna's friend Josh and by Channing Tatum Fan Brandi that numerous Channing Tatum posers on MySpace are already using the picture that Channing personally sent to CTU as proof of his identity to try to convince unsuspecting MySpacers that they are the "real" Channing Tatum.

I just really want to remind everyone that Channing Tatum still does NOT have a MySpace where he talks to his fans. He does NOT have a Facebook, Friendster, or Bebo profile. He also does NOT chat on MSN or Yahoo Messenger with fans either.

I am so sorry that these posers are fooling so many fans, so I want to do what I can to help protect people from the foolishness that is rampant on the social networking sites and instant message services.

Here is a prime example...Brandi (a person who asked me if she could use Chan's picture on her really awesome fan profile on MySpace and I gladly gave permission to, because the pic is for fans and she is a fan, not a poser) sent me the following bulletin that one of Channing's posers sent out to his friends on MySpace. Notice how much the post resembles the real email Chan sent to me:

Believe it of not I've been trying to answer all fan mail for a while now, but somethings wrong with my in-box thingy u know myspace always tripping. Plus I could not be more computerly chanllenged. I'm still gonna keep trying though. So if u get a message from me that u sent me along time ago dont be shocked.

I don't get on the computer that much. So when i do...myspace is always first on my list so i can talk 2 all my fans personally.

So anyways if you don't believe its me i posted a crappy picture from my side kick I tried 4 a long time to write in and put personal pictures up but then every body on myspace has my pics but I didn't know how to convince you it was me so I'm trying now with the pic from my kick....if you dont believe its me sorry. i still love you guys.

Yours, Chan
Just to make it really clear, this bulletin did NOT come from the real Channing Tatum. This is a letter crafted by a poser who is a reader of this site using the real email Chan sent to me and all of you. You can click here to see the real letter.

When I looked at the poser's profile, he currently has a ton of pictures from CTU on it, including Channing's birthday gift picture. His default picture shows Channing's cell phone picture with the CTU tag cut off. I sent him an email asking him to stop what he is doing, because it's just wrong. I hope that he makes the right decision and stops trying to fool Channing's fans.

I struggled with whether I should post his profile address or not. I have come to the decision at this time that I don't want to promote his site any further. All that you need to know is that if you encounter ANYONE on MySpace or any of the other social networking sites saying that they are Channing, please do not believe them. If you are concerned about a profile or a person who has contacted you on the instant messaging sites, please email me at posers@channingtatumunwrapped.com and I will try to help you figure out if it is the real Channing or not.

There are a lot of great fan profiles on the social networking sites that help promote Channing without trying to convince people that they actually are Channing. Support those profiles, because they are the true fans.

P.S. Because I have gotten this question, I want to make sure that everyone knows that Channing's girlfriend Jenna Dewan DOES have an offical MySpace profile. You can visit it at http://www.myspace.com/jennadewan. Jenna has a ton of posers pretending to be her too, so please only believe her official profile.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mission Accomplished...Channing Matthew Tatum is Now Official!!!

The revolution has begun (although it may not be televised)!

Channing Tatum's real name is now official on his profiles on Wikipedia and IMBD, because of CTU's discovery last week.

After I found out that Channing's name was incorrect on the two popular sources, I updated Wikipedia and I submitted an update request to IMDB last Friday asking them to read my article if they wanted proof.

Obviously, the staff at IMDB agreed with my conclusions, and they have now updated Channing's IMDB profile.

This is almost as good as when I debunked the rumor posted on Who's Dated Who that said Channing had broken up with Jenna Dewan for some person named Megan Dewall. Actually, I think figuring out his correct name may just be even better. :-D

CTU's mission is to debunk any rumor that I can so fans can get accurate information about Channing. If you have been reading the blog for a while, here are some of the things you have been able to learn:

  1. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan ARE still dating. (Yay!!)
  2. Channing Tatum DID NOT date anyone named Megan Dewall.
  3. Channing Tatum is NOT going to be in the movie Mongol.
  4. Channing Tatum's name is NOT (and never has been) Channing Bryan Isaac Tatum Anderson. His birthname IS Channing Matthew Tatum.
  5. Channing DOES have a sister and her name is Paige. I do not think that the whole 7 sibling thing is true at all.

    And if you don't hear anything else I have said, know this...

  6. Channing Tatum DOES NOT have a MySpace profile where he talks to his fans, no matter what ChanningTatumMySpace or any other poser on MySpace tells you. I have confirmed this over and over again with Channing's people, Channing's friends, and even with Channing and Jenna's friend Josh who sends personal pictures to CTU on behalf of the couple. Channing Tatum's girlfriend and 'Step Up' co-star, Jenna Dewan, DOES have an official MySpace. It is http://www.myspace.com/jennadewan.
It is truly amazing to me how far these posers will go. I recently had one of them try to convince me they were Channing and they even went so far as to thank me for the birthday gift we all gave him in April. That gift is and always will be extremely important to me and to all of the readers that contributed to it. Pretending to be Channing was very disrespectful to me, to Channing and to every one else who took the time to submit photos for the birthday gift.

All I can say is the MySpace posers better beware, because Mamma Chan Fan is coming after you next for fooling fans, giving out incorrect information, and for just being down right dishonest with people who desparately want to connect with Channing (the REAL Channing).

What's funny is that a lot of you posers read this blog. I'm telling you now that you are all on my radar and you can consider this your warning.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

CHANNING TATUM FOR DUMMIES... Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Hot Actor

As I explained in a previous blog entry, I have started a new blog article series called Channing Tatum for Dummies where I will answer the most frequently asked questions about Channing Tatum that I receive from readers or find on message boards all over the internet.

Here are today's Channing Tatum frequently asked questions and answers:

Does Channing Tatum have a MySpace profile?
CTU Answer:
No. Channing does NOT have a MySpace profile. There are a ton of posers out there, so please do not be fooled.
[ Click here to get more info on Channing Tatum's most popular MySpace poser. ]

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Laurie's Question:
Did Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan break up? (I hope not, I love them together!)
CTU Answer:
I am happy to say that, as far as I know, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan are still dating. This has been confirmed recently by a close friend of the couple and they were also seen together this past weekend hanging out with fans in California.
[ Click here to get more info on Channing Tatum and his girlfriend Jenna Dewan. ]

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Laurie's Question:
What episode of CSI is Channing in? (I can't find that anywhere! :S)
CTU Answer:
Here is everything you ever wanted to know about Channing Tatum's episode on CSI:

Series: 'CSI: Miami'
Episode Title: 'Pro Per'
Season: 3
Episode Number: 2
Synopsis: "A woman is killed during a posh party at an exclusive waterfront estate when a man opens fire on the proceedings from a cigarette boat. When a former con is arrested, he acts as his own lawyer and proves to be smarted than he appears. Complicating matters is the fact that the leading witness in the case is the dead woman's 10-year-old son, whom Horatio wants to protect, refusing to let him testify."
Original Airdate
: September 27, 2004
Guest Stars

[ Click here to get more info on Channing Tatum's CSI episode. ]

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Laurie's Question:
Are Channing and Jenna engaged?!? (Yeah... So cool...)
CTU Answer:
Sadly, I have not been able to confirm that Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan are engaged. Here is what I do know...I have read that they have been living together for a while now. The engagement rumors started when people began seeing the couple wearing what looked like engagement rings on their left ring fingers and you rarely see them anywhere without them on. I definitely hope that they are engaged. Chenna is my absolute favorite celebrity couple, and they seem to be perfect for each other.
[ Click here to see pictures of their rings. ]

UPDATE: As of September 7, 2008, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan are officially engaged. CLICK HERE for more information.

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Anika's Question:
How long has Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan has been together?
CTU Answer:
Jenna has said that they have been dating since Step Up wrapped up shooting in 2005. The movie wrapped up filming around the December 2005 timeframe.
[ Click here to get more info on Channing Tatum and his girlfriend Jenna Dewan. ]

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan StarGirl4321's Question:
So I know like almost everything about Channing but in all the
stuff I've read they have never mentioned if he has siblings. Does he?
I think I saw that he has a step brother or sister but does he have any
regular? If so, how old are they. Let me know thanks.
CTU Answer:
Although I have read a lot of different things online, I have only been able to "confirm" that Channing has one older sister. I don't know her age and I don't know if she is a step sister or not.

Thanks for submitting these questions! If you want to submit a question about Channing Tatum, email it ctfd@channingtatumunwrapped.com and I will try to get it answered for you in the following week's Channing Tatum for Dummies article. I cannot guarantee that I will have an answer for every question, but I will tell you what I know (or at the very least give you an opinion on the subject).

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

RANT OR RAVE?: Channing Tatum Playing Genghis Khan in 'Mongol' on MySpace.com

Please excuse me for this tiny little rant I have to get off of my chest...I really like MySpace, because I think it's a fun distraction. What I don't like are the people on MySpace that pretend to be someone they're not (aka The Posers).

I found one of the more popular Channing Tatum posers who tries so hard to convince people he is really Channing in order to advertise his photography business. One of his very recent blog postings says "he" has been given the role of Genghis Khan in the upcoming movie 'Mongol''.

Obviously he didn't do his research very well. Channing was originally awarded the part, but there was "controversy" around his non-Asian, Irish, Native American, and French ancestry. They ended up awarding the role to a popular Asian actor by the name of Tadanobu Asano. Here is a screen shot from the movie company's website showing who is (and is not) in the movie:

You can view it live at www.picturehouse.com. Sergei Bodrov (director, writer, and producer) started filming 'Mongol' on location in China and Kazakhstan in July 2005. The movie is currently in post-production and is set to release in June 2007 (without Channing). :-(

If I am wrong, then shame on me, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I just hate blatant liars. To protect yourself on MySpace.com (and in most places on the internet), it is always best to assume people are not who they say they are until they give you some undeniable proof.

OK, I'll get off my soapbox now.

UPDATE #1: I spoke with Picturehouse and confirmed with the movie company that Channing Tatum is not in 'Mongol'. I also confirmed with both Channing's Talent Agency and Management company he does NOT have a MySpace page. I stand by my rant whole-heartedly.

UPDATE #2: The profile has now been deleted by MySpace, because it was a fake. As of August 16, 2007, Channing Tatum's official profile on MySpace is http://www.myspace.com/channingtatumunwrapped. You can CLICK HERE to learn more about Channing Tatum turning this site and the CTU MySpace into his official sites.

[Channing Tatum Photo Provided by Channing Tatum's Current Modeling Agency]