Showing posts with label CTU Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CTU Interview. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: New Interview and Behind-the-Scenes Photos from the Director of Jenna Dewan's 'JANITOR'

On Halloween, Jenna Dewan's most recent film 'JANITOR' was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

'JANITOR' is the first-ever release of original short content on Microsoft's Xbox LIVE (XBL) and is part of their new "Horror Meets Comedy" series.

John Clisham, the director of the film short, contacted me recently and has provided some great exclusives for Jenna Dewan's fans here at CTU.

John is currently working on James Cameron's 2009 big budget, 3D sci-fi epic 'Avatar' , but took the time to send us some photos of Jenna on set and stills from the movie. He also shared with me why Jenna was chosen for the role and what it's like to work with the talented actress...[Read the full story]

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: Hanging Out with 'Stop-Loss' Director Kimberly Peirce

Channing Tatum, CTU Webmaster Q, and 'Stop-Loss' Director Kimberly Peirce

As most of you know, I just returned from a world-wind trip to Los Angeles, California where I had a ball living life LA-style for 5 days thanks to my best friend Natasha, 'Stop-Loss' director Kimberly Peirce, the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, Channing Tatum's mom Kay, and of course, our favorite couple Chenna (aka Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan).

Because I have so much to recap, I'm going to break my trip up into four different articles. For article #1, I'm going to highlight the first couple days of my trip where I got to catch up with Kimberly Peirce at her home/office in Malibu and learn more about what the director's been up to lately. I have a lot to cover, so let's get started...

My trip to LA was jammed-packed pretty much from start to finish. When I arrived last Friday afternoon, my best friend and I grabbed a quick bite to eat before we went home to get ready for dinner at a local sushi place called Tangu. After dinner, we went to a launch party for a new stylist and then we headed over to a luxury hotel in Santa Monica called The Viceroy to meet a few of her friends before we called it a night...and that was just the beginning.

On Saturday, we went to an insanely hard hour and a half long yoga class at Maha Yoga in Brentwood that had me using muscles I did not know even existed (until they started to hurt really badly a few days later that is). After class, I was really happy to find out for sure that my best friend's company and 2008 Teen Choice Awards Sponsor, Neutrogena, was going to be able to give me a ticket for the show (more on the show in a later post).

Believe it or not, it's really hard to get tickets to this particular event, because it's so popular. If you saw the show, you know that practically every big name in young Hollywood was in attendance. Chan, Jenna, and Kay all tried to get me a ticket to no avail, so I really lucked out that my best friend worked for one of the major sponsors. You'll find out exactly how lucky in a later post.

After yoga, I was really excited when I got an email from Kim Peirce confirming that we could meet up with her that day, so we went home to change and headed on over to Malibu. If you have not checked out Kim's official site, then you should definitely go to KimberlyPeirce.com to learn more about the talented director and her past, present, and future projects. The site is really cool, because it's centered around her home office that has the most fabulous views of the Pacific ocean.

CTU Webmaster Q on Malibu BeachKim was so nice to us. She took the time to help me learn a little more about the industry, let us take a walk on the private beach behind her home where she sometimes plays volleyball with friends like Matthew Mcconaughey, and even let my best friend borrow one of the DVD's she had just watched to research her next project.

One of my favorite parts of our visit was when she allowed me to look through all of the still photography from the set of Channing Tatum's Iraq war drama 'Stop-Loss'. You can check out a few of the high quality photos and an unreleased poster I found below:

Interestingly enough, I learned that Kim collects Barbie dolls from other countries and that she had just seen Chan at the resent 'Pineapple Express' premiere that both Chan and Jenna Dewan attended the Thursday before I arrived in LA.

And although an official announcement has not been made yet, she was excited to tell us all about a new film that she had just successfully pitched. The movie's story board was propped up against her fireplace in the middle of the living room showing a scene by scene breakdown of the entire film. It was really cool to get an insiders perspective on that part of the movie-making process.

Because they are still in negotiations, I can't tell you the title of the film yet (so excited to know something before it hits the pages of Variety). What I can say is that it's going to be Kim's first journey into comedy, and it's a romantic comedy at that. Not something you would expect from the director of dramatic films like 'Boys Don't Cry' or 'Stop-Loss', but you won't want to miss the film that is patterned after her own complicated romantic life.

She is currently working on the first draft of the script, and the goal is to start filming the movie in the next year or so, so Kim is on a very short time table as far as Hollywood movie-making is concerned. I definitely wish her luck with her new project and hope that everyone will support her whenever it releases.

Since the theatrical and DVD releases of the film around the world are coming to a close for the most part, Kim has pretty much wrapped up most of her promotional duties for Channing Tatum's 'Stop-Loss'. As far as the movie is concerned, Australian fans need to be on the lookout, because the film will have it's theatrical release in your country on August 14, 2008. The movie will also release on DVD in the UK on August 18, 2008.

I truly enjoyed my visit with the extremely talented director, and I want to thank her for her time, for all of the Hollywood scoop, and for sharing a bit of her life with all of us.

After we left Kim's we headed home to get ready for dinner. I had made reservations at LA hotspot STK weeks before and my friend also made reservations for us at the popular celeb hang out called The Chateau Marmount. I had my first random celebrity sitings at both places, because David Spade and his party ate dinner in a booth near us and amazingly, Sharon Stone sparked a conversation with me in the bathroom of Chateau. Needless to say, it was a very fun day and incredibly, it only got better in the days to come.

Stay tuned for my next three posts that will cover my LA adventures at the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, my day with Chan's mom Kay, and an amazing dinner with both Chan and Jenna at their favorite restaurant.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: News on Channing Tatum's Upcoming Drama 'Fighting'

It was really exciting to get an update on Channing Tatum's 2009 romantic drama 'Dear John' this past week, but I have some equally exciting news about Channing's upcoming film 'Fighting' too. News you can only get here on CTU...

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Bernice wrote me the following email that is the basis for my excitement:

First off I want to start of by saying that I love your site! I think your doing an amazing job. I want to write you a message to let you know that I saw an advanced screening of Channing's new movie "Fighting"! He did such a great job. I also noticed that you have a photo of him from the set, your very lucky! I love love love your site! Thanks for all the updates and keeping us, all the fans up with all the news!

Sincerely ,
Bernice V.

Inside Scoop on the Screening

If you know anything about me, then you will not be surprised that I quickly put my interviewer cap on to get the goods on the screening. Bernice was nice enough to give us the inside scoop. Here's what Bernice had to say about the first official screening of 'Fighting':

Where and when did you watch the screening of Channing Tatum's movie 'Fighting'?
I saw the screening on May 7, 2008 in the city of Northridge in California at the Pacific Theater.

How did you get invited to the screening?
I went to the movies to watch "Maid of Honor", and then I noticed a man giving out free movie tickets for advanced screenings. At first, I wasn't really interested, but then out of nowhere he flipped over his clip board and I saw Channing's face on the board. So my sister and I immediately said yes and that's how it happened!

Was it a test screening? Did they ask you to give feedback about the movie afterwards?
I do believe it was a test screening, because they told the whole audience that we were the first audience in the country to watch the movie. We had to fill out the question form after the movie was over.

Did the director or any of the actors attend?
Sad to say I don't think Channing was there! I looked for him everywhere because I know sometimes the actors do attend, but there was no sign of him or anyone else. There were a bunch of directors there, but they came in once the movie had already started, so it was hard to tell who they were.

Did they mention a target release date for the film?
They didn't really mention a date of release. They just said that they were still in the process of finishing the film by editing it and changing a couple things depending on the response of the audience.

What did you think about Channing's performance and about the film in general?
I think Chan did an amazing job in this film. He really committed to his role. During the fighting scenes and throughout the film you can see his determination and his desire to win. I think he did an outstanding job in his role. We haven't seen him in a role like this until now, and I'm sure well see him in many more. He also looked very fit and well trained for the role. The film was also great. I like the story line; it was a bit original. I also like how the love story wasn't too forced or overdone. It was just right. The atmosphere in the movie was great. Overall the movie and all of the actors were amazing!

Peter, who went to a screening the next day at the same theater, had the following to say about the film:

"I saw this tonight [May 8, 2008] at a pre-screening...When I found out it was directed by the guy who did "A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints", I knew it probably wouldn't be as run of the mill as usual. I was right. The movie has some of the most "electric" fight scenes in recent memory that literally put you on the edge of your seat...The interaction between the characters is authentic and there are little idiosyncratic things added in similar to "Saints". It's a great movie that I recommend to anyone who likes Underdog stories where the fight scenes are not run of the mill and straight forward.

The movie has some of the biggest crowd reactions that I've heard, spontaneous applause wise and there were at least 5 times when that happened. And on top of that, people were reacting to every movement in certain fight scenes, it was definitely a great movie going experience, audience participation wise. There is one scene involving a famous martial artist that had the entire audience yelling and clapping - the ENTIRE audience. I've never seen people so enthused in a theater - maybe AS enthused, but never more. If they market this correctly, it could be a sleeper hit. Terrence Howard is great and Luis Guzman as well. Channing Tatum...There's one scene where he loses it that is raw power by definition.

I was part of a focus group afterwards and when asked to raise their hands if they liked the movie, all 24 people raised their hands..."

CTU On the Set of 'Fighting'

From what Bernice and Peter had to say about the film, it looks like we have yet another amazing Channing Tatum performance to look forward to when 'Fighting' has its theatrical release on September 26, 2008.

If you've been reading CTU for a while, then you already know why I'm excited about the release of this film. It's the only movie set I have ever visited, and I got to meet Channing for the first time when he invited me to spend an unforgettable day on the New York set with him and the cast and crew of 'Fighting'. I can't wait to see if the scene I watched makes it into the film. CLICK HERE if you want to read all about my day on set with Chan.

Thanks so much to Bernice for showing CTU some love and for sharing her experience with Channing's fans around the world. As always, stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped for the latest news on Chan's film 'Fighting' (and almost everything else Channing Tatum for that matter)! ;-)

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RUMOR OR REEL?: Jon M. Chu Will Direct Disney's 'Step Up 3-D'!!!!

I am extremely happy to say that this one is "REEL"!!! Because of the phenomenal success of Channing Tatum's 'Step Up' and 'Step Up 2: The Streets', Disney has already decided to greenlight a third film called 'Step Up 3-D'! You heard me right people...parts of the movie will actually be filmed in 3-D!!!!

Jon M. Chu, the insanely talented director of 'Step Up 2', contacted me to let me know he is currently in negotiations to direct 'Step Up 3-D'. After seeing what he did with 'Step Up 2', I am keeping my fingers crossed that the negotiations work out, and we get to see another Jon Chu movie on the big screen soon. He's an extremely cool guy and very passionate about his projects and that passion translates well on screen.

Even though he's not officially directing the movie yet, here's what Jon has to say about 'Step Up 3-D':

"The MOST AMAZING DANCE MOVIE EVER and the FIRST 3D DANCE MOVIE since Michael Jackson's Captain EO. If you thought Step up 2 The Streets was explosive...this will knock you straight out of your socks. Get ready. It's on. Well, almost. We just have to work out our deals, which could mean anything."

If you want to learn a little more about Jon, feel free to check out a couple of great articles in The New York Times and the Palo Alto Daily News.

Most importantly, I want everyone here at CTU to wish Jon good luck on getting this directing gig. I don't know at this point if Channing will be a part of the new movie, but I can safely say that we all can't wait to see 'Step Up 3-D' in theaters (directed by Jon. M. Chu)!!! ;-)

Source: Variety and Jon M. Chu :-)

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Monday, February 25, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: 'Step Up 2: The Streets' Director and Cast Answer Questions for CTU Readers

Have I ever told you all that Jon M. Chu is my favorite director EVER!!! He has not only created 'Step Up 2: The Streets' (one of the best dance movies of all time), but he just sent me the awesome video below where he brought together some of the hot, new stars of the movie, my new crush Moose (aka Adam G. Sevani), Monster (aka Luis Rosado) and Hair (aka Chris Scott), to answer a few questions I sent him.

Want to know if the dancers used wires, if the guys in the video are single or not, and what it was like to work with Channing Tatum? You can CLICK HERE to check out the video they made just for CTU readers or you can watch it below:

It was sooooo amazingly cool of Jon, Adam, Chris, and Luis to make this video just for us here at Channing Tatum Unwrapped, and I can't thank them all enough!!! So let's all show our appreciation and go see 'Step Up 2: The Streets' one or five more times before it leaves the theaters!!!

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

FAN ENCOUNTER: Channing Tatum Hanging with Fans on the Set of 'Step Up 2: The Streets'

Some of my favorite posts to do on this blog are fan encounters, because it's always awesome to see how great Chan is to his fans no matter when or where he runs into them.

Thanks to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan SM, we now have a new photo of Channing Tatum on the set of his hit film 'Step Up 2: The Streets' in September 2007 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Here's what she had to say about her lucky fan encounter with Channing in a post in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped forum appropriately called "I Love Channing Because He Is So Nice! (My "I met Channing" Story)" :

"I had the pleasure of meeting Channing when he was on the set of 'Step Up 2' in September.

One of the scenes was being filmed at my mom's best friends house, and we were spending the few days they were filming on set with her. It was sooooo much fun. I met Brianna Evigan, as well as some of the dancers from the movie and Jon Chu (so awesome!!). We got word that Channing was coming to the set and that he would be filming (this was a scene in a house...I haven't seen the movie yet I've been sick all week Sad).

I was sitting in my chair watching the monitor, they had just called cut and I heard a voice behind me. It sounded familiar but I wasn't even paying attention that the transport had just dropped somebody off. Then there was a head next to mine, I looked over and this guy was smiling at me...I wanted to melt. He said "Hey! How are you doing today?" I said fine, and he asked if I knew where the water cooler was, and stood up as I was going for a drink anyway...I looked at him again and realized that it was Chan! He carried on chatting with me as if we had known each other forever and were good friends. I can't believe how sweet he was.

We walked to the snack table together, and then he went to change into his pants/shoes for the scene...he changed his shirt right there in the middle of the street. It was so funny, he made sure that it was ok first (ummm of course it was ok!!!)

So that is the story of the day I met Channing Tatum, and how he is one of the sweetest guys on the planet!!!"

Thanks so much to SM for sharing her awesome encounter!!! If you've been lucky enough to have your very own fan encounter with Channing Tatum, feel free to send your story and photo to sightings@channingtatumunwrapped.com so I can share them with Channing's many fans around the world. CTU is all about the fans, and I'm a sucker for a good fan story. ;-)

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: Channing Tatum Hanging Out with the Dogs of 'Fighting'

Animal trainer and dog breeder David Frager of Wildline American Bulldogs was nice enough to send me some really cute and exclusive photos of Channing Tatum on the set of his upcoming film 'Fighting'.

The adorable pictures were taken with Chan and cast mates after David's dogs finished filming four days worth of night shoots at a location near Jerome and 175th street in the Bronx, New York during the week of October 22nd.

David has been training and breeding dogs as a hobby since 2001 and even started the North American Bulldogs Club, but believe it or not, is actually a teen drug and rehab counselor by trade in New York City. Ironically, the dogs and Channing have a lot in common, because David's dogs started out modeling for designers like J Press Clothing and organizations like the ASPCA of New York before they broke into acting.

I personally can't get enough these pics that seem to show Chan in his true element playing with David's prize-winning pooches Chunk (aka Champion Wildline's Chunky Lover) and Chunk's daughter Mable (aka Wildline's She's the Bomb).

Although the gorgeous American Bulldogs may look intimidating and were hired by the film to do just that, 2 year old Chunk and 1 year old Mable seemed to have stolen Chan's heart. You also see Chan in pictures with David's dog Pimp Daddy (aka Blue Rivers of Wildline's Pimp Daddy), who is a smaller dog breed called a Shorty Bull. Chunk, Mable, and Pimp Daddy weigh in at 85, 65, and 30 pounds each.

During the four day shoot, the animals were required to do what's called a sit/stay for 6 hours at a time where they are required to be on the set during takes. When filming with animals, David explained that it is important for cast and crew on set not to play with the dogs for safety reasons so they can focus on the job at hand. David performed decoy work with the dogs which required him to wear protective gear as he enticed the normally docile dogs to bark and look vicious on cue for the scene.

He also said it was difficult to keep Chan away from the dogs during the shoot, because he liked them so much. The pictures he sent me were taken when Chan decided to stay two hours after he and the dog's final night shoot wrapped so he could play with the lovable animals. The phrase "lucky dogs" comes to mind....Sorry. I know that was bad, but I couldn't resist. :-)

Much like everyone else who has ever met Channing, David felt that the friendly actor was extremely down-to-earth and really great to work with. You can check out some of the photos of Channing Tatum, Terrence Howard, Luis Guzmán, Casper Martinez, Peter Anthony Tambakis, and others with David's dogs on set...

You can also find all 24 of the pictures David sent me in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped photo gallery. I would like to give a huge thanks to David, Chunk, Mable, and Pimp Daddy for allowing me to share all of these great photos with everyone!!!

Channing Tatum's movie 'Fighting' currently has a tentative August 2008 theatrical release date. CLICK HERE to learn more about the street fighting drama.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Pictures of Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan on the Set of Her Film 'The Jerk Theory'

Budding actress and Fabulous Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan fan Marci from Utah was recently lucky enough to work as an extra with Channing Tatum's girlfriend Jenna Dewan on the set of her new film 'The Jerk Theory'.

As if that wasn't cool enough, she also got an opportunity to meet Channing when he recently spent time with Jenna on the Utah set of the film.

Here's what Marci had to say about her encounter with the two extremely fan-friendly stars:

It was way awesome that I got to meet Channing and Jenna, they are both WAY nice! I was way excited and had to tell everyone when I got home, lol. It was awesome that I got to be a part of a movie that Jenna is in. The greatest thing is that in their free time on set, they spent time talking to some of their fans (including me :]) When I saw Channing in the hall I said hi to him, and we started talking a bit, and I asked for a pic. It was a great experience :D

- Marci

Here's some more great photos of Marci with Chan and Jenna and Chan taking pics with other lucky fans on the set of 'The Jerk Theory' in November:

Thanks Marci for sharing your photos and your experience with all of us!!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Picture of Channing Tatum with Fan on the Set of 'Fighting'

Thanks to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Bianca from New York, we get another great photo of Channing Tatum taking pictures with a fan on the set of his newest movie 'Fighting' when they filmed on 7th avenue between 54th and 55th street in New York City, NY.

Here's what Bianca had to say about her encounter with Chan and her close encounter with another CTU family member you may know:

I just wanted to say hiiii and tell you that I love everything you do for CTU! You do such a great job and I love reading everything you write! I'm such a huge fan of Channing!!!! Also thanks to you, I was on it last week and saw you posted where Channing would be filming his movie 'Fighting' and I walked to the set because I live in NYC. It was actually Monday October 15th...the same day you were there!

I got to see him in action and ended up getting the chance to meet him and take a picture with him. I was so excited...I never thought I'd actually get to meet him. He was soooo nice and down to earth...and extremely beautiful in person :) He was so cool and I loved how he introduced himself to me as Chan! ahh I see you're still on cloud 9 from meeting and spending the day with him...so am I!!!

Ironically, I am actually in Bianca's fan encounter picture, which is definitely an unusual occurrence. I was sitting behind and to the right of Channing in his set chair talking to Terrence Howard's mom who was also visiting set that day. To the left of Chan and Bianca, you can also see veteran actor Roger Guenveur Smith who I had the pleasure of talking to while Chan was filming.

Roger told me that he plays a character by the name of Jack in 'Fighting', who is the "money man" that funds the underground street fighting ring that Chan's character Shawn joins. He was on set that day to rehearse for scenes that he was going to film the next day with Channing and Terrence Howard. Roger also mentioned that his daughter is a huge fan of Chan's and had visited set recently just to see him. Roger has quite a long resume in television and film, and he can currently be seen in Denzel Washington and Russel Crow's movie 'American Gangster'.

If you have been lucky enough to take pictures with Channing, feel free to send them to sightings@channingtatumunwrapped.com along with your fan encounter story so I can share them with Channing's many fans around the world.

Thanks Bianca for letting me share your great photo with everyone!!!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

CTU NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Unwrapping Channing Tatum on the Set of 'Fighting'

Most people want to get to know "Channing Tatum", the actor. I'm a little different. I was always hoping my trip to his set in New York would help me to get to know Chan, the person, because that 's who I want to be friends with.

Well, I am extremely happy to say that I was able to get to know both Channing Tatum and his alter-ego Chan this past Monday on the set of his new movie 'Fighting'.

After months and months of researching and writing about a person who is obviously well-loved by his friends, family, fellow actors, crew, photographers, fans, and anyone else who is lucky enough to spend even a few moments with him, I was a little afraid that the real person may have difficulties living up to the legend that is Channing Tatum.

I am so happy to say that Chan not only lived up to the legend, he made me realize (without even trying and merely just by being himself) that everything I have heard, read, and written over the past year is a 150% complete reality.

Hear me when I say this...Channing Matthew Tatum is the real deal through and through. Read on to see exactly why I know this like I know my own name (which for the purposes of CTU is now Q).

Because I know the fans want details, I am going to let you know about how my day went down from start to finish. This will be the longest post I will probably EVER write, but I hope it'll be worth it...

I recently mentioned to Chan's mom, Kay (the sweetest woman you will ever meet), that I was going to be going to New York to visit friends. When she told Chan, he wanted me to come to set. Since I had not had the opportunity to meet him in person yet, I can't even explain how excited I was to learn this and could not believe my luck.

Fast forward to Monday October 15, 2007...

As I walked up to the set near 54th street and 7th avenue in New York City I could see Chan working on a scene outside of a little cafe called Fluffy's with Terrance Howard and Peter Tambakis (the actor who played young Nerf with Chan in 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints'). I stood there for a bit just to kind of take it all in and still disbelieving that I was about to meet this person that I had been writing about for over 10 months.

As instructed, I called Chan's assistant and he had me meet him so he could officially take me on set. As I write this, I can still feel the nerves in my stomach as we approached the small set. Once we made it there, his assistant (who for the purposes of this post I'll call B) took the time to explain everything that was going on around me. I learned about the different crew and about an area called "Video Village" where you find a bunch of TV monitors playing the scenes, producers with headsets, chairs with important people's names on them (like Chan's for example) and my home for most of the shoot.

It was crazy to see how intertwined the entire set was with real New York life. If there were no cameras and big lights, you would barely even know that the set was there. I felt sorry for all of the production assistants, because they spent most of their days trying to stop determined New Yorkers from walking strait through the shots. It was like wrangling cats at times, but they all did a really great job.

B then excused himself for a second so he could go get Chan and I could get my official introduction. As I saw them walking towards me, I started to get really nervous and decided it was best I looked in the other direction.

When Chan approached, he surprised me and I was so nervous, I actually screamed. As I quickly turned, I could see this very tall, green-eyed, gorgeous guy with a HUGE smile on his face telling me how great it was to meet me and giving me a hug and I instantly felt comfortable. From then on, it just felt like two old friends talking for the rest of the day.

As I have said before, my real name can be complicated to people, so I made the decision before I even got to set to have everyone call me Q. It's a name that I can thank CTU reader and Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Jan for and Chan had also used it in some the magazines he signed recently for all of us. It seemed appropriate and cool and from there on out I was Q.

The first thing we did was take pictures on my camera and my IPhone and Chan also had the set photographer take pictures of us too. Chan and I started talking and someone from the crew brought me a headset to wear while Chan was filming. It was really great because I would be able to hear all of the actors during filming and watch the monitors, which kept me very connected to him all day.

Chan had to get back to filming, but let me know that I could call his chair home as long as I was on set.

Chan was great about introducing me to crew, actors, and directors on set. I met Oscar-nominated actor Terrence Howard, director Dito Montiel, a handful of other actors, the director of photography, the film's executive producer (the boss) and a ton of crew members that all treated me like I was part of the family.

More importantly, all day everyone kept telling me how awesome, down-to-earth, and nice Channing is to work with. I knew after like 5 minutes, it was going to be hard for me to leave at the end of the day, because all of the people were just so amazingly genuine and cool to hang around.

Prior to coming to set, I was worried that I would not get any quality time with Chan, because he was working and I didn't want to get in the way. There was no need for me to worry, because Chan was such a great host. When he was not filming, he would almost always come sit or stand right by me and then we would continue our conversations. Even the few times he stayed on set to talk the director or other crew, he would wave just make sure I was OK. He took such great care of me while I was there and made me feel really special.

It was fun to watch how Chan interacted with the crew, the other actors, and fans on the streets too. Chan and Terrence had a fun fruit fight at one point that ended when Terrence threw an orange or some other round piece of prop fruit at Chan that almost accidentally hit an unsuspecting production assistant until Chan came to the rescue and caught it within an inch of her face.

It was also fun to witness the athletic contests that Chan, Terrence and Peter would have, presumably to stay warm on set. I recall a lot of talks about chin up contests and even witnessed some actual chin ups done by the actors on the green scaffolding that seems to be a staple on New York streets. Chan and Terrence are huge jokers on set, so it was really fun to watch their pranks go back and forth all day, but I have to say that I was clearly on Team Channing no matter how cute Terrence was. I also really liked to see how Chan would interact with fans when he was not filming. He would shake their hands, ask for their names, and happily takes pictures with them. It was fun to witness in person how great he is with his fans.

I really enjoyed watching him in scenes as he effortlessly dropped into and out character. Chan and Terrence would be talking about some random thing prior to the scene, the director would say action and they would all of a sudden be their characters. It was great to watch the entire process and how they kept filming the scene from all sorts of angles.

When Chan and Terrence got longer breaks, they would generally go back to their trailers with an intimidating looking production assistant and/or Terrence's body guard. Again, I didn't know what to expect the first time he got a 15 minute break. Honestly, I thought I would probably be asked to sit on set and wait for him to return, but Chan wasn't having any of that. Every time he went back to his trailer I was expected to follow. He was not going to let a little break get in the way of his hosting duties and again I felt extremely special to be allowed behind the trailer door to hang out with Chan and his assistant in his home on set.

In the half that I saw of it, Chan's trailer had what you might expect...a couch, a massage bed (explanation to follow), an entertainment center, and a kitchenette with refrigerator that held his tons of sports drinks and his special diet food.

Now to explain the massage bed...although the name will most-likely change, Chan's movie is currently called 'Fighting' and is all about the underground street fighting world. Sadly, this means that Chan has been getting beat up on for weeks now and still has two major fight scenes to film without a stunt double between now and when filming wraps in mid-November. Needless to say, the production has added massage therapy to Chan's on set perks, and I, for one, definitely think he has earned that privilege after hearing the stories of some previous fight scenes.

I really liked the trips to the trailer, because it's when I got a chance to learn more about Chan and what's going on in his life. For example, he is currently on a special diet prescribed by his weight trainer Will. A strict diet that seems to include a lot of vegetables that he's not a big fan of and interesting breakfast sausages that did not look too appetizing, but he ate as a snack. A lot of readers have noticed that Chan seems to be shrinking before our eyes and he told me that he had lost around 30 lbs for his role as Shawn in 'Fighting' because the director did not want him to be bulky.

Ironically, Chan had not seen his new movie "The Trap", so during one of our trailer breaks, he was able to watch the DVD of the movie that I had brought with me. It was cool to know that I showed him his own movie and validated his claim that he reads this blog so he can know what he's doing each day (in this case what he did this past summer when the movie was filmed).

On one of our trips back to the trailer, Chan checked the email on his new IPhone and found one from his girlfriend, Jenna Dewan. In the email, Jenna asked Chan to tell me hi. Since I am also a Jenna fan, it was really cool of her to do that. She actually was going to come to set that day, but got called away to Connecticut to work on her current film "The Six Wives of Henry Lefay" with Tim Allen, Andie MacDowell, Barbara Barrie, Elisha Cuthbert, Jenna Dewan, Paz Vega, Lindsay Sloane and Eric Christian Olsen. You can click here to learn about Jenna's shoot on Monday.

I also learned that he is looking forward to "preparing" for his next role as Hugh Thompson in Oliver Stone's 'Pinkville', which will begin filming in Thailand right after 'Fighting' at the end of November. Since the real life character had broken his back at some point, Chan is excited to eat and drink whatever he wants to get back out of shape for the role.

Although he does not seem to mind, Chan constantly has people pulling at him from all directions and on one our trips back to the trailer, some people from the production stopped us to take pictures of him specifically for 'Pinkville'. Chan will be in Thailand filming the movie for three months. Although he has invited me to come on future sets, I'm thinking Thailand is a little far, so I have got to find some spies over there or make Chan promise to send us a picture from his IPhone every now and then. Let's all keep our fingers crossed, because we can't go 3 months without new pictures of him.

Just to give you a couple of examples of how amazing Chan is as a person...First of all, B (his assistant) told me that Chan did not just want to sign the magazines that he sent to us. It was important to him that he wrote actual messages in each magazine, which just shows how much his fans mean to him. One day, set wrapped early, so B reminded Chan about the magazines and the next thing you know, I had them back in a week and a half so I could start giving them out to eager CTU readers. I want to give a big thanks to Chan, Kay, and B for making that happen so quickly.

Secondly, while we were in the trailer, I asked him if he could take a picture for an ill fan who is fighting a very horrible disease. Without hesitation, he was not only more than willing to do it, he took the time to write out a note for her and was really concerned that the picture convey the proper message. It was awesome to see how much he cared about a person he had never even met before. If my boys turn out half as thoughtful as Chan is, I would be one happy mother and I just take my hat off to Chan's parents for producing such a caring person.

Here are some quick facts I learned about Chan during our trailer talks and on set:

  • He really loves photography, but it's hard to find the time to do it. He actually showed me a gorgeous picture that he took of his real-life girlfriend Jenna Dewan. He also seems to favor black and white photos.

  • He loves to high-five people. I can count at least three for which I was lucky to be the recipient.

  • He likes to sing to himself and although he has never had a record deal of any sort and says he can't sing, I thought he sounded great. He also told me that Terrence Howard will be coming out with a record in the near future and really likes his music.

  • He does not like broccoli (sorry trainer Will).

  • He really likes gaining weight for parts or at least the process of gaining weight.

  • He wants to become a film producer so he can make films he wants to act in. He would love to play the title character in 'The Plucker' where he will probably get his first producer credit.

  • He tries to only take roles that interest and challenge him. Although he had a lot of scrips thrown at him after his previous successes, he is very selective about what he will take on.

  • He really likes watching movies, but as he becomes more educated in the film world, he finds himself analyzing the movies more. Also, he hates it when you learn all you need to know about the movie in the trailer.

  • He says that the fight scene days tend to be more tiring, not necessarily because of the physical demands, but mostly because of the emotional demands that are required of him during the highly-charged scenes.

  • He likes keeping good people around him. From his publicist to his agent to his managers to his assistant B, he bonds with the people he lets into his inner circle and they all understand that Chan is not about money, unlike many stars that will take any project just to get a pay check.

  • He likes to "go ghost" when he is not working. He tries to take time off and can disappear on people without notice.

  • He thinks he's a nerd. Says his calm, cool, and collected exterior is an act. (How cute is that?)

  • He likes to golf with his assistant and friends and tries to make time for it during filming.

  • If he had a dog, he would probably have a pit bull.

  • When given a choice on set, I am pretty sure he seemed to like the BMW.

  • He likes to go to amusement parks incognito and recently made the day of some very lucky fans when he was spotted with his assistant on a roller coaster at a local New York amusement park.

  • He does not have a preference in toothpaste. He just uses whatever is on the counter. Ironically, he says he might even be a little allergic to toothpaste. Although he does use it on a regular basis, it seems to upset his tummy a little. :-D (Fab Fan Marlie that was for you.)

  • He may have been a wee bit embarrassed by the baby pictures his mom sent to CTU. (Kay that's your cue to send more.) ;-D

If I had to describe Channing in a few words, I would say that he is down-to-earth to the Nth degree. If given more time, I would describe him with the following words:
  • Talented

  • Hilarious

  • Silly

  • Playful

  • Gracious

  • Hardworking

  • Driven

  • Warm-Hearted

  • Easy-Going

  • Absolutely in Love with Jenna (Can't stress that enough.)

  • Absolutely Loves His Family

  • Selective with Roles

  • Not About Money

  • Well-Loved by Everyone

  • Humble

  • "Computerly" Challenged (but tries REALLY hard)

All of the things I listed above make Chan one of the most beautiful and fun people I have ever met. You should notice that I did not include anything about his physical looks on the lengthy list of attributes.

Now, I'm neither blind nor crazy, so don't get me wrong, 6'1'', green-eyed, and svelte Chan is every bit of gorgeous (and then some), but once you unwrap him a bit, you see him as so much more. And its that "so much more" that gives him the "it" factor that I hope keeps him around for a very long time both in front of and behind the camera.

I spent approximately 9 hours on set and I loved every second of it. It was really hard for me to leave at the end of the day. Upon my departure, Chan and B took a few more pictures of us on Chan's phone in the trailer. We walked outside where Chan gave me another big hug and thanked me for all of the work I do on the site. I walked back towards the subway very grateful for the amazing day I had.

I was very certain of one thing...I could not be more proud to run Chan's official site. I also can't wait to see what is on the horizon for this amazingly talented actor and absolutely fabulous person who I feel privileged to call a friend.

I didn't think it was possible for me to be a bigger Channing Tatum fan. After hundreds of articles and countless hours spent on the blog and supporting his fans, I can honestly say that my set visit made me adore him even more, and I hope that my fan story helps you do the same.

So now when people ask me if I've met Channing Tatum, I can finally say "Yes" and tell my own Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan story.

You can now check out all of the pictures with Chan on set and with fans from my trip to New York in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery or you can also watch a video slideshow with many of the photos below.

Channing Tatum is a gift and he's officially been unwrapped.

P.S. Thanks again to Chan for inviting me to set and for everyone on set for treating me like I was one of the family. I can't thank you all enough for making the day so special for me.

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