Showing posts with label Biggest Fan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biggest Fan. Show all posts

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Channing Tatum's 2009 BIGGEST Fan Is...

Channing Tatum Official Site

Thanks to all of the Fabulous Fans around the world who entered the 2nd Annual Channing Tatum Unwrapped BIGGEST Fan Contest and took the time to vote for the Top 3 BIGGEST Fans!!!

To recap, I initially chose Channing's Top 10 BIGGEST Fans from all of your entries. Then, CTU readers voted to choose Channing's Top 3 BIGGEST Fans. The top 3 fans have won an exclusive autographed drawing of Channing Tatum!!!

Like last year, Chan's awesome family made the very difficult final choice, so I again have to thank them for taking the time to help me with this contest. Without further ado, Channing's 2009 BIGGEST Fan is...

Name: Brandi

City: Deepwater

State: New Jersey / USA

Age: 32

Social Networking:
MYSPACE (Personal), MYSPACE (Channing Tatum Fan Site)

Why Did Channing's Family Choose Brandi?: Channing Tatum's mother Kay had this to say, "Our choice from the "Top Three" would be Brandi from New Jersey. All of Chan's fans are amazing... it is so hard to chose. They are all "Tops" in our hearts. We know Brandi has been a loyal fan from the very beginning and it really shows. We are so truly blessed to have such wonderful people that care so much."

Favorite Channing Tatum Picture and Why?: I have many fave photos of Chan but the ones that stick out the most for me are the ones of him and Jenna. I think they are the most beautiful couple. In the photo that I chose you can just see the way he's looking at her, like shes the most beautiful girl in the world..so much love in his eyes. Shes just laughing and smiling and you can tell that this man lights up her entire world! Its just a beautiful picture!!

Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?: Although I love them all, I have to say Step Up. Its the first movie I ever saw with Chan in it. My best friend wanted to go see it and I wasn't really interested but I saw it had this really hot guy in it so I agreed to go. When Chan's opening scene came on, my mouth dropped to the floor! That was the moment for me. Before I got home that day, I stopped and bought Shes the Man! Besides this being the movie I first discovered Channing, I love the story line, he and Jenna had awesome chemistry in it and its just a really great dance movie.

Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?: Definitely the scene in Stop-loss with Channing and Ryan in the cemetary after Tommy's funeral. I think Channing really did an incredible job in this scene. When he's crying and pleading with Brandon to explain things to him, it's a very powerful scene and Channings character sucks you in and you sit there feeling every bit of emotion he's feeling.

I'm going with the same quote I chose last year and that is the one from Step Up with Tyler and Nora back stage. "I'm fighting for something that's real for the first time in my life" It's my fave, because at this point in the movie, I had fallen in love with Tyler's character and with him and Nora as a couple. Tyler finally realizes he has something really great going for him. I think alot of people, including myself have actually been in a similar postion before so we can relate to how hes feeling in that moment.

Favorite Upcoming Channing Tatum Movie and Why?: Oh definitely Fighting and Dear John! Hands Down!! I have to be honest about Fighting besides loving the storyline I have to say that Channing looks sooo hot in the Fighting Trailer, everything from his buff bod to his hair, I love him with all that hair on his head!! Its also the movie that Q from CTU got to sit in on for a day. All of us CTU readers got an inside view on her day on set so that makes me even more anxious to see this film. Dear John is a film Im extremely excited to see because its the first "romance" film Channing is going to be in. Its a really different role from what we are uses to seeing him play and besides that I love the book!!

Have you ever met Channing?: I'm sad to say no I have not met Channing. My best friend and I tried back in October when Channing was filming Dear John in SC. We took a long weekend and drove down to Isle of Palms to celebrate my birthday. Filming hadn't started yet when we were there. We knew Channing was in the area but it would have been like finding a needle in a hay stack. We did find out that around the 21st of October Channing filmed on the beach of Isle of Palms. We missed him by about two weeks :( I'm still holding out hope that my moment will come on day.

Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?: In the beginning, I had this "idea" of who I thought Channing was as a person. Over the last two and a half years I have found that everything I thought he was, is exactly who he is. He's down to earth, extremely funny, caring, sweet and respectful of his fans and anyone around him. He takes the time to sign autographs, takes pictures with fans, chats with them etc... He always seems to be on top of the world. Being an avid CTU reader has really made me see that Channing is a real person inside and out. He doesn't fall into that "Hollywood trap", he stays grounded and continues to be who he is regardless of all the pressures out there. He doesn't let Hollywood change him in anway. For that I think Channing deserves everything good that life has to offer. I also have to say the same about Jenna even though this is a "Channing fan" contest. She's adorable and I love them both! I wish he and Jenna all the happiness in the world! They both deserve every bit of it. This is why I am a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan!!
In addition to the autographed photo and at least a year's worth of bragging rights, Brandi will also win the following prizes:
If you didn't make it this year, no worries. We will be holding this same contest every January. Like Brandi, make sure to join the fan club and get or stay involved in the CTU community to increase your chances of winning.

Also, I will be saving all of this year's entries and may use some of them for future Fabulous Fan Spotlights on the site, so be on the lookout for those each month starting in March.


Love Channing Tatum?
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Check Out Channing Tatum's Top Three BIGGEST Fans for 2009!!!

Channing Tatum Unwrapped GQ Header

Thanks to all of the Fabulous Fans around the world who entered the 2nd Annual Channing Tatum Unwrapped BIGGEST Fan Contest and took the time to vote for the top three BIGGEST fans!!!

CTU readers have now chosen your favorite fans from the initial Top Ten, and the lucky Top Three have won an exclusive autographed drawing of Channing Tatum!!!
In addition to the autographed photo and at least a year's worth of bragging rights, Channing Tatum's 2009 BIGGEST fan will also win the following prizes:After tons of entries and thousands of votes, we're almost to the finish line. Channing's mom will choose the winner and Channing Tatum's 2009 BIGGEST Fan will be announced on this site on Saturday, February 28, 2009.

If you didn't make it this year, no worries. We will be holding this same contest every January. Also, I will be saving all of this year's entries and may use some of them for future Fabulous Fan Spotlights on the site, so be on the lookout for those each month starting in March.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Check Out Channing Tatum's Top Ten BIGGEST Fans for 2009!!!

Channing Tatum Unwrapped GQ Header

I really want to thank all of Channing Tatum's Fabulous Fans around the world who took the time to enter the 2nd Annual Channing Tatum Unwrapped BIGGEST Fan Contest!!!

It was difficult to choose the top ten last year, and you all didn't make it any easier for me this year. The Top Ten BIGGEST Fans for 2009 have now been chosen, so my job is done, and now it's up to all of you to pick the top three.

Just to remind everyone what's at stake here...

The Top Three BIGGEST Fans for 2009 will all receive a photo personally autographed by Channing Tatum just for this contest. Chan is extremely close to his family, and for the second year in a row they have graciously volunteered to pick Channing Tatum's BIGGEST fan from the top 3 finalists!!!

In addition to the autographed photo and at least a year's worth of bragging rights, Channing Tatum's 2009 BIGGEST fan will also win the following prizes:Without further ado...CLICK HERE or on the image below to check out the top ten and vote for the top three BIGGEST fans for 2009!!! Any CTU readers can vote as many times and for as many fans as you want to.

Channing Tatum Unwrapped's 2009 BIGGEST Fan Contest

Here are all of the remaining important contest dates:If you didn't make it this year, no worries. We will be holding this same contest every January. Also, I will be saving all of this year's entries and may use some of them for future Fabulous Fan Spotlights on the blog, so be on the lookout for those each month starting in March.

Love Channing Tatum?
Stay in the Know...Subscribe to Channing Tatum Unwrapped: Email | RSS

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Search for Channing Tatum's Biggest Fan

Channing Tatum Unwrapped GQ Header

Do you think you're
Channing Tatum's BIGGEST fan?
If you are, then this may be your lucky day!!!

It's my pleasure to announce Channing Tatum Unwrapped's 2nd Annual BIGGEST Fan Contest!!! A contest so BIG that I only do it once a year, and the lucky winner will carry the enviable title of BIGGEST Fan for an entire year.

Practically every time I turn around someone is telling me they are Channing Tatum's BIGGEST fan, so this contest let's us figure out who that special fan really is and reward them appropriately. Here's how it all works....

Fans will complete a list of questions that will allow you to explain why you think you're Channing Tatum's BIGGEST fan. I will then choose ten special fans from the entries and post their answers on ChanningTatumUnwrapped.com. CTU readers around the world will then vote for the Top 3 BIGGEST Fans and the lucky 3 will all win autographed pictures of Channing Tatum.

Here's the best part...

Channing is extremely close to his family, so for the second year in a row they have graciously volunteered to pick Channing Tatum's BIGGEST fan from the top 3 finalists!!!

But wait, there's more...

Channing Tatum Unwrapped's 2009 BIGGEST Fan ContestIn addition to the autographed photo and at least a year's worth of bragging rights, Channing Tatum's 2009 BIGGEST fan will also win the following prizes:

Want to be crowned Channing Tatum's BIGGEST Fan for 2009?

Fans can CLICK HERE to read why Chan's mom Kay picked CTU reader Allison as last year's BIGGEST Fan. This year, Fabulous Channing Tatum Fans all around the world who are members of the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Official Fan Club have until February 1st to submit your entry.

Not a member of the CTU Fan Club yet? Fans can CLICK HERE for more info, and you can also CLICK HERE to quickly register for FREE and get your members only password to learn how to enter this year's BIGGEST Fan Contest.