Showing posts with label Oscars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oscars. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Channing Tatum: Declared Up-And-Coming Hollywood Star by MCall.com

Here is a high quality (HQ) picture of the horribly adorable Channing Tatum at the January 13, 2005 Coach Carter premiere in Los Angeles.

It's no surprise to me, but today Mcall.com (aka The Morning Call Online) has declared Channing Tatum as an "Up-and-Coming Hollywood Star."

Obviously they're a little late on getting the memo, because we have all know this for quite a while. Tinseltown definitely has also recognized it, because of the 7 movies he has in the works. As they say, better late than never I guess. ;-)

Here is how the Pennsylvania-based online newspaper Mcall.com unwraps Channing Tatum...

Brawn Factor: Five barbells (Out of Five)

A former model whose big break came in Ricky Martin's video ''She Bangs.'' Tatum, 27, starred opposite teen star Amanda Bynes in ''She's the Man'' and headlined Disney's dance movie ''Step Up,'' which cost $20 million and made $100 million worldwide.

Spiritual Forefathers: Marlon Brando and Burt Lancaster. A man's man.

The Scoop: Though his movies haven't yet demanded acting range, his charisma has wowed insiders. He reportedly break-danced for Kimberly Peirce at his audition for the Iraq veteran drama ''Stop Loss,'' one of the most anticipated Oscar-hopeful projects of the fall.

I think it's really cool that Channing's upcoming movie Stop-Loss is already getting Oscar buzz. We were all hopeful that Channing would get nominated for his role as Antonio in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, but that never materialized. Maybe he will get another chance at a nomination for his role in Stop-Loss.

The thing I find really interesting is that he danced at his audition for Stop-Loss. Considering the fact that he plays a guy in the military, I doubt he will have to do much dancing in his role.

I'm thinking that the director (Kimberly Peirce) may have been a Channing fan much like you or me and might have had some ulterior motives in the audition. After Channing showed the people at his audition for the part that he clearly had the acting chops to play the role, maybe the rest of Channing's audition for the movie went something like this...

Kimberly Peirce (Director): OK Channing, that was a great reading. Now for the final portion of the audition, we want you to show us your dancing skills.
Channing: For sure...No problem. (Channing break dances, the audition is wrapped up, and Channing leaves the director's office.)
Casting Agent: Kimberly, why did you make him dance? The part doesn't call for any dancing.
Kimberly Peirce (Director): Come on. You have Channing Tatum in front of you. Wouldn't you ask him to dance?
Casting Agent: You've got a point.

Yeah. I think it went something like that. What do you think? :-D

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Channing Tatum: 2007 Film Independent Spirit Awards Best Supporting Actor Nominee

Halleluah!!!! The Independent Spirit Awards are coming! Did you hear me? The Independent Spirit Awards are coming!

Ok normally, I would be all excited because it's Oscars weekend and I would be getting ready to live in front of my TV so I can watch E! all weekend long and see what and where all of the stars are wearing, eating, drinking and partying. This year, I'm like "Oscar, Schmascar...Bring on the Spirit Awards!!!".

Why the change of heart? Well, this year I am much more concerned about the awards show that is considered to be the ugly step cousin of the Oscars...Film Independent’s Spirit Awards!

The lunchtime show is held in a tent and not a swanky overly expensive theater and the dress code is "anything goes”. If that is not a contrast to the highly quaffed atmosphere of the Oscars where you will find staple chef Wolfgang Puck with his proverbial filet mignon and lobster dinner, then I don't know what is. Why you may ask am I all of sudden so excited about a show I did not even know existed a few weeks ago...well Channing Tatum of course!!!!

This is one Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan that is not ashamed to say I need a Channing fix and I need it bad. I am not going to count the whole X17 crapparazzi debacle. Nor do I count the January sighting of Chenna (Channing and his real-life girlfriend Jenna Dewan) at a popular deli in West Hollywood.

So the last time we saw him at a public appearance was almost 2 friggin months ago and well, that's just too dang long to go with out getting a fresh batch of drool-worthy photos of Channing hanging out with the masses. We may even be lucky enough to get some new pics of the hot couple we affectionately call Chenna!! (play sounds of the Heavens opening up)

If you’re like me and can’t get enough of this stuff, then head on over to the 2007 Film Independent Spirit Award site where you can learn more about all the nominees and movies. The live unedited show will air on Saturday February 24, 2007 on the IFC Channel.

If you cannot see the show on TV, you should definitely take a look at the Film Independent Spirit Award site, because you will be able to watch a live webcast from behind-the-scenes at the awards show!

I have not been this excited in a long time about ANYTHING! For me, its kind of like the Superbowl weekend and all I can say is that if Channing does not show up on that red carpet (or whatever they lay out in front of that awards tent), I promise you, there WILL be repercussions...and a whole lot of disappointed fans.

Most importantly, let’s all just keep our fingers crossed that Channing wins his Best Supporting Male Actor award for his riveting performance as Antonio in the indy film A Guide to Recogizing Your Saints. Read this article to see why he was nominated and why he should win. Good luck, Channing!

Stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped for a recap of all Channing related events this weekend!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

RANT OR RAVE?: Channing Tatum Gets Hosed by the Oscars

Here's the RANT (but stick around cuz the rave comes later)...If you live in the US, I'm sure you've seen that phone commercial where the Dad gets his kids awesome gifts for Christmas and he just gets a tie or something completely mundane in return. Then he tells his kids that he "got hosed".

Well that's kind of what happened to Channing this morning. He gave us the awesome performance in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints and the Oscars gave him nada, zilch, no love at all. Although there has been positive buzz around his gritty, dramatic performance as Antonio in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, his name was not on the list this morning when the Oscar nominations were announced by former Oscar nominee Salma Hayek. Shame on them.

In case you care who did get nominated, feel free to take a look at the nominee list on the Oscar site.

OK now here's the RAVE...Channing may not have won a nomination this year, but don't fret. Anyone who can take themselves from modeling, to commercials, to lead movie roles in just a few years, is a very driven and focused individual. I truly believe he has many more years of strong roles that eventually will get the attention of the Oscar community. Regardless of what the Oscars say, he has won my award for Sexiest Actor of the Century. Who needs an Oscar when you have that, right? :-)

The Oscars will air on February 25, 2007 on ABC and they are hosted this year by the People's Choice winner for Talk-Show Host and Favorite Female Star, Ellen Degeneres.

Oh yea, and keep your fingers crossed for Channing to win his nomination for Best Supporting Male for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints at the 2007 Independent Spirit Awards on February 24, 2007.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Channing Tatum's Acting Award Nominations and Wins

DID YOU KNOW....As we all know, Channing had a very busy and successful year last year in 2006 with the release of movies She's the Man, Step Up and A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. All of his hard work has definitely paid off, because he has been able to add to his growing awards collection.

Here is a picture of Channing Tatum on December 10, 2006 accepting the Hollywood Life's Breakthrough of the Year Award in Los Angeles. Below you will find a list of all of the acting awards nominations and wins that Channing has accumulated over the past year:

Gijón International Film Festival (2006)
• Won, Best Actor for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
Shared With: Shia LaBeouf, Martin Compston, Adam Scarimbolo, Peter Anthony Tambakis

Gotham Awards (2006)
• Nominated, Breakthrough Award for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)

Sundance Film Festival (2006)
• Won, Special Jury Prize - Dramatic for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
Shared With: Robert Downey Jr., Shia LaBeouf, Rosario Dawson, Chazz Palminteri, Dianne Wiest For the ensemble performance.

Teen Choice Awards (2006)
• Won, Teen Choice Award Movies - Choice Breakout (Male) for She's the Man (2006)
• Nominated, Teen Choice Award Movies - Choice Liplock for She's the Man (2006)
Shared With: Amanda Bynes

Independent Spirit Awards (2007)
• Nominated, Independent Spirit Award Best Supporting Male for A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)

The 2007 Independent Spirit Awards show will air on on February 24, 2007. You can also read our blog entry on the Oscar buzz around Channing for his role in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.

[Photo Provided by WireImage.com]

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Oscar Buzz for Channing Tatum

There are very few teenage girls and frequent movie goers who don't know who Channing Tatum is. You may have seen him as Amanda Bynes' hunky soccer playing teammate in 2006's She's the Man, as Jenna Dewan's juvenile deliquent dance partner Tyler Gage in 2006's Step Up , or as the disturbed teenager and Shia LaBeouf's friend Antonio in 2006's A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints .

As you can see, the model turned actor has had a busy year. Well now there is talk that he may be up for an Oscar for his role in A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints . As a big fan of Channing as an actor and as a person, I hope that this is true, because his portrayal of the character is definitely award worthy. Learn more about his potential nomination at Movieweb.com and at TheBackstage.org.

[Photo Provided by Channing Tatum's Current Modeling Agency]