The Miniature Pennsic Shelter Challenge, sponsored by the SCA Miniatureists FB group was a truly fun project, working on creating a Norse/Viking style tent for my tinyfolks gave me much sorely needed mental/emotional respite.
a slightly aerial view of the new SCA camping tent for my tinyfolks, showing the carved framework, finials, and the doors, toggles, and striped sides...
I wasn't sure about adding the stripes to the canvas, but now I really like how festive it looks. I taped off the stripes with masking tape, and took the additional precaution of sealing the tape to the cloth with a very thin wipe of white glue, to prevent any of the red paint from creeping under the tape. It worked perfectly!
Nandina, in her Viking Age outfit, is standing outside the toggled closed tent doors.
but look, it is really easy to open up those tiny toggles and peek inside the tent...
This view inside shows how the ropes made from hemp cord are used to stabilise the wooden tent framwork, and how the taut line hitches are used just like in a full size tent to hold the whole structure together and squared off. I've started putting together camping gear for them: mattresses and blankets to start with. The little wooden six board Viking storage box that Ursel gave me has pride of place, and the tiny wooden bucket and dipper seem right at home here
The handmade toggle fastener sets for the tent give me great pleasure, they make a huge difference in the appearance. I hadn't realised how much adding a small practical detail like that would change how "real" the tent would appear... Now I think that I need to add actual toggle fasteners to my full size tent!)
June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | Kestrel's friends clothes | replace clothesline | yard waste bin |
2 | tiny green flannel dress | repair Nandina overalls | recycle bin |
3 | individual cheesecake | sew buttons on blouse | yard waste bin |
4 | shirt for Kestrel | old mattress off bed | recycle bin |
5 | Kenya tiedye top | bed slats shorter | yard waste bin |
6 | baked custard | Nandina overall pockets | yard waste bin |
7 | tiny giraffe | move towel holder | recycle bin |
8 | three tiny mattresses | bedrails attached | x |
9 | tiny Norse Viking tent | slat mat completed | x |
10 | x | pinafore front pocket | x |
11 | x | back porch lightbulb | x |
12 | x | x | x |
13 | x | x | x |
14 | x | x | x |
15 | x | x | x |
today's gratitude - the extra small clip-clamps are wonderful, they have such narrow tips that I can use them to aligh the silk ribbon to fray check the raw ends together, and they make manipulating the toggle pieces eversomuch easier. I would heartily recommend them to anyone interested in making miniatures, and will probably pick up a second set for myself
Time of Isolation - Day 833