Thursday, June 30, 2022

A very tiny tent

in which our plucky heroine finishes in the nick of time...

The Miniature Pennsic Shelter Challenge, sponsored by the SCA Miniatureists FB group was a truly fun project, working on creating a Norse/Viking style tent for my tinyfolks gave me much sorely needed mental/emotional respite.

time in the tinyworld:
a slightly aerial view of the new SCA camping tent for my tinyfolks, showing the carved framework, finials, and the doors, toggles, and striped sides...

I wasn't sure about adding the stripes to the canvas, but now I really like how festive it looks. I taped off the stripes with masking tape, and took the additional precaution of sealing the tape to the cloth with a very thin wipe of white glue, to prevent any of the red paint from creeping under the tape. It worked perfectly!

Nandina, in her Viking Age outfit, is standing outside the toggled closed tent doors.

but look, it is really easy to open up those tiny toggles and peek inside the tent...

This view inside shows how the ropes made from hemp cord are used to stabilise the wooden tent framwork, and how the taut line hitches are used just like in a full size tent to hold the whole structure together and squared off. I've started putting together camping gear for them: mattresses and blankets to start with. The little wooden six board Viking storage box that Ursel gave me has pride of place, and the tiny wooden bucket and dipper seem right at home here

The handmade toggle fastener sets for the tent give me great pleasure, they make a huge difference in the appearance. I hadn't realised how much adding a small practical detail like that would change how "real" the tent would appear... Now I think that I need to add actual toggle fasteners to my full size tent!)
June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 tiny Norse Viking tent slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x back porch lightbulb
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - the extra small clip-clamps are wonderful, they have such narrow tips that I can use them to aligh the silk ribbon to fray check the raw ends together, and they make manipulating the toggle pieces eversomuch easier. I would heartily recommend them to anyone interested in making miniatures, and will probably pick up a second set for myself

Time of Isolation - Day 833

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

whew! and also yikes!

in which our plucky heroine dodges a bullet...

The last 24 hours have been awful, a wild ride, a bit much, and are not over yet.

time in the tinyworld:

tiny tent closing toggles made from scraps of bone slab

Really glad I had Dr O remove the sketchy mole with a punch biopsy last week, turns out it was squamous cell carcinoma and not a simple keratosis... Fortunately, as best I can interpret the MyChart report, it was fully removed: "The deep and peripheral margins are free of squamous cell carcinoma in the sections." and since I've not had a callback from the dermatology office, I am assuming that no additional treatment will be needed and that the results can be discussed when I go back to get my stitches out next week. I suspect I will need more frequent body checks going forward...

~ creativity challenge ~
did a little checking on the fabric resource shelves, and there might be just enough of the brown brushed twill to make a jean jacket, depending on how much I will need to change the pattern to fit me. This color would be a great addition to my bridge season clothing. I figure that with luck I will only need two toiles, the first made up as is, to figure out where to make alterations, and the second to check those alterations work well. There are a few changes I would like to make if possible - add inseam pockets to the front, using one of the middle panel seams, and add a "motorcycle gusset" to the sleeve seam. This will be an interesting project.

Another text in the wee hours before dawn let me know that the situation with Mom has only continued to devolve. She became so abusive that her caregiver quit last night. She tore the emergency call button out of the wall. Fortunately the care home is willing to move her to memory care today, instead of the planned move at the end of next week, and from what I read in the texts from my SIL, they seem unfazed by mom's dementia behavior. My heart is so broken as to be turning to gritty sand.


June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x back porch lightbulb
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - that my house full of art supplies and tools keeps me from completely losing my grip on the end of my rope...

Time of Isolation - Day 832

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Tuesday tidbits

in which our plucky heroine enjoys better weather...

It was a lovely "June gloom" morning, the temperature dropped more than 30 degrees. Going outside was delightful rather than painful, as the overcast made it possible to gather in yesterdays well baked laundry without eye pain.
Does it still get called Mt Washmore when it is dry laundry needing put away? Somehow Mt Putmeaway sounds a bit odd, but also like one of those mountains in New England, named by mispronouncing some native word...Yeah, I think I am going to call it that from now on

time in the tinyworld:
I meant to share these two photos, one of the potential tent interior, which still needs me to add a better bedroll for Almandine than just a crocheted blanket (Nandina and Kenya are both quite cozy already, and a detail of the kolrosing that turns the shaped finials into "raven heads". Still mulling over adding tent toggles to fasten the doors... I found some really narrow ribbon, and am thinking that if I carve toggles from some scraps of bone, they could look like antler (which would be really suitable for Viking style.

~ creativity challenge ~
Hmmmm ... I am in fact considering making a jean jacket, I have this pattern I like (KwikSew 2895) which is the infamous jacket of 5 muslins, years ago before Sewing With a Plan was part of SG... I will need to start by making a new muslin or 2 to enlarge the jacket, as I am a bit wider than I was years ago, but at least I should not have to re-fit the shoulders, which are always my nemesis...

Also took a look at the pattern instructions, and since it has both side seams and a two piece sleeve, it would be quite simple to add the needed width at the side seams, with a small amount of additional ease at the two center front panel seams for my bodacious bosom. One thing I like about this pattern is that it is very sparing of fabric, since there are so many pattern pieces.

I had a looksee on my resource shelves. My fabric options are:
a. regular indigo blue denim
b. grey canvas (large-ish pieces from muslin for chore jacket)
c. brown brushed twill (not sure if enough, it is large scraps from making pinafore) d. jacquard linen in a sort of bark design (this is in a pale unbleached linen color, originally purchased for draperies, and would need overdyed).

I'm not really excited about any of these options currently... so will try and think about what would be the option that would get the most use. Most likely choice would be the blue denim, as the idea of a grey jacket when I already have the grey chore coat seems redundant.

I couldn't get the hardware on the back porch light to come apart so I could remove the burned out lightbulb and install a new LED one that worked. I went inside to one of the tool shelves and looked in the screwdriver box. Found the really stubby right angle racheting screwdriver (instead of the regular one I had been using) and got back to climbing Housefix Hill (it is adjacent to Chore Mountain Range)

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x back porch lightbulb
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - medical paper tape. It doesn't pull off the top layer of skin, but still sticks well enough to keep things bandaged.

Time of Isolation - Day 831

Monday, June 27, 2022

interrupted naptime

When we left our plucky heroine yesterday, she was still waiting for a callback from the consulting nurse hotline......

It has been a day. Starting at a quarter to 2AM when the phone ringing jolted me out of the sleep I had finally found. I leapt awake as always fearing that middle of the night call meant some dire family emergency. Instead, it was the nurseline calling me back, fourteen hours after I joined the queue. Since I had already made an appointment to see a practitioner at the closest micro-clinic at their earliest morning time slot, the callback was actually not necessary. There was no way I could have contacted them to cancel my request, and quite frankly, I had given up on hearing from them, and never occurred to me that I would get a call in the wee small hours of the morning.

So, after only a few additional hours of sleep I ready to ride my bike to one of the local Express Care to see a doctor (well actually a nurse-practitioner)... Since it was forecast to be another excessively hot day, my plan was to get my oddly reactive bug bite examined, and go hide at home away from the hot yellow daystar. It turns out that the little storefront almost but not quite Urgent Care clinics are just the right sort of thing. I was mightily impressed with the option of making an appointment online for that day/next day, and certainly the care was good. Being able to walk in with no waiting for hours in a room full of people, being seen quickly and then on my way (to the pharmacy) This seemed a good model for things not overly complex, of a level of care just below the big urgent care or ER, but quicker than getting an appointment several months later at primary care. Would that all neighborhoods had something similar. (This is part of the Providence system, so ties in directly with my other medical care)

Tomorrow I will put together a bid for Vasalisa, who would like me to create an enamel medallion for her husband Bjorn, who recently was awarded membership in the Order of the Grey Goose Shaft, in recognition of his activity in the archery community. I have never made that regalia, so it will be a challenge. I have also had a few other contacts today, one about an unusual sewing job, and one about helping a friend repair a particularly significant ring. Never dull here at Acorn Cottage!

time in the tinyworld:
I ran across a British TV series that may be of interest to folks here... "The Great Big Tiny Design Challenge"... teams of miniaturists compete to create rooms, it is fun to watch in the same overall style as Great British Baking shows. Access online is difficult but I have found a few full episodes here and there. Here is a preview:

The worst part of the day was that several hours after a perfectly calm phone conversation* with my mom, I was almost asleep for a very needed nap when the phone rang again and it was Mom calling me again, agitated, angry and threatening self-harm. (Mom has dementia and is in a care facility thousands of miles from where I live) While this is the first time she has called me in the middle of one of these "storms" apparently this has been a daily occurrence for both my sister and my sister-in-law. It was awful, because since she is no longer rational, there is no way to calm her, especially over the phone. Eventually the nurse arrived on the scene there, called by Mom's caregiver, and I was able to hang up. Later messages let us know that situation had been defused. This is heartbreaking. Dementia is an evil set of diseases that steals those we love.

~ creativity challenge ~
Sewed small snaps onto squares of muslin, and then sewed the squares on the tent canvas in a way that allowed the cloth to anchor around the dowels that form part of the tent frame. Trying to decide if my tent also needs tiny toggles and loops to hold the doors closed... I found some thin silk ribbon that could become loops. Maybe attempting to make tiny toggles would be a start? but what to try and make them from?? Three more days until the end of the Tiny Pennsic Shelter Challenge.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - dear M had the time to listen to me for a good long time and help me come back to myself after the awful phone call. And sister is going to send me a whole packet of Mom's writings (poetry and essays) that I will be archivist for. Over time I will sort them out both chronologically and by topics, in the hope of printing out some small pamphlets of her work to share with siblings and their children. My hope is that in reading through these I will be able to remember Former Mom, before dementia stole her away. I miss her dreadfully, her sense of whimsy and the absurd, and her kind and thoughtful interest in all of us.

Time of Isolation - Day 830

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday snippets

in which our plucky heroine is appalled but not surprised...

The state of the larger world continues to devolve. Though I live in a state where a a woman's right to decide what happens with her body is protected in the state constitution, many do not, and this issue is only the most well noticed of several very recent changes wrought by OWLs* and their cohort. I am equally concerned about precedent, about the loss of Miranda rights, and about the public funding of private religion based schools. Not to mention the next up challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency.

The state of the smaller world is somewhat fraught as well. My mother continues to slide down the dementia slope; she will be moving next week into the memory care unit at her care home. My biopsy site seems to be healing well. I am waiting  (about four hours so far) to hear back from the nurse hotline about the new troublesome insect bite? on my right arm next to my elbow, as over the last three days it has become larger, more inflamed, hard and blistery. If I don't hear back, I am going to call my doctor first thing tomorrow morning. The last thing I want is another bout of cellulitis or worse.

time in the tinyworld:
Current progress on the Mini Pennsic Shelter Challenge: starting on the tent "canvas"... I'm pretty happy with the shape I was able to pattern, it fits the frame well. Next step will be figuring out how to attach it to the frame, and possibly adding some decorative stripes. I created the tent cover "canvas" as a fully lined single piece, by backing the unbleached muslin with linen gauze, stitching around the edges, and turning the whole complex shape right side out to make a piece with all the edges finished. Rather similar to making a collar, and the same technique I use for most of the tinyfolk clothing. It means hemming the edges isn't necessary

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Today my friends Bob and Sam came by, and Bob installed the AC back in the bedroom window. This will make a big difference, as it is supposed to be close to 100F today and almost as hot tomorrow, before the heat wave breaks

Time of Isolation - Day 829

OWL = Old White Liar<

Thursday, June 23, 2022

pop top time

in which our plucky heroine takes it slow...

My arm is still sore after the biopsy yesterday, and doing things that tense that area are painful. Despite that, I managed to get a small amount of yard work done, cutting back the ferns that block my access to the side yard and the clothesline, and doing some belated thinning of the apple tree. It is really odd seeing what trees are fruiting this year; the plum is quite decimated as the flowers coincided with the unseasonable snowfall this spring. Half the apple has fruit, the other half (a different variety) has one single apple. The quince and the persimmon seem unscathed by our peculiar weather.

this is a very thoughtful and interesting article about the relationship between corn and humans, well worth the time it takes to read it:

time in the tinyworld:
Photos tomorrow when I complete kolrosing the tent finial raven head details. I was able to source some charcoal from the last time the barbeque was used several years ago, there were a few unburnt coals still in the base. I ground them to powder in one of my mortar and pestle sets, which worked quite well on the one tent board...

Thinking about what sewing project to do next, and still feeling the urge for a bit of colorful summery something. It is probably time to take apart the several multicolor rayon garment bits and recombine them into a popover top. Instead of a popover dress. Does that make it a pop top? Some of the fabric was purchased in the mid 80's, for the tunic I wore to my college graduation, other pieces were recombined with that for a summer dress years and several sizes ago. There is enough, I think, to make a lightweight top to wear under pinafores, and get some additional years of wear from the silky quality fabric. Good things last...

8mm punch biopsy on my upper arm yesterday, and it will be a week or two before the results return. I have three stitches in my arm, which is (understandably) still very sore. Dr said that the regrowth didn't look sketchy, but better to be safe and take it all out. While I was there I had a whole body scan to check if there was anything else of concern. Thankfully, there was nothing concerning. I always recommend folks get checked, especially parts you can't see; I had a friend die of melanoma, which started on the back of her ear. I wear sunscreen, and cover up as much as possible, my head kerchief is not only a decorative accessory, but protects the top of my head whenever I am not wearing a sunhat...

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
yard waste bin
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
recycle bin
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - today at the grocery store the clerk gave me the (singular, almost ripe hence looking a bit battered) nectarine I picked out for free. And then when the coupon I wanted to use on the dark brown sugar was expired, she gave me a system discount instead. Every little bit of kindness makes a difference.

Time of Isolation - Day 828

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

jumping the queue

in which our plucky heroine is worried...

So, I called my PCP this morning to ask about seeing dermatology again. I had a mole biopsy in April which was benign, but it has grown back much wierder and larger, is uncomfortable/painful, and has a black spot in the middle. Was told I didn't need a second referral, that first referral was good for a whole year.

Then called dermatology.... Was told that the soonest they were scheduling clinic appointments in mid November, and that they would put me on the waitlist instead, and would I please send them photos of my arm mole. Very challenging to take macro pictures of own arm, but I did my best and sent those off to the portal. Just got a call back to please come in tomorrow. I am both pleased to get seen so very quickly, and hella worried. Jumping the queue is not usually a good sign.

time in the tinyworld:
I've been keeping my calm during the last week by handstitching tiny mattresses for my tiny friends. Found some fabric scrap that is two thread strips woven in black and white, that really looks like ticking. I want to figure out how to make tiny bedding, and either little wool blankets or little sleeping bags for when they are camping... I wish I had some nice plushy cotton flannel, which would be in scale as if it were "wool", time to rummage around in the fabric scraps some more! (I don't want to cut up any of my own nice soft pillowcases!!)

Riding my bike is my respite from all the assorted foo. It is when my cranky back is the happiest, it gets me out of the house, away from brooding about various personal and socially troublesome issues, looking at things further away than across the street, and incidentally is good exercise. Yesterday I was riding along the bluff in the early evening and the Fremont bridge was looking particularly lovely.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 three tiny mattresses
bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude -  the ability to access medical care.

Time of Isolation - Day 826

Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday miscellany

in which our plucky heroine thinks long thoughts...

I want there to be new holidays, different holidays, ones that are not Hallmark holidays. This last weekend with all the Father's Day foo rah rah was actively painful. Which got me thinking about holidays, their functions as both social glue, and as a way of placing ourselves in time, that the circles of the year are full of signposts, and it would be a good thing if those signposts were richly full of significance instead of primarily slathered in shopping related token artifacts. That I don't know what different holidays would be like is a symptom, I think. And I miss most dreadfully those anchor points of the Before Times now gone, the festivals and events that were the framework of my personal year...

time in the tinyworld:
Ropes have been added to the Norse long tent framework. Hemp cord standing in for manila rope, four taut line hitches serve to tighten the ropes that hold the framework stable. Nandina is getting quite a bit of campcraft experience...

This week I plan on working on the cloth "tent canvas". After sorting through my various scrap bits of cotton muslin and plain linen, I chose a piece of unbleached cotton/linen. Now to mull over how best to attach the cloth to the framework... hmmm....

Also thinking about decorating either of the tent fabric, and/or the wooden framework poles. Tent fabric could be painted? wood might have pyrography? While my own pavilion has carved animal head finials, it would be difficult to do woodcarving on such thin wood as makes up this frame. Then my pal Liutgard suggested kolrosing. I promptly began sorting through the rubbish bin in the workshop for the small offcuts from making the tent framework, in order to make some samples...

Since the challenge is for the shelter and specifically not for the interior, I will be focusing on getting the tent itself completed by the end of the month deadline. I am already having plenty of ideas for how to furnish their tiny encampment: suitable bedding, a little ice chest, benches for seating, a fire pit (maybe with fire cooking tools), etc. They definitely need a banner, and I'm thinking that one of my own SCA badges would be suitable heraldry for a banner, as Nandina et al are part of my household

Sigh... mom has not been settling in well at the care home. Though she sounded okay when I spoke with her earlier today, later today when sister spoke with her she was very agitated and angry. Sister phoned me afterwards and I spent about an hour discussing, commiserating, and being supportive.  And she is going to be moved to the memory care unit probably in ten days, so that will be another adjustment for her, with additional disturbance and disruption, which will probably exacerbate her dementia. I have been trying to do research online about how to deal with the situation, which is incredibly common. It can often take several months for people with dementia to adjust, if they ever do, to their reduced circumstances (moving from independent living to assisted living, from assisted living to memory care) the care that keeps them safe and healthy is a constant reminder of the freedom they don't have and the aging that cannot be reversed. I know I would hate to be in such a situation, but need to remind myself that my mental state is not her mental state. And mom has not been "happy" for many many years, not just since the move. And I kept telling her it was normal to be unhappy after losing a spouse after 68 years of marriage, and that we were all sad. I know she keeps saying that she "hates it there" but there is no other option. There is no way for her to get from there to here, and none of us have the strength to do physical caregiving. Still, I cry. And I feel badly that I am not there to help more...

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - today it was warm enough and dry enough to hang the laundry on the clothesline. Usually I start doing that a lot earlier in the year.

Time of Isolation - Day 825

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday snippets

in which our plucky heroine misses Dad...

Young Dad and younger me... I will miss you every day forever. You were my example of loving faithfulness, of life long learning, and of an unfailing sense of adventure. While I know not everyone is fortunate to have a father like you, I am grateful for all the years you were here with us.


time in the tinyworld:
While hanging out with Ursel for Crafternoon zoom today, I worked on tinyworld camping mattress stitching, and am well more than halfway done. The two thread stripe fabric really looks like ticking. I'm having all kinds of good ideas for my mini SCA event/camping project. I want to try making an ice chest cooler, and a tiny banner... They can use one of my SCA badges as their heraldry...

I made my own pad see ew for late lunch early dinner here... came out quite good, if not with the true sear a restaurant kitchen will give it. I think that next time I will use frozen shrimp instead of frozen chicken, and it will be even better. Am also thinking about making up a big batch of the sauce to keep in the fridge, since all the ingredients are also fridge stable, it would save time to just be able to dip out some when desired...

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - It is wonderful to see the assorted photos and videos that Jen shared with me of Kestrel "unboxing" the gifts I sent her... a kiddo smiling is worth a thousand words (at least) And I managed to hit the sweet spot between too big to wear, and small enough that it will be immediately outgrown, the shirt for her is noticeably big, but wearable like a very short tunic top, and Jen thinks she will get almost a year of wear from it. So huzzah!

Time of Isolation - Day 824

Saturday, June 18, 2022

gimme shelter

in which our plucky heroine begins a tiny tent project...

The FB SCA Miniaturists group is currently sponsoring a Mini Pennsic shelter challenge. I decided that making a miniature SCA Norse long tent, that will be sized to fit at least two of the mattresses and the small 6 board chest my pal Ursel made for Nandina.
The dowels that connect the front and rear triangular framework need to have smaller end pegs that pass through the frame to hold it all together. I realised today that I could use the same technique that I use for full size pavilion poles, drilling a centered hole as a socket to hold the sturdy pin
Sturdy toothpicks are glued in place to make a suitable central peg for the larger dowels that form part of the framework. They will be trimmed to length and the tip sanded smooth.
Each of the three dowels has a trimmed and smoothed central peg added to both ends, so that the dowels will be used to pin the triangular framework together and act as anchor points for the ropes


June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - It is wonderful that the miracle of modern technology allows us to view a livestream of the extensive SCA court activities currently happening at June Faire in Dragonslaire. I have been sitting and watching at home, and also sitting and sanding the pieces that will become the Norse tent

Time of Isolation - Day 823

Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday fragments

in which our plucky heroine hangs on to the knot at the end of the rope...

Today I was sad. I miss conversation with my parents. It cannot be helped, just must needs gradually become part of the shape of my life now. I know that the last few years of my fathers life, once the pandemic began, were straight up more and more difficult for him with no respite, but that was his choice. When I speak with my mother on the phone now, as I do at least every other day, it is a struggle to converse. Not going to give up though, as long as she knows who I am. I can only hope that she is enjoying the images I send to the digital photo frame, and I wish that we could have a regular zoom call, if that would be not too confusing. Maybe once she moves into memory care we can set that up as a regular activity for her?

~ creativity challenge ~

the completed tiny giraffe for Kestrel...

It was too rainy to do yardwork. So I did a bit of sewing instead. Found a denim bag flap I made years ago, embroidered with my acorn-and-oakleaves badge, and decided to turn it into a front pocket on the bodice of my denim pinafore. It worked well, once I bound the edges with a scrap of indigo striped fabric and sewed it in place. I think that all pinafores from now on will have handy bodice front pockets.

time in the tinyworld:
sunglasses as worn, I think they look very hip!  Wondering if I can get more "fancy colored" paper clips and if there is interest in providing these for folks. I also added both side pockets and a front chest pocket to Nandina's overalls. Changing the pattern to have the straps snap and unsnap at the center back makes them a lot easier for dressing her as well.

I'm starting on another online challenge, this one in the SCA Miniaturists FB group, to create "a shelter for mini Pennsic" . I decided that making a little SCA Viking style A-frame tent would be a fun project. Just because I am not eventing this summer, doesn't mean that my tiny friends can't have some camping activity. The contest is just for the tent/shelter, not the interior furnishings, so is a realistic amount of makerie to try and get done in the next two weeks. I've started sawing out raven heads on the ends of little basswood lumber, and have some ideas of how to make the rest of the parts: six flat boards, three dowels, some miniature "canvas" and some cordage. I'm thinking that it will also be fun to make additional camp fittings, in addition to the six board chest that Ursel made, and the soapstone vessel from Riia.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x pinafore front pocket
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - I love my Green Lion sawframe. Works on metal, works on wood, works on all sorts of things...

Time of Isolation - Day 822

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday thoughts

in which our plucky heroine feels a little better...

The second day of rice cereal seems to have done the trick of soothing my savage interior. Tomorrow will be food with flavors. I have been planning out various weekend projects, depending on how the weather behaves. Either yardwork, or sewing, or scribal art. I miss having yardwork helpers so very much. Today I cut back all the gone to seed euphorbia, to prevent it from spreading around the yard.

time in the tinyworld:
funglasses sunglasses... got to this a bit late for the @mayminimakers challenge, but I decided to go ahead anyhow. "Day 28: Paperclip challenge". I've had this stripey paperclip for ages, and the colors reminded me of some sunglasses my mother had when I was a child, that were red with tiny white polkadots. I found an online tutorial of how to make miniature eyeglasses, and then had the bright idea to turn them into sunglasses. Used a paper punch to cut some tiny discs from the lens of the eclipse-watching glasses I saved as a memento, then wedged the discs into the wire frame. In order to keep the discs in place, I filled in behind the disc with tacky glue and let it dry overnight. Et voila, a tiny summertime accessory suitable for Nandina and her pals!

Yesterday I learned that yard ferns can be pruned... they can be cut back to ground level and will grow back all nice and fresh. BUT... it should be done in early spring. Somehow I don't think that mid June is early spring. I may try and cut back the lower former fronds that are all brown and dessicated, to make the path to the backyard easier to navigate. And I will make a note in my journal for next spring.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
yard waste bin
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - I love my Microplane rasp... it made quick work of removing the zest of half a dozen lemons.

Time of Isolation - Day 821

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

rice is nice

in which our plucky heroine is under the weather...

Despite not feeling 100% I manage to get the Kestrel treats packed up and off to the post office today. Came home and promptly fell asleep for an afternoon nap, then got up feeling even more unwell (tummy collywobbles, fingers crossed it is not the plague). Feeling pretty queasy still, so am going to stick to rice and tea and applesauce for a day or two. My cunning plan for lemon creme brulee will have to be put on hold, and I will have to sort out what to do with all the extra lemons I foolishly ordered... (edit: apparently lemon zest freezes quite well, as does juice)

time in the tinyworld:
What a success! Whilst out walking I picked an assortment of Very Small weed flowers, and was able to make a few tiny arrangements to enliven the living room atop my entry cupboard. I may have to find and plant some assorted ground cover weeds? as a miniature cutting garden. That would be a fun thing to do in one of the four salad table trays! Hmmm maybe go check at the local outdoor garden center...

In preparing the fridge prior to my trip east last month, I tossed a number of things into the freezer, in a semi-experimental way. One of which was a pan of spinach rice bake, a favorite quiche-esque side dish/breakfast meal. Turns out it freezes just fine, as there are enough other foods (rice+cheese+eggs+veg+dairy) mixed in with the eggs to keep it freezer stable. This means I can make it ahead, cut into portions, and freeze them individually. Much better than taking up half a fridge shelf in the wee coldbox.

Yesterday I began doing a bit of the massive amount of weed whacking necessary to reclaim the backyard. Ugh, at the rate I can cope with, it will take several weeks. And I am so allergic. (should have remembered to wear a mask in the backyard, will try that tomorrow) After about fifteen minutes had to come indoors, change clothes, take a shower (well not in that order) and drink some fizzy vitamin C drink. Still, cannot just ignore the waving tall grass that is going to seed, and I need to be able to get to the apple tree to thin the apples. I also want to get the tomatoes planted in the new raised planter. Which means getting TO the planter! Today I feel rather ill, probably from the pollen exposure, fingers crossed it is nothing worse.

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 tiny giraffe
move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude
- I learned patternmaking for small toy animals when I was a youngster, and my brain retains that sort of informational skillset

Time of Isolation - Day 820

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

bizzy buzz buzz

in which our plucky heroine notes slow but steady progress...

One thing I have really been enjoying is the current "10 days of art no words challenge" that is making the rounds on FB. It is a good contradiction to the feeling of I never accomplish anything, and is a true delight to see all the things friends of mine are also doing, and what a wide range of activity we don't usually get to know.

~ creativity challenge ~
I've been making this tiny felt giraffe toy for Kestrel. Not quite finished yet, as it still needs stitched up the rest of the way, and adding spots, horns, ears, and facial features. This is all because my Sewing Nomads pals suggested that I add pockets to the tee shirt, and  Stephanie suggested that I put some little surprise toy in the pocket for her to find. What fun being a virtual grand-Auntie!


This weekend I made baked custard for the first time ever. It is even easier than cheesecake. The intent had been to turn it into creme brulee, but it never got that far before it was eaten. Finding recipes that make Very Small Quantities of desserts is a good thing. I intend to make the attempt again, but with lemon zest, because lemon!

well that was rather fascinating... whilst out walking Saturday morning, I saw a beehive set raised up above the sidewalk of the next street over. I walked a little closer, cautiously, and realised that what looked like botanical detritus stuck to the white sheet hanging next to the hive was actually a swarm of bees. Cold very wet bees. I can only hope that they eventually ended up inside the hive, which was obviously intended to gather them in. Later in the day I walked by there and the hive was gone and so were almost all of the bees, though I did see a few confused stragglers...

time in the tinyworld:
managed to make the tiniest little scrap of the precious tie-dye left over from reconfiguring the shirt my friend Aeolus gave me into a little tee shirt for Kenya..

June SMART goals (x=extra)
1 Kestrel's friends clothes replace clothesline
yard waste bin
2 tiny green flannel dress
repair Nandina overalls
recycle bin
3 individual cheesecake 
sew buttons on blouse
yard waste bin
4 shirt for Kestrel
old mattress off bed
recycle bin
5 Kenya tiedye top
bed slats shorter
6 baked custard
Nandina overall pockets
7 x move towel holder
8 x bedrails attached
9 x slat mat completed
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude
- I learned how to make tiny animal toys when I was a middle school age child, from a book at the library...

Time of Isolation - Day 819