I think my next area of focus for the tinyworld will be a few more garden things... my small friends need some garden tools, like a trowel (perhaps), definitely a watering can, or even a garden trug with a trowel, a garden fork, maybe a wee ball of twine? And I
As seen above, I've started on the tiny euphorbia kit. I had no idea how very challenging it would be, but I expect from the progress so far that it will look truly splendid when completed. Each flower cluster has over 60 blossoms, each of which start as a 1/8" green paper circle, then has a center dot painted, is formed to a dished shape, and finally glued in place. The prepared armatures needed a way to be held in place while the glue dries, and since there is no scrap styrofoam lying about Acorn Cottage, instead, I figured out that a coil of corrugated cardboard, held together with masking tape and wedged into a tealight holder would stand duty allowing the flowers to safely dry between gluing sessions. The partially finished flower cluster (in somewhat fuzzy focus) is about a half inch long altogether; the finished kit has five blossom clusters and an additional five foliage spikes... The Euphorbia wulfenii currently blooming in my front yard are rather larger than that...
My visit today to the endodontist was both good and disappointing... because finding a good practitioner is always a plus, and disappointing because the TL:DR of his advice was "if it was my tooth, I would have it extracted"... He was very thorough about going over the various options as far as root canal surgery, and after yet additional specific xrays, pointed out the very odd things going on with my CrankyTooth TM... So far it has been deemed peculiar by four different types of dental specialists.
I am trying to mull over the best way to balance all the effort I have made so far to save CrankyTooth, with my desire to not have an ongoing infection, and my concern, which was independently brought up by Dr Y, that a root canal might both not solve the problem and might discover that the tooth is irreparably internally cracked.
In thinking about what is my dental care goal... I want to have teeth that basically just need maintenance care, not continuing to have infection which is a great risk for other health dangers, and also not do things that will require further surgeries in the future when I will have even less ability to heal and less financial resources, and when our society as a whole may be significantly more austere than it currently is.
I felt like Dr Y was being really honest with me, after thoroughly going over all the options his practice could offer in either a total root canal, or a partial "exploratory" root canal, when he said that his recommendation, if it were his own tooth, would be extraction. (If he weren't honest, he would have no reason to have said that, but rather would have just encouraged me to have the procedures done at his office, even though they would likely fail).
March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | tiny tulips | more compost liners | yard waste bin |
2 | tiny crocus | mended gloves | recycle bin |
3 | yet moar tiny books | more apple pruning | books to LFL |
4 | little ladle | tiny bucket handle | recycle bin |
5 | tiny aprons | acquired 2021 tax forms | - |
6 | chore jacket | clock movement replaced | - |
7 | x | x | - |
8 | x | x | - |
9 | x | x | x |
10 | x | x | x |
11 | x | x | x |
12 | x | x | x |
13 | x | x | x |
14 | x | x | x |
15 | x | x | x |
today's gratitude - having found not one but now two GOOD dental practitioners
Time of Isolation - Day 746