Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thursday thoughts

in which our plucky heroine enjoys a small satisfaction...

time in the tinyworld:
I think my next area of focus for the tinyworld will be a few more garden things... my small friends need some garden tools, like a trowel (perhaps), definitely a watering can, or even a garden trug with a trowel, a garden fork, maybe a wee ball of twine? And I want to make up have started on the new plant kits, which means also making some new planter pots. The trowel could be made from tealight foil and a fancy toothpick, and when I next make more planter pots, they will have metal washers glued in the base for extra weight to guard against tipping over.

As seen above, I've started on the tiny euphorbia kit. I had no idea how very challenging it would be, but I expect from the progress so far that it will look truly splendid when completed. Each flower cluster has over 60 blossoms, each of which start as a 1/8" green paper circle, then has a center dot painted, is formed to a dished shape, and finally glued in place. The prepared armatures needed a way to be held in place while the glue dries, and since there is no scrap styrofoam lying about Acorn Cottage, instead, I figured out that a coil of corrugated cardboard, held together with masking tape and wedged into a tealight holder would stand duty allowing the flowers to safely dry between gluing sessions.  The partially finished flower cluster (in somewhat fuzzy focus) is about a half inch long altogether; the finished kit has five blossom clusters and an additional five foliage spikes... The Euphorbia wulfenii currently blooming in my front yard are rather larger than that...

My visit today to the endodontist was both good and disappointing... because finding a good practitioner is always a plus, and disappointing because the TL:DR of his advice was "if it was my tooth, I would have it extracted"... He was very thorough about going over the various options as far as root canal surgery, and after yet additional specific xrays, pointed out the very odd things going on with my CrankyTooth TM... So far it has been deemed peculiar by four different types of dental specialists.

I am trying to mull over the best way to balance all the effort I have made so far to save CrankyTooth, with my desire to not have an ongoing infection, and my concern, which was independently brought up by Dr Y, that a root canal might both not solve the problem and might discover that the tooth is irreparably internally cracked.

In thinking about what is my dental care goal... I want to have teeth that basically just need maintenance care, not continuing to have infection which is a great risk for other health dangers, and also not do things that will require further surgeries in the future when I will have even less ability to heal and less financial resources, and when our society as a whole may be significantly more austere than it currently is.

I felt like Dr Y was being really honest with me, after thoroughly going over all the options his practice could offer in either a total root canal, or a partial "exploratory" root canal, when he said that his recommendation, if it were his own tooth, would be extraction. (If he weren't honest, he would have no reason to have said that, but rather would have just encouraged me to have the procedures done at his office, even though they would likely fail).

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 chore jacket
clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - having found not one but now two GOOD dental practitioners

Time of Isolation - Day 746

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Proficere lente sed proficere...

in which our plucky heroine stops and starts again...

After wearing my new jacket around the house, I decided that I had attached the pockets in a somewhat less than ideal orientation, just a bit too close to the center front, and about two inches higher than was comfortable. In order to remedy this I needed to carefully pick out all the doubled topstitching I used to initially sew them in place. And relocate and restitch them all over again. Still, the whole point of this project has been to create a garment that is more adapted to my needs and wants, so... bring out the seam ripper!

Fortunately, lowering the pocket location made a vast difference, and I'm now pretty satisfied with the results, a loosely fitting sturdy jacket ideal for the sort of adventures I enjoy, with pockets big enough for my journal and writing sticks on one side and a water bottle on the other, with room to spare for random finds along the way...

Time now to set aside the sewing-for-me for a while and focus on my other needful projects, both in the enameling workroom and those of  more housely refurbishment and repair. Not to mention the everpresent and ongoing need to declutter and organise the supplies that allow me to continue with all this.

It does feel just a little like I am pulling out of how isolation has affected crushed squashed me, even though I am still just as isolated as ever. While some of my friends are choosing to freely gallivant in the world, I am not comfortable even with basic actions like grocery shopping, now that any mask wearing is voluntary. I am certainly not going to happily eat in restaurants, or attend indoor activity. Just necessary medical/dental visits fill me with dread (to be sure, not from the practicioners, but from the other patients...)

Today, I had a dental consultation with the orthodontist at my dentists office, still trying to figure out wtf is going on with my bite being so out of whack. She was equally baffled, despite the many many many xrays. The good news is that there does not appear to be anything wrong with my jaw (insert scary things that could be wrong that I never even heard of/thought of) which appears to be robust and in good condition. I do not particularly want to have to go through having orthodontia at my age, as it is both painful and hella spendy, and she did not suggest it was required in any way, just an option. She also suggested that perhaps I have developed a habit of putting my tongue between my teeth while I sleep, which would explain the strange gap between my upper and lower incisors. Apparently this is a thing that some people do, and can really cause peculiar changes...

~ creativity challenge ~
I'm trying to set aside some time each day to work on this scribal challenge from the past weekend, and today's progress report is filling in the landscapes in the  background of the small paintings in the upper panel... Still unfinished are the foreground figures, as well as the architectural columns.

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 chore jacket
clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - trial and error, without which we would not learn much...

Time of Isolation - Day 744

Monday, March 28, 2022

A small miscellany

in which our plucky heroine pays attention to changes...

Spring is definitely on the way. Today I noticed that there is new growth from the rhubarb in the parking strip. Perhaps it is time to renew the worm bin and add the worm compost to the rhubarb in hope of encouraging it. I love eating rhubarb, and hope to someday have a nice robust plant, if I can only figure out what it wants.

I was this year old when I found out that cuttings from one live grocery store basil plant are easy to root in water, and thereby create many new basil plants.

After much thought every step of the way here, the chore jacket project, intended as a sample for the raincoat project, is wearable, if not totally completed. There are patch pockets on the front, lined sleeves, and corduroy trim. When the large snaps I ordered online arrive, I will attach them as the front closure. If I make another one of these, I will certainly convert the back armscye to a swing back style, which would allow for less fullness in the jacket body while still facilitating movement (for the raincoat project, the extra seams that would entail would be an entry point for water). It does appear quite bulky, but then it is heavy denim intended for wearing over a wool cardigan - a late autumn/winter/early springtime garment...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 chore jacket
clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - My good neighbors may be willing to help with moving wood chips and dirt into my big planter. Given how cranky my back is, this will make a huge difference!
Time of Isolation - Day 743

Sunday, March 27, 2022

scribal Sunday

in which our plucky heroine spends most of the day with pen and paint...

Today was the remainder of the 48 Hour An Tir Scribal Backlog Challenge, and the 4th one I have participated in. So much fun, doing good by working on the backlog, hanging out online with other artists, and a chance to try new things (which is what I do to challenge myself).

The inspiration for my artwork was a specific Book of Hours in the collection of the Mount Angel Abbey, which had charming sidebar floral decorations that I fell in love with, a calendar section with golden columns separating small landscaped scenes, and even a lion (for the sign of Leo) that I could adapt to become the Lion of An Tir. I thought this style would be a good challenge for me, as I mostly have painted scrolls in an earlier style.

A detail:
(actual width 1")
I cannot yet show the whole completed scroll, because I am slow as a snail and never finish in 48 hours... but here is a sidebar detail I am particularly fond of...

Isn't this a resonant image that ran across my internets earlier this weekend: "Here’s to sitting in the darkness, then, with beauty and love, just sitting on our laps like cats — an orange one and a gray one." - Shawna Lemay.

Toothache has come ramping back up again, to my dismay. I do have dental appointments next week with two different specialists. I don't think repeated dosing with antibiotics is an ideal strategy, and hope we can figure out what to do about this... I am tired of being in pain.

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - sharing the artmaking online with other like-minded folks is some of the best fun that can be had while isolated at home.

Time of Isolation - Day 742

Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday fragments

in which our plucky heroine moves forward despite small setbacks...

The earth continues to turn towards spring in the northern hemisphere. Last week at Acorn Cottage was all about the pink blossoms of the ornamental plum, with accents of the forsythia. This week, the wind has caused drifts of pink "snow" across the yard and driveway, and the small star magnolia is now the focal point of the front yard. My euphorbia has lifted its lime green heads, but is not yet standing up and flowering. I am much behind in my yard and garden chores, as my body is not cooperating, but I can still appreciate what is. In the last week, the birds have quite gone mad, and there were several tapping on the south window awnings, though they flew away before I could see well enough to figure out who they were.

time in the tinyworld:

(photo from TheMiniatureGarden, on Etsy)
... so excited, the two miniature plant kits I ordered from the UK arrived in my mailbox today!

It will be a great challenge to make them up, as I hadn't really realised just how very tiny the little parts are, (they come as a mini ziploc full of wee little punched out leaves and petals and wires, plus illustrated instructions) but they should look quite splendid if/when I am successful at putting the kits together.

There is a Euphorbia, very similar to the one growing in my front yard, intended for the future patio/garden space and a sweet Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid) that will be a spectacular tiny houseplant. Even better is my anticipation of the number of hours in the future spent in focused plant assembly, and the necessary fun of creating or finding suitable little pots to plant them in

This afternoon is the beginning of the 48 Hour An Tir Scribal Backlog Challenge. We are assigned recipients at random from many backlog scrolls still needed, my assignment is to create a Countess scroll. The Challenge theme is "fairytales" and the twist is to include the heraldic color "gold". I have decided on using the tale "Lily and the Lion" which is somewhat similar to "Beauty and the Beast", but with details that I can extract for useful imagery. I will be taking the Mount Angel Abbey manuscript MS0029 Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis (Roman usage. Latin ms., France, ca. 1525)  as my exemplar inspiration. The sidebar painting and backgrounds in gold, as well as the upper illuminated artwork divided into two sections with golden pillars, seems like it will be a good structure to use for this scroll.

~ creativity challenge ~
I have been steadily working at least a bit each day on my chore coat/barn jacket project. After adding a corduroy lining to the inside of the cuff part of the sleeves, I then tackled adding a lining to the actual sleeves, from the armscye to meet the corduroy. I found a remnant of some lovely heavy grey rayon lining fabric on the shelves, and cut out sleeve portions, and began to lay them in by hand. The armscye fit in perfectly but when I stitched the cuff ends, I had forgotten that I needed to not only add ease for length, but also at the cuff area. Rather than try and redo the whole lining, since I didn't have enough of the fabric leftover, I simply opened the lining underarm seam and pieced in a triangle of fabric.

This project is certainly a learning experience! I keep finding out things that I wish I could go back and do-over, but I also think that once the garment is done and in my wardrobe, it will likely not be obvious to anyone but me, and will soon become irrelevant. Were I to make this again, I would definitely change the plain sleeve ends to separate cuffs, which would make them more similar to the Carhartt style that was my (now distant) original inspiration. I would also definitely add a swing back to the jacket rather than just adding additional space, as I think it would look better, though completely unsuitable for a raincoat, hence the current choice.

Once I finish hand stitching in the sleeve lining, all that is left is creating the pockets, and adding the snap fasteners as the front closure. For the pockets, I am thinking that patch pockets, with a curved diagonal upper edge are what I want. I made similar pockets for my jacquard denim pinafore, and I like them. For snaps, I want ones that are fairly large, and not finding any in my notions here, I decided online searching was my best option. I found a new-to-me source on Etsy, a NYC shop with a vast selection of notions, Pacific Trimming. How did I not know about this resource? Anyway, I found Big Snaps in a variety of colors, ordered some in "gunmetal" and some in "brushed silver", and once they arrive, I should be able to call this project complete, and move on to the long delayed raincoat...

So, my back is being obstreperous again, which is worrisome. I have been trying to get things done anyway, because the world doesn't stop just because I feel less than stellar. Next week holds two dental appointments, both consultations to get information about what to do next. CrankyTooth is still cranky. Plucky heroine is still determined.

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - we have food in the grocery stores, and I have food in my house... seems simple, but I never stop appreciating it...

Time of Isolation - Day 740

Monday, March 21, 2022

Monday miscellany and music

in which our plucky heroine has a slightly damp slightly productive day...

It is still all drizzly-mizzly out at midday, and is forecast to remain so till tomorrow, so I may have to just bundle up and have a Very Damp walk. Yesterday I did not, and felt the lack all day, along with disrupted sleep/wake. When I get out and move, then my whole day goes better, so it would be a good way to start the season.

Did a little better this morning with tasks of minor executive function: dishes are all put away, as is the languishing Mt Washmore (there is one load still going round in the tumble dryer, but everything else is folded and put away, or hanging in the furnace closet to dry) I am finding that making my to do list up the night before is helpful, as I can look around and notice what has not been finished or even started...  

everyday beauty:
I still remember the first time I tasted a blood orange, on one of the trips that Mr Dawson and I took to the Bay Area back in the day. I still love them better than any other citrus. My produce order this last week had some particularly good ones, with dark green/red skin and deep red fruit inside. I ate the last one today, and have saved the skin in the freezer to be candied and put aside for next years fruitcake

In further thought about my chore jacket/barn coat project: I am not sure I will add the "button in" lining feature... I have been reading up on it, and some folks, rather than having a sleeveless lining that buttons in, simply also create a sleeveless "vest of warmth" that does not button in, thereby avoiding having button lumps. I had not thought about how the buttons would feel inside the coat, particularly around the upper back neckline, particularly underneath my knapsack... (I have clothing texture issues anyway - hello dreaded back neckline tags that MUST be removed!). This will also remove a few steps from my assembly process, thereby having the coat a little bit closer to being completed while the weather is still cool enough...

The words in this mantra are Sanskrit. The translation in English “May well-being, peace, wholeness and tranquillity, happiness and prosperity be achieved by all”

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - I have food, and I have access to food. I have work, and access to work. I have a roof over my head, a body that mostly functions okay. I have friends and family still walking in the bright world.

Time of Isolation - Day 736

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday sewing and stuff...

in which our plucky heroine considers what to do next...

I often wish that there was more than one of me. I have outdoor yard things that need to happen soon, I have actual income work (huzzah!), I have scribal volunteer artwork that needs done, and I have my avocational activity, which I think is the only thing keeping me sane, if barely. Not to mention that I am fairly debilitated both physically and emotionally. Plucky heroine does not give up, but has been spending far too much time unable to drag self from bed, or returning to bed to nap.

time in the tinyworld:
My tiny friends have a new rug. I found an Etsy artisan that prints out lovely rugs on various fabrics, this one is on a dense shallow plush. The design and colors are very reminiscent of an antique rug we had when I was a child...

remaining steps to complete the chore jacket:
insert replacement side panel,
bind inner edge of facing,
baste facing into jacket,
cut 5 yards edge bias binding
bind outer edge of jacket

sew sleeve linings,
insert sleeve linings
     (hand stitch to armscye seam allowances, baste to cuff edge),

create cuff facings,
bind cuff facing edges,
baste and stitch in place
bind cuff edges

design pockets
create pockets (stitch to front panels)

find buttons for lining,
add buttonholes to facing,
stitch facings in place

Create warmth lining and attach buttons...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - my brother and nephew, though now sick with plaguey Covid, are doing well enough in isolation at home, and so far my dear sister in law is still healthy (and cooking chicken soup for them)

Time of Isolation - Day 735

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturday snippets

in which our plucky heroine is keeping busy...

Sewing Nomads meeting online this morning was a treat, as it always is (though not usually as plagued with internet instability) I am feeling encouraged to continue making time for sewing my chore jacket project by their curiosity and interest. Plus I am certain that when it is eventually completed I shall find it to be a steady and frequent part of my wardrobe, as will the future raincoat that the chore jacket is itself a toile for...

so pretty and so sweet smelling, these are the flowers of the ornamental plum trees in my front yard. (not to be confused with the plum thicket in the back yard)

There has been yet a fourth inquiry about my enamel regalia. I don't remember how long it has been since I had this many orders, indeed, the last two years work has been practically nonexistent. And one of the medallions will be a little different than most, requiring some collaborative preparation from Mr Dawson. My hands are too small to be effective at engraving, so he will be doing that part for me.

~ creativity challenge ~
Betwixt and between various other work and recreation, I've been slowly making progress on my outerwear. After several hiccups the chore jacket is about ready to have most of the pieces assembled. I had hoped for a grey corduroy to overlay the shawl collar, as a design nod to traditional Carhartt coats, but what I thought was grey was in fact a much more blue-grey than the taupe-grey of the denim.

So, this very well re-used black fancy corduroy turned out to be the best choice after all.  Rather than run it all the way down the full length facing, I wanted to stop it about at waist level, and rather than a simple straight seam across, instead the corduroy is an overlay, thereby using the denim as a sort of interfacing for the shawl collar, and I have cut a decorative cloud line to the bottom edge, finished with some bias cut ikat binding. I'll be using the same ikat bias binding to finish the inside edge of the facing. Said facing will have buttonholes at intervals, to allow for a button-in lining for warmth when needed. I may also face the sleeve ends with  the corduroy, again in reference to "work jacket wear"...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Later today I may have a porch visit from some friends!

Time of Isolation - Day 734

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thursday thoughts

in which our plucky heroine perseveres...

and is continuing to make headway with various tasks. After supportive help from friends yesterday I was able to get over the phone call difficulty, and today set up an initial consultation with the endodontist for the end of this month. I did quite a few house chores, cooked a tasty morsel of corned beef for supper, and worked...

time in the tinyworld + creativity challenge:
Progress report on the cloisonné sunflower enamel pendant: today, several hours of wire bending. My tiny friends, wearing their embroidered sunflower pinafores in solidarity with Ukraine, were hanging out on the workbench, supervising... They are glad to see that I am planning to use this to raise funds for humanitarian aid.

as I begin bending the wires, this shows the design changed from my initial rough sketch to one more suited to the cloisonné technique. Having the petals all be thinner, so they join the central flower rather than inset from one another, is both a crisper design and more functional for the way enamel behaves at 1500°F>

The wires are now ready for when I begin the actual enameling process, once the rest of my supplies arrive. The finished cloisonné pendant will be about 1" in diameter, and I hope raise some money for World Central Kitchen...

If there was any doubt about the arrival of springtime, the birds gone mad would be a good clue. I enjoyed seeing hummingbirds at the feeder next door. There were gatherings of chickadees in the trees in the front yard, and at least two different birds were noticeably investigating the mesh planter covers on the porch, and the metal awning window shades over the south windows...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
recycle bin
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - this is what we all hope for...  that in the end, it will be okay. if it's not okay, it's not the end...

Time of Isolation - Day 732

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

in the pink

in which our plucky heroine notices springtime...

It is currently that very short season when the ornamental plum trees in my front yard are blooming, with a pink haze across the view outdoors. There are other ornamental trees in that family* that are also in bloom, which lends the air a slightly sweet floral scent, (though the actual fruit trees are not there yet). As well, the euphorbia is starting to lift its blossom heads beside the driveway, and I see others while out and about that are already showing their lime green flowers.

The snowdrops are done, and the pink hellebore are probably just passing their peak, but scattered here and there I am seeing the faces of white violets, and some of the squirrel decimation has signs of new growth. I am going to refurbish the cage for the planter at the front of the porch, which currently has a decent sized parsley and some chickweed, and try and transplant some of the favored violets in there... I saw a violet violet in the backyard, the only one I have seen around here, and it would look lovely with a few white violets for company where I could see them every day

I seem to have been able to partially get the layout and format of my blog back, not 100%, but the widget tools are now back in a sidebar and not all the way at the bottom of the page. Trying to not care much about something so first world trivial. But how things function and how they appear is a thing I get twitchy about when it is poorly thought out...

~ creativity challenge ~
a very rough sketch... I decided to make a sunflower enamel pendant in order to raise funds to help with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Since I will be enameling this week as I begin to work on the current set of commissions, it will be easy to interweave working on this with the other enamels, indeed it is best to have more than one project on the trivets, as there is otherwise a lot of hurry up and wait, as enamels applied need to dry, or enamels fired need to cool. I will also be making some miniature embroidered 1:12 items with the intent to be able to send some money towards folks who are on the ground, helping the refugees...

It has been a real struggle to get myself to phone the endodontist office, which is the first step in making an appointment to get a root canal.  What finally worked was to have a friend videophone me and be smiling support while I made the call.

As written earlier today: I have been trying all day to gird my loins and call the place about making an appointment, and I've not yet managed it, and therefore not managed to do anything else on my list either... I hate making phone calls, and I hate having surgery, and I hate knowing that this whole situation is entirely my own fault for years of bad judgement, and I hate being so tangled up. I am not doing well at being an adult. I have been intending to make the phone call since Monday morning and I am still stuck...

I guess I need to figure out some really amazing reward for positive reinforcement, since scaring myself with consequences (negative reinforcement) isn't helping and is actually generating real life every night nightmares now. I think I will pick something off my own holiday gifty wishlist, maybe a totally frivolous thing??

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - I greatly enjoy the Little Free Library kiosks that dot the neighborhood, and almost always stop to examine the contents. Occasionally I find a book that I think I want to read, and when finished with it, I can return it to either the same or different LFL...

Time of Isolation - Day 731

* so many of our temperate climate fruit trees are in the family Rosaceae, some are pomes (most commonly known are apples and pears) and others are stone fruit (peaches, plums, apricots etc)

Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday miscellany

in which our plucky heroine has a busy half day...

Cooking and cleaning and a modicum of creativity is the word for the day, though it would have been better had the gorram time change not scrambled my sleep wake cycle. Most of the dishes are washed, most of the laundry done, and I was able to get out and about for a bike ride prior to the arrival of the afternoon rains...

time in the tinyworld:
Nandina, in a fit of spring fever, decided that climbing the ornamental plum tree in the front yard and picking some flowers, was the order of the day. I think she looks very springlike herself in one of the new St Patrick's Day aprons!

well that was an interesting rabbit hole... I'd never done the math to figure out how much it costs me to run the enameling kiln, when a blog comment  piqued my curiosity... I was pleased to find out that even on a long workday (I can get at least 2 pieces/day completed), it runs a bit less than one USD for ten hours of firing time. Today I am going to start bending the wires for the sunflower pendant that will be raffled off for aid to refugees from the war in Ukraine...

Happy Pi Day!... my first ever chicken pot pie made a good way to celebrate. Made a few changes from the recipe I found online: homemade lard crust top instead of purchased puff pastry, leftover cooked chicken, and I used my smallest pyrex pan instead of a 10 oz ramekin. It made a good tasting pie, and while the recipe said one serving, it made enough for dinner and for lunch tomorrow...

I've been able to replace the clock movement in the workroom, and my Useful and Pretty homemade clock is now functional again. Which is good, since I use the second hand to time my enameling, and since enameling will be happening soon!

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
5 tiny aprons
acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x clock movement replaced
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - I now have an additional regalia order. This new one is somewhat more complex than usual, so a phone call to my northern cohort was in order; it will be feasible to offer the client what I had suggested, and in an even more timely way than I had expected. Huzzah!

Time of Isolation - Day 729

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday snippets

in which our plucky heroine progresses on several fronts...

I made this Lemony Carrot and Cauliflower soup. It is delicious. I did make a few alterations and substitutions: instead of white miso and salt, I simply seasoned the soup with tamari, I used frozen homemade stock instead of water, and garnished it with Greek yogurt, cilantro and Aleppo pepper.  Also, after toasting the coriander seeds, and grinding them in a mortar, I then sieved them so as to not have any remaining seed husks in the soup. What isn't tonight's dinner or tomorrow's breakfast will go in the freezer for future dinners, and I am quite glad I copied out the recipe into the back of the current journal, this will be cooked again!

time in the tinyworld:
Thinking about St Patrick' s Day next week, so I prepped fabric for two little green pinafore aprons, using Sharpie markers to change the white parts of the green/white printed fabric to a yellow-green.

I forgot to mention that while out in a car yesterday with my friend Poni, I asked if we could stop at Costco. I only shop there a few times a year, usually if I need to replenish my stock of bathroom paper rolls. Whilst there, I always try to gather some of the heavier large cardboard sheets that are used to separate the various kinds of paper goods they sell. These only end up in their recycle bin, but I find ideal for making good copies of patterns I will want to make repeatedly (my TNT patterns). I had run out of this cardboard recently, and providentially there was a store clerk who had already piled up a large number of the pieces, so a quite large roll of pattern cardboard squares came home with me. Just in time to transfer my chore coat pattern and hang it up with my other TNT patterns, until it is time to actually start sewing the raincoat. Huzzah for my Sewing Nomad friends, cheering on my efforts to finally get these projects out of my head and into my closet!

~ creativity challenge ~
more progress on  I have finished bending the Laurel wires, and am ready to make a start on the wires for the sunflower pendant (fortunately those wires are much less troublesome to shape) and tomorrow or Monday I will fire up the kiln and get busy!

This morning when I poked at the phone for some "get up and do chores" music, it turned up Richard Thompson doing 1000 Years of Popular Music... What a treat to start the day with!

Twice now I have been able to catch a mostly dry and breezy partial day and get laundry out in the side yard to dry on the line. Thankfully, there is more rain in the forecast, since we are nowhere near where we need to be for water this time of year. But I do love how sweet the laundry smells after line drying.

Yesterday I gathered some books I didn't need any more and toted them off to some of the local Little Free Library kiosks. I sometimes find interesting books there, take them home to read them, and then return them again...

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
5 -acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x - -
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - a crockpot is wonderful, it cooks dinner while I am doing something else...

Time of Isolation - Day 727

Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday fragments

in which our plucky heroine has an expensive hobby...

No, not the SCA, which though can be expensive enough, is only an activity of mine in a virtual sense at present. Rather, apparently my new hobby is "going to the dentist", which is an alarmingly spendy hobby when you have no dental insurance.

Today was the consultation with the periodontist, who had several possible suggestions for dealing with the current problems with tooth #19 (aka the CrankyTooth.) He thinks there is an infection hiding inside the tooth and that #19 needs a root canal (and then a crown, because hello giant filling). Unless ... when they attempt the root canal it becomes apparent that there are internal hairline cracks, in which case, the tooth is not saveable and will need extraction instead.

Sigh, there are no good answers to figuring out what to do and how to find my way back to a healthy mouth again. Can't run the clock backwards and make better choices in the past, alas. No way around it but through.

~ creativity challenge ~
Cloisonné wire, half a Laurel wreath...'tis very small, but this much took well over two hours to bend to shape, to match the correctly sized drawing for the medallion I will be making

Yesterday I finished the second half, but can you see what is bugging me?... the half I did Thursday (on the righthand side) is a lot wider than the half I did yesterday. So, I am going to take the time to prepare the wire and bend yet another half, to create a better matched pair, (and set the righthand one aside for a future project).

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
books to LFL
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
5 -acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x - -
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - Kindly Poni gave me a ride to and from the dentist, saving me at least five hours of public transit. And we had a chance to catch up, since I hadn't seen her since last summer.

Time of Isolation - Day 726

Thursday, March 10, 2022


in which our plucky heroine finds assorted small delights...

~ time in the tinyworld ~
I've been making gradual progress in various tinyworld projects... there is now a little ladle/dipper, combining a half pistachio shell with the end piece of a "fancy" toothpick glued in place. I've also figured out how better to create a stable edge on the cloak fabric, so Almandine and Nandina will both have new SCA cloaks eventually (tiny edging is pretty slow, but makes good pick-up work).

Below are some additional views of the new Viking Age style cloak. Back view of fringed wool cloak, showing both the front and back sides of the blanket stitching. This was a new way of using blanket stitch for me, and is a good addition to the repertoire. Front view of new cloak, showing the edges stabilised blanket stitching inside the raw edge, then pulling away the loose threads to create fringe. Still need to make a smaller cloak pin, as this one is about an inch long (almost as big as Nandina's head!)
. .

I have been rewarding myself for several days of doing challenging things by promises of a small self-indulgence if I finish them by the end of the week, which strategy seems to be very effective. I've now ordered a special treat from an Etsy artisan, which should arrive by the end of the month...

random beauty:
"once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right" *

...a small light show greeted me this morning on the kitchen counter. Never seen anything like that before. Always pay attention, the world is full of flashes of surprising beauty if you only notice them!

March SMART goals (x=extra)
1 tiny tulips
more compost liners
yard waste bin
2 tiny crocus
mended gloves
recycle bin
3 yet moar tiny books
more apple pruning
4 little ladle
tiny bucket handle
5 -acquired 2021 tax forms
6 x - -
7 x x -
8 x x -
9 x x x
10 x x x
11 x x x
12 x x x
13 x x x
14 x x x
15 x x x

today's gratitude - There is almost always beauty and magic to be found, if you pay attention to the interstices in life... in addition, there is progress of various kinds happening, and I will take my joy where I can get it!

Time of Isolation - Day 725

* words by Robert Hunter, "Scarlet Begonias", Grateful Dead...