but mostly becasue the book I chose for my bedtime reading was too good! On of my friends posted a comment about the book "Lab Girl" (by Hope Jahren), and I can't remember how long it has been since I couldn't stop reading a book. Intending to just read the first chapter as I wound down towards sleeping, instead stayed up way too late, until there were no more pages to read, (and am about to dive right back in and re-read it) She has such a way with words and phrases, and her writing gave me an entirely new way of thinking both about plant life, and about the life of scientists...
A bit more than an hour of effort (with online company) and the soldering workbench top is entirely cleared, wiped down, and reorganised with only the things that are supposed to live there. In the process, I found a tiny disc anvil tucked inside a cupboard) that I've been looking for for several years! I've about a large handful of random bits to find homes for. Rather than despair about how long it will take to actually declutter and reorganise Acorn Cottage, I'm reminding self to be pleased at every additional bit of square footage that becomes a place of clarity and function.
I've been filling in some of the random chunks of time with painting away on the group of Adiantum charters that Michael dropped off here. The charter artwork was quite challenging to paint, for several reasons, partially because the actual xerox quality was not great, and partially because the line art did not actually lend itself to being painted. We are doing our best to help our neighbors. I wish that more folks knew that there are actually parameters that help make charter art paintable. Photos tomorrow...
Me-Made-Miniature-May: instead of the full size challenge, make garments, accessories and artifacts for Nandina's world. There's a Mix and Match May wardrobe challenge going on over at Tiny Rag Doll Nation, which inspired me to return to the world of the small... I'm going to start by knitting a tiny placket tee, using this pattern. Tested my ability to knit so small by making a sample tee to share with Gwen, the doll that lives next door to us, and the knit top for Nandina will begin tomorrow. It might be good to acquire some Lykke size 0 double pointed needles, the smallest I have are some Clover Takumi size 1...
April SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | wire planter cage | cover smaller sleeve board | yard waste bin |
2 | prototype mesh wash bag | cover larger sleeve board | recycle bin |
3 | 5 jars blood orange marmalade | baby plants repotted | bag of fabric |
4 | 3 jars Awesome sauce | skirret cage adapted | bag of fabric |
5 | 4 jars strawberry rhubarb sauce | temporary biffy | bag of fabric |
6 | two large blue planters | remove thumbhole cuffs | bag of fabric |
7 | two bone Viking threadwinders | planted herbs | bag of old fur |
8 | original Luttrell-inspired scroll | pruned forsythia | yard waste bin |
9 | two Adiantum charters | pruned persimmon | recycle bin |
10 | red Laurel enamel | x | yard waste bin |
11 | tiny placket tee for Gwen | x | x |
12 | x | x | x |
13 | x | x | x |
14 | x | x | x |
15 | x | x | x |
today's gratitude - words with friends long out of touch. The pandemic has played hob with contact, and not everyone is on social media. There are people I never had their phone numbers because I saw them almost every day in my past time daily routines. I can't do much to fix the broken world, but I can persist in doing what I can to keep connections alive.