in which our plucky heroine is unscathed...
I was trying to test out how the pears that Gersvinda brought me yesterday would taste if they were cooked (since raw they are closer (in texture) to quince than pear) Do not put things on the stove to cook, and then get distracted by noticing how much the carpet needs vacuumed. Or at least, do not then start vacuuming. One pot that needs the carbon scoured out, some cooked pear chunks that taste heavily of smoke, and one clean carpet later....
A while later I decided to take care of the pan and remove the burned carbon. (If you simmer a mixture of baking soda and water, eventually the carbon lifts right off, sometimes takes two go-rounds) What could go wrong?...I notice that the compost needs taken out (usually a chore of less than three minutes).
Into the backyard to take out the compost and check on the plums (are they ripe yet, they have been getting close...) and the rustling/shaking in the tree was not a squirrel, but a mid 20's? white man that had climbed way up into the plum thicket inside the backyard and was picking all the plums!! Not okay! And when I hollered, because it startled me and I was mad, he got all defensive and gave a lot of excuses. I don't care that
some people have more fruit on their yard trees and don't use any of it... you didn't ask first, just stole!! I don't care that you think that there are still plenty of plums on the tree.. I was waiting for the plums to get ripe before picking them. I don't care that you said that the tree was overhanging the public alley.... you climbed up and were actually trespassing in the back yard stealing my plums, not in the alley. (I do not mind if people pick the plums from the branches that overhang the alley, but climbing up ten feet in the air
into someone's yard is not the same thing, (plus hella dangerous because skinny tree branches break)
call to file trespassing police report, try to catch my breath, etc, forget entirely that there is a pan on the stove (for the second time) and when the bad smell reminds me, there is molten aluminum. I use the pitcher full of cold water to douse the liquid aluminium which is melting into my kitchen floor and the plastic handle of the oven.
Spend the rest of the day recovering from that alarming incident, had a pleasant Crafternoon-zoom online with friends, and finally get around to cooking dinner at around 10 pm. Sitting at dining table chatting on laptop and eating dinner when there is an explosion noise from the kitchen...
a cautious glance round the doorway into the kitchen and I see that the glass front of the oven door has
exploded. Where I had been standing not even five minutes prior! There are shards of glass EVERYWHERE, and the shards are continuing to shatter, with a sound like popcorn. This is peculiar, disturbing and not something I want to keep watching, because hey, flying glass fragments! I share the alarming news in chat with friends, and though no one has ever had an oven door explode, it is apparently a known problem according to the internet. (I suspect in this case that the interaction of molten aluminum, cold water, and an old probably scratched glass door was the cause, but it took hours between that incident and the explosion)
as I paced back and forth last night up and down the driveway for several hours to walk off enough of the adrenaline so I could go to sleep, I talked on the phone with a dearlove, and was eminently clear that despite what happened, that my own bodily integrity was unharmed, not burned by molten metal or pierced with shards of glass. The rest of it is unfortunate, and will be challenging to deal with the cleanup and eventual replacement(s) but it is just stuff. Stuff can (sometimes) be replaced. I am just hella tired, and not looking forward to the cleanup, which will be done Very Carefully, but I am okay.
* title from
this story
September SMART goals (x=extra)
1 | Gwen sunhat | x | old underwindow |
2 | dozen EQUITY prints | x | dead cold-packs |
3 | tiny deer hat | x | yard waste bin |
4 | x | x | recycle bin |
5 | x | x | favorite saucepan |
6 | x | x | oven door glass |
7 | x | x | x |
8 | x | x | x |
9 | x | x | x |
10 | x | x | x |
11 | x | x | x |
12 | x | x | x |
13 | x | x | x |
14 | x | x | x |
15 | x | x | x |
today's gratitude - I am unharmed, the rest is only stuff, and stuff is replaceable